Should the average male use tinder?
Seems like it could do a number on one's self esteem unless you're in the top 10-20%.
Should the average male use tinder?
Seems like it could do a number on one's self esteem unless you're in the top 10-20%.
It's like going to a club and looking for women there.
Realistic expectations are the key. Don't wonder if you are rejected or let it get too much to you. Also be sure what you are looking for.
This is your message: .
This is her inbox: ......................
Unless you are at 5% bf with an amazing face, you ain't gonna get shit nigga
I'd say no.
>t. average male that got a hit on his self esteem after using tinder
I found to get more matches with foreign exchange students than with local girls .
But yeah, getting a date with them is sometimes just as hard because they have dozens of guys messaging them.
Don't make tinder your main source of females.
I think it's better than nothing but it will pretty much obliterate your confidence if you aren't mentally prepared for it
It's like going to a night club where every girl you're talking to is surrounded by 20 guys who are as attractive as you, if not moreso, and each of them is trying to get her attention in the exact same way. You stop being a person and become a disposable compliment generator, to be ghosted the moment the conversation stops being effortlessly funny and she becomes bored, and for every 10 girls who even agree to meet you 8 of them will just bail on you at the last minute. It works wonders for Chad, but an average Joe is going to have a long slog to get anything out of it with even a moderately attractive woman
If you're not already getting attention IRL, I wouldn't even bother, unless you're one of those 8/10+ autists that post here and never go outside for any reason.
If you're attractive enough to get attention on Tinder, you don't need it, unless you literally have no social life or friends.
Even 6-7/10 guys would have better luck not bothering.
Honestly I was a 7/10 when I wasn't fat. Now currently a 5.
We'll see how I do when December hits.
Can you handle rejection? If so, try it. If not, no, Tinder will hurt you deeply.
It doesn't work, women only trust men already in their social circle, and if yours only has dicks, you're (only metaphorically) fucked.
Tinder is supposed to be a tool to date outside your social circle but that goes against female nature. They only do it for 9+/10 Chads, who are like 3% of the male population of the app.
Above average guy here held back by manlet (169)
I'd say unless you're chad don't bother. Tinder is like fapping, but worse. A time sink without benefit that just makes you feel worse in the long run. Difference is at least fapping will mitigate a physiological impulse and help you stay focused on other things. Tinder is a high risk (chance to get nothing), high investment (time), low return way of trying to address a larger life issue of sex and/or relationship. An issue that is failing for more and more men at unprecedented levels and becoming a real societal problem.
Not sure what you guys are talking about. I'm able to date wonderful 8s and sometimes 9s through Tinder. If you can get attractive women in real life you can get them on Tinder also.
If you can't, you won't. Simple as that.
You are one poster out of ten who have expressed their difficulty in matching on Tinder. We are talking about exactly that. You're an anomaly.
What's with all the incels in this thread? Tinder is very easy to pick up girls from even if you're average. All you have to do is have decent pics and a decent writeup and then get to messaging.
>Above average guy here held back by manlet (169)
More like, ugly guy held back by autism and being 188cm.
If you can't handle rejections, though, you can't use Tinder.
It's already been addressed in this thread. Yes if you're extremely attractive, you'll be successful on any dating platform. But then why waste time on Tinder to begin with? The user base is more entitled and lower quality. Most neurotypical women don't need online dating to meet guys
Average guy here. There's nothing incel about not being retarded enough to waste your time on something you get poor returns from. Had Tinder for about 2 months, maybe got 10 or 12 matches in total, a couple numbers, nothing came of any of it. Joined a sculpting class and I've been dating this cute girl who liked a silly giraffe I was working on.
Guys are harder on girl's looks than it is the other way around. If you're average and you still can't get girls it's probably because your personality matches your face.
Also, if you go to a place full of judgemental whores, you're going to get a judgemental whore.
Nerds mad cuz bad because they can't understand this concept. Same reason why I wouldn't date a girl who's already dating somebody, date a cheater get a cheater.
I swear 90% of the posts on this board are just incels complaining about their ability to get laid. Fuck I hate Jow Forums now
Yep can't argue with that. Personality is what Tinder was designed around after all. So cool guys who don't look that good can get qt gf's
It's a shame women have a personality detector that can work just with photos.
