Results of New Zeland Shooting

Results of New Zeland Shooting

>white nationalism banned from Facebook

>Normies pushed away and more likely to
support our enemies

>Generation identity might get banned

>calls for speech control in several countries

>more gun control in New Zealand

Accelerationism if fake and gay. Nothing good came out of this.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Need to accelerate even more

Take your meds

so we get banned from all mainstream platforms and are watch 247 by glow in the dark nigs? Seriously this shit kills any chance we have of convincing regular people.


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Fuck off back to plebbit you pussy

You are right OP. We need to continue doing nothing. It was working out amazingly before.

If whites didn't act now when there's a display of outright tyranny why would whites react 20, 30, 40 years down the track? The slow tyranny we've been facing for decades hasn't been fought against, not a single right that we've lost has been restored, face it if whites didn't act now, it shows they were never going to act, it's over, time to pack it in


yes. this needs to escalate into a full blown insurgency.

I'm sorry I thought some of you wanted whites to exist in the future.

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Places like here are already being watched 24/7 by glowies. Supposedly this guy posted on cripple chan. Surprising that they didn't stop him beforehand desu. He must have been giving out a lot of signals.

We can't fight an army this big. Our only path is to keep spreading the message irl, with content and through propaganda raids.

Both of you take your meds

Also this is while whites are still the majority, 30 years from now when whites are either an outright minority or on their way to becoming a minority there's no fucking hope

>not false flagging
This is where everybody goes wrong.

You're retarded, so many people were redpilled by this event. I'm in a facebook group called aussie man cave full of australian men, mostly tradies, and fucken 90% of them are talking about politics now when before it was all footy and other gay shit

>no fucking hope

You'd actually have better odds under that scenario. Whites are still self-segregated, wealthy and comfortable enough to remain the system's bitch.

>aussie man cave

your sample is not a good representation of normal white people. Obviously, some right-wing facebook groups are gonna like him.


I don't know about Europe but whites in Australia aren't really segregated from non-whites like in the U.S.

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Whites are an outright minority.

Check the global population by ethnicity.

I meant in our own nations

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confirmed false flag

Israel did 9/11.

Yeah, you do White flight is universal in all white society's.

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So many Middle Easterners....

This image really burns my soul.

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Only white pill is that white choose to avoid them

it made you frustrated enough to post this, therefore its working

Yeah cause pissing me off is gonna save the white race

Fuck off cunt. No more time for cowards fight and die like a man or die on your knees begging the kikes to not take away your cummies and vidya

Every race naturally self-segregate unless their own race is too small in that area and they have little choice but to integrate

As you can see the north and northwest is sparsely populated and most whites live in and around the city, lebs and Asians completely surround whites, leb suburbs such as Bankstown have the highest legal gun ownership rates in NSW(Southwest Sydney where all the lebs are have even more illegal weapons) whites in the city are also the ones who support what's happening and vote for The Greens

The 56,412 people in Redfern, Chippendale, Darlington, Eveleigh, Newtown, Enmore, Stanmore and Petersham and parts of Surry Hills, Waterloo, Erskineville, Camperdown, Marrickville and Lewisham voted for a far leftist party that support white genocide as did the majority of the 57,741 whites in f Annandale, Balmain, Balmain East, Birchgrove, Forest Lodge, Glebe, Glebe Island, Leichhardt, Lilyfield, Rozelle, White Bay and parts of Camperdown and Ultimo

As you can see on the map this area is a dense area and largely white yet votes for not just a left leaning party but the most far left party in Australia that wants open borders and making being white a crime, our own people are just as bad as the enemy

People will go to great lengths to justify actions which ultimately serve nothing but their own catharsis.

I hope you're not suggesting the kind of childless nutter who would gun down 50 civilians might have terrible judgment.

It's not fake, Tarrant accomplished all of his objectives. Essentially anything that knocks a fence sitter one way or the other helps us. It matters not where they land.

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Sloppy job mossad

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The shooting was also fake and gay. All those fuck ups in that fake vid. Especially that misfiring blood pack that fell out of that woman's sleeve.

