Cannabis will make you depressed

Cannabis will make you depressed

Cannabis will chemically addict you and permanently alter you

Cannabis is not a safe drug

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Bump for relevance.

THC literally has same chemical makeup as estrogen. The chemical shape however imitates a natural hormone that controls feedback upon feedback in the nervous system. It's literally 10000% more potent than the natural hormone because of the time elapsed by being baked.

It causes chronic problems because the issues it causes are in the feedback system that controls the first order feedback system... It's incredibly hard to measure scientifically but knowing simple biology and chemistry tells us there's no fucking way it doesn't restructure the brain.

All anons out there who want to stop... you can. 6 months sober smoked for ten years. Recovery is possible. You won't have to give your money to some sketchy guy you'd never meet otherwise anymore. godbless.

Fuck off, faggot. I'm fine. And I buy weed from my childhood friends. Bitch.

your fine. for now. it sneaks up on you. like the jew

Smoking is a low IQ nigger activity.

>same chemical makeup as estrogen
This is meaningless. Molecular shape is far more importantant in signaling molecules. That's about as dumb as saying hydrogen peroxide is safe as water to drink because it has the same "chemical makeup".

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Smoked heavily on and off from like 19-22 then lhased it out and stopped completely been advocating against it eversince. Shit makes you autistic af

>THC has same chemical makeup as estrogen
>but THC actually mimics another natural hormone
You clearly have absolutely no idea what you are talking about
>t. neuroscientist

>Future research must examine the long-term and developmental dopaminergic effects of the drug.
There, saved you a click

It will also make you

> Lazy

> Impotent

> Forgetful

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What's with this intermittent spacing format I keep seeing?
I also see people making it after a post reference even though standard format has no line break afterward

Been smoking for 10 months and you're right, I started noticing my joy dim in everything

You talk like its some impossible to quit drug... Just fucking stop and you get one or two days of light insomnia and lack of appetite.

Switch to heroin, nigger. You will experience actual addiction. Weed is a meme

There's always a battle with yourself to get out. It's not an open door, every addiction is a fight to death with a part of you that doesn't want to leave

Fuckers are spaced out on weed

It's a Euro thing, you wouldn't understand, bruh.

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Nah, I've seen burgers do it too

ive had a shit life from childhood, weed is the only thing that stops me from wanting to kill myself, i dont give a fuck what bullshit you have, without weed i would be dead by my own hand

check'd and same wish I didn't need it to make life tolerable

Isn't Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol the kind found in edibles? Always knew edibles were fucked, but this is on another level.

Well yes heroin is much worse, but don't let that rationalization keep you on something that is hindering you. The danger of weed is not that it destroys you, but what you end up not doing because of the weed. If you have just been a light smoker you won't understand this. Speaking to the real weedheads here.

Do you currently smoke weed? Everyone who smokes more than casually always says yeah I can quit anytime bro np. Unless they are a really light user this usually isn't actually true.

>You won't have to give your money to some sketchy guy you'd never meet otherwise anymore. godbless.
>Uses this as an uncomfortable, subliminal reason to get people to stop
>It's a plant that grows out of the fucking ground

You sure quitting was the best idea, seems like you're more fucking retarded now.
Anyone who thinks cannabis is evil, should just fuckin kill themselves anyways, such a gift wasted on such a waste.

Dude you got this off of a .gov website. The same people who use scare tactics and fat lies on teens in health class. You are a sheep go get your own fucking opinion

Its not evil it just doesn't help you get anywhere in your life. Also the reality is, for people in illegal states, getting it does involve meeting some sketchy guy. Dunno why your so triggered by that. Regardless of legality your wasting you money on it. Peace and love brother.

Pro cannabis posters sound so pathetic in this thread. Its a waste of time, negatively effects your memory, your money goes to fags & isnt curing what your using it to avoid feeling.

im smokin on some greens

I went full sober in jan*.

No fap no weed

Let's just say I worked out everyday
My dreams were vivid
I got shit done w out even thinking "nah I'll do it later"

I relapsed I smoke weed everyday again all day too w my vape pen. Never work out now and fap once twice a day life sucks. I'm going cold turkey again.

quit lying, faggot! your body completely recovers after a month of no smoking even if you were smoking for decades prior.

go suck on your vaping dick stick, retard

My cousin was a dude weed lmao all our lives, when I hit 20s I stopped but he kept on smoking until he had a mental break and killed himself at 27

been smoking everyday for 25 years i'm fine. never been happier, successful in my job,. productive member of society. only downside it makes you want to talk to chicks or go out as much as usual.

Why did they give him purple eyes?

*not want to

because he's smokin on some loud shit

More propaganda from the scared pharmaceutical industry!
Do not believe their lies!
They want you on their drugs that cause depression and suicide!

