I regret casual sex?

I know this sounds like complaining about something that's not even a problem, but I am dead serious.

Today I have had casual sex with a stranger who I met online. I have had one-night stands like 3 times in my life. And I absolutely feel awful about this.

Sex is great and it is really hard to turn down an opportunity for sex, but I have trouble dealing with these actions

For one, I feel like sex has to be something hard to get, something you need to "acquire". If I just go sleeping around, the pleasure, the incresed heartrate, the awesome feeling that having sex causes, it is going to go away, I am going to become numb to sex, as I feel like I have been getting.

Second, I I feel that it is wrong. I just picture myself with a girlfriend who has had many one-night stands and I cannot picture myself in a relationship with someone like that. If I feel like that, then it must be wrong for me to do it too, right?

ANyone else ever had conflicts about feeling that sleeping around is bad for you even tho you protect yourself?

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sex outside of long term committed relationships is legitimately damaging to the human psyche. It permanently damages your ability to pair bond and your self-esteem.

I'm not religious, I don't think you're a sinner for doing it, just telling you what I've learned.

You could always just not have casual sex.

Can you please talk a little more about that? I have seen people who were pretty sexually liberated and still managed to find long term nice relationships. Is it not a matter of each person?
Yes, but there is always the urge, the temptation.
And if I don't have a lot of sex, i feel like I'd be wasting my youth, idk. Throwing away a sex opportunity is pretty hard, man.

Actual fwbs is better because then you can bond with them a bit but still remain casual.

In my experience, sex without a meaningful connection is hollow and devoid of feeling. That being said, I treated sex like a handshake with many girls when I was young. I dont regret them all but I can clearly recall that any of those moments that had any bearing on me were ones where I genuinely liked the girl first. In retrospect, solitude was preferable to simply getting laid.

>Yes, but there is always the urge, the temptation.

Life holds many temptations, and the weak man gives into his urges. The temperent and penitent man resists his own desires, and it is he who acquires the fulfillment which you are lacking. You will not look back from your deathbed and smile at a number of girls you fucked. Cultivate your garden user, and be patient so that you can love the one who will love you properly.

I feel this too. Sex is fun, but I feel bad about having had sex with women who I'm not committed to. I try to treat my experiences as lessons for the future, so that I know a few things once I finally can commit ti to someone, but I still hold onto some guilt about it

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Congratulations! You are officially growing up!

I've been in a 6 year long committed relationship and sex felt really 'normal' and pleasurably. However, short after my break up, I've had a rebound effect and slept a few times with some woman. Man did I feel uncomfortable and wrong.

Great advice, I feel exactly the same way.In a sense you could say that it represents a value, the value pure love and commitment. Sex is precious and intimate, which is why (imo) I should be only shared with a significant other. Don't let the contemporary, moralless sodomites convince you otherwise.

>Yes, but there is always the urge, the temptation.
I such cases, when the urge is just too high, I just jack off a few times and quickly realize that I was merely driven by my hormones.

Every experience, good or bad, is always something that can have merit if you can learn to treat it as an opportunity to learn and add to who you are.

I was abstinent until 24 because I was basically saving myself until I met the right person.

When I was 23, I thought I did. I got my first kiss, but it didn't work out. And I basically had a rebound "fuck it" moment where I decided it was time to break some of the walls I'd put on around myself over the years.

Partly still kind of hurt, I figured I would actively throw myself in to the dating world.

Literally the first girl I went on a date with, she seems interested in sex, and so I just had a "Eh.... fuck it... let's see what this is about" moment and did... and it was fucking miserable.

I literally felt hollow inside afterwards.

I never even climaxed, and it sort of became a semi mental block for me at that point.

My second partner ended up being my best friend. She was drunk and horney, and I was too, so I figured, eh, why not? And so we became FWB's.... but the sex was so meaningless and selfish that it furthered that mental block and I basically just gave up on my own pleasure

My third partner.... that was a true one night stand. But this was with someone who I truly wanted to be with in that moment. She was the first person I actually decided to sleep with, not because I was horny, or lonely, or it was there and I figured "why not?", but because we chatted, and we connected, and I wanted to share a memory with her, even if I knew it was physically impossible for us to meet again after this.

