Talk to me.
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It be like that
Bless you you saint. Bless Crowley's Led Zeppelin. Bless the Beatles.
Reading his body language - dudes talking out his ass.
we should go on a fun trip together
but it's only possible if you reach out to me........
I thought becoming a productive member of society would give me purpose and improve my mental state but I was genuinely happier as a NEET.
Do you want to be with her? Then tell her.
ksaaa I just want to be a based calmfag
At this point I'm fucked for life. All I can do is make sure my kids have better lives than I did
No, that's evil people like you seeing yourself.
I hate you Micheal. You are the most evil person I've ever met.
But still, he’s scratching his ears and nose constantly, avoiding saying anything on substance other than “oh I read some stuff, these characters sure are silly”. /x/ is better than that guy.
was... was that weebspeak?
No, he is the real deal. If you were educated at all, you would know that. As he said, he researched, the only thing you've researched is your balls.
You really are my other half...
I am not demented Michael.
Why do you hate Michael so much, poor guy
I'm going to talk to you. Would you prefer morning? I do. No one else is there. See you tomorrow..
He is a thing only interested in his dick and crossdressing / lingerie.
Sounds hot!
No no I wont see you... let's not get carried away user
I can’t tell if you’re trolling or retarded
idk if I should get this:
I'm not buying it for myself, it's a gift and I'm unsure if it's worth the $$
Alright, what let's get into this. What do you know about him and Crowley?
I want you to really research this, not one article. Let's see some thought put into some research.
Still, weird reason to hate on somebody ain't it?
Today started off really good, I’m in a pretty shitty state now though, the contrast between sunshiny pleasantry I was seeing earlier and the damping depravity I see now really sucks.
He fucked his old mother with dementia. Does that make it better for you?
Sounds pretty hot again!
t. Michael
Do I love your words? Of course I do. Every woman would be charmed. Your substance is lacking and that's why I love him and I always will. He is human, yes, but he is perfect in his quest. You are disgusting.
Oh I think he'll see me.
Lol yes
Michael is a genius and his words are beautiful but he is vile and putrid. Not like the man I love.
I don’t need to do research to know that they’re a cult of personality first and foremost.
You love Michael stop pretending you don't
Thank you
Hey R, did you know he had a girlfriend? Sounds like he got you fired. What happened?
I would rather die and I will die because of him.
It's like the leapinglizards oto
I don't understand you anymore
Die for him! See? you're a sweetheart for him
I think Im getting sick of my friends. But it might be just people as a whole. I dont deserve her but I constantly look for more.
I hope it passes soon. I’m sick of seeing sickness, it breaks my fucking heart. I want to get away
leaping laughter...OTO
Research it
Guess what I did today.
Fuck all those people who are push overs. If people talk shit behind your back and try to sabotage you, "Sorry Bro" doesnt change things. Sorry I'm not a video game npc that you cant quick save and reload ad nauseam. And I'm also seriously trying to debate if having my close friends should be people who are "nice" is worse off than having folks around you support you or will gut check you when you need. it. One of the worse things is being surrounded by friendly people who hate you.
Shit on the bed
Not all friendly people talk shit
I'm down
try a decade
You're welcome. I would die for you. I love you so fucking much but you know this already.
.....not you. It's meant for the man who fucked up but has the purest intentions. I love you. I love you. I love you. I bless you forever. You have all the karma of the world my love.
I WENT OUT SIDE. And what did I see? Nothing but horse land as far as my eyes could view. HORSES!!! And then I went to the grocery market. GROCERIES!!!
And by the grocery market? FAKE HILLBILLIES ON DOBROS AND BANJOS!!! Can you believe it? Can you believe how LAME this existence is?! I'm SICK of it! Take me away, E.T. Send me into the stars. Or just beam me into fucking space and let my body boil and depressurize while my innards implode. I'm sick of this. I'm sick of the horses and the fake hillbillies and these god damn cowboys and their BULLSHIT! I wish I lived in a city so I could at least be around technology or some shit. Every time I'm on a train and pass through an industrial area, I just feel so jealous of everyone there. How lucky are they?
Probably not very because of how many cases of lung cancer and skin cancer and shit those people get but still. It's cool to look from afar and dream. My fantasies are incompatible with reality. The technological advances promised to me when I was a child was FORGOTTEN! DISMISSED! CAST AWAY AS IF MY FUTURE DIDN'T MATTER! WHY DID 9/11 HAVE TO HAPPEN??? OUR UTOPIA WAS SO CLOSE!!!111
Computer, I would like a phaser. Set it to kill.
I am a fucking dumbass autist sometimes
Me too.
What did you do user?
holy holy holy
I'm never going to be happy
You could just move to a city, waste of good horses imo but hey different strokes for different folks.
I'm on my knees and I bow to your cock.
You are my love.
Holy holy holy
City people are retarded. All the smart people live out here (or a little ways from where I live because I'm deep in cowboy county) creating and testing new technology but it's not a e s t h e t i c enough for me. I want my deadly laser beams. I want my hovercraft transforming mecha suit. I want a god damn space cruiser already. Futurama predicted two nuclear holocausts before we reach a technological utopia but Robotomy predicted humans will just all die out and be remembered as warring idiots obsessed with the the unnecessary. I feel like the world's going down the Robotomy path but I want it to go down the Futurama path. Or maybe Blade Runner because being in control in the Matrix seems fun. Not easy for the average person. And the A.I: A. I. path would be nice too but humans die off pretty quickly in that film.