>our own people are just as bad as the enemy
Yes, this tends to be the flaw in our nature and more so in this situation. Whites who live separately from nonwhites retain a positive sense of identity fostered in their respective communities. Whites who live in the belly of the beast in majority nonwhite communities feel the hostility and alienation that comes with being a hated minority. This results in them getting a white identity based on a negative and they are often the most redpilled. Whites who live next to but not so much among nonwhites in urban centers often befriend high stock nonwhites, work with them and are influenced by anti-white propaganda the latter example would be immunized against. They are by far the most degenrate of our race.

The inner west whites may vote for white genocide, but the inner west is obviously an area of white segregation. Even if suburbs just south and west are Leb and Asian.

You don't understand what accelerationism is.

*pays for fake videos of

Considering what you listed, it would seem like acceleration is working as planned.

Oy vey

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we = whites
jews like you are not included

you need to chill

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Dentist take fighting plaque to the next level.

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You only just started convening a notable section of the population. If you think some kind of war is feasible while whites are fat, happy and watching sports ball your retarded. The system still holds the moral paradigm and labeling someone a "racist" still holds weight not to mention the social and economic fallout.

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Yeah no shit...
Only if we all go to Liberia, things MIGHT change.

>>Nothing good came out of this.
we were entertained for a few hours


Why would you pick the worst location possible? That's a literal black ethnostate that bars whites from becoming citizens.

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First of all, kys phoneposter
Second, read his manifesto, this is what he intended and expected, he wants whites to get cornered and chimp out, and he'll accomplish his objectives, very soon

Confirm me comething, you watch JP? Are you a fan of him and his ideas?

>result of the New Zealand shooting.


>Oh but he said it was going to happen, this means its based and I am right by extension!
fucking brainlet

>far leftist party that support white genocide
which one?

>one man chimping out = whites reacting
wrong faggot
talk all big behind the screen, meanwhile you're probably some loser on welfare

seeJP? You mean the leaf? Cause fuck no. I am a white nationlists no some cucservative.

The Greens

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Tarrant said this would happen. The plan was to escalate white radicalization

Ah, got me mistaken with one for a moment because of the "only spread ideas, not violence" talk
Now, to your arguments:
1) Fatness is not a big problem (I'm not talking about land whales), whites will be able to become somewhat fit in 1 year/1 year and a half if it is needed/the need is clear (aka war/if they feel themselves highly insecure walking down the streets or having who they love being threatened in the streets, or killed)
2) Happiness can be easily destroyed with redpills, it's a matter of spreading them, bread crumbs size but with the address of where to get the whole bread
3) Yes, the system does hold the moral paradigm, and it's the biggest obstacle we face right now, but can be circumvented if we follow stuff like this (you should read the thread, it's a great one anyway)
4) Infuckingdeed, couldn't agree more with you, because the government is zogged and against the while male, it's rotules do make life hell for whites, AND THIS IS WHY we should spread the idea of "white solidarity in such a clown world", basically, encourage businesses to hire these unjustly marginilized whites, and sell only to whites, but again, this would require a previous measure, like the linked post in 3)

Greens seem to be the white genocide party No.1 everywhere. We're so fucked mate. Unironically. This is NOT going to end well. If the left suceeds with what they plan, it will be a total catastrophy

>1) Fatness is not a big problem (I'm not talking about land whales), whites will be able to become somewhat fit in 1 year/1 year and a half if it is needed/the need is clear (aka war/if they feel themselves highly insecure walking down the streets or having who they love being threatened in the streets, or killed)

Im mean that in a mephrical not literel sence. What im trying to say is that whites are too comfoprapble and wealty to revolt.

>2) Happiness can be easily destroyed with redpills, it's a matter of spreading them, bread crumbs size but with the address of where to get the whole bread

I agree. That's why we cant give them excuses to kick us of any more social media.

>3) Yes, the system does hold the moral paradigm, and it's the biggest obstacle we face right now, but can be circumvented if we follow stuff like this (you should read the thread, it's a great one anyway)

good idea no objections.

>4) Infuckingdeed, couldn't agree more with you, because the government is zogged and against the while male, it's rotules do make life hell for whites, AND THIS IS WHY we should spread the idea of "white solidarity in such a clown world", basically, encourage businesses to hire these unjustly marginilized whites, and sell only to whites, but again, this would require a previous measure, like the linked post in 3)

Agreed. But we'll never get any solidarity with normal disenfranchised whites if they see us as terrorists.

