
Which method of suicide should I go out with?
I am an 18 year old girl (or about to be) from USA if that helps decide anything lol.

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I have a suggestion, why dont you unironically become my slave?

what? ive been suicidal for 4 years and its time for me to go. i fantasize about it all day

Where are you from?

Every normal not normal teen is like that. Just hang out for a couple years. You haven't even uad a life yet.

if you like that kinda thing ( i do! ) go to or smthing like that and there is a section asking how can a 13yr old girl kill herself and theres a bunch of creative ways there! if not i reccomend jumping thats how id want to go!

wha do you mean normal not normal? im diagnosed with several disorders and it makes my life a living hell.

Yeah yeah so do i sister. My question still remains, why dont you become my slave? I will make your life interesting..

check out "nembutal- pentoparbital"

Fàr away from you, but we can fix that..

I asked where you are from already. Then we can talk about me being a slave maybe

Not normal is normal. Disorders come and go. Doctors are quacks. Happiness is irrational. We can make it a fun one though.

His last slave sudokued himself before he could be put to work. Pretty sad. Help user out.

Fine eurofag here, but i do have lots of time and a will to make you a play thing

Do you have a discord or kik we can talk about the slave stuff on?

E-mail me [email protected]

Or kik pgtfg

yo wtf is this

its my post :)

why is it always the americans that post these threads go get the gun from ur cereal cupboard and then say sorry to us europeans and other foreigners

What state?

lay your head on the railroad tracks

Don't. can offer a chat to help you think about it.

>and my virginity also, m'lady
you should be the one killing yourself

OP I'm also 18 and I've been wanting to die too. Can we at least have a chat, if I can't convince you otherwise that's fair, but I'm interested to see your view on the world, as someone who also wants death

I'd be a closer slave driver than a eurofag.

God damn it thats a good one..

Bs, you are a eurofag as well polyfag

I tried to kill myself at your age and it not working was the best thing that ever happened to me. There is no problem that dying will fix. If you don't care about your life go do some wild hedonistic shit but don't just end it all.

Drugs is probably the easiest but you might end up surviving and being really fucked up. Rope is good but you have to be OK with strangling yourself or learn how to make a hanging noose. Gun is best bet but hardest to get for obvious reasons. However you could go to a gun range and ask to test out a gun and just blow your head off.

I don't want you to kill yourself.

After I pay off my credit card/school debt I’m going to drive out to the desert and shoot myself in the chest and just bleed out in the middle of nowhere