When would be the right time to tell a partner you're bipolar?

When would be the right time to tell a partner you're bipolar?

And if any bipolar anons had anything to share, please do, I was just recently diagnosed after a manic episode which led to my hospitalization.

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Before they become your partner.

When you break up with them.

You should never be involved in an intimate relationship. At least until you can come to terms with your elaborate plan yo not be responsible. When everything starts to become serious and we really need you to keep it together and be there for us, you fuckin fall apart and need to be sat on like a fucking child. Can you please stop being so god damn selfish already!?

Fuck you faggot if medicated and living healthily, one can do just fine with bipolar

You don't.

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It‘s a joke. It just means you need to learn how to express your emotions and maturely handle conflicts with others.

Don't date with bipolarism. Ya'll are really not in the state of mind to truely committ to a relationship. Your symptoms are just going to dredge up drama and get you dumped which is a one way ticket to a week of crying and a few months of self harm.

Well aren’t you guys being the best, eh?
There’s someone for everybody. There will be someone out there. Find someone that cares and understands, or find someone else bipolar. Anyone willing to help you, I guarantee, will love you more than most partners.

Bipolar user here, you brief them before things start to get serious, much like any other possible dealbreaker. When that is exactly will vary from relationship to relationship.

Not in my experience of dating or relating with at least half a dozen bipolars. It's only been a pain since all of them hated some aspect of my own ailments while I mothered them, and they all had trended towards narcissistic behavior. You deserve to grow up on your own. If you can't do that, you certainly don't deserve love much less the unconditional kind.

Sounds like they have low insight. I study my condition and live healthily, taking my medication, and abstaining from drugs and alcohol to prevent such things from happening.

Not OP, but thank you for posting this

nice trips
check my dubs


I knew a few of those. It was only a matter of time before they found an irritation in their meds, in their relationship, or both, and imploded. One even attempted to hang themselves.

would you fuck off this thread, cunt? no one wants to hear your fucking sob stories and determinism. have you ever thought that maybe YOU were the problem? you're already narcissistic enough to be a tripfag, maybe that's a hint to some of YOUR foibles.

>There’s someone for everybody
Obviously that is not true.
Nobody owes you a relationship and nobody will reward you with one because you do all the right things.

keep it secret uwu

That's the thing, you manic fuckers end up quitting your meds and drinking thus returning to some fucked up manic state because you want your old "creative" self back.

I would personally have you locked away in a mental institution if I had half a say in your situation.

You are a danger to yourself and to society.

I'd be camped up in my fortress of Hitler biographies with a ruger if you had half a chance of fucking with me

>Ya'll are really not in the state of mind to truely committ to a relationship.
>says the whore

not trying to be all sunshine and roses, but there is somebody for most people. You have to look at it as a transaction. What are you offering, in exchange for what someone would offer you?

Yeah, uncontrollable mood swings is a pretty big cost, but a lot of people are sympathetic and flexible. a lot of people are incredibly patient with some serious bullshit, if the upside is worth it.

and some people are just stupidly patient. be a good person, make it worth someone's while, and you stand a good chance of finding love

Don't lie to me, you little manic faggot.
Mentally ill people aren't allowed to buy or posses firearms. Unless that is, you lied on the ATF 4473.

Again, you just proved my point. You ARE mentally unstable and a danger to yourself and others.

The way I see it, it is my duty to have you arrested, your rights taken away and your mentally ill self taken to a "safe" institution where you can receive the care and medication you need.

I will gladly report this to the FBI in a moment, and you can expect a knock at your door within 24hours.

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>Mentally ill people aren't allowed to buy or posses firearms
maybe in your absolutely cucked state, but not in the land of the free, nigger

good thing i'm in ireland nigger knock on my mushroom tip with your tonsils

and at least those people have jobs unlike you you ignatius reilly fuck

user is right, bi polar people don't deserve to have normal things like intimate relationships. You have to earn that by learning to not breakdown when life becomes hard.

Don't forget to take your seroquel and lithium.