It was the first time I learned I could have fun, and relax, and laugh like that, even if I never climaxed.

And all of that is what basically lead me to my 4th partner. My girlfriend. Though it all, I slowly learned what I did and did not need. Without that knowledge, things would probably never have worked with my girlfriend.

No regrets, only experiences that add and round out who I am.

You've got a pretty good outlook on life. Thanks for posting, user

>My third partner.... that was a true one night stand. But this was with someone who I truly wanted to be with in that moment. She was the first person I actually decided to sleep with, not because I was horny, or lonely, or it was there and I figured "why not?", but because we chatted, and we connected, and I wanted to share a memory with her, even if I knew it was physically impossible for us to meet again after this.
How did this actually happen though? Who approached whom? What did you say to each other?

Solution: only have sex with girls you actually like

How do you even have sex with somebody you don't like? I could never understand this mindset ever. Maybe that's why I missed out on having ONSs in the first place?

>How do you even have sex with somebody you don't like?

Their body gives you an erection, which you then put inside their vagina.

Not that I actively disliked them, I just didn't know them or didn't care and did it just to "get laid". That's where the emptiness comes in. If you really genuinely enjoy spending time with someone, it won't feel feel empty even if you have a ONS.

But how do you approach the person then, how do they agree to it? There must be some degree of affection between two people to actually go through with this, no? Else it's no better than fapping - worse even, since at least while fapping you already know what gets you off.

>no better than fapping
I thought the same, and actually discussed this with the second girl I had sex with. A wet vagina >>> your own hand

I've actually had vagina so you ain't fooling me dude. Or wait, maybe you're a cutfag?

I'm uncut. A wet vagina >>> your own hand.


Just meet at a bar or club, there's a bit of talking and some mutual attraction and drunkenness. You're not necessarily in love with them but can tolerate them for a few hours.

The feeling of it isn't THAT mind blowing. When you take the effort into account it's not really worth it. But it's nice to feel desired sometimes.

Modern men were a mistake. Take my advice.

>isn't THAT mind blowing
I mean, fair enough. Having a vagina on your dick isn't completely incomparable to stroking yourself off. But I'll still hold firm that touching wet labia only to put your fingers inside the girl and find it even wetter and warmer *is* incomparable to jerking off. You can't deny that. Penetrative sex is good, but fingering is the shit.

Ok so it looks like I've failed at the first step - I'm teetotal and thus I don't go to bars and clubs. What's the workaround then? Tea houses and woo girls with buddha shit and kamasutra quotes?

Plus part of the fun is the interaction with the girl. If you're thinking of just the tinglies in yr peen, then no, sex isn't all that incredible. But masturbation is a fucking lonely act. You don't get the same warmth, feedback, smells, sounds, etc. from jerking yourself off. And those should all be enjoyable things; if you don't enjoy those things about sex, you may have other issues to work out

Wow its almost as if society is just a collective of narcissists who burn everything good in the world and inevitably regret their stupid fucking actions and by the time they do there are a million people who watched them burn everything good in the world now standing in the way of a return to sanity so everyone is forced to reap what they sow.

Never forget that. You experience the reality that you took a part in creating. If you do what instinct told you was a shortcut but was morally wrong, then that is the world you will get. I am confident that every psychopath on the planet, after running out of things to destroy, will find themselves in a world with GASP nothing.

Even schizophrenic con artist followers of one of the 6 trillion made up religions eventually take a break from claiming they are GAWD to be like wow maybe we should just treat others the way they want to be treated.

The point is, a society which emphasizes the need to throw everyone else in the trash like they are object to get ahead and have the best ego that nobody cares about, the best car nobody cares about, the best number of sexual partners nobody cares , the best track record for treating others like shit, and never building something everlasting like the elimination of crime poverty or diseases, is shit. Now that there is no more delusion fueling the assumption that you only need disposable relationships, since every awful possibility has been explored, the world is now empty because everything good has been destroyed and all that remains is idiot narcissists with no mirages left to conquer.

Nothing can be created by two empty narcissists , so your sex is going to be pointless and only remind you of you and your wavelengths disgusting ways. Enjoy your eternal torture Donald.

I mean it's pretty simple: they make your dick hard.

