Manipulative Women

How do you help a friend who's being manipulated by his twofaced girlfriend? You know the type
>creates a perception of a complete sweetheart who can do no wrong
>talks shit behind everybody's back
>treats him like shit behind closed doors
>sends him on little bitch errands like chips or candy late at night
>he complies every time because he's been twisted so far around her finger he's like a lovey dovey pretzel
Seriously bros it makes me fucking sick. Why do women do this shit to their men? They know EXACTLY what they're doing and that it's wrong but they do it anyway.

I know if I confront him about this he'll be embarrassed and deny it and start acting like a woman i.e. walking away in a huff, cold shoulder, etc How do I save my buddy?

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All you can do is tell him how it makes you feel man and that you think she's toxic for him. He almost definitely won't listen though and you can't do much else.

So what you're saying is it's too late and he has to realize what's going on himself? Shit. I should have never agreed to let her move in to our place. Damn me and Goddamn her.

their relationship is none of your business tbqh.

It is my business tbqh because it impacts me directly. They're my roommates.

how does it impact you specifically?
Are they loud? Do they not clean up after themselves?
You're not his mother.

Basically yeah, and what said. It's their relationship but you can voice your opinion but ultimately it's their business if he's gonna let her treat him like a dog. If it's that bad maybe you should consider kicking her out idk man that's a tough one. Could you elaborate on 'treats him like shit behind closed doors'

You can't help someone that doesn't want it, and if you try she'll use it as "proof" that you're the bad guy. Just be there for him. Sooner or later he'll get sick of it or she'll get bored.

She poisons him against shit I'm doing. Maybe she sees me as a threat, I don't know, but when I hear her tell him (through thin walls) that "user is doing this and you need to tell him to stop!" it's gone too far. This is my fucking house too so I just tell him to back off but she remains pissed and takes it out on him.

They don't clean up the kitchen besides their own specific dishes, they don't vacuum or mop up the house, they leave drunken messes but then get upset when I leave a plate in the sink for a day, and they constantly forget to close their door which lets her cat out. They know I'm badly allergic to cats and I've told them multiple times to shut their door so the dander stays in there. I didn't even know about this dumb tabby until I discovered it one day. "Oh by the way I brought my cat I'm so sorry for not telling you!!!!!!". That stupid thing is going to rip away our security deposit with its scratching.

It's like I'm dealing with children.

I can hear her bitching at him and saying crazy shit like how he's texting some girl all the time. She's threatened multiple times to go to his boss and tell his boss that my friend is doing drugs and uses that as power over him. I mean shit dude, she literally thought I was some girl he was fucking from going through is phone before she met me.

She's an insecure petty girl who is sucking the life out of a friend. How could you not want to do anything to help?

That's the fucked up thing man. She wants kids and a disney marriage and all that shit. He wants none of it. I don't know why she doesn't leave him for somebody who wants the same thing she does, she's going to end up old and bitter or he's going to end up trapped with a kid if this goes on.

sounds like you should move, bud.

@If things don't change by the end of this rent agreement I am without a doubt moving.

you know they won't change.
Move out and let her break him, it's obvious she'll win whatever argument you throw in the spokes.


But OP is his friend. Friends generally will keep each other's interests in mind

I lost a friend over a girl too, who cares. Both come and go through life.

Jesus dude that's worse than I thought, but like I said before your friend most likely will be a bitch and ignore it. Move out of there yourself because you're the only person you have control over, leave him be to sort her shit himself

>their relationship is none of your business tbqh.
"I don't care about my friends and toxic behavior they are falling for"
Retarded opinion.
I'm glad my friends were there for me and gave me a wake up call when I was stuck in a toxic relationship.

Holy shit she sounds awful. I 100% thought you were overreacting and maybe wanted to bone your friend but nope, this is pretty awful.

Once you move out and put distance between these people, you'll realize that he was the real problem, not her, because he allowed her enabling behavior, and him being a lazy shit who doesn't cook, clean, or stand up for himself makes him the real spineless ass. Just grit your teeth and leave the moment you can, he's already playing as the victim and you're falling for it.

Just ask him if wants to live with that person until he is 50.

Have a sober talk to him, ask him if he truly believes that the stuff she is doing to him is actually ok.
Be very soft spoken about it and try to not embarrass him.
People in toxic relationships tend to be in denial and when things get brought to their attention they get embarrassed or defensive.
It's exactly the "cold shoulder" response you talked about.
Try to build his confidence up, that he deserves better, that way he'll be able to dig himself out of the hole.
Good luck to you my man. It's the right thing to do to help your bro.
Kicking them out and removing them both out of your life should be a last resort.
Fuck all the other people in this thread that tell you to "stay out of it"