Let it all out

Let it all out

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm going to talk to you soon. Is that okay? I've got a question.


I take time out of my day to help you, and you mock and insult me? What the fuck is this

None of these posts are personally about you are me. They are about a third party that doesn't use this website

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Not today, Satan.

No more. It's your fault for not listening. I warned you and warned you and you didn't listen. I can not talk anymore to anyone about anything. This marks the end of this. I refuse to help anymore as my words are living bombs for them.

Does anyone expect anything, but venom and spite from the mouths of those not around them that come in love and friendship

*that don't come in love and friendship

I can’t remember a person I’ve talked to in person that didn’t in their heart of hearts extend some form of kindness. Online is crazy, people in their true form are good (just confused and overwhelmed)

Either talk to her or shut the fuck up.
It's getting as bad as the get shit together user.
Seriously, do any of you have a form of originality?

Explain your fucking story, it would help a lot.

I deserve to kill them

We're so young but we're probably gonna die.

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Oh go fuck a bandsaw.
You keep going I want revenge I want Justice I want the big gay and I want to eat oxi clean.

Fucking do it. Go enter the illuminaty establishment and murder them. Go on their satellite internet connection to find their addresses and chop their internet down because consequences are not the same.
Fuck you.

Very interesting note user

I will make sure to get out and see people in person as much as I can everyday then, because I have more faith in humanity when I get to see them in person compared to online where I spend free time off work and it is so much hate and nothing, but debate

Oh shit watch out everybody a big fucking meteor is gonna eat us. Uh oh spaghettios we all gonna die because the Mexican cartel became dinosaurs and they will consume the rest of the world and drink the seawater.

Guys, we didn't listen to nostradumbass over here. We all so ded. Oh em gee. Gasp.

It's one of those fucking schizos

Now for a second I will reply seriously:
People at work are scum. Managers either try to weasel money out of you or everyone higher up than you will just ask you a favor only to shit all over you. They tend to look like shit when they do this, so don't worry, you'll know what and when it comes.

That being said it doesn't get stopped and nobody does shit about shitheads. I'm sorry. At least other workplaces have a variance on how many shitheads exist. This is why desk jobs are sought after.

I hope you die

I love you all.

Seriously, we've had some good times

That's nice user

thank you

We dated for 3 months. It's been 7 months. I'm practically in love with you. I've only been with 1 girl since and she wasn't shit compared to you.

I hate my life and myself and I doubt you ever think about me anymore.

Fuck this. Why do I still think about you? Fuck this.

fuck, I feel lonely
I just wanna hold someone

I think I need to meet other women asap

Last minute obligation to help my friend drive 2 hours away at 8am tomorrow.
He's always doing me favors so I couldn't say no. But I legit wanted to badly. Next time he asks if i work, I'm just going to lie, even if that makes me a shitty person

I know that I deserve it

You won't have trouble getting lucky.

his noose was loose

Goddamn it why can’t I fucking belong? Why can’t I stop being/feeling like a loser? Why can’t I be wanted? Is there ever going to be a point where I can be happy with the life I live?

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Alright guys I' out of here

All you guys do is rag on me

If I can quit Queen Thot then I can quit you faggots

I'm on the hunt I'm after YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

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Let's hope the trips turn the tides for me, shit just one woman is enough. Why is this so hard.

(soulja boy tellem)

I need to feel it but it just isn’t there

Why do men lie so much.. only until they are caught in it will they confess and beg for forgiveness just to avoid the consequences.....

I died and came back to life
you'll never rid of me ahahahah

we lie because it's hard to sleep standing up

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I'm sure you're aware that women do this as well.

Your fear of intimacy is baffling. You search for superficial relationships when you can't even focus on all the things we could have had. No one will ever be enough for you, including me.

I really wish these fake bitches would fuck-off already, but then who would they copy?

Where would the get their best ideas from and how would they know how to present themselves to people?

Would they become dumb if I just up and stopped giving a fuck? Would people stop caring about them because of me? Why would I be afraid to dissolve the faith that has been built into other people?

Should I return myself to a life of science? Should I test my hands against the universe having now an understanding of my faith's misplacement?

Who should I rely upon to right this wrong?

If you're reading this, these questions are the mark of your undoing, the beginning of your end. I won't say you're anything less without me because you're actually nothing and haven't even realized it yet.

