Whites see Blacks as Superhuman



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did you mean to say subhuman?


because they've been conditioned to think that way by their media and schools for decades


You try singing a nigger work song while being whipped and continuing about your business.

Probably because whites are physicality and mentality weaker than black people.

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Sauce on that fight?


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Even the article title says its a myth they are human.

>tries to say "smarter" and "stronger"
>tries to use big words
>fucks up their usage
True nigger speak right here

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im just going to leave this here

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Superhuman is a cute way of saying they're animals.

Whites are mentality weak with high suicide rates. Physically weak as they lose most hand combats to blacks

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They got slave strength, it makes sense because we bred them like dogs.

Super indeed

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I've fought a couple blacks before, won some fights, lost some. Not much special about'em in my opinion. Bop'em upside the head a few times like anyone else an they fall over.

Woodley v Till

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Roll out of it, you'll be fine.

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Whites see whites as Adamites and the rest as Cainites, including blacks... See, Rosette Delacroix's Bertrand Comparet (part one) The Truth About Adam. On fuck you tube and bitchute.


Gorillas and rhinoceroses are also stronger than white men, but that's not really worth bragging about.

>1 post by this id.

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super retarded, yes

Nothing can hold a flame to the magnificent specimen the Ashkenazi though.

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Race bait thread, post sage in all fields and tell op to fuck is pillow.

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Blacks are statistically more athletic, same as whites are statistically more intelligent.
It's not racist it's just science

I look at them like I look at monkeys or pitbulls. Potentially dangerous animals that act on instinct. The fact that I know a monkey or pitbull can rip my face off does not mean I consider these creates superior to me.

>Woodley v Till

Thanks. I like UFC fights. I wish I lived in Nevada and could bet on them lol, that sounds fun.

Here is the fight in the OP if anyone wants to watch it:


Nah, black people are good athletes because they evolved in Africa. That's why they're so good at running and have the best track times.

Human beings used to chase after animals to hunt. In Africa they got huge plains where men could run and run. Black people evolved to be good at running.

>Mentally weak
>When the French and British basically ransacked an entire continent of negroids

Oh okay.

>Black people evolved

Bro what the fuck

>It's worth noting Wilson is 6-foot-4 and 210 pounds, and Brown was an inch taller and weighed about 290 pounds
>80 fucking pound difference
No shit he was scared.

Niggers are truly the most insecure beings on the entire planet, they are only capable of thinking in terms of myths.

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White overly stress/complain and kill themselves which is mentally weak.
Remember French were destroyed by blacks in Haitain revolution.

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Superhuman kicks wh*te boi, wh*te bois focuses on his magical privilege into his leg right before the strike.

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Nah bro, we whipped niggas into shape.

What the fuck is going on there

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High Est nigger spotted

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Boiling dog alive as far as I can tell.

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So 80% are not Jewish

Are you fucking stupid? One on one, the nigger will turn and run almost every time. They're only brave when they're in packs.

>they're only 20% cancer despite the occurrance in the general populous being 2%
Is that you mehmet?

>Remember French were destroyed by blacks in Haitain revolution.

How did that work out for Haiti?

Tech fag here. I haven't worked with a single black coworker in my 16 yr professional career.
>Do blacks even use computers?

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why are niggers so obsessed with fighting

No they don't don't listen to Jewish propaganda Blacks are in every way inferior to White GODS.
Trust me i'm Black.

Dog or a goat.

You say that but you know its untrue. Just look a black champion boxers and fighters that win 1 v 1 fair fights

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whites see blacks as prison fodder.

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chinkoids making some dog stew

The jewish owned media

lmao if you're trying to use OP image as an example of blacks overcoming whites, that's not the case at all and you are a brainlet.

that is a case of a 100% striker only vs all around good fighter. it's a style match up, not a race match up.

If you want a race match up for comparison use this instead.

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NPR lol

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What a sad little coon you are.

>knocks him out
>urge to steal wallet intensifies
every time
also that was literally the chadest way to get knocked out fucking ever

Because whites inherently know that niggers are so incapable of the simplest tasks that when a black does something competently it's considered "superhuman", even liberals know this to their core.
It's like watching an ape do sign language.

Another sociologist showcasing why their discipline is considered a joke.



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lol - killed the goose laying the golden egg. Fucking idiots - now they're literally eating dirt cakes and live off handouts from whites.

Based webm

No idea. News to me.

Rory MacDonald made that nigger look like a scared cat

Nogs are big so they do better are physical games. There’s big whites too who do just as well. This is like saying Asians thinks whites are superhuman. Good at one particular thing (sports) doesn’t mean better. Why do whites control most of their world if blacks were so much better?

