The midwest pill

30 year fixed rate mortgage FOR A MANSION is $940/month +$5,000 in annual property taxes is less than you coastal cucks are paying to rent a 300 sqft studio apartment. Jobs suck out there but think of all the weed you could grow in the basement.

Attached: zillow_masion.jpg (1239x870, 424K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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This walk in closet is bigger than your apartment.

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Fuck off nigger no one wants to buy your shitty house. you no land having fuck.

I can buy all of that plus a few acres in TN.

Don't tell them this. They will move there and vote communist and will make everything expensive.

that's really cheap for a house that size, my little 3 bedroom house in Portland Or, is worth about 370K I bought it 10 years ago for only 170K

watch the catch, someone was murdered in there? owe back taxes?

could be a bank foreclosure

who wants to live 1000 miles from anywhere close to livable weather and fuckable pussy?

Why would I want a McMansion with no acreage and another McMansion 15 feet away from my bedroom wall?

shut the fuck up millenial

>$5,000 in annual property taxes

>paying $5k a year "tax" for something you already bought so you can fund your local islamic indoctrination centers and guatemalan healthcare

no thanks

Stop telling. We don't want them here.

>"Joy Brown"

posting her real estate listing again

Fuck off cunt. No one wants your shitty houses in shitskin infested MI

That house looks pretty sweet. Always dream of finding home like that, more than a plywood box, some character, but in a place I'd want to live. I'll keep dreaming.

>7 Bedroom
what the hell are you talking about

Says $1662 a month before tax ops a bad bad man

bump for yuro tears

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Michigan is kind of a dead state.

Real estate sites usually factor in tax payments and sometimes HOA and homeowner's insurance. Zillow is sporadic with the latter two but usually pretty consistent with taxes, coldwell banker seems to have all of that data but not as many listings

I plugged it into

You sound like a maybe faggot, just so you know

Proof yet again that the cheap idyllic midwest property meme is little more than a meme. And have fun with your absurdly long commute to a place where there's any good paying work whatsoever.

Looks like it needs $200k in renovations based on pictures posted.

Better a small flat in a 95% white country than a mansion in 56% land with a nigger and Jewish president

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the catch is you'd have to live in Michigan. Not worth it.

It's cheap because there are three mosques within five miles and 15 pedos within two miles and there are 500,000 nogs within 10 miles. The schools are shit and you are shit.

Buy a lot, build slipform. Most farmers have a pile of rock they will give away for free or very little. Building only costs as much as you want it to cost. Muscle and a couple hundred man hours and you can have one hell of a home.

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This. Right now it says $1,117/mo.

>Better a small flat in a 95% white country
>95% white country
When was the last time you left you cuckshed hans?

I own a house, two in a few years. Thanks for asking, Tyrone

>I own a house
how many square feet?

What are the most meme states in the US and why?
I see americans sometimes roasting other states sorta like europeans roasting other countries, kinda funny from an outsiders view

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Nice proxy, Joe. You're a faggot and your mom is a whore.

Repairing the roof would be hella expensive. If there. If the sealing is bad, then the whole house is fucked.

None of you assholes are welcome in the midwest. Fuck off, we're full.

All of them. They all are. Except maybe Wyoming and Idaho. The rest are just larps. Either niggers larping as rapping basketball players, muzzies larping as peaceful, whites larping as cowboys, hippies, or are genuinely trailer trash, or jews larping as holy. Mexicans don't larp. They really are just trash. Indians too. Maybe the most real people in America are East Indians and Asians. They stay true to their stank, robotic, soulless cultures. But America is so (((diverse))) you can't really tell one from another.

T. Been to about 40 states for decent periods of time.

fuck you nigger

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>Just built my own home on 6 acres for 200k
>It appraised for 320k the day before transitioned my construction loan into a permanent
>Only cucks buy someone’s dream/design

Price is so low because the area is filled with basketball Americans and mudk*kes

ok so you buy it for $289,00 and are locked in a mortgage for 30 years fixed rate...

what happens when the market tanks, and we are in a recession? The value of your home will plummet, and is now worth a fraction...say $100,000.

That means you will owe $289,900 for a house that is now valued at only $100, kek

Buy High, Sell low......taking a page right outta Jow Forums...

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Unless you are planning on selling who cares?


Someone should really put you out of your misery

There is literally nothing near you. The nearest "towns" will be collections of chain restaurants and shops.

tell me your address shitskin

so i can beat the hell from you

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there are 50k people in Battle Creek

Midwest is boring farmland meme

California and New York are naive liberal meme

Connecticut is ultrarich naive liberal meme

Vermont is "you love Phish" (band) meme

Texas is fat gun owner meme

Lmao. I live 10 minutes from my dentistry and I live out in the country away from niggers and cityfucks like you.

The market already sucks and if you're dumping $18,000 into rent every year then who cares? You're not building equity renting and you'd make up for the loss in a few years.

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ok kike

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looks like an albers painting

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It's cheap garbage. I 100% guarantee you any home inspector worth his salt will finds dozens of glaring issues. Just based on the pictures shown, I can tell you that the materials and techniques used to renovate this house are total garbage.

