My wife wants to leave me because she caught me consuming cocaine...

My wife wants to leave me because she caught me consuming cocaine. She said she would only stay if I promised never to consume it again. She called me a junkie who is ruining his life.
To be honest, I think she exaggerates and talks bullshit. She hasn't noticed my consumption in the last 5 years, so how much can I have ruined my life? Not at all. The thing is, I don't want to stop, I don't see that. She is the person with the problem.
What should I do? Convince her to accept that or lie to her and then just do it secretly? I am unsure.

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Let her leave you. She’s not going to be happy in a relationship with a junkie.

Quit or lie

Your wife is being dramatic, cocaine addiction isn't that big of a deal

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you cant help junkie scum like you because you dont want help. you have to want the help for yourself. but the only thing you want is your next fucking fix. you dont even give a flying fuck about your wife and yes she will leave your lying junkie ass
>>WELCOME TO ROCK BOTTOM your about to hit the ultimate comedown.

Drugs are bad for you. Please stop.

If you aren't going to quit and it has no detrimental effect on shit, tell her that. Don't be dishonest. That's for pussies. I was doing opiates for years and did fine at work and shit and finally quit because I felt like it. Never hid a thing. She's going to realize she is being naive of she's going to take a hike for no reason. You gotta drive this bus.

Divorce the wife, what a fuckin anchor.
She isnt being understanding about who you are.

>She is the person with the problem
for that sentence alone you should spend the rest of your life alone fucking manipulative fuckstick

Based & cocainepilled hahahhahaha
Keep it up user, be more careful next time.
If she can't handle your lifestyle, fuck changing for her. Drop her if she can't accept ya.

lol dumbass addict nigger and you're pathetic at that

Quit the drugs your idiot. Your wife is more important than cocaine contrary to what chanfags say.

You obviously have no experience in the matter.

I don't but many of my friends could quit cocaine after noticing it was fucking with their daily lives. You can't. You're pathetic.

Don't listen to the negative fags,
they have never experienced what you & other druggies have, so they are unfit to form an opinion on the matter.
You wouldn't argue with a blind person over which color fits best in your living room, would you?

I can. OP left us to our own. I get headaches and coke can fix it right up. Never got hooked. If you can afford it, I don't see a problem. It doesn't make you stupid if you know how to behave. Marijuana is talked and bragged about openly and is much more barbaric than cocane. Old ladies in bolivia do that shit it ain't a big deal. Wife is reacting out of ignorance "if" what our OP says is true. But still, he shouldn't be a lying ass pussy about it.

Are you on drugs now? You're gonna have to elaborate on that analogy. You think there's nobody here that's done a bunch of drugs? Most of the kids are sleeping by now.

So like I said before, this drug has no negative impact on me at all. If it had any, then my wife would have noticed it already in the 5 years. But she didn't. Therefore one cannot say that it is necessary to stop. That is not the point at all, because it is not up for debate. From a financial point of view, that is not a problem either.

The problem is the hysterical and ridiculous behaviour of my wife. She is incapable of being reasonable in this matter. There is no logical reason why I should stop. She does not understand that. It is unbelievable that she would want to risk a happy marriage because of such nonsense.

Use the truth and call her bluff. Why would a reasonable person risk a happy life over some insignificant nonsense. They wouldn't.

Speaking of dumb analogies. I was trying to think, If my wafe was brainwashed to think ice is bad and said i had to quit putting in my drinks and pick "ice or her," she doesn't understand that it doesn't need to be a "pick one" kind of thing. Of course, if I HAD to pick one, I SHOULD pick her but I don't NEED to to pick one and i like ice. I am familiar with the "non sequitur" fallacy but this situation has allowed me to truly understand it. I think that this is what your problem boils down to. You must cause her to understand not to correlate incorrectly. Do not let her shift things onto you or the things you deserve and enjoy. You need to give her perspective.

I'm not on drugs right now, I'm at work & have been sober since the start of 2019.
I've seen both sides, the druggie & the sober one.
What I'm trying to say here is; If you've never done drugs & just call everyone doing drugs degenerate are ignorant. You can't judge something if you only know one side of the argument.
A blind man isn't someone to argue about colors with, because he has never seen them. People who never did cocaine don't know what it is like personally, thus arguing with them about the effects is stupid.
>Most of the kids are sleeping by now
Also Jow Forums is international, english is just the common language used by most people on here. Even assuming all of them were mothertongue english speakers, the ones in the UK would be wide awake by now. There are timezones on earth.
And a) this is not an argument about age, it is about consumption. I've seen kids age 15/16 doing cocaine & adults age 26+ that have never done any drugs, not even alcohol.

I see and agree. I didn't think about English brats. Usually detectable by correct spelling. It isn't hard to notice that well over half the advice here comes from a place of zero experience. It is truly the blind leading the blind. I wonder how much of a problem durgs would or wouldn't be if governments and society minded their business. You can still serve justice for when someone actually does something. What guilt people must feel because they have to sneak.

>2 junkies telling themselves how blind sober people are
Your wife is right btw.

