>Racism is not about hate, it's about love.
I heard these words spoken by some random person in 2013 and they changed my life forever. Everything clicked with me in one instant. The media always tries to portray racists as "hateful" but actually everything they believe in is motivated by the pure metaphysical opposite of "hate".
Racism is not about hate, it's about love
Other urls found in this thread:
This is what I do, I literally refill normies with the most extreme "racist" stuff I simply have to put the words
>I love X but in in this country
>I love faggots but they dont want to marry let them have personal union and tax benefits like married people
>I love ...
People are really easily persuaded rethorically
the foundation myth
How does one recognize a foundation myth? It fulfills three functions.
1) It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2) It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3) It determines what is held sacred in that society.
For modern Westerners the story of the "Holocaust" and WW2 has become their foundation myth. It fulfills all three functions.
1) We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.
2) Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.
3) The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. And by law throughout most of Europe.
The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.
Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.
Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.
Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.
Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
This is by design.
Jews are white and Israelis are white nationalists.
Well I honestly don't mean it as persuasion or political propaganda. As far as I'm concerned this is just what it is for me. That's what it's all about. I am prob the LEAST hateful person I've ever met. I have zero in terms of pent up aggression or anything like that. I can legitimately say all I am interested in is carving a path into the future for myself and my family and the broader group of white people whom I love and whom I believe should continue to exist, and to have a free and sovereign existence.
schizo kike spamming every thread
I like to say. "I don't hate black people, but I love my people enough to want them to be free from the consequences of living among black people."
In fact, I'm not wrapped up in hate. I'm simply disappointed with the state of the world.
I'm disappointed because I love my culture, my history, my people and it's all being taken away from us through irreversibly catastrophic cultural and genetic changes.
I love my parents, I love my wife, I love watching old movies, I love reading old books. Then I walk into the nearest city and I'm filled with sadness.
I'm not filled with hate, I love. And it's this love, just like the love of a child, which leads me to want to do ANYTHING in order to protect it.
Its about survival....
So someone comes and destroys your religion, takes away your culture and gets your women raped by subhuman yet you sit in your little cabin preaching love
If you dont hate you cant love, the sweetest sweets aren't as sweet without bitter
I think that's completely missing the point. "Self-defense" is not "hate". "Hate" has to do with having aggression and a sort of innate maliciousness towards another person. No. I don't have any of that. Even if they're awful people. If I knew they were going to leave me alone and leave my people alone then I'd be fine with just staying apart from them. I don't "hate" them. I don't want to hurt them. Recognizing in practical terms that these people you are describing might present a practical threat to you and wanting to react to that threat and defend yourself is different though.
And it's not preaching, Jesus, it's just what it is. It's just how I feel. It has nothing to do with preaching, it's just the reality. I have zero desire to fight anyone or hurt anyone, the only thing that motivates me to "fight" is that I love myself and my family and my people. End of story. Anything else you try to mischaracterize my words into meaning is just that usual strawman and twisting.
There's a banality to evil.
No one enjoys starving homeless people, or underpaying workers, or voting on behalf of oil companies instead of their own people. People still do it.
Most people in the world believe genuinely that they are GOOD people.
Think of every single person you think of as evil. Are they doing mental gymnastics to beliueve what they are doing is just, or are they actually just?
Come on dude. Racism and peace are incompatible. Someone is going to hang a nigger. It wont be you, and that doesnt matter.
>Come on dude. Racism and peace are incompatible.
LMAO *Citation Needed* please. Keep your platitudes to yourself, nobody is interested in them.
How dare you even use the word "banality" and then speak in platitudes like that LMAO. Do you really not have any self-awareness?
>No one enjoys starving homeless people, or underpaying workers, or voting on behalf of oil companies instead of their own people. People still do it.
LMAO is this really what you think? Obviously you never heard of a "sadist" before huh?
I think you need to get your head out of your butt and actually examine the world around you before you speak up on issues like this and expect anything you're saying to matter. Until then, sorry to be cliche, but I suggest "lurking moar"
Also lol @ the "come on dude". Jesus the pretentiousness just drips off of people like you even when you're speaking in black and white text. And of course, everything you have to say is always completely banal, pseudointellectual and divorced from any kind of actual reality.