Safer than the Xanax Adderall oxy and paxil they want to put people on

250 days ago I quit smoking weed. AMA faggot niggers

Every time I've smoked weed it'd literally turn me into a paranoid vegetable. I'd rather smoke meth, which I've also done a few times.

kek It doesn't treat the conditions those medications are prescribed for dipship. People who are treated for things like ADHD and depression/anxiety should stay the fuck away from weed.

>& isnt curing what your using it to avoid feeling

Then tell me what will cure it.

By the time you notice a heroin addiction you’ll have OD and already be in a casket dumbass

It’s R E D D I T fagging

t. In denial

No its delta-7 tetrahydrocannabinol

smoked weed errday for two full years while i worked a deadend job i hated. until i got busted smoking while driving. after getting let off with a verbal warning (muh white privilege) i pretty much stopped.

felt like shit initially. eventually overcame the literal crutch that was me feeling like i needed it to function on a day-to-day basis.

the trip is always gonna be dependent on the quality and varietal strand you get. high-quality sativas are my jam. indicas make me feel like a retard.

weed is great if you use it for what you ought to use it for and, as with all things, don't allow for it to become an addiction/dependancy.

it helped me overcome a period of depression and get my ass to the gym and become more productive. it allowed me to look at and examine myself outside of myself. it allowed me to give an appropriate amount of fucks and leave behind unnecessary phobias and anxieties.

weed is great. just don't become a stupid junkie and let it ruin you. anything can ruin you if you let it. enjoy responsibly and in moderation. alcohol is far, far, far worse and more destructive of a substance.

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Keep sucking that glass cock faggot. And enjoy your lung cancer

True but natural is best

Smokers are jokers

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>You won't have to give your money to some sketchy guy you'd never meet otherwise anymore

lmao. living in a legal state and not the fucking cro magnum age

Endorphins from lifting some heavy fucking weights

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>> Impotent

lmao - my guy i wake and bake and smoke pretty much all day every single day - i also masturbate at least once, usually at least twice every single day

I can't fucking do it. I stopped one time in the last 7 years, and it was only for 2 months. That was 3+ years ago now. I cant go a day without anymore, I'm proper fucked desu. I get such terribly vivid and horrific nightmares after I quit smoking, it's the worst part. Even if I reduce my smoking I notice the dreams immediately start becoming more sinister.

I just dont know what to do with myself when I quit weed. I exercise regularly, but its not enough. Even if I workout 6/7 days a week I can't feel relaxed without weed.

Conditioning your brain to deal with negative emotions without drugs. Trust me man it's hard but possible and the only way to truly move forward from what you are dealing with.

Stop listening to these faggots who try to tell you how to live your life. Smoke if you want, it is absolutely not harmful.

I wish I could go back to smoking weed :(
Op is probably right though

I'm on a 40+ gram a day Kratom habit, but it doesn't have me acting like some typical degenerate. I exercise everyday and nobody can ever tell I'm on the stuff because I act normal. The stuff doesn't mess with my mind the way other drugs/alcohol would, and it helps give me an extra boost on my exercises. Best pre workout by far. Oh, it's also plant based too.

>Alcohol will make you depressed 100 times worse than cannabis

>Alcohol will chemically addict you and permanently alter you 100 times worse than cannabis

>Alcohol is not a safe drug and is 100 times worse than cannabis

only downside is if I stop taking it, w/ds from hell most likely since it's an opioid lol

I smoke weed, i don’t get depressed in fact it makes me pretty chill and able to deal with people bullshit all day. I smoke maybe a couple onies a day. Nothing crazy just to mellow me out. I used to go through ounce when I was younger now I can stretch 30-40$ worth for a week

>imagine needing a substance just to make it through a day
Absolutely beta

>believing in the neurochemical Jew

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You can do it Nigel. When you get the munchies while stuck to the couch, do you just sit there? No, you fuckin go get some snacks. Practice exerting your willpower while you’re high, doing things you don’t want to, and gradually move into exerting willpower over your urge to smoke in general.
Or just burn bridges with your dealers and just don’t go looking for new ones, that’s what I did before it was legal here.

everybody crying about how hard it is to stop smoking weed should drink hard liquor everyday for a month or 5 and then try to stop that.
if you cant stop smoking weed youre either a pussy or should buy a motorcycle and start exercising. change your life instead of crying about it it literally isnt fucking hard
or just keep smoking weed nobody gives a shit

weedcucks will defend this. it's degenerate and will fuck your mind and your offspring.

This basically, except it is harmful, just not enough to outweigh its benefits for some folks

30 year user. can go on and off for a period of years no problem. it has however been the biggest handbrake on my life.

