All native-blooded Europeans must relocate to America at once. This is non-negotiable.
Article 13 Response
Okay I will come
Fuck you. This is my land and I will not abandon it to a bunch of savages.
At least our country isn't COMPLETELY cucked yet... There may still be a chance
I'd much rather bring in a bunch of scandinavians than sandniggers and mexicans
Mexicans aren't that bad, but the sandniggers need to stop
If they come here we're fucked, they will bring their shitty voting habbits with them They can rot with Islam.
who is this, i want to do big cums in her pusy
I would if I could man
Tell this chick to bring her Valmet
Moona Kaitonen.
The gentleman's choice however is Pirita Ylermä.
This thread is now dedicated to Pirita.
>surprise butt sex
If we import all the whites from the EU arm them...
we may just survive...
>leave a mostly white country for an even less-white country
Surely it should be the other way around, come home white man.
I should import a Euro-waifu.
so you're telling me I should trade a place where I see blacks once every fortnight and browns maybe every other day
with a place where blacks are my co-workers and browns my boss?
yea na, go fuck yourself
>Russia nigger
This wtf. Why do Americans pretend their country isn't in a worse position than Europe?
You can all stay at my place here in America.
Yes please let me in I'll die for the flag
We got guns faggot
and we cant be arrested for calling are sub human shit for what it is unlike you cucked niggers.
Pretty sure Article 13 doesn't apply to Ruskies. Go back to drinking vodka and doing astro-physics Ivan.
Look. Its either you come over here or we go over there.....with all of our guns in tow
>handful of jews ban memes
>flee homeland
You should come join us brothers, we may be lower % white, but we have the land, means, and consitutional amendments needed to turn the tides and take back what is ours.
Guns and actual freedom of speech faggot.
In fact, today a federal judge declared that magazine capacity bans are unconstitutional.
Stop this Gay shit, women should not be allowed in to serve in the armed forces.
You have up valuable realestate for another rifle mag for 2 pistol mags.
The fuck's the matter with you?!
>You have up valuable realestate for another rifle mag for 2 pistol mags.
What? I can't decipher this.
>abandon Europe
are you fucking retarded?
North america is Atlantis, our homeland.
It was never Injun siberian Land.
That image made me hard
You fucking arent letting us in you moron. The US doesnt take white people in unless they invest half a million in a company hires at least 10 americans.
Go on a bicycle vacation in Canada, go inna woods...
never come out
That is the proper response. Here's some spooky ghost guns I've made too.
Shit wasn't rotated when I posted it. Idk why it did that. Lemme try it again.
She's perfect.
Is that cammy
Her legs are like tree trunks lmao
Imagine what they would feel like wrapped around you, pulling you deeper and you blew your load. Power legs on girls automatically adds +2 on the ?/10 scale.
while you*
European women look like THAT?
>it is time to breed husband
>I'd much rather bring in a bunch of scandinavians
No you don't. You have never interacted with europeans before outside of this board. They are backstabbing duplicitous cunts. Why do you think there have been 2 world wars fought in the past 100 years?
u n i t
Why is your gun shiny?
Thats not very good unless you want to paint yourself as a target.
Paint that shit.
>but the sandniggers need to stop
You know how I know you're a Heeb shill?
if u need 2 more extra pistol mags you would have been better off with an extra rifle mag in their place. Is what I believe he means
>Yes please let me in I'll die for the flag
Dying for a flag other than yours. Suprising how the mighty have fallen. Have another Soi-latte Abdulah.
All native-blooded Americans must relocate to Europe at one. This is non negotiable.
Good thing you're doing something about it, instead of just typing your tampon chronicles on a Filipino supremacy image board, eh Fritz.
Im trying to make the money you slant eyed nuke recepticle but i doubt shit wont go down before.
that is correct.
Canadian nature is the last bastion for Whiteness. Halifax, northern Ontario and 95% of Northwest territories haven't been tainted by the Kikes and their nigger orc army, perfect place to innawoods and wait for a society reset.
Is native blood from Europe or our real Rh- pure brethren?
