Commie Stabbing

I can't wait to kill some commies with my knife!

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You won't do anything, fag.

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o..okay leftoid, why don´t you start with yourself?

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>What is Black Cube, the Cambridge Analytica-linked intelligence firm?
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>New details emerge about Steve Bannon's ties to Cambridge Analytica
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>Israel’s Netanyahu isn’t worried about Steve Bannon and anti-Semitism in Trump’s camp
>How Steve Bannon used Cambridge Analytica to further his alt-right vision for America

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Did your brain break, schizo?

make sure you wear a hijab and scream alah ahkbar first

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Do it faggot
Infiltrate a local antifa meet up

Make sure you where a shirt that says 'I am a white nationalist, I am doing this on behave of white nationalism'. This will help the movement.

I disavow. You should stab them with your dick instead. Convert some feminists over to the winning side.

Yeah, got my machete ready

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Sure you do, Mr. Fed.


Good shit, but you must see this:

You'd lose just like your idols.

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>Less than a minute to start replying

don't waste your time on commies unless they directly block our path. focus on the jews first.

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HA, That's not a knoif

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Reminder: Spook pedo criminals always deploy the "based schizoposter" shit when they get called out on their shill shenanigans.

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This, is a knoif

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Schizo posters have been a plague as of late.
Any opinion or post expressed which they agree with (typically pro-violence and/or pro-will to power) and they'll spam that shit in less than a minute like bots who spend all day browsing Jow Forums looking for the opportunity.

Probably the kikeiest "anti-kike" charade on Jow Forums in a while.
Not even worth the effort in replying in any other way than calling them schizos.

user, I'm ashamed of you. Jow Forums is a board of peace, we do not advocate stabbing any communists.

And if we did, I must say that doesn't look like a very good commie-stabbing knife, it looks like 440 stainless steel, bought in a blister pack at Walmart. I'd prefer the Ontario SP6, myself, although if you must have the classic Bowie pattern I can make a tentative recommendation of the Depeeka reproductions Kult of Athena sells. Their swords are inadequate, but Depeeka can actually make a functional large knife.

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*which they DISAGREE with

Based advice user

start with your own throat you cunt.

i love bowie knifes

Happy stabbings, user! Give 'em hell!!!!

t. mossad moarpheus the schizo spammer.

don't let him fool you, he is an open borders jew that hates white nationalism (as you can see)

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>a schizo jew cries out as he strikes you

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Don't associate me with Kushnershill.

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I don't know? It's too dark and the resolution is too low for me to make out anything about the construction. Is that like the Honshu Boshin kukri or something? If so, then yeah, that's pretty good.

Actually, come to that, I'm compelled to ask if the Bowie is the the new Honshu Boshin Bowie? Looking at the contours again, I can see it might be. If so, then I withdraw my prior objection, that'd be good for commie-stabbing. In Minecraft, naturally. Board of peace.

fuck off commie

it makes commies suffer before they die. Why you scared of something you commie bitch?

The one thing I dont get in these alphabet threads is do you wanna catch people open to commiting violence or are you trying to incite violence.
Lmk I really would like to know whether you catch sick people at the end of their rope or are you trying to make them.

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You won't do anything PUNK

speaking of knives does any1 have tis Gerber US1 knife? I might sign up for Pheasants Forever just to get the limited edition one

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I'll be doing it in an hour and a half, I'm just getting everything together right now (gear clothes etc...), writing a note and saying goodbye to my family members, I'm also preparing a playlist to play on a boombox while stabbing the commies (they will all be gathered in one place at a party), got any recommendations anons?

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Gerber is garbage. Bought a Applegate-Fairbairn folder and the liner lock repeatedly failed. They replaced it, to their credit.

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I'm scared of patriots putting their trust in cheap 440 stainless Bowies sold at Target and Rural King, and finding themselves disarmed when the blade breaks. I want my brothers in steel vested with good, reliable tools of carnifice. That's all.

