Lose weight fast

So I’m not exactly fat but I’ve got some chub and I’m going on holiday in a month and don’t want to be the stereotypical chubby Brit binge drinking in foreign countries, I’ve got like 15kg to lose, I have exams atm so can’t exactly be exercising all the time but am open to all suggestions

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This is all you‘ll ever need. Promised.


Keto or fasting. It's difficult, and almost always temporary. But if you only have one month and need to be skinny for a very certain occasion go for it

15kg in 1 month
nah dude just nah

you should shoot for 1kg per month, next year you'll be glad you started today.

>It's difficult

Except it isn‘t. It‘s a LOT easier than sticking to restricted calorie intake. Plus the fast results are a major motivation boost. If you switch to one meal a day after fasting, the results will be absolutely permanently.

>15kg in 1 month
nah dude just nah

Except it is 100% possible and definitely not unhealthy.

This, because unless OP contracts a parasite or starts a bulemic's diet, max they'd lose in one month would be 4.5kg.
Count calories and aim for 1kg a month.

You guys... can you stop believing in cosmopolitan from 2004 diet tipps and instead inform yourself on relevant recent studies on the subject? Please?

No, you stop listening to putdownthefork.com
Anything past that should be monitored by a doctor to make sure you don't get gallstones or develop permanently.

1kg a month is virtually nothing. I lost 8kg in 1 month and all I did was cut out carbs and all drinks that had calories. Not even all carbs mind you because I still ate fruit occasionally. Just wheat and rice.

are you dumb?

Fasting will get you there but it suuuucks.

I don't recommend fasting if you have exams, you won't be able to focus for shit

Yes, extreme calorie restriction is idiotic and even dangerous, so is water fasting. But fasting done right is not even not dangerous, it‘s highly beneficial.
For example: have you known that cancer patients who follow a strict fast with electrolytes replacement have significantly higher success rates and experience none to almost none of the otherwise extreme side effects of a chemo therapy? The mechanism behind those findings is that cells go into autophagy after approx 72h fasting. That‘s the process that happens when a caterpillar gets „liquified“ and rearranged into a butterfly. The cells basically dissolve faulty material and rearrange it to functional material. Plus fasting for 72h and more will push you so deep into ketosis that you burn excessive body fat like a maniac. Replacing electrolytes basically makes it possible to fast as long as there‘s stores body fat left. There‘s a medical paper on a heavily overweight guy who fasted in ambulant care for more than a full year and all his blood works were significantly improved. Hw never had any issues with „slowed down“ metabolism or anything else usually associated with fasting. in fact, research suggests that the human metabolism even kicks into high gear when fasting and increases up to 30%. The dreaded „metabolism shut down“ only happens when you eat at high caloric deficit. Think of it like this: if you were a caveman and you‘d eat VERY LITTLE, you body will assume that food is scarce and that you have to preserve all energy possible to make the food that‘s left last as long as possible. Now, if there‘s NO food at all, your body basically goes „hey, hey idiot! There‘s NO food left! Get your fucking ass up and go hunt! Here, have crazy energy to slay that mammoth even if you‘re on your own! Just fucking do something about it already!“.

Show me where i was being dumb and why. But you better have waterproofed arguments to back that claim up.

>Makes bold claims about how not eating anything for long periods of time is healthy without giving any evidence
>Someone calls bullshit
>Demands evidence

That's not how this works bruh

The thing is advising fasting as a cure all is dangerous and can enable eating disorders in otherwise only slightly off scale individuals. You can also have several other health complications that would make it unviable due to medications or mental disorders. No serious medical associations suggest it for diabetics, for instance.

>posted a link where someone explains my claims in detail
>get called dumb from someone making bold claims without any evidence to back them up

I don't think you know how this works

In fact, it is scientifically proven the best way to deal with type two diabetes.
Every means of losing weight can be abused and detoriate into an eating disorder. Don‘t curse the cure, curse the abuser.
Most anorexic people still eat very little (maybe 50cals a day). Does that mean that restricted calorie consumption is always a gateway to ed‘s? No.
Does that mean they fuck their body over for good? Yes, because they go into starvation mode.
Just because a way to reliable, easy, cheap and fast way to lose weight can be abused by people with mental disorders doesn‘t make it invalid.
Ofc you need to be sensible if you have REAL health issues, like a removed kidney or what not. But i think people who have serious health issues know how to inform themselves.

>Most anorexic people still eat very little (maybe 50cals a day).
No, the average I've seen on even tv intervention shows is 1200 a day. The problem is when it goes on for years as a continual progression or it never evolves past grade school picky eating.
>Ofc you need to be sensible if you have REAL health issues, like a removed kidney or what not. But i think people who have serious health issues know how to inform themselves.
Yeah, with advisements from real nutritionists that will all tell you that the fasting trend is universally dangerous.
And no, it is absolutely not reccomended for diabetes.

1200 calories is a normal to low calorie intake for a girl who‘s losing weight.

Believe me, my mom works in a mental institute for kids and teens. Some girls would eat cotton pads to fill up their stomach without consuming calories. I was being generous with the 50 cals...

Where TF have i said anything about intermittent fasting? That is so not the same as prolonged fasting with electrolytes and it can never be compared because your body never goes long enough with zero food intake to deplet the glycogen storages. Unless you fast for longer than 3 days in a row. And even then, some people still consume „calorie free“ shit like black coffee or diet soda. That shit won‘t fly and is actually going to be dangerous. But yeah, the guy in the link i posted goes into all of this in minuscule detail and provides sources for it.
You‘d just have to actually look at the infos i posted alongside my claim. Because i posted them so i wouldn‘t have to explain it all over again. But here we are...


Also, here‘s just two medical papers on fasting. If you want to actually know what you‘re talking about when you tell someone to not fast, read this first or remain forever silent.

15kg is about 33 pounds. Assuming we just round that to 30 to keep it simple, that will require a caloric deficit of 3500 per day. If you're only 30 pounds overweight, that's probably a little more than you eat in a day, so to meet this goal you would need to eat literally nothing for the next month plus exercise on top of that.

1 pound a week is a more realistic goal.

Eat less

You're so well versed on the subject. It's almost like you are fat... You wouldn't be fat now, would you?

Sorry I was too busy reading this one.

I'm versed in debate, because Iurked Jow Forums before I started to trip here.

keto + intermittent fasting(16/8 is my preferred).

When will you start to be able to distinguish between prolonged fasting and intermittent fasting? Which for some people means nothing more than eating in an 8h window every day. That has ZERO correlations to actual fasting on a physical level. I mean, ofc your body will be happy he got a break from digesting, but it can not be compared to the benefits of fasting for 3 or more Days straight. And all that pretend fasting (where you consume anything other than electrolyte replacement) can not be compared either. It‘s just not the same processes at work.