
>4.5" (erect) penis
>Ugly face
>Just generally worthless
Why shouldn't I kill myself

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Sounds like maybe you should just transition

Do you have family OP?

Don't want to. I'm fine with the gender I was born into
Yeah, but it gets to the point where you consider that the sorrow of you kill yourself outweighs the disappointment that you bring. Plus why would I want to live a miserable life for someone else

Become rich

How would I do that? The traditional way is out of the question seeing as the likelyhood of me being promoted is low



You should kill yourself

You should be asking how to kill yourself

How should I?

Wear makeup and become a trap. Most people are ugly without makeup anyway. Live the lie.

No I'm not becoming a trap

Do what you want but just know you will only look pathetic to everyone. A few will cry because they truly car, more will cry because they wish to use your death to make others feel sorry for themselves. They will all agree that you made a stupid choice.

If that doesn't piss you off I don't know what will. Maybe you should try to prove that you are better then a superficial qualities that others have deemed as a misfortune. Anything can be achieved if you have focus and determine, and what is better focus and determination than rubbing it in someone's face?

At least try to play the cards you were dealt, faggot

My cards are shit

You're only 21, user. You haven't even tried yet. Do it for sure when you are 35 and feel the same way.

1. Movies
4. Books
5. Video games
6. Nature
7. Anything that interests you. There's more in this world then yourself, your ego, your feelings. Go out and find reasons to stay.

OP I know a lot of people who have found self worth in doing humanitarian work. If you don't have enough money to go abroad, why not try volunteering in a soup kitchen? You'll be able to talk to a lot of people as well

You shouldn’t kill yourself and you already know why

Start swimming

Op I think you need to do something thrilling, new and exciting

I agree with #2. Best reason is right here OP