How do you deal with depression Jow Forums? I workout...

How do you deal with depression Jow Forums? I workout, i'm good looking and i have a bright future but i just can't figure out what's even the point of any of this. My dad used to keep me going since he lived such a hard life but he told me the other day that if he didn't have his girlfriend even though he loves me he wouldn't be "here". Help me Jow Forums that completely destroyed me

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*hugs it's biological, you need a wifey

I'm going to college soon but marriage didn't work out for a single man in my family. All ended in divorce. I feel like its almost a curse. Please help me

Why don't you ask him what he meant by that instead of a basket weaving forum?

Get married with a woman who wants to be a housewife, or someone religious.

he meant killing himself.

Try dropping some acid

I have the acid gene. Drugs ruined lives of all the men in my family. I can't even stop jerking off

bro boomer dads just lack social awareness, and empathy. it's like the internet just taught us aspies what it means to feel, and we've been learning. honestly i'd be a complete sociopath without you people teaching me as a fucking child how to act in society. you really need to not focus on love currently, but on yourself the true self which leaves a better world. your goal is to leave a mark in the world which does not end. ez way of doing that is through children, and being able to pass your genetics on to pass your knowledge(we apparently develop irrational fears due to our ancestors mine are pretty rational)
>large bodies of open water
>very very very big heights
large bodies of water, because animals you can't fight
heights because you can't fight the mountain you're falling off
all of my fears revolve around what I can't change.

>How do you deal with depression

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Tell him how much it's bothering you.

Its not that simple. My father literally found that. Virgin, good looking, wants to be a mom and wife, love and it all went to shit and they got into a terrible divorce. What fucking chance do i have living in this degenerate country with the kind of women today who just lie right to my face?

I teared up a bit and he said "buck up, at least you're not me". I feel fucking trapped Jow Forums if i do anything my dad did i'll end up like him and if i don't i just end up alone without a point in life. A reason to exist

we're here to learn user, it's a spiritual training ground and your depression is a test.

nah I think he means he wouldn't mentally be there one way or another. suicide possibly but possibly drugs or just depression withdrawn from society, etc.

>Why don't you just stop being poor

you tried, i replied


My dad is already a pretty heavy drunk whenever hes not with his gf. He meant suicide.

He thinks you're a homosexual. Stop acting like a s o y

You're not them, your wife will not be their ex wives, the society is not the same. etc etc. Be a man of character and wife up a white HS aged girl after you graduate college who you will encourage and support becoming a housewife/mom.

I could break your arm if i wanted to. I'm stronger than everyone else my age. Fuck i ohp more than the majority of them weigh

You need a wife, obviously everything is existential when you don’t have guaranteed sex, children and a future. You have no reason to build anything user.

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"Humor alone, that magnificent discovery of those who are cut short in their calling to highest endeavor, those who falling short of tragedy are yet as rich in gifts as in affliction, humor alone (perhaps the most inborn and brilliant achievement of the spirit) attains to the impossible and brings every aspect of human existence within the rays of its prism. To live in the world as though it were not the world, to respect law and yet to stand above it, to have possessions as though "one possessed nothing," to renounce as though it were no renunciation, all these favorite and often formulated propositions of an exalted worldly wisdom, it is in the power of humor alone to make efficacious."
― Hermann Hesse

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Maybe there's no point in life and you should just live to try to make the best out of this shit.
Make music, man.

Love is a meme. Joy is a choice


Stop being a pussyassbitch OP

That's pretty blackpilling, fug man.
>I feel fucking trapped Jow Forums if i do anything my dad did i'll end up like him and if i don't i just end up alone without a point in life. A reason to exist
That's my fear as well. I try to distract myself from it with hobbies.

Kid you wouldn't get within five feet of me. You're doing something homo or wearing something homo. Time to get your own place.

Depression is a disorder of inflammation. People are depressed overwhelmingly because of how they love their daily lives: primarily diet, but also sleep, physical stress/relaxation balance. It's not mystical on essence and you're most likely responsible for your poor mood. Very few people have true depression, just as very few people are fat because of a slow metabolism. Getting lost in another person to cure depression is a horrible decision.

