Women don't actually care about men?

Hi guys.

I have seen a lot of mgtow/red pill videos and they have made me pretty anxious.

Can woman actually love a man or are these videos right?





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Other urls found in this thread:


Just bunch of bullshit bro.

Nothing worth of getting anxious about.

redpill videos are absolute brain poison. Those communities exist to make you miserable so you self isolate and delve further in and ruin your own life. Please avoid them, as a form of self love...

MGTOW is bullshit.

MGTOW/redpill assholes love to say the problem is every woman they’ve ever met, but I always like to say that if you smell shit every place you go, it’s time to check your own shoe

Buddy, the Matrix wasn’t even that good of a movie.

>but I always like to say that if you smell shit every place you go, it’s time to check your own shoe
Kek, that's great I'm keeping that

How would you reply to things he says?

are you a virgin? Because women can smell a virgin a mile away

Sorry but I'm not going to 1. fuck up my YouTube algorithm with that shit or 2. give them the view that puts money in thier pockets. If you want to discuss specific points let me know what they are.
In general women and just as distateful, hateful and selfish as men and women are just as loveable, incredible, and valuble as men.

Mgtow is right about a lot of things. Women monkey branch when they can and dont love their man unconditionally. My only gripe with mgtow is that this this true for men too especially the chads and the players.

No they cant. Women can see a mans bad genetics from a mile away. His ugly face and bad height. Both which correlate to virginity

Chads are just feminine men and should be ignored and treated as a woman should be. We are the face of masculinity, not them. They're what women want, which is why they're feminine. Unfortunately, women are too stupid to realize they want a masculine man like myself and not these feminine Chads who are just women in a male body..

nigger its not that serious
just delete your history. 1 views gives you literally nothing

back to Jow Forums
defeatist tranny transition already

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Yeah chad is a woman in the mind. Thats why he gets along with them so well. Women from what i seen only like to be around gay men and chads, and other women. Not a coincidence.

This is literally mega cope

omg is this real

Its true though.

Some of things said there was:

- Woman is as loyal as her options are. If she is super hot and a lot of men are around her, there is bigger chance for her to dump me or cheat on me with someone more "higher"

- Woman doesn't love man in same way as man loves woman

- Woman doesn't care about you unless you can provide them something. This doesn't only apply to relationship, but family and friends as well

No, it's not, and it's hilarious that this is being suggested. The concept that women aren't attracted to you because you're more masculine than Chad is laughable. Are you saying you're more masculine than Chris Hemsworth or Jason Mamoa? Get that giga cope out of here and accept that whatever it is that you're in excess of that's off putting women, it's not masculinity

I watched most of your first link, sounds like a dude who got rejected and maybe cheated on quite a few times. The question you are posing is not one someone else should answer for you. You have to find out for yourself by cultivating a real relationship. Saying "women are only loyal if you provide something" is like saying "women are only loyal if you give them something to be loyal for", it's kind of a useless statement. Obviously loyalty is mutual and there needs to be a basis for why you stick with someone but that doesn't make women inherently incapable of loyalty and love

The delusions of a manlet.

Women in general are garbage past their 20s. They can't feel what you and I call love.

Legitimately only trans people can make this claim. There is no way a woman or a man who'd been that their whole life can legitimately, rationally argue that they know this.

I'm a 4 year old trans man and I couldn't become a woman into my twenties because I became trans at 17 so I can't input here.

-You should seek out women "on your level" if this is a concern for you. But can you honestly tell me with a straight face that attractive men with women all around them don't or wouldn't do the same? Maybe personal moral fiber is an issue here more than gender. Afik cheating rates are at least roughly equal, if not something that men do more. Right?
-this is word salad to me... We all love people in unique ways. You could reverse the statement easily.. what does that say?
- Aren't women providing men with something? Sex, empathy, cuddling, attention, money, a feeling of empowerment.. If women were just cucumbers men wouldn't want to be with them and wouldn't make sacrifices to be with them. Women make sacrifices to be with men. If you let this shit poision you that relationships are an unequal exchange of goods, you'll never be able to be happy. Even if everything I'm saying is 100% fucking fake and this guy is right, women are manipulative and cold and don't really experience love, that's saying goodbye to happiness in a relationship for yourself. Why would you buy into it? It's pain. In case you couldn't tell I'm a woman... I love people very very deeply. This kind of material is hurtful to me on the surface but it's doing so much deeper harm to men, it freaks me the fuck out

I really hope you feel differently about women as you get older. Btw I'm really fucking sorry about TERFs. I got no explaination for that one

I don't know what TERF means and I have no issue with women other than I don't look like one naturally.

oh sorry I thought you'd made this comment

I always open private browsing when going to YouTube. Anything else is obnoxious.
I honestly don't understand why YouTube still is tolerated.
Try to show a video to a co-worker or someone, go full screen to hide the cringey shit YouTube thinks you want to watch, before video is over, quickly close the browser before you get the good old wall of cringe.
I don't understand why Google is punishing me for clicking some random video. It would actually be fine if Google was as lazy as they are incompetent, because then I could just fix the problem by hiding all the bad shit with css, but then they make a rename of some variable and I have to constantly update my fix. Hate those people.

