Should I take it?

Should I take it?

Attached: 1863605_1.jpg (630x630, 52K)

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Use it to get insight into woman behavior and to actually further yourself as a man, and not some faggot who quits the relationship game and just plays video games all day because "girls are hard" while not being the best man you can be.

up to you, personally, my marriage improved my life a lot though

mgtow just means that you refuse serious long-term relationships with women. If you're an incel now and plan to stay that way after you go mgtow, then it probably won't give you any extra insight

(Fair warning I just drank some Baileys and I think I'm just starting to feel the alcohol, but I still think this makes sense)

I know this full, but no. No.
Don't be stupid. You know they're full of shit user.
Their beliefs seem so extreme as they are and so illogical as they are not because oh maybe they just have a different interpretation than me or some stupid shit like that, but because they're wrong.
You can't cut the human population out of your life. You can't pretend just over a full half of the entire human population is either not worth your time or to be used and thrown out.
This will only hurt.

>mgtow just means that you refuse serious long-term relationships with women.
The highest 'level' of MGTOW is rejecting interaction with all people, user...

I've never heard anyone actually claim that part of mgtow is
>rejecting interaction with all people
Sounds like Jow Forums tier cope

it's a gay recruitment psyop designed to make you hate women

It's for incels, if you have that much trouble with women just don't focus on getting a girl

I don't follow any "mgtow communities" or anything like that but the general idea of just checking out of society at large and not going with the standard life path of having a family and paying for all of them is basically the life I've found myself in. I don't really intend to change it. It's not like I'm a shut-in or don't have friends or anything. I've just never met a woman I'd want to do more than mess around with a little and I doubt I ever will meet one that's also single. I used to spend time on dating sites and shit but realized how much time I was wasting and all I was getting out of it was making myself depressed and resentful. I guess to me not trying anymore is kind of like nofap for the people who do it; just cutting out a part of my life that has been overall entirely negative. I'd still prefer a proper traditional life but I living by myself for myself is better than than the prospect of being turned into a human ATM (alimony/child support) and/or spend my time with someone who doesn't even like me, and frankly, I don't really like either.

Don't have an answer for you since I don't know your situation but hopefully you can get something out of my story here to make your own decision

>to take the term 'Men Going Their Own Way' one must consider from what? And why? The answer; Women, and their vile manipulation of the world, and how that manipulation adversely affects men [...] MGTOW will have to tell you [...] the vile nature of women
Notice the term "nature".
>We constantly shit post, we scream, we yell, we obsess, and fight against this objectively observable blatantly vile hypocrisy that the gynocentric world transgress upon the male population. We do this, because you; my Philistine poster, will not. Either from ignorance, arrogance, or because you are (female) on the currently winning side.
>Vile vile vile philistine philistine vile vile...
Notice the hypocritically hypocritical assumptions that mirror extreme feminism.

if it helps you cope with never having the relationship you always wanted then sure

if you are going to become bitter and join the misogyny cult then no

Just git gud at women.

What did this drunk user speaks the truth.
>Pic related
No man's an island on to himself. Shitty people exist, you need to learn to swift through the bad to get the good.

Attached: IMG_20190425_112104.jpg (720x472, 196K)

There's also this. There are some response to being called misogynists or whatever.
Check it for yourself, but I've highlighted some things below...
>[ ...] negative threads and complaints about women," you are saying something akin to "I don't understand how this hospital is good for health, because all I see are diseases and injuries here."
This is a hospital for the male spirit. It is NOT a hospice for the male spirit, designed to make you comfortable, like r/ForeverAlone. Nor is it a plastic surgeon for the male spirit, designed to form you into the shape that you aren't, to get you the things you think you ought to be getting, like r/TheRedPill.
This is a hospital, [...] it is a place where you will see ugly things. You will see savage illnesses here. [...] And if you go through the treatment, you too might become one of those disgusting things, those savage things, those ugly things.
[...] we became physicians [...] Some of our methods of healing you are, themselves, sickening, disgusting, cruel, and perhaps sad; they involve toxic substances [...]
[...] illness of gynocentric-induced disease [...]
Honestly, the more I read, the more it sounds kind of cult-like.
>women will NEVER yield one single inch of power.
>To the Incels:
>[...] much like the PUAs, you have become obsessed with pussy.

Whatever I can't find it now.

But you see they're pretty fucked up.

If you married a western girl, you fucked up. Hope you got a prenuptial agreement.

Most guys who go MGTOW aren’t incels, a lot a divorced men who got shafted.

Honestly, people who think like this do more harm than good. Because they hide their head in the sand and refuse to acknowledge the problem. Women will never be forced to change for the better because they’re never held accountable for anything and they’ve always got a lineup of men at their beck and call, defending anything they do.

Also, not an incel, I did fairly well in the west before catching onto the bullshit, dodging a couple bullets, and then moving to Asia where women are normal.

Your only options OP are to either get an Asian wife, or swallow the red pill. But check out from the western dating market nonetheless if you know what’s good for you. Used to be you only had to watch out for goldiggers. That was the good ol’ days as they were fairly easy to spot. Now there’s tons of traps waiting for you at every turn. Fuck that shit. Let women be forced to change for the better when they realize men are no longer there for them.

What's wrong with that the latter ? Especially if it's a game your not going to do well in.

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