To continue when you aren’t filled with purpose and don’t feel certain things your brain shuts down. And you feel “””depressed”””. You exist without purpose so your brain just turns off.

>Dance, goyim, dance

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Get a hobby, something you're really passionate about. I go fishing

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is it really so surprising that the woman in is life keeps him going? I'll bet there are plenty of guys, especially older ones, who'd say the same. Doesn't seem like such a bad motivation to me.

fuck off kike

This is the fourth time I’ve typed this shitty reply and can’t get the words right.
When I was a lot younger, I looked up to my dad for inspiration. And there is a lot to be inspired by.
Now, almost a quarter century past my teens I’m pretty sure I’m starting to see some, maybe not admiration but satisfaction coming from him, in that he’s seeing in me the fruits of his labours. He’s getting on in years now, but even this week we’ve been working on a project, in a theoretical sense, amd I’m damned sure at least a couple of times he’s hung up the hone and said t himself ‘that’s my boy’

TLDR you can inspire your dad today just as much as he did you, all those years ago.

Did you ever find out why they divorced?

You don't need another person to feel normal. That is a bad mentality.

While he's still alive, get enough answers out of him so you can avoid his problems. Like, why did things go wrong for him, did he have a short temper, get into an argument, etc.

>Kid you wouldn't get within five feet of me
If you're probably some fat old 30 year old that thinks because he has a 100 pound weight distance on most 18 y/os that mean something. I would take you to the ground and break something.
All the things i really cared about died or i lost interest in. I cared a lot about politics so i went to d.c and took some debate classes at the LI. The teacher thought i was the best out of the class but i've slowly lost interest in politics. Maybe its because trump let me down but i just slowly stopped caring. The only game series i like are dark souls, silent hill and cod and two are probably never getting another game and the third is just a cash cow getting what ever money is left in it beat out of it. I wanna buy shadows die twice but i don't wanna put down another 60 dollars on a game i just play the first mission of because i may have grown out of games.
How can i do that? All the problems that he has are due to my moms debt and the results of hard drinking and smoking over a life time. I can't change any of that other than not drink and i think he flat out dislikes that part of me. All the people i knew growing up are dead, don't like me or i have no contact with. The reason what my dad said hit me so hard later on was because i was looking at this painting his mom painted for him when he was 10. It just made me realize how all his memories and all the great people he loved are all gone and how if he khs i'll be in the same situation.

pretty much this. you have to distract yourself, don't give in to it, suicide is not an escape, it's huge fucking karmic debt.

tons of debt on my moms side but she was kinda insane towards the end. I haven't even talked to her in a year and she may have blocked my phone because it just automatically goes to voice mail whenever i call no matter the day or time
I already have. one day i was just asking him about how my uncle screwed him out of a lot of money and how when he was growing up everyone kept saying to him "Its all about family", then that turned out to be the biggest lie he was ever told. He was meant to go see some family friend to give their daughter some college books for christmas but when i got back he was so drunk he could barely stay awake. Yeah, he has a short temper and doesn't handle stress well which didn't help the situation

Insane, how? Is the debt from bad spending habits, medication, etc.? I'd say depending on the answer, I'd let her go and have her calm down on her own time.

O this might be a simple learning experience for you, but pretty unlucky for him. Have a good judge of character, including family and family friends. Yes, this includes your dad. If he's demanding money, that is an apt time to lecture him. Pray that he doesn't behave that way. Also, why doesn't your dad just sue your Uncle or at least threaten with it?

I had bad anger problems as a young adult. A police officer told me, since it was my first encounter with law enforcement, that you always have the option to walk away or drive away when you get angry. Find a bolthole.

