I know depression is categorized by doing things that are destructive

I know depression is categorized by doing things that are destructive.
Is having sex sans condom destructive? Is it a sign of depression?
I’ve been considering doing this lately because it feels like nothing matters and I want to feel something (aka being filled with cum).

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Actual depressive disorder has very specific criteria. Not wrapping your junk isn’t a symptom.

STDs will just make things worse

I have actual depression as well. I’m on Wellbutrin.

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So then why the fuck are you asking if not having safe sex is a sign of depression if you already know you have it

holy shit

I’m wondering if it’s destructive behavior that is “troubling”

Also I’m female, so the partner is wrapped, not me

It’s really stupid is what it is. You know what’s worse than depression? Depression + pregnancy/STDs. Talk to your therapist about this shit, not Jow Forums.

maybe he wants his foreskin back

I’m experiencing infertility, 2 miscarriages in the last 8 months.
I would be so happy if I could just be pregnant and have it lead to a live birth. That’s actually the main reason I’m depressed is I feel like everything I want in life is unattainable because I’ve wrapped it into this perfect family picture that just isn’t happening. And there is so much irony in people making it sound like pregnancy is a bad thing, when someone so desperately wants to be pregnant.

I see...much less interesting once you know why

you need to talk to a therapist about this

I do talk to a therapist. She didn’t have anything to say about this issue other than that I should meditate more...

The desire to bareback or get barebacked, no, that's only natural, but most people go there because they think of the pleasure and nothing else.

If you think of the risk of hiv and can't be fucked to care or try to prevent it then yeah that's a red flag that your mental health could be better.

Right but I’m tested and so is the partner, so how would I get HIV?

I'm there with you OP. I mean, it's not like I want a bunch of cum inside me, but I was raised to believe women are romantic creatures and that they'd want some idealistic future with a guy like me. Now having grown up the only women who want me want me for my size, and if I ever try to get more serious they ghost me. I don't really have advice, but I wish you luck in creating that perfect happy family.

Unsafe sex, as well as frequent sex with strangers, is considered to be autodestructive behaviour by psychiatrists, yes. And it can accompany depressive disoders, although low sex drive is a more common symptom. It could also borderline disorder or something of the sorts.

But if the guy you're doing with it your actual partner, and you want to get pregnant, it seems normal.

What do you mean for your size?

Thanks for taking the post seriously, I appreciate it. I do think I’m being destructive and my therapist isn’t listening to me, she just keeps telling me to meditate more.

If all you feel is sadness that is also depression...

Yes, I have major depressive disorder

Same here but I refuse to call it a disorder. Hopefully things get better for you user.