I'll never understand how MEDIOCRITY breeds this sort of pretentiuosness because that's exactly what it is. Mediocrity in action. Mediocrity breeds the WORST sort of pretentious elitists. It's like you're not stupid ENOUGH to know you're a potato and nobody cares about your opinion, but you're also not SMART enough to know that you're a potato and nobody cares about your opinion. You're right in that frustrating danger zone where you sorta-know how to articulate yourself and say hallmark card, inspirational calendar platitudes, but are simultaneously incapable of realizing how utterly meaningless that shit is to everyone and how detatched from reality it is.
put that shit in op next time, lel.
I mean, what does this even mean? Honestly what the hell is it with people like you? Nothing you say ever makes any sense, but you always say it so pretentiously. When called out, you do nothing but ignore, gaslight and play coy.
Because half of your post critisizes "come on dude" and not:
>Someone is going to hang a nigger. It wont be you, and that doesnt matter.
You focused on an expression rather than an argument.
You spend most of your post in ad hominem, which gets in the way of actual discussion. None of it was necessary.
Your only legit point was that there are sadists. But Sadists think they are good people too. As far as connecting with reality, I look a lot at people like hugo, putin, gadaffi, and good ol' Castro. They often time fund huge public goods projects like irrigation projects, free gasoline, or free cars/food.
They likely believe that they are benevolent dictators. So it becomes okay to occasionally oppress people, violate rights and free speech, or do a bit of kleptocracy. Some even believe that they are a divine leader of some sort. I doubt any of them think "oh boy, lets be evil today!"
Thats just not how humans work. Most people dont want to be a evil, sure, a few do, but most dont.
When you say racism is okay for you personally, I doubt you are thinking of the larger impacts. Like for example, white people moving away from black people, and causing public schools to have a huge disparity in funding. My point was that by encouraging racism, you encourage more horrible things like lynching.
If you want to disagree we can move on to discussing soft power vs hard power. No one is holding a gun to your head not to be racist (hard power). People are just asking you to (soft power).
Keep in mind, murder is mostly stopped by soft power. No one gets their groceries on the daily by shooting the clerk. Society is not kept together by hard power.
Dude are you serious? You think you're "someone is going to hang a nigger" is a valid response? Like you thought that was a valid argument?
Yeah, "someone is going to hang a nigger" and if they don't hang that nigger, then that nigger is going to hang a white person, possibly someone you know and love. Lol. That's the point. And look at South Africa right now before you say "that's not necessarily true". That's the whole point of the post. That's the point of why "racism is about love, not hate". That's the ENTIRE point, and your post didn't do anything to disprove or discredit that. You did nothing but talk in vague, empty platitudes and you did so in a pretentious way (very common) and so that is what I attacked you for, and I did so rightfully. LMAO.
And now, in this post, now that your platitudes haven't worked, you've moved on to the most blatant and delusional strawmen you can think up. Ghadafi? Castro? Benevolent dictators? Like what are you even talking about?
Sadists don't think they're "good people" LMAO. Sadists are people who literally enjoy inflicting pain on others, maybe you should at least know the definition of a word before you start arguing about it.
Your posting is just the worst sort of pretentious, mediocre sophistry and your allusions to authoritarian dictators and misuse of state power only underscore exactly why white people need to protect their homelands from outsiders, invaders, people "different" from them who will invariably seek to use that power to oppress us (and historically have done so any chance they get).
Like most mediocre, pretentious sophists, you cite facts and reasoning that you yourself are too mediocre and pretentious to even realize completely dismantle and disprove your own arguments. LMAO.
You yourself just basically cited ALL of the reasons why whites must fight to protect their own claims to their own homelands and sovereignty.
I mean your entire argument basically boils down to the entire Jewish canned rhetoric of "white people don't have a right to defend themselves tho". That's it. It's the "white people need to accept nonwhite people into their countries until it's too late for them to fight back and defend themselves and anyone who tries to stop it is evil" horseshit line, and by spewing it you truly are proving that you are on their side because really at this point everything that's happening is clear and out in the open and no longer a matter of debate or contention.
>Imagine a world where loving your children more than strangers was a crime
>That you were told something was wrong with you because you loved people more genetically similar to you.
>People would attack you, call you a familyist and tell you that you had familyism.
>Maybe you even started to believe then. >Believe something was wrong with you, started treating your kids more cold.
>Maybe you even internalized the insult and believed it so much that you’d attack other people that loved their children.
>Maybe you’d live your whole life like that , thinking there something wrong with you.
>fighting yourself every day, resisting your natural human biological urge to love your children, even tho it caused a whole in your heart and a lack of warmth.