They finished everything before i even turned 18 and the last time i talked to my mom was my graduation day. No, she was pretty insane. She lied to my face in the last day making some bullshit up that anyone with common sense would see through then after i called her out on it she threw my communion pictures which had been up on the wall for 10 years in front of a truck and destroyed them all. The number of money she made my dad lose is probably around like 70k maybe 100k in that ball park. I have no idea what she did with the money other than maybe got a gambling addiction and got scammed because she wasn't really smart. In terms of my uncle i don't know maybe because my grandma asked him a lot through his life to bale my uncle out and help him and hes family and stuff and because so much time as passed. Although if that is the case its kinda ironic because my uncle took all the inheritance money for himself. She may have always been like this i don't know. There were examples while i was growing up that gave out red flags but i guess because my dad was always there to jump in and save the day he didn't really see them

i don't feel enjoyment out of anything anymore, that's probably the most difficult thing


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>when i knew it was a de"radicalization" psyop thread coupled with some future
>>former alt right white nationalist here
(((Youtube))) vids
>>theres just no point man
**shekel for the good goy

No white man can ever un-eat the apple of truth once they know what is really happening to us

Going carnivore/ zero carb was the only thing that cured my depression senpai

Fafgot liar you die bich vagana


This is pretty unfortunate. I can only say that once your family betrayed you or your father, you are allowed to lie to them about your socioeconomic status. Lie that you're too poor to help out the needy. Lie that you can't splurge on vacations. Give the impression that you're worse off than them. Giving yourself this power lets you be in control.

My family had serious problems with MLMs. I went insane. I knew that if they didn't stop sooner, if I didn't do anything crazy, they would continue. I socially shamed them, the family friends who hooked them into MLMs, and even did a few possibly illegal things to slander MLM people by fucking with phone numbers and phone apps. They do not listen to numbers, I tried. Social shaming works better on women, I've learned though.

I really hope you climb yourself out of this situation and get all the riches you deserve. Do not spend a dime on extended family and make sure your father has a happy relationship with whomever he has it. After all, it seems like you're his only family at the moment. Otherwise, have a good judge of character and make tons of friends this way.

There is no point in life. It is a biological accident of the universe. Most animals are eaten alive.
There is nothing for smart people to do but live hedonistic lives, but the Western world keeps degenerating to the point where even that won't be possible much longer.
Of course, you probably aren't too smart OP or you would have naturally become a scientific nihilist on your own.

I kill pitbulls

Install Qbittorrent. Look up Crackwatch, or just get familiar with Skidrow, or any well known game crackers. Find torrents, but at least have the common sense to download Malwarebytes. Don't spend money on distractions. Use it for your own well-being. I grew out of games too. I learned that I grew into something else. Cheating and hacking. But it's fine since it's single player games.

i understood literally nothing.

I play on ps4
Thanks for the replies user. Have this

Sauerkraut, fren. Sauerkraut before bed, a fistful of the good stuff, every single day.

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Bro depression in caused due to lack of oxygen in brain. You need to fix this. You have to normalize your beathing. Just use this website and you will be fixed in a week. Stay positive and cure yourself. Depression is a chemical imbalance. You are hyperventilaying and blowing away too much co2 which is as vital as oxygen for body. Please search buteyko method and read
Its the only way to cure.

I fucking love that shit. That and unironically kimchee.

>I play on ps4

stop wasting your time and money. get a pc and pirate all games

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Kimchi can chase off the meanest hangover, I unironically love that shit, too.
May I also recommend lacto-fermented carrot sticks and beetroot kvass?

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1. Go to Jiu Jitsu
2. Stop going on this website it's only filled with miserable people, block it and spend your time cultivating your skills and personality
3. If you never stay alive or go out into the world to meet other people you have very very low odds of ever meeting your second half. You have to at least try. It's very scary, sometimes boring, and like fishing you will come back empty handed more times than you can count. But if you continuously try to find a girl with the same interests as you I guarantee you will find at least 1 girl who wants to date you. People with no shame get more pussy alone simply because they have a large sample size and aren't afraid of rejection. Your entire life will just be devoid of a gf unless you start trying. So attempt. After about 3 years of no success, maybe reflect before trying more. After about 10 years, then you can give up if you really want.

I bought it basically for bb. I was really let down when they didn't make a second one. Like i said other than cod and silent hill souls style games are all that i like. I kinda like realistic shooters like rising storm vietnam and the cold war one that they're coming out with looks cool but idk if i can justify dropping a g for a great pc to play it.