It's basically what happens with all those basic bitches. Do you think any of their boyfriends or husbands or fuckbuddies actually really liked them? Maybe every now and then they do something nice, but most of the time they stick around because she looks bomb as fuck in a tiny dress and heels and it feels real good to finally fuck the stupid bitch into submission. Does that sound like sex with someone you like and respect as a person?

You can go to bars or clubs and be sober. I don't drink much, but sometimes take some edibles before going to a club.

Extremely based and rp


>How did this actually happen though? Who approached whom? What did you say to each other?

Bit of long story, because I can't be bothered to write a short one: My childhood best friend's GF's best friend had been trying to set us up for the longest time (I guess she figured she thought it'd be awesome or poetic if we could both be couples like that?).

The thing is though... both of us were of exactly the same personality type where if you try to push us on something, we'll tend to balk out of stubbornness or pride.

So of course we eventually met at some party while visiting them and we pretty much did a "Oh hey, so you're X. I've heard so much about you. Ok, cool. i'm going over there now". And then kinda ignored one another for the rest of the weekend.

Fast forward like 2-3 years though, my best friend's girl has just graduated, and she's now taking a last hurrah and visiting all over before she has to move back home. Her friend also just graduated and is tagging along, with my best friend who is moving with them.

And as one of their stops, they end up crashing at my place for a weekend.

I end up taking them out for dinner to congratulate them and we end up having a good time, and chatting, enjoy our food and drinks, and after we go back to mine and continue the drinking at my place.

Eventually my best friend and her girl excuse themselves and turn in kind of early, but her friend and I aren't tired yet so we just start to chat and get to know each other more...

And the more we do, the more we kind of realize... Oh shit... we really do click on so many levels... And we become absolutely fascinated with one another. We spend most of the night just laughing and talking and having fun, and eventually, not wanting to stop, we lie down while chatting until we start getting sleepy.



We're physically close enough that things start to get kind of flirty, where contact is kind of unavoidable and we both kind of lean in to it and get playful.

Eventually we've kind of crossed a certain threshold and there's this obvious tension in the air where I just ask if she wants to take this back to my bedroom, and she says yeah. And we end up having one of the most intimate and kind of happy experiences either of us has had, just trading stupid jokes and sweet moments. I remember literally waking up the next morning with a plastered smile on my face, and I thought that shit was a exaggerated movie moment. We both kind of joking agree to not tell her best friend, out of fear/annoyance that she'd "I told you so" us.

Unfortunately, they're about to move several hundred miles away, so that's pretty much the end of our encounter. I kind of kick myself a little bit because for almost three years we'd lived maybe half an hour away form each other, but our stubbornness meant we'd kind of missed out on something that felt like it had real potential.

I'd actually end up visiting them a couple years later with my girlfriend.... and still kinda felt that same... tension in the air between us... that same kind of mutual primal draw to one another that had lingered when we last parted ways. Nothing happened of course, I was happy with my girlfriend, but it's funny how years later, that shit still existed in spite of having absolutely nothing of it when meeting prior.

What's the point of going out if you aren't gonna drink Then again I was never able to pick up a girl.

There's really no need for all the moralizing. If it isn't for you then don't do it. Right and wrong don't really have anything to do with this.

>For one, I feel like sex has to be something hard to get, something you need to "acquire". If I just go sleeping around, the pleasure, the incresed heartrate, the awesome feeling that having sex causes, it is going to go away, I am going to become numb to sex, as I feel like I have been getting.

You're saying you like the chase, which is fine. That doesn't mean that casual sex will make you numb to that or to sex in general.
>Second, I I feel that it is wrong.
it's not.

> I just picture myself with a girlfriend who has had many one-night stands and I cannot picture myself in a relationship with someone like that.
why not? you can be with a girl who has had many one night stands, but why do you not want to?

To be fair, I'm biased towards casual sex. I've been with roughly 35 people, and I'm 24. If you have any questions from the other side feel free to ask. The feeling you're describing, of feeling hollow or bad after casual sex is something that many people talk about. Honestly I don't relate to it. I've had plenty of bad hookups, but it's very much like pizza for me in the sense that even bad sex feels good and good sex is great. I usually feel a lot better about life after hooking up, more confident and in control of myself after the fact while also being more calm. I'm not dependent on it though for that feeling.

give us some sources on those claims.

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