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Hopefully. I hate his face.
and he'll be replaced with a full blown socialist
phil for prime minister
Hopefully they can get him for his treason too so he gets executed! What a fag! All he had to do was post the in-store prices.
Bumb for justice
I don't get this whole "scandal". He tells his minister to do this deal to save jobs. She autistically refuses. He gets rid of her. What is wrong or irregular or corrupt about any of that?
Would another government have let this company shed thousands of jobs on some legal principal?
that's great but now we have our own female version of this douche
good. that's what canada needs.
we're even getting 'dude weed lmao" next election
You can agree with his intention to save jobs, but he's not supposed to pressure the AG to interfere with legal proceedings. That's attempting to obstruct justice, and that's a bad thing.
>I don't get this whole "scandal". He tells his minister to do this deal to save jobs. She autistically refuses. He gets rid of her. What is wrong or irregular or corrupt about any of that?
She is not "his minister." She is a member of the judiciary and thus independent. She has no partisan obligations. Demanding that she fall in step with the Prime Minister rather than follow her mandate as a representative of the law is corruption and corruption should not be tolerated.
Why is the auditor general an MP in Cabinet if their decisions aren't meant to be at least somewhat political?
So long as their decisions aren't PARTISAN political I don't see the problem.
She's was a Liberal MP and a member of his cabinet. If the intention was that the decision to prosecute or not be entirely a-political it'd be in the hands of some appointed judge or whatever.
p.s. the equivalent position in the US is often directly elected.
Nobody should be above the law, let's see how this plays out.
SNC-Lavalin procured very expensive prostitute entertainment for Gaddafi's son via NXIVM, most likely part of the plan in overthrowing Gaddafi. The instruction not to prosecute or interfere with SNC-Lavalin came from Trudeau’s friend, Stephen Bronfman, who was also his chief fundraiser
>Stephen Bronfman's cousin is Sara Bronfman who helped run the NXIVM sex cult
>Sara Bronfman's husband is Basit Igtet, a Libyan national who founded the Swiss International Management and the Swiss Mideast Finance Group
>In 2011, her husband worked to support the Libyan revolution through international lobbying and was consequently appointed as a Special Envoy to the Libyan National Transitional Council after the fall of Gaddafi
That SNC was threatening to shut down its Canadian operations and move abroad is documented, in that they said that directly to the government in their "request" not to be prosecuted.
It's a scummy business that, placing yourself above the law by threatening to shed so many jobs in retaliation, but that scummyness is entirely on SNC's side not the government/Trudeau's.
If Trudeau had done the opposite, insisted on full prosecution in full knowledge of what SNC was prepared to do, there's be even more criticism coming his way, mostly from the same people. He was in a literal no-win situation, but took the better option imo.
Actually the deal is the AG is not supposed to interfere in prosecutions. It only makes sense that prosecutions shout be an apolitical thing other than banana republics.
Whats going on? Can someone explain me the lore here?
Listen cunts. You haven't seen anything yet. Oldfag here. You haven't even gotten a small dose of the sleaziness the Liberals are capable of. Remember you read this here first: The Liberals are going to repeal the fixed election dates law that the Conservatives put into place (it's a great law... it takes away the governing party's ability to call snap elections when they have an advantage or put off an election when it is not... ahem electorally convenient). Then they are going to push the election until 2020... when it's more electorally convenient.
They are lying about the "jobs".. they aren't at stake here. But that does not matter: They were pressuring the Auditor General to essentially step in and change a prosecutors decision to NOT give SNC a "get out of jail free card" (which is what a DPA is in actual fact).
Fuck off you shill faggot
Trudeau could literally do a mass shooting and still get reelected in Canada.