If you have shit taste, then there is absolutely no way to help you. Here is a good example of a typical day for me (and I'm still somewhat depressed, but I have room to improve my schedule)
>wake up
>drink coffee
>play my instrument for 2 hours on livestream
>20 min talk with my mom on (love my mommy, she used to make me tendies)
>read theology while listening to a violin concerto
>check out Jow Forums
>listen to fusion
>shadow box outside in the sun with my cats
>watch Seinfeld, FRIENDS, or some comfy nostalgic movie
>listen to Southern Israelite
>make a video for one of my 3 channels (comedy, red pilled, music clips)
>try not to throw up red pills all over my facebook wall (eventually I fail, and delete it later out of shame)

I'm in the process of adding
>church every sunday
>consistently working on my second book
>finding any way to be social irl

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You was just unlucky to be born with shit hormone metabolism, you wont be happy no matter what you do besides short periods after heavy drug injections
Cope or off yourself, there will never be any change you wait for

>i'm going to college soon
>already depressed
Weee-hew-hew-hewwwww lad. I was a happy fucking camper, and college was making me a fat sad sack of shit. I fucking hated it. I dropped out, lost 15 lbs, and am feeling better by the day. Got off weed too. Not saying you can't learn good shit there, or get a useful degree....but I wasn't getting a useful degree so fuck it.

Clinical depression is usually a byproduct of bad brain chemistry. It's literally a biological/chemical problem. Depression is thus no different than a long term bad trip. Keep that in mind. When you feel depressed it isn't "you". You aren't your depression. The feelings you feel when you're depressed is being imposed on you because your brain can't process chemicals in the normal way. You aren't actually worthless, you're not useless, things aren't hopeless. It's lying to you.

Think of it this way. Ever read or heard of old sci-fi stories where aliens with psychic powers influence people, make them feel and think things they wouldn't otherwise, then when their friends figure out what's going on they confront their friend and yell "FIGHT IT BOB, THIS ISN'T YOU!"? Depression is like that. It's fake feelings and thoughts being imposed on you by faulty brain chemistry. Doing that will help by giving you perspective. Once you have that, take the next step. Fake feeling good, feeling normal. I know it sounds stupid, but it's the only thing that really works. Just like with drunks, you fake normal until one day, without you really realizing it, you really are feeling better, more normal. It helps because it slowly re-trains your brain and trains you to look at the world and yourself differently. It takes a while, and it isn't easy, but it works. You can do it. Don't feel guilty for thoughts and feelings that aren't yours, study and copy "normal", and if you stick with it long enough, the depression will slowly ebb. You can be its master.

I was happy. I was happy and i didn't even know it for such a long time.
I workout like a freak. Being good looking is one of the few things that really makes me happy with myself. Maybe when i cut down i'll be happier because i'll get my face back. I think college will be really fun because after i moved in with my dad i lost all my irl friends and no one at my gym who works out there is my age

I can't watch that. I'll get spoiled. Just finished downloading all the Soprano seasons and I haven't started. As for depression, I could never unriddle it, so it just comes and goes, almost like being reminded the deadline of a project. It could just be one of those things that you prevent, not stop. Find me somebody who actually prevents depression. Take care user.

shit i'm sorry user. But favorite it or something and come back to it at the end of the series. or save the link in a notepad file. Tip: Try to watch as little of it on youtube as possible. I listened to the theme song because i liked it so much and it was giving away major spoilers in my recommended tabs. And to the rest of what you said i feel better just by having talked to the good anons in this thread. Have a nice life.

you can spend 500-600 and play 1080p max settings untill the next consoles comeout and then spend 250-350 for a better gpu and play all the console ports at better resolution/settings than what they can. no ones asking you to pay a grand upfront. never do that for pc gaming.

Yeah bulking is a meme. Unless you are a powerlifter or something, there isn't a reason to ever have high bodyfat. Lower bodyfat=higher test. Higher test gives you better moods, keeps you healthier, helps you to think more clearly. It's a win.

bulking 100% isn't a meme i've put on a load of muscle and strength and i train for reps. But face>muscles every day and i just wanna look in the mirror and have a model face again. It made me confident in myself