>there have been inconsistent effects, with reports of both increased and reduced activity
>However, in a separate study using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) no significant THC-induced dopamine release was observed,59 which may be due to a relatively small sample size (n=9)
Okay so your study is not only inconclusive but also doesnt have nearly enough test subjects to constitute a scientific study.
> Forgetful
I was way more forgetful when I never did weed.
> Impotent
Studies found this not to be the case. Weed may inhibit sperm activity but not its production and thats only temporary. Smoking however does so thats where you probably conflated that.
> Lazy
I dunno mang Im not more lazy than i was tainted by the herbal jew but it may very well be enforcing it.
Its called reddit spacing and its board etiquette over there since they are mostly retards who shy away from reading walls of text so they format it this way to make it more enticing to the eye.

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>permanently alter you

Why is this always said in reference to drugs? Head trauma in a car wreck can do permanent damage. Drug use can do damage but with time off the drug it will heal.


>no motivation
>reduced dopamine synthesis

I've been struggling with all of these even after I quit smoking years ago. It was hard enough finding the motivation to make this post. How do I become normal again?

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I have tried shrooms, lsd, oxycodone, xanax, benzos, and cocaine. I would gladly do them again if I ever find someone who has them.

I'm genius and natsoc. I'm 21, physically fit, and have a girlfriend. I'm white with light brown hair and grey eyes, 6'1 and 200lbs.

I'm in the national guard and have regularly failed or dodged random piss tests for 3 years straight with no major repercussions because of the beureocracy. I joined when I was 17 for college, before I knew of the mass treachery of western civilization. I went to a state college for a year and stopped when I couldn't handle the propaganda from all angles anymore.

I do carpentry and am easily the brightest and hardest working carpenter I have encountered.

I am extremely skeptical of everything having to do with government. I am an outright hater of jews. I am heavily armed and ready to provide weapons and train a militia in the case something big happens. I have networked with and redpilled everyone I've met who I thought would be useful.

Women are permanent children and most men are stupid and weak. The masses are sheep and swallow propaganda like a birth control pill.

I smoke weed when I wake up and as often as possible throughout the day. I also jerk off 1-2 times a day, 0 if I'm exhausted. I never drink alcohol, but I used to.

>with time off the drug it will heal
Depends on the neurological damage but a permanent alteration doesnt have to be a damage. Fucking learning something alters your brain permanently.
Hate to break it to you bud but you are exhibiting the irreversible effects of normality.


>you have balls in your brains
It all makes sense now

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>I'm genius and natsoc
user being socialist is the atithesis of genius.

>National socialism
Pick one

All caps, so it must be true.

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One pulled a dying country from the grip of greedy kikes
One destroys civilization

It literally has socialism in the name you moron. Thats like pretending national bolshevism werent bolshevist.

15 years smoked every day. I'm about 3 years out of it now. Wanted to be sober Sally to make babies. White power.

Your sleep is fucked. You have to work through that shit through fucked up dreams until you get your life together.

>One pulled a dying country from the grip of greedy kikes
Jews financed the nazis literally to justify zionism you moron.

this has to be a copy pasta i'm unaware of


>be depressed before using weed or anything but booze
>try weed because dutch, so why not
>not depressed
>in comes Canada
>Cannabis will make you depressed
Guess you could argue it differs from person to person.
If cannabis doesnt make you depressed Canada will do the trick just fine though.

Can confirm Canada is an easy source for depression

>there's no fucking way it doesn't restructure the brain
Yes, and? Even not talking to people can change some of your brain regions, question is, is such change always bad?

1940's socialism was embracing family units through tax
Modern socialism imports millions of invaders through tax.

Here is an example of your logic.
>bull frog has bull in its name, so it must be part bull

But in reality, it only exhibits 1 trait of a bull, which is aggressiveness.


Hardly, I walk the dogs four times a day and when I smoke I want to do something, anything, although some things do have my preference.
Nice projection you got going on there Hanzmed, what happened? Weed more often than not makes me horny as all living hell when motivated the right way.
Entirely depends on what you're trying to remember, if its good or relevant it'll come to you, if you're forgetful by nature weed won't change that in you.

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>unironically giving people advice for weed like it’s heroin

Dude I smoked a lot of weed in college and during the first year or so after I graduated. I’m now 26 and sometimes randomly go months without smoking any weed because I just don’t come across it. It makes you lazy and is probably bad for you, but holy shit you’re acting like you need to go to rehab for it.

I dont think you know what natbols are

I fully admit to being addicted to weed, then again I'm probably one of those people that could quit if the need arises.
I won't steal shit to finance it, if anything I'd rather grow and wait for my own stash.
Weed not being addictive is a meme.

Industrial Jews that don't want to lose their big pharma sponsors

>imagine being so new to Jow Forums that you hardly know 1% of what the average oldfag knows or has seen.
Leave while you can my sweet summer child.

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>Here is an example of your logic.
Nice strawman but no you degenerate mutt national socialism only differs from regular socialism in that it makes no vow to transition to communism. That is it. All policies are identical.
>Modern socialism imports millions of invaders through tax.
Oh yeah remind me of the time again when national totally not socialists got the entire fucking world to invade and occupy us to this day. Socialism always has and will be about white genocide.