Oh yeah, you'll definitely get more dates not going on a dating app then going on one.
That's a great idea OP! And then when people reject you in a real life setting, you'll have extra self confidence stored away to handle it.
nerds mad cuz bad, if a girl swipes left because she thought you were ugly then you shouldn't be fucking her. You shouldn't take it personally and yet you do and that's why you'll always be an incel
If you have to use the I word you've run out of arguments.
Easy on those goalposts chief, I don't think they were meant to move that far
He has a point, blaming women for your problems with women is such an incel thing to do and that's all I see in this whole thread.
If a girl doesn't want to talk to you then she's probably not worth talking to, though I'm sure the feeling that women are people too is lost on y'all.
#1 you're looking for women in the wrong places, if you want a romantic relationship why TF are you going on tinder. It's like looking for pet frogs in the jungle: yeah you're going to find some but they not nearly as good as other ones had you just looked someplace else.
#2 if she doesn't want to fuck you then she doesn't have to. If she chooses so because you look like shrek would you even be happy dating her????
I don't get you people
It's irrelevant whether we blame women or not. The fact is that they're much more pickier and only very attractive men can get Tinder to work. Personality is a bullshit excuse since most guys don't even get a chance at a conversation.
Now you can go all white knight at me for "blaming women", but that has nothing to do with what we're discussing here.
Isn't that the point if tinder, for one night stands with people who you think are attractive
The average guy gets hook ups via Tinder, and the above average guy gets more messages than he knows what to do with. Even a below average guy can score here and there if he’s persistent enough.
However, the below average guy who thinks he’s average or above average will bitch about how only the top 10% get any girls, and he will give up.
If you go on a platform where the sole purpose is to fuck each other based and looks and then get mad when they judge you ... Why?
If you want to fuck girls who don't care about looks why don't you head to a bar or go to events and functions? If you volunteer for shit you're bound to find some single women that will automatically think good of you because you're doing volunteer work
>If you go on a platform where the sole purpose is to fuck each other based and looks and then get mad when they judge you ... Why?
Again, me getting mad or blaming women is irrelevant. OP asked whether it's worth it, and we gave our reasons why it isn't.
>If you want to fuck girls who don't care about looks why don't you head to a bar or go to events and functions?
Talking to random people uninvited is "creepy".
>If you volunteer for shit you're bound to find some single women that will automatically think good of you because you're doing volunteer work
This is not even advice, just "do things and maybe you'll me someone, who knows lol"
fuck no. Unless you're a 6'+ tall 10/10 man who's really fucking charismatic, or you like fat chicks, online dating is horrible for men. Women can get anything they want on tinder, from a one night stand to marriage, and they know it. It's beyond one-sided on there. I'm 5'9" in good shape with a good job and a good social life and I still fail completely on Tinder.
Just wait for sexbots to come out user, and enjoy pic-related when you're older and all those tinder women regret the impossible standards they had when they were younger.
>Guys are harder on girl's looks than it is the other way around
why do people keep spreading this myth when we have objective proof it's false? Like the OKCupid studies. And nobody, male or female, is judging people on personality from a fucking tinder profile yet men swipe right 50x more than women do. And when men judge women on looks, it's usually obesity which is something they can control. Only women are shallow enough to care about something like height.
you fuck fat girls. I know this because every time we see this conversation it always comes out that you're some loser who fucks fat girls and thinks that makes you cool.
It doesn't and you're pathetic.
this is bait btw. It's not even somebody being delusional, it's actual 2/8 b8 by 88 dubs. This poster doesn't remotely believe the bullshit they're posting.
Average and below average men have no success, and above average (but non-Chad) men only have success with fat girls.
Better than sitting in your mom's basement bitching on Jow Forums all day. Now I truly understand why you can't get a girlfriend. I am a femnon and holy fuck you just give excuse after excuse, I thought to myself "maybe these bots are just misguided" but no you actually need a serious change in attitude if you ever hope to even touch a girl.
It isn't irrelevant- if you're going to a place where you know you will fail and then get mad that you fail, you're an actual retard. If you date a cheater you get a cheater, likewise if you go on a platform that promotes the objectivity of the other gender you're going to get someone who only cares about looks.