>Well you don’t have to imagine.
>That’s the world we live in today and we call that racism and those people racists.\
Racism is a hoax to get white people to give up their free speech.
Judging people by their skin color is no less moral than judging a car by it's brand.
>love faggots but they dont want to marry let them have personal union and tax benefits like married people
No. They aren't normal people and harm the fabric of society. They should pay extra taxes for making everyone else uncomfortable.
And once you give them anything, it moves the goal post to trans.
Absolutely true post. 100% except for one small part which is that the "hoax" is designed to get white people to give up a lot more than just their free speech. I would say they want our entire homelands, our sovereignty, and eventually they want TOTAL control over us.
I try explaining this to but he JUST doesn't get it.
quote my post and spread the word
my explanation is how you fight back against libshits when they accuse you of being "racist"
no more cucking
and i agree, it's a slippery slope that leads to white genocide.
It ever ceases to amaze me that the left somehow manage to get "slippery slope" successfully classified as a "logical fallacy" based in and of itself off of a strawman argument, which is also considered a "logical fallacy". Fucking really tells you a lot about academia and so-called "intellectuals".
>"slippery slope" successfully classified as a "logical fallacy"
it's actually deductive reason.
you goto the logical conslusion.
>if racism is bad
>treating people differenting based on race is bad
>then all white neighborhood are bad
>all all white countries
ad hominem is another mistake they make. They have no concept of ethics so they conflate logic with ethnics. If i am talking about phyics, a type of logic:true of false, then a person's character doesn't matter but if i am talking about tax policy, ethics: good or bad, then character matters.
also "boardbrush" is inductive reasoning, basically stats.
They cannot understand this either so they get confused between #ingeneral and #notall and outliers.
You definitely have some interesting points. Well written, and well thought out.
>This is by design.
Mmm, don't buy that part though. Everything else pretty on point though. Good stuff.
Yeah and the way they say it is a "logical fallacy" is they say:
>"The slippery slope is a logical fallacy because it presumes that because thing x happens then thing y will necessarily happen too.
I mean, it's retarded it's like saying that if I set off a line of dominos the one at the end won't fall because "thing X won't trigger thing Y".
They act like thing X and thing Y are totally separate and unrelated, and that's the strawman. When in reality, there is a singular force driving the progression from thing X to thing Y, the same way there is on a slippery slope (gravity). In the case of politics, the "gravity" can be a number of things. "Globalist agenda", "communist agenda", "innate human drive for power and control", "innate human drive to look to the state to fix your problems". Either way you think of it (really all of these things and more are at play) there's a distinct FORCE being exerted, like gravity, that drives us down the slippery slope.
Fuck, this post was really esoteric and longwinded. Sorry bro.
sorta true
the issues with equality go back to industrial revolution and creation of capitalism and it's rival communism
issues with race go back to colonization and European contact with different groups
issues with conflict go back to domestication of horses and invention of war
Issues with democracy and bad leadership go back to invention of agriculture and creation of 1st city states
we're experiencing all these different threads occuring at once.
>>"The slippery slope is a logical fallacy because it presumes that because thing x happens then thing y will necessarily happen too.
that's the defintion of deductive reasoning. premise necessitates a conclusion
>Racism is judging people based on their race
>Racism is bad
>Therefore you cannot acknowledge any racial differences between people
>Saying X group is better = Supremacy
=Saying X group is worse = Racism
>Discrimination is treating people different
>Discrimination is bad
>You cannot choose you who lives in your neighborhood because that is discrimination against a different person or group.
>you cannot choose to have a white baby because that is discriminatory to non-whites (people of color, shitskins), etc.
We need to implement voter requirements that make sure people understand induction and deduction. Goldwater warned us this would occur but the general public was too uneducated to realize he was correct.
Likewise is you start with
>freedom is ultimate good
>anarcho-capitalism is best economic model.
People's lack of deductive reasoning (slippery-slope) causes them to make horrible decisions. And calling deduction a logical fallacy, which ironically it is 1 of the 2 forms of logic, is a tragedy.
Hello, Black Pidgeon Speaks
Yeah anarcho-capitalism is such a weird thing. Free market capitalism, I truly believe, would create a paradise world on Earth. That is the ultimate holy grail system. One where there is no corporate welfare to prop up a slave state AKA corporate America. Maybe, MAYBE trust busting might be necessary in some cases, not sure, but I don't think these huge corporations would or ever HAVE historically existed without the aid of the state to give them billions in subsidies and pass regulations that oppress us ordinary folk so we can't compete with them.
