How do you get art hoes?


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Well I can answer this, but let me say first that you DON'T FUCKING WANT ONE, they are awful people. I made the mistake of going after one, getting her, and having to deal with her shit for a year. Here's some tips
>laugh at all of her jokes
>if she makes a shitty joke refrence to something, let her know you get the reference
>find as much common ground as you can between you two
art hoes love this, trust me ^^^
>ask her what you should draw, spark convo from there
>compliment her clothes and shit, they're super insecure

what type of bullshit?

seems legit desu

Does knowing Deleuze help?

>Art Hoe
You'll never have your dick sucked better. But you'll never be more annoyed or emotionally miserable. I don't know who these basket cases are compatible with. All I know is they suck good dick and don't fuck manlets. Good luck with all their gaslighting and emotional 180s. Enjoy the deep throating though and nutting in her birth controlled pussy. Cause that same birth control pill is probably fucking her up mentally in a big way. Pretty convinced in 10 years studies are going to come out confirming this.

Bump for more info on art hoes

>and don't fuck manlets

Welp. Time to kill myself.


>dont fuck manlets

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Everything in this post is true but I’m a manlet (barely 5’9”) and I nutted in an art hoe a few times. They’re definitely fucking crazy though, would not recommend a relationship.

>above-average height

>that feeling when you realize an art hoe will never suck your dick like a popsicle
It's not fair, bros.

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Don't know until you know. Go get your dick slobbed on, user

Manlets start at like 5'4". Everything else is silly ass Jow Forums gaslighting Le Epic MayMays.

Honestly, i want my girlfriend to treat me like fucking shit anyways. It's a weird fetish, but it's mine, i guess
plus, imagine the makeup sex

they arent compatible with anyone, they are emcels


If you are below 6ft you are a manlet. Unironically.

Would NOT recommend
Although I can largely agree the dick game is pretty good
Had a girl completely go down and nearly choke
They're batshit crazy tho

95th percentile for height is 6'1"
This is directly comparable to saying that a dick below 7" is short: it's just untrue.
Good bait, though

How do I come into contact with art hoes once I'm out of college

>tfw you're a bootleg art hoe
I still suck a mean dick though