Right, so narcissistic that I haven't posted my own identity in 5 years, nor have I asked about my own problems. I don't present myself as fact except when quoting a source. I know this is all anecdotal, but I'm seeing a pattern.
It's just a warning. Ya'll can obviously do whatever.

Fuck off already. We're sick of your "advice" and unwarranted sense of self importance.

I'm not ashamed to take lithium to rectify my being born with a biochemical challenge that renders me prone to mood swings. Don't forget to take your estrogen, faggot

OP, it ultimately shouldn't matter in a relationship as long as your disorder is well managed. If you're proactive in the sense of taking your medication and attending therapy regularly, I wouldn't feel the need to disclose it. However, I'll say this - in a relationship, your significant other should be your rock but not your counselor. Don't make it your partner's responsibility to take care of you.

We aren't talking herpes or AIDS. If you're proactive and complying with treatment, it won't be a problem.

These troll posts tho.

Wrong, maniaboy. Your brain chemistry changed because of your inability to confront your own issues and to deal with reality. Instead you regress into a child throwing a fit so that you do not have to own up to your own responsibilities.

Maybe you should go wrap things in string and drown them in a flooded sink after you steal a butcher's coat so that you can feel "important."

"We're going to lock you up! We're going to put away the crazy person! He will scream and moan! We will look into his padded room!

>Your brain chemistry changed because of your inability to confront your own issues

Thousands of studies and decades of research from both those in and out of the psychological field would heavily disagree with you. I don't have a dog in this fight, but Christ, troll harder nigger.

" Childhood trauma leads to alterations of affect regulation, impulse control, and cognitive functioning that might decrease the ability to cope with later stressors. Childhood trauma interacts with several genes belonging to several different biological pathways"

In other words, the unwillingness to accept and deal with trauma of the past is the reason for the current state of depression and mania. The mania is much like when you want to give your cat a bath and it's feet and claws go everywhere. The mania is the mentally ill person's way of not dealing with and confronting their own problems because they are too "painful."

Boo fucking hoo you weak ass bitch. Your problems are not larger than ours, you are just too weak minded to deal with it like an adult.

Just curious, I'd like to see a citation on that other than Wikipedia and Google.

In the case of bipolar disorder, and we'll do schizophrenia as well, these are disorders within the brain that are both genetic and biological in nature. There's a reason why these disorders run in extended families.

>inb4 generations of child abuse

I'm not debating that severe stress (including later abuse as an adult, PTSD can happen in those well above the age of 21) can bring about mental disorders, but we're talking something medical in the case of bipolar disorder.

Like I said, I don't have a dog in this fight and I love that you automatically assume that I'm mentally ill because I'm defending them, but come on, man.


My argument is simply that the patient's unwillingness to understand and accept reality is the cause of their chemical imbalance.


My argument is that there's a genetic predisposition to the disorder that's biological and that it doesn't appear out of thin air. There's also the fact that this is a medical disorder that exists within the brain which cannot be debated.

I do see where you're coming from (we're pretty much doing Nature VS Nurture), but it doesn't just "appear" out of nowhere on a biological level, nor is it something that can be controlled by simply talking through it. My point is that this is biological and medical at its core.

Great job on that source. Wasn't expecting that from you.

>they don't simply agree that both have an effect
The stress caused my mental issues. The diagnosis does depend on genes though as most people wouldn't get this issue as easily unless you're predisposed. I want to agree with stress user that it's just me being weak and incapable of handling the cold dagger being stabbed into my stomach every time it happens, but I'm not sure stress user knows how it feels and I'm actually right to feel so badly when it happens. Maybe people who have such diagnoses also are genetically disposed to feel those emotions that come with their issues more intensely, making it impossible for them to deal with it properly. That being said, psychologists suck major dick and are not going to fix a bipolar person or someone with anger issues, ever.

Alright, I can understand that.
Let me ask you something; what happens if you just let the dagger cut you? What happens if you just drive it in as far as it will go? Then what?