If they leave, good riddance. Trudeau shouldn't have protected this shit. He spent $41 fucking billion in tax hikes to cover up his corruption. That's $1000 per capita. And this company doesn't even net $400 million.
so all this shit went down on harper's watch
if it was an alberta oil company, and not a quebec company, this wouldn't even be an issue
u retard he gave the middle class a tax cut
Trudeau got unemployment so low that Cons literally want to destroy jobs because they think we have too many
Canada’s unemployment rate plunges to lowest in 40 years
He's always going down. On twinky penis.
Thats' a MAN, BABY!!!
he is constantly spouting "Canada is a country that believes in the rule of law" and then tried to use political pressure to bend the rule of law
You believe that?
People all around me are losing jobs. I actually hear on the radio today a commercial for a car sales place offering protection against job loss on car sales.
We are in a recession and I feel heading to a depression .
Yeah, let's tax those pig capitalists and push all the companies out of the country.
You just know canadians are getting ready to replace him with a muslim woman
not even close to the 2% tax cut harper gave to EVERYONE IN CANADA... even those who dont pay income tax (2$ gst reduction)
of course harper is hitler and everyone is racist who voted for him
*sikh man
Trudeau has spent billions buying pipelines to help out the Alberta oil industry. Should the government be nationalizing private industry to skirt (environmental, etc.) law and over-ride (BC) provincial obstruction?
fake news
Yup, he is going down.
also see this:
good bitch
Oh boy! An entire 1.5% tax break! That's so much more money back in my pocket, especially with 5 million Somalis taking low-level jobs and tanking public services :))))
Is that even a winning issue? Weed is so easy for people to get here anyway I can't imagine it will sway many people.
It doesn't really mater its not like there's anyone worth voting for
hilarious. She's not going for it. I wonder who was in the office with her? I bet her lawyers were sitting with her during this call.
trudeau can't pay for things like harper did.. by fire selling off all of canada's assets.. because harper already did that
the alternative is running $1.4 trillion dollar deficits like trump is doing
A lot of women involved here.
she says she recorded it because she was alone in her condo, when usually she was in the office with an aide taking notes
I believe Trudeau gave the Alberta oil industry over 1.5 billion dollars that they didn't ask for of Canadian tax payers money instead of making shit happen with the pipeline and loss of revenue.
>reee muh murica though
Focus on your own internals and stop using us as a measuring stick.
im saying the Cons wouldn't even make this an issue if it was an alberta oil company and not SNC
tl;dr on the phone call?
>This scandal so big Trudeau is done!
Won’t believe it until I see it. Another Jow Forums meme
She's aggressive. Not a so-called "team player."
This, I'm starting to think Conservative only gives a shit about Alberta not rest of the country, it was completely different when Harper was PM
So if she has discretion on how to handle it, why is she refusing to work with what Trudeau wants if it's legal? I think she has an axe to grind with Trudeau fro something else.
how the fuck do u increase the budget deficit 77% from last year in a growing economy?
Following Trump tax cut, federal budget deficit up 77 percent so far this budget year
that's funny cause I owed this year
i thought everyone always knew the Cons only care about Alberta and oil
I thought Harper made that incredibly obvious
complaining u made too much money in the Trudeau economy? lmao fucking boomers
What are the actual chances King Leaf gets fucked and how long will it take?
Im voting for national and weed, fuck that dumb whore
this is like Hillary's emails. Won't get Trucuck arrested but will cost him the election
Fuck SNC-Lavalin, we have multiple equivalent companies such as PLC or WesternOne that do just fine without bribing anyone for prime contracts.
The people working under SNC would have easily found work with the competition as they filled in the void if SNC died / left Canada.
Because our legislative branch insists on being useless and just spending more and more money each year.
it's just what she already said at the committee
The solution here is to hold corporate office holders individually criminally responsible for company misdeeds. Instead of sanctioning the company, go after the people actually responsible (so they are forced out).
>Why is the auditor general an MP in Cabinet if their decisions aren't meant to be at least somewhat political?
Why can't you understand obstruction of justice for political purposes is still obstruction of justice?
Guys just asking a question m8, why do you have to get so fucking tight ass about it? It just makes you and your cause look bad.