But anarcho-capitalism is just like a perversion of that understanding. It is EXACTLY the slippery slope mentality as you describe. Maybe not "freedom is ultimate good" but "state is ultimate bad" and that's what leads to the "therefore abolish the state", when in reality that is just a horrible idea.
I mean IDK why it's so hard for people to understand the nuance that even though the state is "bad" in a lot of ways, and always seeking to oppress us because it's corrupt, and therefore should be restrained, you STILL actually literally do need it, because without it there will be another "violent mob" that springs up in the vaccuum, except that one won't be beholden to any legal restrictions and will be able to act with violence and force against you with impunity.
State is necessary. That's the fact. But it should be small and restrained where ever possible. That's such a hard fact for people to grapple with for some reason, and it's sad because I feel like that's gonna be real essential in terms of human understanding and humanity being able to forge a real sustainable and worthwhile future for itself.
>white people need to protect their homelands from outsiders, invaders, people "different" from them who will invariably seek to use that power to oppress us (and historically have done so any chance they get).
God forbid we all live together peacefully. Someone has to be in power and oppress minorities!
Wow holy crap Jew confirmed.
No the point is that what you call "minorities" (actually a majority in the USA now and greater than 90% of the population globally) has proven beyond and shadow of any reasonable doubt that they are openly hostile to whites and therefore will not simply LET them live peacefully together.
If you wanted to let us "live peacefully together" then you would have stayed in your own countries. INB4 "muh native Americans" that was 400 years ago and they were brutal slave drivers and barabarians who tortured children, oppressed women and warred constantly with eachother, and the world is better off without them and if you deny that fact then you 100% PROVE my point.
That's just wrong
>Sadists don't think they're "good people"
Sadists definitely think they are good people. Believing in some looney tunes style evil guy laughing maniacally while he murders people is a simple minded look at how people work. When Nazi's killed people in concentration camps they did it in a business like matter. It was their job and they did a good job. When people took up machetes in africa they believed they were cleansing their country and killing a pretentious elite class. There are very few bad actors in this world. They believe in what they fight for.
You are no different.
In a hundred years, Africans will outnumber us 20 to 1. None of your white protection will mean anything. Nigeria will have more people alone than the entire USA. What a dumb way to spend your life- caring about protecting your race. You wont achieve anything and you'll probably only hurt people.
*Citation needed*
Ask any psychologists. Sadists don't believe they're "good people" and vast swaths of people, maybe even majorities, don't believe they're "good people". You're objectively wrong about this just like you are about everything else, Jew.
>In a hundred years, Africans will outnumber us 20 to 1. None of your white protection will mean anything. Nigeria will have more people alone than the entire USA. What a dumb way to spend your life- caring about protecting your race.
Also tell me more of your fantasies about the days when white people are totally disenfranchised and living under the rule of Nigerians? I'm interested in hearing from "my fellow white person".
The basic foundation of Western civilization from its politics, to its law, economics and science is racist, racism is good and if you are not a racist then you are a mindless savage.
>has proven beyond and shadow of any reasonable doubt that they are openly hostile to whites
Uhh, no?
I grew up in NH, whitest state in the nation. The black people there go to nice schools and act white.
Uplift people and they do fine. You cant bitch about poor disenfranchised people being angry. Bad policy has its consequences.
>Uhh, no?
LMAO? Oh really? Cool bro, so like I asked here tell me more about your fantasies of when Nigerians rule over your "fellow white people". I am interested in hearing.
Also, what are your thoughts on "white privilege"?
Preemptive strikes against African are needed. The black horde must be culled.
The only reason you are calling it a fantasy is because anons arguments are correct. If blacks outnumber us 20 to 1 then we become their slaves. Thus any growth of blacks and decline of whites is a risk that needs to be solved. You have no counter argument for this.
You cant turn a 110 IQ white person into a 160 IQ quantum phycisist, the same with a 80 IQ black person.
>Racism is not about hate, it's about love.
Sorry to break it to you, but Africa is the projected leader in population growth.
I'm not stupid enough to think I could convince you that the countries will develop- but look at where China was 100 years ago (starving, civil wars).
Africa is projected to be the center of the world economy by most experts at some point.