God Bless, and good riddance!

why is this kino so representative of my early adolescence
I was far more based as a depressed pubsecent edgelord

Thatd be great

Why does this board have so many fucking special snowflake namefaggots? This is a real problem it keeps me up at night. The only name you should have should be for demographic purposes.


You're right I am nothing, but at least off the internet I am respected as a human being

Here- not so much

There is no winning here. So TODAY- Today I finally did it Jow Forums. I'm going outside

I went Hard and lost so now I am going home.

Yeah, I am not the greatest, but it could be a hell of a lot worse. At least I still have both eyes

Dumb bitches not wanting to be responsible for their own minds.
If you disappear, they'll simply replace you - that's how unique their belief was since the beginning.
And this doesn't make you more "something" than them.
So if you go that way, we're all nothing, problem solved.
The only thing we can wish for all the dumb sluts we daily see is for them to have free minds, but then again, I'm not even certain they have thoughts in the first place.

I literally hate my friend Amy. First of all she constantly tries to embarrass or put me down when we are around others.
Next she is a psychotic bitch who stalks losers. She had one dude she slept with and he would not even tell her his name. She called him D. She started "researching" him on the internet and all she had was a letter. She called him and confront him with his full name birthday address and an obituary of his daughter. Then she fell in love with a guy who hated her and would only call her if he wanted bike parts guitar stuff bail money or to drink. She used her mom's money. She spent a year trying to get him put back in jail so he would be dependent on her again. She talked on and on about nothing but him for 2 yrs. She quit because i changed my number and wont give it to her.
Next she conned me into buying her jewelry a gown and shoes for my wedding. She took it and never showed. Bitch played me like she was getting her hair done nails etc. Then at the last minute claimed she didn't have gas money to drive up. But she kept the dress and shoes. I knew the bitch WAS lying but she plays the victim and acts like I am the one who wronged her.
I want to cuss her out but again she will twist and lie so much it is like talking to a wall.
Well now you know the truth at least

Supersoak that hoe

You are with somebody. Leave it alone please. I’m begging you.

I'm wasting my time even when I'm wasting my time. I have to be better about things somehow.

Why are you still friends with her? I don't get it

k fuck it

My friend (male) unironically used the word mansplaining and I have lost all respect for him.

I don't think I can.

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Oh well

Do you have a story for us user?

I do.

>be me
>get wagie job after dropping out of college
>meet big tiddy asian coworker
>a year passes
>still at shitty job, considering killing myself
>need something to do
>ask my coworker to go on a date without spilling my spaghetti
>we become a couple soon after
>have fun with her for a few months
>realize that there is very little we have in common and her personality is awful
>ignore every red flag and continue dating
>relationship only get worse
>she gets more attached and I just want to get away from her
>only sticking around for sex
>sex is less often and boring
What reason do I have for staying with her?

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I don't think you have any reason based on that post. At least, you don't have any good ones. I've stayed in mediocre relationships for sex before but.... It just wears you down over time. Not worth. Get out bro

>my girlfriend has a little sister
>she's gay
>reverse trap
>we hang out sometimes
>casually go on "dates"
>seen movies together, shared popcorn and a soda with two straws on multiple occasions
>long walks on the beach late at night
>sometimes on the walk back she'll get a piggy back ride
>gf gets jealous of this
>I don't care
>imo she's better than my girlfriend in everyway
>it's possible that I've fallen in love with her
>still unsure how she feels about me although she's let me kiss her several times
This is the reason.

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You're a dim witted racist and she's only with you because your family has a lot of money. Your Dad is a racist piece of shit, you're a fucking narcissist who literally wants everyone to cater to your lifestyle, and it's so fucking ironic that the reason you hate black people so much is because you think they're "dumb and violent" when you're probably the dumbest mother fucker I've ever met in my life. Holy fucking shit, I can't believe an Ashkenazi Jew could be such a mental piece of shit. When I have conversations with your Dad about politics you look like a fucking five year old watching the grown ups talk.

You can't even fucking play Skyrim, you're just too stupid to even comprehend how the game works. You just like playing the game because you get to be a tall "Nord" when in reality you're like 5'7.

You fucking thought Dale Gribble from King of the Hill had a Native American wife. Holy fucking shit, one of the most well known plotlines in the entire series and you alter it to make it relatable to your own life. I hope if you have kids they realize how fucking bleak you are and speak Spanish behind your back.

