Remember that Iran and ALL islam is our enemy and Israel represents you in the shitskinned world...

Remember that Iran and ALL islam is our enemy and Israel represents you in the shitskinned world. If you don't support Israel then you are the problem in western society and align yourselves with muslims that pour their invaders into our countries via democrat party socialist traitors. Just a friendly reminder.

Attached: god visits sandmonkeys .webm (640x480, 1.86M)

Wipe out Israel and its infiltrators in western government then we’ll be free to deal with the mudslimes rather than have them forced upon us under the guise of multiculturalism/diversity or whatever the fack you kikes want to call this white genocide.

Jews are the enemy of mankind therefore Jews must be exterminated.

fuck off boomer

>Wipe out Israel and its infiltrators in western government

No. Get all the Jews in the West to go to Israel. Israel are the best Jews because they are not here.

>Jews are importing Muslims!!!!!

LMAO y'all need to get a grasp on reality. Jews are fucked if Muslim population in the West increases beyond safe limits. Also once the West collapses, there's no one to save Israel from gang rape by surrounding Arab nations. It's not Jews.


What's the story behind this webm?

who do you support?


>implying once the Jews haven’t completely subverted white nations and eliminated the threat ebil whitey posses they won’t cull the muslims themselves and install king David to the throne of Israel as ruler of the world...

The middle East should be glassed. Starting with israel. 2 birds, one stone.

Attached: 1457626631296.jpg (500x521, 18K)

Based and nukepilled

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what a hero Brenton was in removing kebabs. I am so happy and thrilled to know how destroyed those that hate israel are. Have a round of applause for your pathetic existence of just losing at everything.

Attached: NZ-shitposter.png (747x727, 244K)


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You are a Zionist sockpuppet,with a yid hand so far up your ass, it can waggle your tonsils by wigging it's fingers.

It's the Yids that fling the Mudslimes at us like molotovs. Both suck, and the Yids are the cause. Ignore the cannon fodder and take out the C&C - the kikes. After the chicken is headless, it's easy to pluck.


You fail to grasp that we're the enemy of their enemy, and they've used us to attract the attention for the attacks in the ME. This is not easy, not is it an accident.

Get on my level, or stfu.

If it can be done, it's better than what we got. I don't think you can take half measures though. Only the threat of death will stop their machinations, and only actual credible threat will do.

what the fuck is even happening here

After their C&C is gone, they'll be easy to deal with. the Yids are using them as a weapon.

First, prove the Middle East exists


If you mutts wouldn't have fucked up Iran it could be a secular state by now.

Crane collapse in Mecca

Don't forget who masterminded that plan. Neocons cucking to Zionists. End the Zionists, stabilize the world.

Great another leftypol raid