You aren't going to get a girl handed on a platter like you want, you actually have to work for it. You aren't entitled to a girl in the same way a girl isn't entitled to a guy. Believe it or not fembots exist, and I can't stand talking to them because they're usually lazy and snobby. I'm sure it's the same way the other way around.
Your standards are either too high or you just aren't trying hard enough. Staring at a pretty girl walking down the street isn't flirting, at least if you're not hot and it sucks that it's like that but you have to deal with it and find other ways. I've dated a few "ugly" and overweight men but I dated them because they had personality. They were funny, outgoing, or charasmatic. I'd offer to explain more but I'm sure you'll give me an excuse about how it's too much effort or work for some degenerate thot.
Been on tinder since I turned 18, 5 years later I've been on dates with 3 different girls and had sex with one of them after 2 months of dating, take what you will from my experience.
Tried tinder didnt work, now i just troll people with cat pictures and changed gender settings. I will just let the gold subscription run out and then burn the account.
The issue with th approach of "it is better than nothin is this,
Every day you swipe, hundreds and hundreds of times and you never get swiped back. These are all rejections, yes they dont really matter but eventually they might start to effect you unconsciously even.
So after a while if you still dont have access dont use tinder. Delete the app, do sth anything that has a guaranteed return. Go for a jog, or do some situps or sth, anything is better than facing 100 rejections everyday, even if small ones.
Irl is much better than tinder anyway
Probably not. I started using tinder last year.I consider myself to be maybe 6-7/10 at best. Yet somehow I have managed to date some girls far above my league (before tinder). I had some luck but not a ton. Overall matched with maybe 100-110 people in the entire year of using it. I'd say about 60% of those I was actually attracted to. Overall I had coffee with maybe, I dunno 6 or 7 girls, hooked up with a few of those, had a 1 night stand which I regret, and a few interesting conversations. I hate taking pictures of myself however so my profile kinda sucked ass. It was an ok experience, I mean that is exactly what it is; experience. It helped me work on myself a little bit and was a fun while it lasted. However it did not cure the emptiness inside. I prefer meeting women in real life, feels more personal and fulfilling. Also bumble is better than tinder.
I'm objectively a 7/10. I tested this by using photofeeler to have women rank me for dating purposes. All of my pictures are at least 6.5, my best one is like 8/10
I have been on one tinder date and it was a catfish, she was much heavier than expected. Not obese but pretty fat. I have like 100 matches and she's the only one who actually went out with me. I fucked her in my car.
>It isn't irrelevant
It IS irrelevant, if I get less mad does the game start working in my favor? No, I already know I can't win so I stopped playing. The same goes for many other unattractive men (the majority of the male gender). This thread is about that: it's not worth it for most people.
>You aren't going to get a girl handed on a platter like you want, you actually have to work for it. You aren't entitled to a girl in the same way a girl isn't entitled to a guy.
This is arguing things I haven't even said. Regardless, a lot of people get girlfriends without effort.
>Your standards are either too high or you just aren't trying hard enough.
There is no trying hard enough in Tinder (which is what this thread is about, seems like you went on an unrelated tangent) other than uploading what you think are the best photos of yourself you could take. It's completely passive otherwise, until you get to having a conversation, which again is not even a thing that happens for a lot of people.
Also, can you stop insulting me? This shit about being a fat neckbeard living in a basement just because I reply to posts on Jow Forums is stupid since you're doing the same.
Had dates with 3 girls in the first 50 matches in 3 months. Had sex with one.
Then the next 30 matches all i got was stood up. And that wrecked my mental health so hard i didn't even text the last 20 matches before i deleted the app (begrudgingly forced myself to text 2). 5 chicks texted me first, not a single one of them went out with me.
I thought tinder would be easier "because i already know they like me", being ghosted out of the blue when i thought everything was going great shattered that idea.
Being hurt makes you stronger
1/100 is bad but even I get probably 1/10-1/20. Like 1/5 replies and then half of those actually agree to a date and half of those cancel or stand me up.
Tinder is heaven for women and hell for men.
Works for me and I’m pretty average. 5’9.5”. Get laid on there all the time.