I always think of it as an unofficial prequel to Waterworld though and I DEFINITELY don't want to live in a Waterworld world.
I'm not someone you want anyway. Bye.
Two years ago I had finally got a gf.
She dumped me within three weeks, and she wouldn't even tell me why.
Months later she tells me it was because I'm too short.
She was literally like one fucking inch taller than me.
Fucking end my life.
One thing every man can agree with is that razor bumps are the work of the devil
I broke up with my ex two years ago after about a month because he kept calling me short even though I'm 5'10". Fucking asshole.
Alright then
I would never talk like that, here or otherwise.
Also wtf is up with the weird posts lately?
I can't wait to see you again V. Maybe I'll actually wrap my arms around you this time.
Lucky guy
I had to catch a big fucking spider in my apartment tonight. I'm terrified of spiders. There are very few things that cause me to lose my cool, but spiders will do it pretty much every single time. I want to do two things in the near future: to move up north, and to adopt a cat.
Fuck those goddamn little shits. I would give so much to just not be afraid of them, but they just freak me out, and while I got this one by soldiering through, I just don't want to deal with them. I need a little buddy to take care of, who will kill these things in return. Is that so much to ask?
I really fucking hope that talking in my car like we did, and starting to rebuild our trust like we are is honest, and real. It feels like you want me in your life, and I'd like to be a part of it, because I really do care about you. I hope you care about me. I wish I knew more clearly how to approach this, or what to do, other then just be myself, and hope you see how good we can be together, even better then we were when w first dated.
Lol shorty
Yesterday I scabbed my knee tripping trying to unlock my door because I thought I saw a giant spider crawling on my chest.
It turned out to have just been a cockroach but god damn it I screamed so hard I woke the neighbours. I hate spiders so much since I have widows.
R is 1000 pounds and her pussy stank
>move up north
wouldn't that make your spider problem worse?
f-fuck you...
Why does it feel like all you want me to do is make me suffer, P.
Did you ever love me?
I can't talk to you. I've lost my mind. I'm picking up the pieces and putting it back together. For the most part... but man I'm so happy and loony and it shows. I know enough that I shouldn't be like this and it might lead me to very bad things but if I showed you who I am right now, well, I think the stress if you or another tried to intervene is what will lead me to a bad path.
You see, my voices yell critical things at me all the time. But they also are yelling so many fucking hilarious things too. But when someone tries to fix me then I turn sour. Everything is about the "enemy" and strategies and oh god *sigh* not gonna think about I was getting agitated.
That's when I can't make my voices copacetic. I can make them quieter - haha that sounds funny something in imaginary your head is too loud.
I haven't mentioned that I talk back to my voices. I first thought these things were just like a flavour of my subconscious like when your problem solving, so I chatter back. That seemed fine until this phenomena wouldn't shut up. I still remember my dream that night. It was like it followed me. and it just got worse. Stronger - and with each voice came a person to the scene - until I told them to shut up. Too loud.
That's the only time I've ever like yelled something while waking up. it or they was gone for a long time.
But when they stuff started to happen again when I got much older, I told them to shut up, and it stopped - well, until I got the ones I like. Behaved. Actually now I would consider them benevolent. Its something I just can keep in line. But it takes too much jibbering to keep them in line in the meantime it takes for them to fade away. They become me again, my thoughts in my inner voice alone. The only thing is just don't sound as funny when you're the one telling the joke.
But you wouldn't understand that. You'd become the enemy. I don't want that. I usually have to let people go then - they don't get what it is to have sympathy
Yes I did, T. But I don't know how to show my love. Sorry, man.
What's your full name P?
Cockroaches are pretty fucking bad for me, too. Really, any bug bigger than a quarter just fucks my shit up. It's awful. Why am I such a pussy when it comes to them?
Wait, don't spiders and bugs get smaller the further north you go? Or am I retarded and I got rused?
you're going to cheat on me again and i can't do anything about it
[spoiler]you're taller than me
>Cockroaches are pretty fucking bad for me, too.
Oh, no. I didn't have an issue with it being a cockroach. I thought it was a spider at first which was the problem. I actually don't mind cockroaches and I like to feed them scraps sometimes. They're pretty chill fellas and pretty smart as well. I'm sure a person could train one like a dog if they tried hard enough.
I got that from your post, I'm just saying they also terrify me. Just... Jesus, user. Fuck that. I'll never understand being able to deal with bugs like that.
I wish I could, though.
Okay. I am calm. Know they will murder soon.
You'd love this vid.
I ain't clicking that shit, nigga
You're probably not my P, but please, tell T you still love them if you do. They very well could still love you too. I know I still love my P., even after all this time.
That slut? You want her? I'm so embarrassed for you J....that you were victim to that. Celts for the win.
I was always with you celts.
I was just pretending to be a WHORE! ;)
I love you boys.
I'm a slut for avocados.
If youse a green and juicy nigga, hmu.
hah.... if only you were him
I mounted a lion to poise for you my love. Thank you for loving me. We celts will rule these fuckers.
yes that's true, where I'm from "up north" means the country and there's definitely more spiders in the country
trolls have taken over. maybe even spies.