When we were watching that movie with Di Caprio in it you got a boner during the rape scene, you sick asshole.

Don't fucking call me tomorrow. Your job isn't "the hardest job in the world" ffs. I don't fucking care if you're just trying to live your life, you want EVERYONE ELSE to live your life as well.

You only read the Bhagavad Gita because Himmler always had a copy with him. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>Jews love the nazis the most these days
I never got this trend.

Just because you end your relationship with your gf doesn't necessarily mean you won't retain what you have with her sister, but dude wtf. That's a worse reason than sex to stick around lol. Do yourself a favor and leave your gf. Then text the sister and tell her you're still down to be friends with her. Later maybe you two become a thing. It might not work but it's more likely to work than picking her up while you date her sister

Well, I'm in love with a girl at university, but she is engaged. We are becoming friends, we talk often, even about personal things, but I don't think she will ever be interested in a relationship with me. This makes me very sad

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>one of the most well known plotlines in the entire series and you alter it to make it relatable to your own life
This part is normal

It's understandable to be sad about it man. You'll be fine though. There's always another girl out there and you'll meet some that are probably more compatible than you and this girl

The thing is I think I'm fine I'm gonna be your friend because you're cool but I'm not gonna be an orbiter

You're gonna crush

For this guy, he doesn't want to be associated with anyone who is weak. Being a modern day Jew comes with a level of victimization acceptance. Also because of a massive amount of consumption of ww2 fps video games and the History Channel (I'm being serious).

You are right, but right now I can't stop thinking about her. Rationally, I know that it would be better to just let it go, but it's very hard, and I'm often hoping that she breaks up with her boyfriend to get with me, even if I know that it's basically impossible. Fuck this situation

I don’t want you to save me

He literally said "Dale Gribble and his Native American wife" while trying to reference the show.

He's managed to become a brain dead peon without the use of drugs or alcohol, he's just a dumbass.

I feel you user in a similar situation with a girl that I dated for almost three years everything was shit when if first ended but it will get better. Sometimes you just have to take it a minute at a time, but it'll start to heal. Try taking up a new hobby!

I've been there dude. You'll destroy yourself waiting for her. Don't do that to yourself user

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I had tea at 4 pm and now I don’t think I can sleep. I feel like an idiot for drinking it that late in the first place.

Thanks user. I appreciate you understanding. I hope I can manage to do it, I feel like I am in a cage wherever I go. I just don't want to do anything. Today I wanted to message her, but then I saw that she had changed her profile picture to one with her boyfriend, and this made me feel so bad. I should study right now, but I don't think I would be able to concentrate

I fucked up so horribly today towards you. I don't know why I keep doing this. I shoved you away from people that are your friends that used to be mine too. I tried to be clean and work hard but it doesn't help. I've shoved my family away. Every single one of them. I've overdosed so many times and it doesn't take. I don't know what to do.

How do I rap if my voice sounds like a literal robot? I have a weird tinny voice that sounds like it's being echoed inside my throat and I also speak in a monotone but I like Notorious B.I.G. and Snoop Dogg and I want to become a rapper.

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I understand you, it has happened to me with coffee. There isn't much you can do, only wait until you fall asleep. I'm sorry for you

Yw user. Something that helped me get through a similar situation was honestly meeting new people and getting a different crush.
I am having a rough time with studying tonight too. Hope your semester goes well user. I'm going to try to finish this paper

Right! Whoever's controlling them... well it's not me.

Realizing that... it's an insult to intelligence for some of these bitches to expect anything at all from anybody when they're just running a scam for some other dude.

You start thinking to yourself that they're not just dumb... there must really be something dearly wrong with them.

Thanks for your help. Good luck for your paper, I hope that your semester goes well too

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dont do it

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i wish i didn't talk so much
i just wish i had better self-control so i could be cooler, no-one likes a spastic or a retard

i'm too young to be impotent ;-;

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I miss my teddy bear. I want her back.
I'm 25 and it's 1 A.M. and I still miss my fucking teddy bear.