Oh i read the jewish authored article where she tries to claim that.

>that damn auto-correct from phone-posters

I miss the old Rory

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who fucking cares about this nonses? - what matters is the advancement of the human condition - fucking MMA and running around with inflatable rubber or "muh dick" does fucking squat for humanity - whites have produced almost all the shit that matters to make our lives better and that is all that matters.

>physicality and mentality

There is no presedence for this article. Blacks were never considered superhuman by anyone. And non blacks dominated all disciplines except running fast and still do?

Niggers are more related to apes than us. They’re stronger, have lower iq and act like apes A lot more.

Testosterone. Whites dont have it anymore.

they should make a challenge to live a week without shit white people have invented.

Yeah remember, blacks enslaved the entire world and ruled it trough their intellect and strength.

exactly they have always been considered the "savage". Every culture and race except themselves have seen them as such - even their beloved mudslimes.

There was a nig that tried to attack me called Christopher Armwood. I beat the shit out of this nig because he also wanted to fuck my friend's (Pablo) mom.

Then I kicked him out of our group home.

The nig in charge of the program let him right back in.

The Homo-Erectus man has no brain.

That's exactly what the Slavs and Chinese did, and they're not moping about it 150 years later.

60,000 French Regular vs
131,000 Haitains AND 55,000 British Regulars

and the French, although killed to a man, including the civilians, still took 1 Brit and 1 Haitian down with them.

I didn't even know this was a thing until I got into college.

The first 2 fastest kids on my football team were White. A Black kid was 3rd.

The strongest kid on our team was Italian, then me, then a German kid, then a White mutt and the Blacks didn't even register on the pecking order/break top 10.

I've never lost in a fight to a Black guy. I don't even know anyone who has. The only 2 guys who have literally ever kicked my ass were White, and growing up as a White minority in an urban area, I've been in a lot of fights.

I think what Blacks do have for them is confidence and they're better able to not over think stuff.

Something I came into contact with when I got into a prep school on a scholarship (shhh, that's technically illegal but it still happens) was White kids who would just give up and over think everything they were doing. It was really frustrating.
I didn't know how pervasive this was in "White" culture until I saw it again at college.
But this is really only middle class+ white bread Whites, not poor Whites and not "ethnic" Whites

tl;dr: Blacks, having less going on in their heads, attain aristeia more easily; Whites over think shit

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Try it.

it would be a come to Jesus moment that's for sure.

But they are not stronger either. Nom blacks dominate consistantly strongman contests. They are actually weaker in muscle strength but look more lean and cut easier since bodyfat is lower because they were in africa. They dominate running very fast however.

Non whites sees them as subhumans your point? Someone post that twitter screencap of the kpop artist shitting on blacks


cops do our bidding

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I'm just going to leave this here

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They still haven't recovered from that earthquake a decade ago

Thats autism not intelligence plus office jobs are cucked...trades its high t

Isnt this the whole plot of black panther? The most jerked off, talked up movie of 2018/19?

Embrace the myth, negrodamus.

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That one fight cost him at least 6 regular fights

Oh well, just take his shekels.

>inb4 pick-pocket chants.

You act like reddit isnt over

>implying nigs are employed in trade jobs either

The irony being that Wakanda still struggles with its place in the world and to secure itself despite being given not 1 but 2 cheat codes, the magic flower and a fuck load of magic metal.
BP has a literal gift from the gods super power thousands of years old, and a special suit made of magic metal an powered by deus ex machina magic metal aaaaaaaaaaaand his suit still can't do all the shit Iron Man invented in a cave with spare parts or quite take Captain America in a fight.
Talk about wanting to pander to Blacks but leaving some super patronizing elements intact.

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they are simply beating him his rights in morse code.

Some west europeans are perfectionists niggers just dont Care and at same time have arrogance and confidence that they have no reason to have. I believe that is due to stupidity. Germans are massive perfectionists to where they punish themselves and go ah this is NOT good enough. And you look at it it is like almost perfect. No NOT good enough. So its a type of people you dont need to critique. You more need to say ok that is good enough. So what you Think happen when you Got a people who even when they do it nearly perfect they harshly critique themselves. And Then you Tell Them for 70 years that they are the worst people on the planet. Become neurotic and self damaging. Niggers are just like nothing done right and just go i am perfect at everything. So they dont Care cause stupid and White people tend to question if near perfect things are good enough and be really hard on themselves if it isnt. Each comes with a Price.

The french have been destroyed by everyone. Not really worth bragging about

Blacks have no endurance, discipline, or mental toughness. That's why they they've lost every way they have ever fought. Literal farm equipment that needs whipping to be productive.