Better than TGSNT. Well worth your time.
i'm whiter than you, Somalian rapefugee.
Sieg heil good morning!
You are only afraid of strong, independent women.
Yeah, that's how women look like when they're not caked up with make-up and don't have butt-jeans and posing for instagram.
Because I bought a GhostGunner machine to support Cody Wilson and DefDist. The machine won't mill 80s if they're coated. If shtf, I could just spray paint them in a jiffy, if I stop wanted to now, I could cerakote them, but I always just end up just buying more ammo with the money.
Doesnt look like it to me.
We arent going anywhere.
And we will get rid of this article 13 and we also dont negotiate.
keep stockpiling of course, but also invest in a sticky roller and get some of that fucking dog hair off your cushion, practice some self respect god dammit.
You can tell he doesn't have a rig. I have more mag pouches that fit on the sides, under the arm. This was my basic setup, 160 rounds of 5.56, 65 rounds of 9mm.
I noticed the Fin didn't post a pic of his rig in his response criticising mine.
I personaly think they should do support stuff.
You don't say, you Soviet rape baby.
And now I understand why Arabs rape these whores
Nigger, they will bring so many lefty faggots that will ruin my state culture and gun rights. If they actually go for it, then day of the rope still includes all gun grabbers.
Why are you so fucking hostile? Fuck off and go invade Korea or some shit little island nation
>Why do you think there have been 2 world wars fought in the past 100 years?
If the based Europeans come, we will have a strong majority of based whites here. We could do great things with our country and renew Western Civilization. Once we got thing settled here we could work on turning Europe back to a better time. Then we could help save Australia too. But our current system requires us to have a strong majority to have real change here. Europe, come to us. This may be our last chance to save our people.
We welcome you. As long as you're white.
Yeah you're right. Fuck the EU. Bunch of soft faggots.
Awesome! Hurry-up!
That's what happens when you own a Norwegian Elkhound and an Elkhound mix, faggot. They shed year round, everyday. Fur is part of life when owning Elkhounds, and having my doggos is worth it.
Back to a country that nearly killed my family and nogunz outside bolt actions, break barrel shotguns, 22, and really weird classification on pistols that are totally not pistols
somalians are vikings right? boat raiding and sheit...
Contrary to popular belief, the US does have some checks on immigration. I'd love to otherwise. The US is objectively a better country.
That's also the cushion for the dog's bed, not just a regular cushion that we use.
Sorry for hurting your feelings, Jose.
Yeah, that's understandable
You want to undermine the safety of our homeland in order to achieve what? Securing a new frontier? America is and will always be just a colony. It is not and never will be our home.
>he hasn’t seen the flies that bite
Honestly Ontario is annoying. It’s muggy and filled with nats, flies, and mosquitoes in the summer while in winter it is just brutal. I’ll take Dixieland with at least more consistent weather without the shitty flies
I'd make beautiful white babies with this thicc Aryan princess.
Chances are that isn't a nihonjin; but rather, is an American servicemen stationed in Japan.
t. USAF veteran that was stationed in Tokyo.
Also, those are pretty nice puppers.
>All native-blooded Europeans
She is a Finn. Finns are not Europeans.
No you’re not you fuck insect. You have no heart and no soul. You deserve napalm and nuclear annihilation. Trusting you was a mistake. One that we won’t make again
My country and most my people are traitors ans un patrotic the fuck am i going do here watch the police become SJWs and defend muslim grooming gangs? Fuck that would rather die with some patriots at least.
Sault Ste Marie has the best Italian food outside of Italy. The Muskokas in the summer are like a fairytale. Anything south of Sudbury is a degenerate cesspool.
If only i can find a sponsor in the soon i woll move.
let this clown world collapse in on itself!
Your sarcasm meter definitely isn't working. An IQ like that proves you sure as fuck ain't white, so no, i'm not sorry. Choke on a bag of dicks, Paco.
Fuck you I’m from here. If you want to go somewhere where my family starved to death or suffered war after war, then fucking go for it.
Can we have a vote to auto ban memeflags or remove them entirely? We all know (((who))) uses them