Posts on fucking Jow Forums asking for advice because his wife caught him being a junkie.

Proceeds to argue on people who don't ruin their brains in drugs.

I love the norms ITT, bunch of emotional little babies


Never thought I'd say this
But your wife is right

a) I'm sober for months now but you're too blinded by your hatred for drugs to actually read properly
b) You don't seem to get the point with this blind analogy. In this context blind is used for a person that lacks some information/experience from their life & thus has an incomplete view of the world.
In this context it is you, who has probably never done drugs but feels like somehow you can preach to others of how degenerate & bad they are >>without having any personal experience on the topic you condemn

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I've done drugs for a decade starting at 15, junkie; you're not 'enlightened', you're a cokehead.

Nice bait. If not bait, just do your wife a favor and leave.

Your wife is right. You need to kill the habit, my dude. Cocaine will ruin your health, it'll ruin your finances and it'll ruin basically your long term plans for life. You gotta make a choice and if you're smart, you'll quit cocaine. Otherwise you're gonna look up one day from your empty baggie and realize that you're alone, dying and filthy and nothing to show for it.

It's not about hating drugs, it's about realising that addictions are bad. (as seen by his wife wanting to leave him)

No one cares about this mystical new perspective you fags have after you snort white powder.

>this drug has no negative impact on me at all.

Yeah everything is bad if you overdo it.
Yet every person has addictions. It is just that drug addictions are seen as worse than other addictions because drugs are illegal & other addictions are not.
Off the top of my head, let me give you a short list:
>drug addictions
>food addictions (obesity)
>porn/fapping addiction (overstimulation)
>gambling addiction (bankrupcy)
>gaming addiction (time & health)
>sport addiction (which also lead to health problems, arthrosis/injuries and such)
>sex addiction (STD)

Addictions are a reliable, even if unhealthy, habit to satiate the constant human need for quick & easy dopamine & serotonine without having to work hard for it. Thus basically every human has some form of addiction, if they want to admit it or not. Even something as trivial as stimulation from youtube or netflix could be seen as a form of addiction if people watch hours of it every day.
Addictions are not essentially bad, only if you have no way of controlling them.

if you're using quotes you should actually quote someone fuckhead. I got my life in check, probably more than you do.

It's obvious that most people here just don't have a clue. Drugs are absolutely nothing bad. They are an enrichment and for the most part only have great effects. There is no reason to stop if you don't have problems. The people who have a problem with it are the real problem. They are simply blinded by their bias and false facts.

Cocaine affects your health more than all of those things. Surprised you didn't mention smoking or alcohol, maybe you're trying to normalize your addiction

I don't need no cocaine to mess up with my brain

What's more important to you? Wife or cocaine


Would you care if your wife cheated on you? It has no impact either. Look at this, I can swap drugs with cheating and it would read like this.

>So like I said before, cheating has no negative impact on me at all. If it had any, then my man would have noticed it already in the 5 years. But he didn't. Therefore one cannot say that it is necessary to stop. That is not the point at all, because it is not up for debate. From a financial point of view, that is not a problem either.
>The problem is the hysterical and ridiculous behaviour of my man. He is incapable of being reasonable in this matter. There is no logical reason why I should stop. He does not understand that. It is unbelievable that he would want to risk a happy marriage because of such nonsense.

Does this concern you? Some people have standards. Even if it does not harm you or her, even if no one would find out, if it's out of the question for your partner than perhaps you should respect this decision. If you can't handle it then leave. She's ready to leave your ass if you don't quit. If you're not ready for that, then quit the cocaine.

This is either bait or OP is a cokehead that won’t take any advice anyway.

If it’s real then this is all you have to do. Ask yourself “If I had to permanently give up one of these things, would it be my wife or doing coke?” Then follow through on whichever one you want to keep and drop the other one

her or coke

simple as that coke head

>Cocaine affects your health more than all of those things
You can't evaluate health on such a broad basis man.
-Food addiction causes you have a much harder life in terms of health problems even when not feeding (hah) into you addiction, also causes your social health to degrade & you to die at age 50 from an heart attack
-Fapping/porn addiction affect your testosterone & sexual health most
-Gambling really affects your psyche/mental health more than most other addictions
See what I mean? Different addictions have different impacts on different parts of your health.
>Surprised you didn't mention smoking or alcohol
Said clearly as my >first< point "drug addiction".
If you think cocaine is a drug but cigarettes or alcohol are not, then you are really an idiot, sorry.
>maybe you're trying to normalize your addiction
Not OP, not addicted to any drug other than cigs right now. Did cocaine maybe 3 times throughout my entire life, last time serveral months, maybe a year previously.

I love drugs nigga u still an addict

Opinion discarded

The real question here is how often are you doing cocaine? I do blow like once a month or so at parties. I don't think I would want to be with a girl who lost her shit if I occasionally used drugs like acid or coke or whatever. It's a part of my life style and has been since I was like 15.

If you're doing it every day then idk, a lot of my friends are leading lives, making money, etc, and do it a LOT, and very few of them have had any major issues, but still. I'd at least cut back on it quite a bit.