>Oneitis rejects me 4-5 years ago >Cut contact after that and live my life >Since that time, I became muscular, studying comp sci at university, fixed my acne, have a job/car and dress well >Ran into each other >She wanted to see me so I hung out with her >Near the end of the night when we were walking together, she grabbed my hand and held it while we walked >Hinted she wants to go on a date together next week
Am I right for feeling salty about this? She didn't want me as a mediocre loser, but now that I'm the opposite, she's fully interested in me.
now you reject her. You don't need a post-wall bully in your life
Cooper Jackson
Reject her in the most humiliating, memorable you can muster.
Luke Adams
Tell her to fuck off in no uncertain terms. She didn't see you as a person worth anything before, but now that you have money, a car, are working on a degree, and got fit, now she does? Now you're suddenly worth her attention? Throw her shallowness right in her face. Call her on her bullshit and tell her you refuse to date someone like her. Go ask out a nice social misfit girl instead and help her get better like you did. You'll be better off.
Zachary Scott
If you're still into her go on a date. Yes, she was shallow but although personality is important in attractiveness, looks still play a role.
Mason Brown
I do understand why you’re mad about it (I would be too) but don’t you think it’s possible that in those 5 years that she has changed, and maybe just wants to fix what she did?
Elijah Jenkins
You sound like you know your worth.
So you know if she's worthy enough to be let back in.
Luke Perez
Don't listen to the people who tell you to reject her. They just live out their revenge fantasies through you. Just go on a few dates with her and treat her like any other girl. If she's is dating material go for it, if not than don't.
Daniel Murphy
Agreed. Too many defensive stances in this thread, although I understand why. If you’re into her, give her a chance unless you’re certain she’s as shallow as you think she is.
Angel Smith
Possibly, but that almost never happens. Though how she rejected him (if it's significant enough to mention) should be the main factor.
Michael Brown
What did she do in that time? Do you still like her or did she turn into a goblin?
Easton Mitchell
years and years of thinking about perspective has landed me this card and, in no uncertain terms, explained quite reasonably that you're just meant to let it go
your associations with her could possibly trigger your old mentality and ruin your progress, don't do it, bad idea, I've seen it happen to people and it is not pretty; anybody who says otherwise is playing a very dangerous game
Angel Clark
On one hand its understandable. You didn't qualify for boyfriend material. On the other hand, the whole "you can't handle me at my worst" shit. It's what makes more sense to you.
Leo Evans
I wouldn’t date my past self. I was a fucking loser.
Gabriel Robinson
This .
Leave all of the old in the past
Tyler Parker
Life's shit tests.
Take a step backwards and waste time rehashing feelings with some old ho or Take a step forward, away from some ho you had feelings for, and find new pussy
It's always about pussy, even when it's not... and that pussy has timed-out.
Jason Jones
This happened to me user. Once you fall for her again she'll leave you. Women are fucked in the head. Pump and dump if you're capable of not catching feelings, but I doubt it
Gabriel Perez
fuck her and dump her, make her lick your ass
you are the same person, with money now and you are not supposed to date a prostitute
Camden Phillips
so now you are an uptight loser now
Caleb Martin
>Go ask out a nice social misfit girl instead and help her get better like you did. You'll be better off. Wrong. Don't try to fix people. Don't foster dependency. Fuck you and your shit advice buddy
Jaxson Rivera
You wouldn't write this thread the way it is written if you weren't somewhat aware of the falsehood behind her attraction to you. You have a good path that you're walking, do you even want a girlfriend at this time? Not one to promote deception or meaningless sex, so i advise you just be honest... maybe she will try to sleep with you anyway, bitches be schemin'
Benjamin Allen
People like you are bastions around here. Good work comrade
Bentley Lopez
Now fuck the shit out of her and THEN leave. That's the name of the game as ugly as it is. Get swole and rich and all of a sudden these thots want you. Kek.
Men get rejected, realise they're not good enough and get angry about it. Women get rejected, realise they're not good enough and fucking love on with their lives.
Guess what OP, same thing happened to me with the genders reversed. Some people don't want you until you're actually in their level, just be grateful you actually got there unlike so many others.
Angel Roberts
Pump and dump.
Something similar happened to me as well. My old oneitis recently got in touch with me, and made strong hints that she wants to meet up/date, etc...
Yeah, now that she’s 27, not as hot, used up, and made me go through the miserable torture for the way she treated me. Now that I’m successful, more stable, abd she’s no longer looking for “the bad boy” but instead wants a nice guy to clean up the mess.
Pump and dump. That’s what I’m doing. Make sure you wear a condom. BullSHIT imma go steady with her, crazy, junkie bipolar bitch. I got this super cute wealthy Chinese girl I’m chatting up, who I might actually go steady with. She can go fuck herself.
Gavin Russell
OP, you deserve love for who you are, not what you are. If you've both changed and she wants you, then cool. If you now meet some list of checkmarks she has in her head for a boyfriend, and she likes that, she doesn't deserve you. Godspeed brother, if she's the latter drop that beeatch
Jordan Russell
She sounds like pump n dump material
Ryder Roberts
No no dude OP should at least fuck her and then leave her to rot
Eli Taylor
You can tell this post was written by a woman, lol. As if bitches helped guys like OP and didn't kick him while he was already down. Do this instead, OP. After fucking her, just leave and block her on everything.