DeRadicalized Alt Righter- or Troll?

Is Faraday Speaks real or just farming gold from shitlibs?

Attached: troll or no.png (1025x574, 481K)

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Real gay

Part of a giant Jewish plot involving Steve bannon to reanimate the dead corpse that is the (((alt-right)))

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If you listen to him he was supposedly never radical anyways, he was just a conservative. But I believe it's fake on no particular grounds besides personal experiences with people on the left and right.

Neither. He was some faggot who did it for attention

Anyone using the term "radicalized" unironically is a Jewish shill. It's another fucking buzzword to collectively punish and entire group, this time being the internet and meme culture, in order to censor it.

Alt Right doesn't exist, everyone associated with it is either a planted shill or legitimately retarded.


>he was meming the whole time

Attached: 1553680224873.webm (896x794, 2.12M)

thanks for this

Holy shit they should have gotten someone who takes some fucking acting classes. This looks like me when I was pretending that I had a stomach ache to avoid going to school.

Attached: Zionism is White Supremacy.png (2550x3300, 141K)

he looks like me before i started lifting
wtf, im not even jewish


de-radicalization or better said re-radicalization.

The main problem by subverting of a Nation is that the nation get re-subvertet and at this point people wake up.

The left has overplayed there hand, and now they have only two options left either go full communist or flee for all the crime's that they have done.

Guess what what will happen next ;)


He's just a dropout who wants to make money being an e-celeb. He realized that there is a market for ex-alt-right that hasn't been tapped into yet

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The redpill is a one way ticket, this is just bullshit.

A jew..

Attached: jew vs european.jpg (465x307, 20K)

Enjoy the show, the shut down of right wing content is just the beginning.

You will have to figth for your freedom mark my words

Spot the jew..

Attached: spot the jew and the european.jpg (500x535, 44K)

Jewish scammer


Attached: The Memes Goyim Censor all the memes. Memeing is dangeous..webm (896x794, 973K)

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this kid is irrelevant. fuck off I'm not watching your video

ok fag

trick question, at least 3 of them are Jewish but I dont think Reeves was, at least I can't find info on it.

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who is this cringey kike?

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I don't know but I'll bet we'll be seeing this thread again in about 2 hours.

I'm not opening that video
I took one look at that fucking nose and I learned EVERYTHING I need to know

This guy’s testimony is powerful. To be completely honest, I was once just like him. You see, about three years ago I became fully radicalized by one Jordan B. Peterson. Before I knew it, all I could think about were pronouns, and that was only the beginning. I began watching videos by world renowned Alt-Right icons like Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Joe Rogan, Stefan Molyneux, Tim Pool, and of course, their infamous ring leader, Dave Rubin. I became completely obsessed. When I wasn’t busy cleaning my room or vigorously washing my penis, I was glued to YouTube, enthralled by the trappings of “logic” and “reality”. One day, for a brief moment, I entertained the idea that Somalia is in such bad shape because its population is 99% Somalian. I actually believed that they must be different from us due to 30,000 years of evolution in completely different environments. The very next day, the notorious far right terrorist Sam Hyde committed an unspeakable act of violence and that was the final straw for me. I knew something had to change. I turned to a sage YouTuber named Destiny. I had heard that he never lost a debate to a Nazi, so I gave him a shot. Let me tell you, he turned my life around in an instant. Now I totally reject the Alt-Right and acknowledge the FACT that we’re all one race, the human race. I no longer believe in pseudoscience like “evolution” and “biology”. I’m happily married and a proud stepfather to my wife’s children, Jamal and Shonteesha. It may sound odd to some, but I love them more than I could ever love my own biological children, which is why I got a vasectomy just last week. Trust me, life is good now, and it could be just as good for you too. It’s time to let go of the hatred guys. Just do it.

The channel is brand new.

This is actually the smartest answer in the thread. If nobody gives a fuck then the whole project of artificial consensus goes to shit.




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Top KEK user

you should keep posting this for the next 3-4 years until you get some traction.

Attached: mom-i-posted-it-again[1].jpg (400x400, 92K)

Nice try jew. Only the one of the left are kikes and you know it..

It's a metatroll, just wait and see.
He's exposing even more normies to our shit and getting paid to do it.

>typical destiny fan

He might be a black pilled sell-out that had nothing else going for him, suspected he was in danger of getting doxed so might as well just preemptively capitulate to kikes and get 30 silver coins for it.

this desu

this! omfg

He chose to make a video, go on Destiny's reddit and discord, and even went on stream with him to tell him how much he's changed.

Obviously there's a financial motive. I have no idea what his prior content was so I can't fucking tell how much he's changed, and neither can anyone else here cause no one posts links to videos.

Superb dear

He just wanted to be a part of a community and he got sucked in to the wrong community so he never fit in it.

Trick question, they are all jews

here is a thing for you retards, altright doesn't exist. Now kindly fuck off with your bait threads to r/T_D.