Why are liberal women so repulsive?

why are liberal women so repulsive?

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daddy issues usually

that pic was photoshopped. the original said "my heart is open for refugees"

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They are trolling you and you are falling for it.

It's easier to be violently anti man when you're so gross no man will ever want you.

you are an incel

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Put that shit at the border crossings and they'll be running home as fast as they can.

The truth doesn’t make someone an incel. If you want better pictures learn to photoshop.

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That one straps on a silicone schlong. Hates men but straps on manhood to bang another who hates men but takes silicone manhood. Donttry to understand it's futile. Their brains are addled by years of television entrainnent.

wait, are you SURE it was shopped? i just don't believe that

100% true, also based and redpilled

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Wow. I couldn't tell by the pixels. But your eye sight must be absolutely fantastic. Well done. We've got quite an observant person over here guys.

Because they're easy.
Seriously, go on a tinder date with one and just drop the talking points. You're going to be able to sleep with her on the 2nd date 4 out of 5 times. They're easy, they don't want to be mothers.

They're just toys.

We are in a new sexual revolution where women have played their hand too far. Men are walking away. We shall see this reflected in the political landscape soon.

Already laws have been passed and courts have been setting precedents for men to have to reproduce with women because the government can not afford for our fertility rate to drop any lower.


>why are liberal women so repulsive?

I think most of the mental problems are allowed to fester because attractive women tell these women there's nothing wrong with their flaws, which amplifies the flaws and creates flaws that weren't even there before.

I think if this single variable were eliminated it would fix 80% of the problem

This lololol
The Latina feminazis start developing this man-hating condition after finding out daddy didn't actually went out to buy some cigarettes.

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>attractive women tell ugly women there's nothing wrong with them

have you literally never been around women you complete retard?

notoriously ugly hollywood actresses

On behalf of the refugees we must decline your offer of sex, please consider trying a christian who are said to be a giving people.

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The meats gone bad
>no one deserves this kind of torture
>not even refugeesus

Now it all makes sense.

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What does drop the talking points mean?

tell them whatever an average liberal would tell them. Their views are very predictable so theres tons of shit to talk about that you know very well and could fake it like you think like them

thanks, reddit

How is telling men who don't want women or porno or even whore that they are losers for not being sexually promiscuous or virgins going to hurt them?

It's women telling men that they are bad for not wanting to use them for the only thing they have to offer those men while at the same time screaming at those men for being the root cause of ever negative thing in their lives and rapists and sexual assaulters and whatever else.

It's pathetic and makes no sense.

Liberalism is what they turn to when Western civilization does not embrace them. Ugly, mentally ill women are not embraced. They turn to liberalism. The pretty and nominally sane ones are accepted by society and have no need to find acceptance.

Idk AOC is pretty hot

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What's the difference?

female incels

>get expensive college degree
>need three jobs to pay it off
way to prove college is a bad investment tho

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all women want attention. The ones who are not getting any because of their looks chose other means.


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What on Earth is a foid?

You can tell by the pixels


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Liberals in general have been taught to intertwine fact with morality. They walk around feeling self righteous without being right about anything. They don’t have to be attractive if they can virtue signal for attention



>impying this isn't a well thought out message made to dissuade refugees from coming here