I kind of get what you are saying, but still I wonder this bacause if you liok at comment section, there is a lot of support and agreement.

In example, one comment was like:
"Tough pill to swallow, but so fucking true. All women are blood sucking vampires. Mgtow 4 life"

the new algorithm is absolute shit. You used to watch outlaw star OP 1 and the suggested videos would be outlaw star ED 1 and now it's like. "10 crafty hacks" and "feminists get owned compilation"

Fucking typos

The ppl commenting stuff like that are in a mental position i hope you never ever get to, in part because it's wrong (I beleive it is.. as like. someone who feels love and that I'm not an awful person because I'm a woman), but honestly more because its miserable and isolating and I want better for you, even though I don't know you

gay recruitment psyop. Redpilled women exist.

>Redpilled women

This. I gotta have a seperate youtube account for watching weird political things

>are these men who hate women so much that they go out of their way to make videos saying how much they hate women telling the truth about women?



At last i can truly see with open eyes
I always thought that mgtow was fishy

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One thing to mention. I got one of these videos link by one dating coach (Teguh Setiawan) on Quora


More similar videos:


Women are no different than men in most ways. You just bought into gender roles and boomer culture.

Anyone, despite of their gender, can cheat. But I think, females are severely more disloyal than males. It doesn’t mean male is worse than female. It’s just thr reality.

Chances are, we only chat/date to 1–3 girls at the same time, while females may have 3–6 males to chat/date at the same time.

You can either understand women or love women but you can't do both.

Correct. Women are incapable of unconditional love for their man. However, Jow Forums will try to convince you otherwise because it’s a hard truth they’re not willing to cope with so they’ll deny it.

Most of them men on this board have little to no experience with the opposite sex, believe men and women are the same, and love to put women on pedestals. Literally every redpill truth out there gets denied outright, and when you try to present facts, they resort to personal attacks and projections.

Any man who’s slept with/dated/spent ample time with women, and hell even women who are self aware, will openly confirm most of the redpills you get from MGTOW, PUA, Rollo Tomasi. The truth is the truth, it doesn’t change, how people deal with it is what varies.

Stop asking self-deluded retards on this board for answers, and go ask people irl instead.

>Women are incapable of unconditional love for their man

and this couldn't be applied vice versa?

Do you have any evidence to your claims?

No. Loyalty and honor are traits valued among men. And men literally sacrifice themselves, their dreams, and their lives for their families and even countries.

Self-sacrifice is not something women do, are expected to do, or really, ever have done historically.

A hero, ergo, an ideal man, is always a man who sacrifices their well-being for the better good. Because that’s an idea that resonates strongly with men. Women can’t comprehend this, and this why their attempt at doing the same just created an overpowered Mary Sue, because the concepts of responsibility, accountability, loyalty, and self-sacrifice are so far outside their experience they simply can’t comprehend them. They think a hero is an overpowered male fantasy. Because that’s why it’s a concept that’s existed since the dawn of man. Even Hercules had to go through trials that tested his willpower. He wasn’t just awesome at everything. He too had to struggle and prove himself.

Thus, the male concept of love is far outside the female one.

Women focus on self-preservation, and the protection of their children. Thus, their concept of love is one of convenience. Not one of devotion and adoration. The moment a man is no longer convenient to a woman, he loses all value to her.

What sort of evidence do you want?

Redpill is ok, but its an intermediate step, take the black pill, user

>women dont care about men
You are clearly young or just immature.
Women dont care about men, women dont care about other women, women only care about themselves. This isnt bad or good, it just is. People dont care about other people, they only care when they can or need to get something out of it.
If you want to please others, think about it, why do you want that, also expect others to take advantage of you.

You need to grow up user

Get a load of this guy still stuck in the cave man era lmao

do you really think a dude is still gonna love a girl when she morphs into whiny lazy hamplanet

No, but he'll still stay with her, because society expects him to and he'd have to betray his masculine vow of loyalty to do otherwise.

>A hero, ergo, an ideal man, is always a man who sacrifices their well-being for the better good. Because that’s an idea that resonates strongly with men
Idea put in and reinforced by todays society of single mothers, weak, dumb spineless fathers and tv/film industry.
Dont be a fucking hero, dont do shit for others, bacause people (esp women) are there to exloit you. Greater good is all good but make sure you look out for your interests first.

You’re a moron if you think the concept if a hero is new. When the Hero’s Journey is as old as mankind itself. With the earliest recorded tales dating back 1000s of years.


And the proof is all around you. Plenty of married men love their wives unconditionally, no matter what sort of monster she turns into, and stick around for the sake of their family.

Do you live under a rock?