Jesus Christ, you idiot. That user is arguing that whites should willingly submit to multiculturalism and that "racism" is wrong. Did you even read the context of the comments?
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
“A celebration of the jewish people”:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: Anti-White Advertising
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
>the foundation myth
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there.
Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
Cool and so you think white people should submit to Nigerian authority? That is your supposition right?
Also, you didn't answer me on the point of white privilege. What are your thoughts on it as a (((fellow white person)))?
Maybe talk less like a lefty. People wont confuse the two of you.
>I didn't read and it's actually YOUR fault.
Whatever dude.
if you made that image with varying amounts of tan and brown, no one would care and it would expose how shallow race debate is.
literally 100% about color. fucking kids!
Show me the Turing test for spotting a black person that stands up to science. Racists dont have one because it doesnt exist.
>Show me the Turing test for spotting a black person that stands up to science. Racists dont have one because it doesnt exist.
Its called genetics.
I didnt respond because its a dumb topic. You may as well have said something stupid about how sweden has submitted to American rule or something. The whole idea that we could become slaves to them is just some dumb shit that came out of your mouth. Stop saying dumb shit I guess?
I like numbers. Facts. And good arguments. Predicting the future is dubious as is, let's not try and guess specific politics 100 years from now as well.
Why is saying we could become someones slaves dumb shit? Slavery has existed in the past, therefor it will continue to exist in the present.
So you cant actually come up with a test to tell the difference between a black and a white person?
And rather than decide to go based off merit, you've decided dna testing and skin color are the way to go? What a joke you are.
Your racism is old-fashioned and outdated, unscientific and pointless.
>i didnt respond because its a dumb topic.
Not until its proven
>You may as well have said something stupid about how sweden has submitted to American rule or something.
Logical fallacy: swedes do not emigrate en mass to western countries and are not projected to be hundreds of millions and unable to feed themselves
>The whole idea that we could become slaves to them is just some dumb shit that came out of your mouth.
Yeah. Ever heard of Rhodesia and South Africa ?
>Stop saying dumb shit I guess?
I hope you do, indeed.
>I like numbers. Facts. And good arguments.
Obviously not
>Predicting the future is dubious as is, let's not try and guess specific politics 100 years from now as well.
"Dont think goy, live in the present like cattle and trust your masters"
lower population to slaves is a big jump.
Like a massive, stupidly unjustified leap.
Is every country smaller than America slaves to us? Jesus christ your entire worldview is driven by fear. And that's dumb.
Something that has existed may exist? Fucking Christ you are a bright one.
Any biologist can look at the bone structure, genes or specific traits and determine your ethnicity.
Calling other dumb and getting on your high horse is not an argument.
Racism is for fags.
Race is a farce
>no argument
Do you know what the turing test is?
OK so what I'm getting from this comment is that you don't want to reveal your true feelings on the topic of white privilege and the prospect of whites becoming slaves to another race that you openly admit will rule over them in the future. OK. Cool. Good to know where you really stand. Thanks for sharing.
Something unrelated in any to race debate since its used to test machines.
>Logical fallacy:
it's not a logical fallacy because in the future Africa would be more developed (probably).
And western nations would likely still be very well developed. Nukes, technology and all. So it's not like they're out of the game.
Though they will be thoroughly blacked/hispaniced but w/e.
Yes. We can test to what genetic lineage(s) a person belong too, through genetic testing. Its science, something creationists like yourself hate.
I think its related and important. I want a test (on paper) that can determine race based off of mental abilities.
There are some dumb mother fucking white people out there though. Which was my point. You cant make one.
Again. Our history is full of war, genocide, slavery, massrapes, etc. Why not build our believes around fear. Do you have an argument for that?
that wasnt and argument either.
refer to and try again!
Right. Any arguments why racism is a farce?
>it's not a logical fallacy because in the future Africa would be more developed (probably).
Baseless assumption that goes against all forms of basic logic. Africans never developped advanced societies, only grow because of aid, and are likely to crumble under their demographics
>And western nations would likely still be very well developed. Nukes, technology and all. So it's not like they're out of the game.
Western nations are made by western people. Remove western people and they will turn into what the replacement population is capable of. Since all places invaded by africans and other brown invaders turn into ghettos and shitholes, we can reliably predict what would happen.
>Though they will be thoroughly blacked/hispaniced but w/e.
See above
Any people who have an IQ between 60 and 85 can not develop beyond medieval levels.
