I want to major in the Japanese language but fear the stigmatization of being a weaboo. In addition to that, I don't want to be surrounded by weaboos. Is this fear justified?
I want to major in the Japanese language but fear the stigmatization of being a weaboo. In addition to that...
Your only a weaboo fag if you are a fag
Counter question for OP: Why the fuck do you care what anybody thinks or says about you? Do their opinions have ANY effect on your day to day life? Do you think you'll ever see them ever again in your life once you've completed the classes and moved on?
Just fucking do what you want and tell anybody who judges you to suck your giant weeby dick.
You do realize that most Japanese companies are extremely racist and you are more likely to be hired as a decoration than hired as some sort of translator.
I'd be more worried about being unemployed, t b q h. Not sure how employable people who major in languages are, but I'll bet it's pretty rough
Agreed. Life is too short OP
I tell people that I want to learn Japanese because my favorite book is Yukiguni and I wanted to be able to read it in its original form, not a translation. Never been called a weeb, and Japanese people appreciate the deep cultural attempt at understanding, rather than "wow anime!!".
>oh user you learn Japanese ?
>yeah, I mostly read middle-school-grade novels on my own though, I don't have time for classes anymore but I want to keep improving
And just like that you dodged the weeaboo bullet. Weebs can't read, even if they could they'd read mangos, and they don't have the drive to pursue anything non-autistic on their own
Very often people ask me whether it's been hard to learn or ask me why I like learning the language. That's your opportunity to talk about differences in grammar, semantics, thought processes, culture, whatever you find interesting about nip really. I find the overwhelming majority of people are interested (even impressed) in discussing these things, and then the conversation can flow on its own
Just curious. Why do you want to major in it?
You can learn Japanese without devoting a pivotal four years of your education to it. Really not something you need a degree in to have the skill.
Would Chinese be a better language to major in? That is something else I thought of and definitely seems to have more value.
I figured that way I could have an official certification, and have a structured course to get me started.
Well that explains why you would take classes in it, but not MAJOR in it. See what I'm saying?
I agree with this user. Major in something that gets you a job. Anything else is a waste of money. MINOR in Japanese. You'll get enough steam to self study and be able to develop reading on your own from it.
Pretty much this. Languages work as fantastic minors or even second majors to supplement some other more marketable skill/knowledge-set, but I wouldn't recommend making it the only thing you learn in college.
What else are you interested in?
Who gives a shit? If you want to, just do it. But don't expect any jobs out of it.
Primarily video editing.... I was under the impression a language would be a more marketable skill set. I have a few studio connections but I figured it would help to have a language as a back up plan.
you're an idiot
> a language would be a more marketable skill set
It can be, but usually on top of something else; especially with a language like Japanese that isn't widely spoken or en vogue.
Like, speaking Japanese alone is only so useful. Now if you've studied business AND speak Japanese, then you're highly marketable for any company looking to do business in Japan. If you've studied Japanese AND political science, you're highly marketable for foreign service/diplomat work in that region.
See how it works? No one needs a pure translator 24/7. They need someone who can live and apply skills in two worlds; got to have the skills as well as the cross-cultural competency.
That makes a lot of sense. Thank you very much.
No prob. I work in college admission and I see kids do exactly what you're talking about all the time, and then switching their major end of freshman year or regretting the whole thing after they've been out in the world for a year and all their friends have jobs while they'r struggling. Anything to help kids make informed decisions.
No worries mate. Once you have your diploma, I'm going to catfish you and kidnap you. You'll live the rest of your life isolated in the dark and chained to a pc, translating the Super Robot Taisen series for me. You will not be surrounded by weebs or any kind of person.