If you want a fight-club-esque house that will be run down in 10 years, buy it. Could be neat

So weird I grew up in Battle Creek MI and actually lived in house a few blocks from this one during my senior year in High School. I've been in So Cali for like 25 years though so to see this randomly on Jow Forums is kinda trippy.

1600 6th St S, Minneapolis, MN 55454


not even gonna bother

That's without property taxes and insurance. realistically add about 600 a month for both of those, so probably 1700. Poorfags will cry but someone has to fund the nigger welfare to keep them from chimping out.

I’m not buying your shitty house shlomo

>I've been in So Cali for like 25 years though
Why would anyone move to this shitty state?
t.born hear


Dixiefags need not apply
Midwest pride country wide, eat the shit straight from my butthole, nigger loving southerners.

gay nigger

selling an over-priced house in a tanking market.....sell to whom, exactly?

another sucker?

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Rob Van Dam?

The southern states are the biggest meme
>muh dixie
>muh based soouth
>50% black
lmao the absolute state of the southern states hahahahaahahah

For the music industry. It worked out well for me.

That is really not that many people

you are what you eat

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Enjoy the taste of miles of other dude's dicks

That is why I said unless you are planning on selling
It is more than just some truckstop
Still this state is a dump
The only thing that keeps me here is my family and prop 13

>city orders you to tear down out of code building
good plan

says the fucking nordic LMAO

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Oh fuck off. I went to school for 8 years and took out loans. You act like only rich people can do this but anyone can. Just because you failed at life doesn’t mean everyone does. Enjoy your studio apartment.

renting is the smarter option during this housing market bubble.

The lease is only 1 year, that means you have mobility to leave after the year is done. In a 30 year mortgage, you have to wait until you pay off the loan and have the deed, or try to sell to someone (good luck).

Secondly, you will always pay rent for any house you buy. Always. It's called "Property Taxes". Assume you manage to pay off your mortgage in 5-8 years. Want to know how much rent you will owe the government every year?

Take your annual property taxes, and divide them by 12 months. Congrats, that's your monthly rent in perpetuity (for as long as you own the home). The difference is you payed interest on top of the principal. Not including home owner's insurance, maintenance, etc.

You've probably already bought your daughter a black didlo, heard those are mandatory in the south

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yea, and $1500 heating/cooling costs monthly. there's a reason it's so cheap.

>studio apartment
My house is almost 100 years old you inbred kike and it's better than yours.

t. raperoach

I'm not nordic, you medmutt

The only way living in these east bumbfuck nowhere areas works out is if you have a full time work from home job that pays $50k+. Other then that the job market sucks in these areas.

Muh cool sportsball SEC footballers hahahaahahahah

Go eat your shitty "chili" Ohioan

Colonial trust

>property taxes
>muh hidden costs
Yeah no shit. Still better than renting in Seattle, NYC, San Francisco, or any other Chinese real estate speculation infested shithole city.

Trips of truth. Southerns rather sell their daughters to nogs so they can be good at football

My commute is 35 inches. More than half my team works from home. All any of us needs from a location is reliable power and internet access. Sadly that leaves out most rural areas in the mountains but most small towns have good enough internet service for our needs.
Battle Creek, Michigan has 150 megabit service. Not great for pirating but plenty for remote work.

It's in Battle Creek, Michigan.

Even a cheap house is too expensive to live in if you don't have a job within commuting distance.

We really are originally supposed to be separate countries. A handful of our states were independent at different times (Vermont, California, Hawaii, Texas.)
The most meme states, as in overhyped as a meme by people here, is probably Texas. It's rapidly becoming a province of Mexico. Being enormous, there are still many parts that are essentially white. They need help.

20% black

This. Many people are going to work from home in the future.

Correct. There are niggers everywhere in the South and I hate this place. just here for the money and then I'll retire to New England or Europe

>What are the most meme states in the US and why?
We all have our little memes vs each other
East coast v west coast
Rural v Urban
Flyover states v the coast
The south is shit, but anything above the rust belt not a major city or on the coast is utter shit
Such as Michigan. Its got Detroit and that is a complete shithole. And besides that nothing really happens there of note.
The south is well...the south but at least the homes are cheap and cost of living so low that you won't mind living there so much.

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Fuck, is this still on the market? 10/10 would buy.

>reddit spacing
>hates America
We’ve got some space in the Everglades for you commie.

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You joke, but there is a quiet concentrated effort to move liberals from coastal blue states to southern red state to turn them purple and eventually blue. With the increase in high paying teleworking jobs this is increasing rapidly.

Dafuq? I can’t even find a crackhouse for less than $500,000. Seattle area

>you are what you eat
I guess you eat sickly white dudes

Battle Creek is a nice little place, but it will certainly be hard to find a job to support this property

yeah we can totally afford them.

This. I can make 150k a year from home without breaking a sweat. Can probably get closer to 300k if I really look. Living in a university town in the midwest.