Omg this exact same thing happened to me and I also fucked her in my car
Just wanted to thank you all for sharing your experiences. I've been trying to use dating apps, and I don't mind the non responses as much, but it's the girls that flirt with me for a bit and then suddenly ghost me that hurt the most. I've been all fucked up about it the last couple days and it's nice to know it's a common theme with others. I'm mostly a needy pussy that can't handle rejection anyways though so I think I'm just gonna delete my accounts.
Yeah I mean I'm pretty lazy about it and don't put a ton of effort into coming up with clever shit and what not. A lot of those 100 I didn't even message. Still, not a very easy way to get pussy.
People will pass on you, and you will pass on people that wouldn't pass on you.
Broaden your tastes.
Don't rely in one option.
Move on if you ain't happy.
shut up you fucking tranny
Even being a 7/10 is rough. Similar story. No real trouble IRL but kept hearing from my gigachad friend how easy Tinder was. About 50 matches in the first month, got stood up by 3 different girls and said fuck it.
Shit hurts lol
>I am a femnon
obviously. You can hop on tinder and find a boyfriend in a few days, and you think it's that easy for men too. It's not, men have actual problems and you can't understand what it's like to not be able to find a relationship on demand.
>Believe it or not fembots exist
I don't believe it and you're lying. You're entire gender an get a husbandfu anytime they want.
>You aren't going to get a girl handed on a platter like you want
but as a woman, you do get men handed to you on a platter like you want.
not really, id say im above average and i get matches often, but due to the shear amount of competition and tinders horrible messaging system i barely ever get replies.
Tinder boosted the fuck out of my ego. Do it. You never remember the girls who didn't like you too, but you will remember that you have hundreds of girls who think you're hot in your dms.
thats so true Im an above average maybe a 6-7/10 and I only really can say i can reliably get with 5s
Id say that depends, irl in clubs or bars is worse, as your rejection rate is basically the same. What you need to do is find a girl in a social circle you are already apart of like a society or a class or something.
You're either trolling or ignorant, but most men do not get hundreds of matches that actually respond to you and confirm strong physical attraction.
I get some matches but they're mostly fat or have mental illness (anxiety, autism, bpd, bipolar, cutting selves etc)
Why are so many of you wimps so afraid of rejection? I literally don't feel a single thing when a girl rejects me, that's just another grain of sand on the beach. If that bothers you, stick to anime, video games, and porn for the rest of your life.
I will desu, why bother if you're guaranteed failure? If you shot a basketball 50 times and missed every single one why would it be reasonable to think you'll make the next one?
because i don't know what success with women is like, furthest I've ever got is talking to one for 3 hours
Yeah, actually my original message is filled with grammatical errors, so yeah.
I am not talking about clubs, but yeah. Social circles would simply do better than tinder, actual hobbies too
3/10 sandnigger. set up a date with an asian girl in vancouver. I had one recent picture and some from a few years back. Bought lunch and icecream for this grill because I'm a cuck. From the minute we met, she rolled her eyes at me. Honest to god my pictures weren't that deceptive. Her notes on the date were. I didn't know how to carry myself. I didn't know how to dress. She told me she had 5 other dates for that week before we went on said fail date. My pictures didn't look like me. She wasn't exactly that much better looking. point of the story is Women get a retarded amount of matches daily. They're going to get railed 450% of the time. Also if you're ugly like me, no one is going to want to fuck you off tinder. Even if your personality is on point. You will get matched once or a few times a week. You might luck out and get a girl that actually likes the conversation and finds you cute in some nerdy way. conclusion : it's easier to just hit it off in person if you're ugly. only chads smash on tinder right away. they're not smart though nor happy.
LOL false. I've seen the ugliest ham planets or skinny fugly woman with guys who could have done way better if they had just held out longer in this failing economy of whiteknight virgin incels. You are either trolling or delusional
You see ugly guys with hot girls all the time. The reverse is much more rare.
Mate photofeeler ratings don't mean shit.
Take an absolute onions looking guy and take a great photo of him well dressed smiling he will get 9.
Take a shit bathroom selfie of a male model and it will get 5.
Actual number of matches on Tinder is a much better metric of your (photos) attractiveness.
not 'onions' S--O--Y
Haven't read thread.
Understand though that men have more options to compensate. Wealth, status, personality, etc. If you're a girl, if you're not at least average, you're fucked.