>Im mean that in a mephrical not literel sence. What im trying to say is that whites are too comfoprapble and wealty to revolt.
Ah yes. Well, if the problem is wealth and comfyness, doesn't a war or high racial tensions going to spark something in their brains? I think it would, I mean, you have guns, there's a group of people (niggers) who want to see your blood splattered in the ground, but you have another group (whites) who are simpathetic to you and wouldn't mind protecting you if you also protect them. I can't believe this wouldn't spark something in many normie's brains mate
>But we'll never get any solidarity with normal disenfranchised whites if they see us as terrorists.
We'll get it naturally if a race war happens or the government push them in the corner. They liking it or not, either they'll stick with their own blood or die pathetically, and I'm sure many will choose the former

Hurr durr.
TAkE Ur Meds ScHiZzo. Hurr duurr.

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both of these scenarios are predicted on either an overtly antiwhite government which actually allows nonwhites to purge us or total social collapse. Basically tuner diaries IRL. A lot of shit would have to hit the fan before that could happen.

Mind giving a list of what would have to hit the fan before these scenarios became reality? No need to be a complete list, a top of the head one is alright for me

It was a Mossad Job.

Did anybody else notice the lack of shit in the video?
People shit themselves when they die, but not muslims apparently.
And the blood is cartoonishly red.

I'm regular people.

More than that... Greens have had admitted pedophiles hold powerful positions.

Retards don't understand how mossad words

mossad will premote what happened as a mossad attack, so you think it was a mossad attack, when really it was not.

Do the opposite of what the jew wants to to do
The jew will tell you to accelerate, in the hopes you wont, when really you should.

Whatever the jew says, they hope you go against it, that is what they want. do exactly as the jew says, they pretend their weakness is a strength.

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All it takes is a big natural disaster like Yellowstone erupting or an EMP

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This is the future (((White Nationalists))) are fighting for.

Good goys.

I think I found your Jew

>Alert!!! YouTube is censoring and deleting truther channels before 2020 election!!!


>the future of free speech! 14 years in prison for sharing Christchurch video

>Chelsea Clinton BLAMED for Christchurch massacre

>recent show about justice, article 13 and Metokur

>pre-christchurch chaotic-good ACCELERATIONISM
Get comfy and redpilled

total economic collapse organized mass white slaughter ww3 or some kind of natural disaster

First death from gun grab
>A former Russian soldier who feared going back to prison tried to call his son before dying of a suspected suicide following a three-hour standoff with police.
>The family of 54-year-old Troy Dubovskiy told Stuff he was sought by police after his property in the Christchurch suburb of St Martins was searched on Tuesday.
All becuase of some Liberal anti-gun NPC
>Police acted on information from the public.

an UNPROVEN theory likely pushed by kikes
>"just give the liberals everything they want,
>and the right will eventually rise up and stop them"
except the last several decades of endless cucking to the left,
and most the right is still apathetic as fuck.
There is no reason to be certian they will rise up in the future.
High chance Accelerationism will result in all of us being completely disarmed living in liberal Orwellian hell.

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not only is (((accelerationism))) unproven It alienate us from the very base of NPC we want to wake.
People unite in revolution behind JUST causes
they dont side with random psychopaths

Tarrant was a brainlet stooge manipulated & played by MOSSAD

>your not following the (((narrative)))
>take your meds (((we manufacture & prescribe)))

seems the term "skitzo" wasnt polling well,
best of luck with "take your meds"

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>Tarrant was a brainlet stooge manipulated & played by MOSSAD

Not only that, the praise he got here and on 8pol proves Zionsts have infiltrated and subverted these sites. Only white nationalism that is controlled by Jews is allowed to stay up on the internet.

Its interesting how here on 4chuns we can actually have this conversation. Go check out 8chuns and see how flooded they are with (((accelerationists))).

Uh, everyone I talk to thinks it's great. 49 dead rats

Trips of truth, but I would argue that mudslimes aren't people

I can't wait to see what happens after the next shooting.

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>when dialogue is no longer possible violence becomes inevitable
how hard is this to understand?
I'm living in a third world shithole and I understand this

I mocked Tarrant on 8pol and got banned for "spam" while others are literally advocating terrorism and getting ignored by mods.