Unrelated and irrelevant. You test race with genetics and biology. Not tests. IQ test for example will give results on massive scale but not individuals.
Nice try but it doesnt work.
what is it with this boards obsessions with countries sporadically becoming slaves? What the fuck is wrong with all of you?
Already destroyed. Next. You are really bad at this.
Not an argument. Plus see south africa situation.
Again. Third time. History is full of examples of one people becoming the other peoples slaves. Fearing this is completely natural.
They aren't the majority in NH. You said so yourself. The real point of reference is Haiti, Rhodesia, or SA.
because in the last 100 years deaths by war have decreased (see the second graph)
On a side not, young people dont respect veterans because they literally dont exist in most peoples lives anymore. Boomers will be the last generation to respect veterans. I just think thats interesting.
Africa is literally incapable of sustaining a population above 500 million without first world support. They can't understand farming. Even with all the handouts now, they're starving.
We're having farming issues now due to climate changes and poor soil practices, so in 20 years, I doubt we'll be able to keep them fed. The next generation of Africans are going to face the biggest mass starvation in history.
Well oy vey goyim. I guess you're right, you openly said earlier that Nigerians are going to rule over us, so I guess you're telling us that we should all just accept our Nigerian masters and pray that they decide to be nice to us. Except that nonwhite people seem to almost universally malign white people as being "morally inferior" and have already passed sweeping legislation that discriminates against white people specifically on the basis of their skin color all across the west and even here in the US.
But yeah, you're right. Our African Nigerian masters, which you yourself claim will one day soon rule over us (note: see post here and here ), will just be nice and we should just accept that. OK.
So, the pax Romana was eternal?
yeah but those genetics cant be read or understood like a written test can.
If we could tell how smart a person was based off genetics, we would be doing that- it would be a big deal.
But we cant, so you call me a creationist? Maybe wait for the tech to exist to call me anti-science? Lol.
Love for certain people, but not others.
Humans are biologically conditioned to like those most closely related to us.
Our genes want us to help perpetuate them.
I think this is something people who want to fight racism should try to understand.
It's powered by natural instincts that are often out of a person's conscious control.
At some point, to hate racism is to hate humanity.
Instead of "racism is an evil force, perpetrated by evil people who want to hurt others", i suspect you could accomplish more with the message "racism is a natural urge, but an unfortunate one that we can overcome through universal solidarity and love"
Instead everywhere you look, people are trying to fight racism with hate.
It's hard not to wonder if they're sowing the wind.
The Roman and Persian empires also experienced periods of peace with little border wars, history shows us that is just temporary.
My fucking sides.
The last 100 years have been incredibly bloody. Not just wars, but genocides, gulags and other types of camps, organized starvation, purges, etc.
You are moving goal posts:
Slavery doesnt always happens as a consequense of war. It is rampant in africa and gulf countries, even in the absence of war.
Stay on topic.
Yes we can read it like a test. Yes we can know how smart a person is. Yes you are an antiscience creationist.
your whole argument is based off of racism.
>. Free market capitalism
tragedy of commons
free market is fake news, degenerate hollywood culture, college stealing your future earnings with debt and healthcare stealing your savings.
>yeah but those genetics cant be read or understood like a written test can.
They can. Hence the online test like 123andme and stuff. You lie, again.
>if we could tell how smart a person was based off genetics, we would be doing that- it would be a big deal.
We can predict a range from the ethnicity and parents respective IQ. But only a range.
>But we cant, so you call me a creationist? Maybe wait for the tech to exist to call me anti-science? Lol.
Victim card and strawman.
Racism is scientifically accurate. Large populations with different genetics behave differently from each other. This is something we recognize in literally every species but humans.
Why is that?
>Uplift people and they do fine. You cant bitch about poor disenfranchised people being angry. Bad policy has its consequences.
selection bias retard.
blacks in white areas are usually a cut above the rest.
blacks in black areas are the avg niggers.
do you even logic? no
>facts and history are racists
My fucking sides
Honestly. Leftism is a form of creationism, they dont put it in a metaphysical framework like christians, but outside if that its the exact same thing.
These things are literally the opposite of a free market. Do you know what a "free market" is even? You don't have a single free market in the entire US economy today. I hate to sound like a socialist who says "You don't know what real socialism is" because I know exactly how retardd that sounds most of the time, but if you can literally claim "there's a free market" anywhere in the US today then I can only presume that you literally do not even know what a free market is on the most fundamental of levels.