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I have a girlfriend, a friend, a family, a job. Yet today was one of those days to realize how terribly alone I am. Every friendship was either distanced by life or left behind except for this one friend that now live miles away. Family doesn't feel the same after my father passed away. Girlfriend always puts barriers between us no matter how much connected we are, which brings hesitation to bond and emotional distance. Life's little pleasures, hobbies, art, everything have been vulgarized by people pretending to enjoy things for attention, so in consequence I don't enjoy things as much anymore. I'm growing older and bitter. Everyone and everything matters to me, but my own thoughts can't be shared with anyone, they don't matter to anyone.

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change starts with you bud and you can change whenever you want the only thing stopping you is yourself

My teddy bear was a gift from my mom. Her name was Hazel. Witch Hazel. We got her at K-Mart around Halloween when I was really little. She was this little stuffed bear with a witch's hat and a black dress and orange-and-black striped stockings.
I loved her. I would put her on my pillow, sitting upright, every morning. The threads that were her mouth had come loose, and they'd droop into a frown, so I'd hug her and straighten them into a smile every day before I left.
I miss her. I think my stepmom must have thrown her away like she threw away my sister's security blanket.

R, you bitch, I wanted to have you out for an innocent day and you never said anything since a lifetime ago.
I would've accepted a no but you left me hanging.

That's probably why they didn't give you a no

I must be cursed. Or God simply decided I would never get to experience what it's like to have someone you love, love you back.

I feel like a child throwing a tantrum but the pain is inescapable

I wish he were the same monster he was when we broke up. I can handle abuse and rage but this broken, desolate man is something I cannot deal with and its hurting me.

It fucking sucks being an average guy. Fuck this society. You won't make me a wageslave for single mothers and for women.

I don't care that you think what I like is cringy, I'm having fun enjoying the things I like while you're a petty virgin, this is why nobody likes you, you act like a fun police to everybody around you.
D doesn't even like you anymore but he's too nice to tell you and you take us for granted, when we leave and you become a full on hikikomori I'll be waitting to see your suicide on the news.

I just wish you'd have some fun with us with ANYTHING but you NEED to be an asshole, you NEED to tell everyone how superior your intellect is despite dropping out of college because it was too hard, you NEED to tell everyone about your problems but so help you GOD if someone needs you to lift a god damn hair because it will take you away from the fucking computer screen for more than a full minute.

What the hell happened to you? You used to be so much more friendly back when we went to class together, what made you this cynical uppity cunt that you are now?

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I need help with confidence and body language. Last night, I accidentally backed into some asshole neighbor of mine and had to deal with his shit. All the time I talked to him, my legs trembled. They shook and my arms shook life a leaf. All i wanted was out of there. I hate those situations, but God knows I'll be blessed with plenty more in the future.

How do I stop trembling when things get tough?

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Dear H,

I have such a massive crush on you that it's hindering my work and general progress in life. I haven't had feelings for anyone in nearly half a decade, so I don't know how to handle these emotions.

I like to think you're shy around me because you also like me, but I get the overwhelming feeling you don't. It's made even more apparent when you talk to my brother because you initiate and perpetuate conversations with him, but keep conversations with me short and dry. You say my brother looks like a Hollywood celebrity and that he's really cool, but you don't even look in my direction when we (briefly) talk.
To me, you said "Girls in my country will find you really attractive" but to my brother you said "I love your style, you look like this famous celebrity"

You also live on the other side of the world and speak a language I'm not as proficient in.

I know I have no chance with you, but goddammit it hurts to think I don't even spark anything in you. This comes after years of being lonely, being rejected by women, and a diminishing social circle. I just hate being alive right now.

It's probably for the best that I remain single - definitely avoiding you.

I want to feel up your nice giant ass.
I want to sniff it and eat you out so much I would drink your erotic juices until you can't make anymore.

I want to fuck you until I make you fertile enough to give me triplets or even sextuplets.

I want to drink all the leftover milk you have after feeding all our children.

You are such a yummy little woman I would do anything and everything for you to be my sexy mild wife while I religiously fuck you and treat you like my goddamn queen. I love you so much my heart hurts. I need you. My body craves you. If I don't have you my dick is dead. I want to make you as sexy as Mio Sakuragi but mine.

Why do you need to? Thats your fight or flight preparations. The other "F" is freeze. At least you don't freeze. You may not know that it feels the same way before you intentionally fight. Don't worry about things. I always wonder if this shit is going to matter in five years. If you ever crash into an 80 year old, plenty are cool as a cucumber. Just another fucking day. Learn from them.