Quit being such a faggot, leaf.
my opinion is the best we can expect is him leading a minority government, I don't think cons will be able to beat him
exactly this which is what deferred prosecution is
Cons just want to destroy Canadian companies and send them out of the country
nice to see a south korean making sense
Only thing I can give Cons credit for is that the canadian currency was stable when they were in office, don't know if that will happen again
>Why can't you understand obstruction of justice for political purposes is still obstruction of justice?
This was clearly for national interest purposes. A Conservative government would have done the same.
right wing retards can't really be trusted with money because they don't know what revenues are
>Individual income taxes withheld from paychecks total $818 billion for the October-January period, down 3 percent from the same period last year. Corporate income taxes total $73 billion over the four-month period, down 23 percent.
>This was clearly for national interest purposes.
Cool motive. Still against the law.
yikes how can u possibly make that claim?
because the Worst Korean guy is playing devil's advocate to Trucuck who is a dumbass. leafs are tilted as fuck by this dumb asshole
Liberals want to keep funding pic related...
Why even bother shilling here faggot?
>If the intention was that the decision to prosecute or not be entirely a-political it'd be in the hands of some appointed judge or whatever.
it was in the hands of the prosecutor, she kept telling them she wanted it totally in the prosecutor's hands and they put political pressure on her to change her stance
no you guys are fucking retarded. SNC-Lavalin owes over 100 million dollars. If they don't pay the taxpayer will.
Harper admitted he fucked up and he would fix it Justin on the other hand didn't gave a shit about it
can this fucking idiot korean get any less educated please
he spent billions of taxpayer money to stall a pipeline
is it built? no
will it? no
kys gook
harper didnt sell the gold
omg it's fucking obama leaf the biggest fucking shill
Alberta oil brings in the revenues that pays for the leeches in the ROC. SNC brings the turds buddies revenue. And employs a few queerbecers. Fuck you liberals are retards
Spent government money on a project that could have entirely been funded by the private sector. And still fucked it up.
Where did you get that claim? All I'm hearing that if SNC goes under the Canadian economy would be fucked
>He was doing it for the right reasons and also nothing suspect happened
This really is a problem with the structure of the Canadian government
>Okay maybe something suspect happened but it was the companies fault, not Trudeau's
>The crimes happened when Harper was PM pls ignore the suspect thing that happened later
>maybe you guys wouldn't be mad if Harper did this, huh?
>How about these unrelated tax brackets guys?
Jesus fuck the TIDF is really kicking into gear if this is just a nothing burger.
>asking ObamaLeaf not to sperg about Murica
Dude you are so freaking misinformed on these subjects that I'm going to ask that you stop posting so you won't embarrass yourself further.
The TMX wasn't in any violation of environmental law.
Nor did Trudeau need to buy a pipeline if he would have invoked Federal jurisdiction and quashed all of BC's protesting with the RCMP; you know, like how previous PM's did when groups got uppity in Canada.
But he didn’t, he listened to Butts and just let it simmer until it was too late to salvage thinking that the BC NDP would eventually let it through once the next news cycle latched onto something else.. but nope, BC vs AB and SK trade war kicked off and Trudeau had to buy the TM system before KinderMorgan pulled the plug with AB threatening to close the valves which would totally fuck the Vancouver Port Authority over causing ripple effects that would be felt all the way to Quebec.
Vancouver's gas prices goes up? Who fucking cares; compared to container ships sitting in the Fraser Delta with no marine diesel, Chang having no gas for his KIA is peanuts.
I would rather live in a hut than let this country become a brown liberal police state.
> Durrr there’s no white genocide plan you stupid bigots.
What you're hearing is bullshit. Less than 10,000 people are even employed by snc. Hardly enough jobs to impact the country. Quebec will sting a bit. But they get billions in welfare anyways so they'll be fine
WTF! why you let him win leaf?
Bullshit, the Libs screwing with anything is automatically an issue with the Cons.