Although I now suspect the original knife is Honshu Boshin, arguably United Cutlery's best made line right now, so that fear is somewhat allayed.
user, no, please, don't do it...But if you do choose to do it, please mention in your note that you weren't incited by right-wing media, but antagonized by left-wing media. Nobody ever mentions that, and the fucking poz'd kike race-baiter journos always get off scot free.

Recommendations: "Flash of the Blade", Iron Maiden. "Cuts You Up", Static X.

interesting. i was told the gerber gator is the best field dressing knife out there. was gonna test out this US1 before buying a gator

You might not be a shill, the guy you're called schizo might be deranged but schizo-poster-posting is a shill tactic. I implore you not to use it.

I know what real schizos are like and they talk in "world salad", the verbal equivalent of watching someone smear themselves with & eat their own shit.

Paranoia where someone has their radar tuned a little too sensitive where they may be picking up some true shit but a lot of false contacts is not the same as being schizo. Schizos don't generally care about politics and don't tend to have any logic whatsoever. This guys theory that Israel is backing 'white supremacy' has a recent precedent. The Tal Silberstein affair in Austria, 2017. It's memoryholed so hard in anglophone media but basically an Israeli agent funded anti-semitic sentiment/neo-nazism to try and scare people away from voting for the "far-right" chancellorship candidate. He was arrested for anti-semitism and other fraudulent activities and he was a Jew.

>word salad


Really user, don't do it. But if you do, remember that anyone trying to intercept you is likely going to come running with their arms aimed at head/shoulder level. Ducking down and ramming your shoulder into them is a possible counter, it should at least check their momentum and stun them enough to give you a chance to work their groin and abdomen with the blade.

A simple full force shove to the sternum, pushing back and up, will take many people off their feet. The lifting element of the motion is important, it upsets the center of gravity.

Bowie and kukri are a good combo, but you should have a third, small, maneuverable knife to use as a 'clinch pick' if someone tries to grapple you. And grappling is generally the only way to disarm a knife attacker, so be prepared.

But don't do it, though.

>schizo-poster-posting is a shill tactic.
Nah, only shill tactic are these spammers who are vehemently anti-action and will go through great lengths to spam and play mental gymnastics to get their brain-dead "points" across.
The amount of bullshit that starts spewing out the second any of them enter a thread is astounding.
Had some guy ranting in 3-4 paragraph posts through 15 or more posts the other day about humanoid robots replacing politicians and a bunch of other further-gone-than-Alex-Jones type crap in a self-created thread about Christchurch.
Whether or not THIS poster is a schizo, maybe it doesn't exactly matter, but there's a large proportion of schizos attracted to bullshit like this for a reason. There can be no surprise then when people pick this up and call out the whole group of posters.

I decline your plea. I was one of the first to start calling them a schizo during Christchurch, and I'll continue that trend.

mines bigger faggot and better made

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Alright anons I'm done preparing, I'm on my way to kill some commies! It's gonna be fun cutting up some rats! I shall have no mercy on them!

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Cringe you’re not scaring anyone

hey just what we need: another excuse for Jews to deem the struggle against white genocide as irrational and a violent conspiracy. thanks mossadnigger!

wouldn't you lose your badge for attempted murder FBI man?

dont be a fucking idiot.

OP, no. There's still time, you can still renounce the path of the blade. I implore you to reconsider.
Eh, knife attacks ain't so bad for us, we barely took any flack for Jackson, Urbanksi, or Adkins. Nor Woodward, nor for Darth Sweder over in Trollhattan. We kind of collectively get a pass for blade attacks, if the kike media can't bring gun control into it. If OP could kill 3 before being killed or imprisoned, I'd consider it a favorable ratio.

Even if you wanted to do whatever it is you want to do, a knife is very inefficient. It's clear that you're not thinking through this much.
Oh well, this is a LARP anyway most likely.


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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you on a watchlist.