im curious, has there ever been a better brander, labeler than trump?
low engery, and crooked are my favorite so far.
im curious, has there ever been a better brander, labeler than trump?
low engery, and crooked are my favorite so far.
Mein sides!
the fire rises
I kind've want one to wear around 30 years from now.
cant wait to see all the conservative rainbow shit in 2020 kek
You won't be seeing 2020 cuz Israel is dying in May.
bee gone, jew
Remember when Russian commedians pranked Schiff with promises of nudes of Draumphs with le Russian hookers? Pepperidge Farm remembers
Ahahahah wtf
so many kex
No this cant be real. He didnt add a Jow Forums meme..
Yes he did
H-he did.....
Join the honk side. Let the honk flow through you.
Does trump come to visit if you text that number
>what did he meme by this?
So the obviously non-organic honkler raid possibly came from higher up...
>every popular meme is a forced meme psyop
>t. retard
It was an obvious raid. Get out.
And then we stole it.
Weird how that keeps happening, huh?
Yup. Jews tried to kill Pepe with the clown shit and Trump just spit it back in their faces by calling Schiff a pencil necked clown.
This timeline is unreal.
>This timeline is unreal.
the funny thing is it was quietly put up knowing it's going to stir up something good. now if shifty or the media talk about it at all, it makes its its own publicity. no advertisements necessary. win win.
i love this man
what do you mean nigger
thats the same shit i heard about the npc meme
I must have missed it. Enjoying the meme regardless.
Reality has been a little weird lately
NPC was organic. Retards who did not like it cried raid. Honkler was suddenly all of the same pre-prepared memes hitting the board with multiple threads.
What is the purpose of (shadowy group) deliberately creating honkler memes and spreading them on Jow Forums?
NPC was forced over 3 days in discussion threads that kept getting posted.
>the same pre-prepared memes
yeah that's cause it's a Jow Forums meme and they were already at it for a little while before it leaked to other boards.