Do you see OP? This is how beta males cope with redpills they can’t handle. I even called it. Resorting to personal attacks and insults. Boom.

Women can love their man unconditionally.

My sister fell into depression after his boyfriend cheated on her. So, she really loved this guy

Modern hero is different than the hero of old. I did mention to watch for own interests first before anyone else.

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They don't, they just see men like flashy wealth extracting tools.

Essentially they see men how men would see a corvette with a fleshlight and could go to work for you and do your job.

>Self-sacrifice is not something women do, are expected to do, or really, ever have done historically
Now that's some supreme, top-of-the-line bullshit. Did your mom abandon you or something when you were young? Have you ever read anything written by a woman detailing the female experience? Jesus Christ.

Any mom worth her salt sacrificed so much, all the time. Parenting itself involves a lot of self-sacrifice, and that's a two-way street. Do you think carrying a child for nine months requires zero self-sacrifice? Do you even realize what she medically has to go through for her child to be born?

She wasn't going to do anything besides get fat watching netflix kids or no kids.

Women, especially in the United States, have to sacrifice their own self-interests (career, hobbies, freedom) to take care of a baby. There is no maternity leave protecting their self-interests. You have to make a choice. Many of my coworkers have had to make a choice to step out of the workforce, sometimes for years, to carry new life to term and devote their life to raising it.

If that's not self-sacrifice, fuck, I don't know what is.

Oh no they couldn't be corporate slaves in middle management and do nothing but leach a salary from the office while getting in the way of real work. Seen the women who don't drop out? They end up freindless alkies who dont get all the pet hair off their dress

Quit being such a naïve baby and stop paying so much attention to that crap

What are you even saying? You haven't actually contributed to the discussion in any meaningful way, you're just seething at real sacrifices women must make often because, what, they don't match up your worldview or ideological frame?

My aunt hosted her dying mother-in-law and did 24/7 hospice care in her home for her last two years. She handled all the finances and it cost her the relationships with the rest of that family, but she did it because she had to. Is that good enough for you?

My grandmother was mercilessly beaten by her alcoholic father and was born in extreme poverty. She makes blankets every waking moment in her spare time to donate to her church, purely because she feels a communal responsibility to the needy. Is that empathetic enough for you?

Or maybe you want to hear about my colleague, who had to quit her hard-earned job to battle cancer and undergo extreme chemotherapy for five years. Is enduring that not self-sacrifice enough for you? Have you ever watched someone fight cancer and sacrifice the rest of their body in unending torture? She still has complications to this day. She still can't get the job she was on track to getting.

Self-sacrifice is a part of the human condition, and you're a fool to believe it's limited to men only. If you truly listen to people, all people, it's very easy to understand.

He doesn't want to accept that this issue may have nuance because then he would actually have to put thought into things. It's much easier to be a hateful asshole and give into negativity then it is to actively fight back and genuinely consider every person you meet as an individual.

When has a woman ever sacrificed for her man?

We’re not talking about paternal love here retard. We’re talking about the love and loyalty a woman gives her man. Yes, mothers love their kids unconditionally, they’re literally biologically programmed to. But they’re incapable of loving a man with the sane commitment and loyalty a man has for a woman. Why? BECAUSE OF HER PRESDISPOSITION TO CARE FOR HER KIDS FIRST, HERSELF SECOND (SO SHE CAN CARE FOR HER KIDS) and THEN everyone else, and yes, that includes her man. The reason women are hypergamous is BECAUSE OF CHILDREN.

You see?! This is why you beta make soiboys are such morons. In instantly label anything that contradicts your fantasy as false without stopping to think of WHY it is the way it is. Women aren’t evil. And as harsh as the realization that your wife will never love you the way you want her to love you (ergo, the same way your mother loved you), it’s a pill you must learn to swallow because it MUST EXIST. Hypergamy isn’t bad. It’s only ever an issue when it’s allowed to run rampant and women are allowed to have no accountability or responsibility in life, and get to have their cake and eat it too.

The problem isn’t women. It isn’t hypergamy. It’s the decay of order and traditional foundations within society that have allowed BOTH genders to eschew their responsibilities to their communities all in the name of hedonism and sexual liberation.

This is what people mean when they say Asian women are superior to Western women. Because they are still bound to their social responsibilities by their culture and values. Nobody wants to marry an overgrown irresponsible child who escapes their own maturity. The the majority of western women have done.

This is why the “red pill is a tough pill to swallow.” Because it’s been made bitter, when traditionally it was just part of growing up.

Sure, I was ages 15 through 20 once, too. I understand demonizing a gender for awhile because you've experienced trauma, but it's important that you grow out of that phase. I hated women for awhile, then I hated men for awhile, then I "hated everyone equally." Once I encountered my own death for the first time, I stopped hating. It isn't worth it after you truly understand how fragile it all is.

If people were individuals it would not be so easy to categorize mental illness.

Are you implying that men not biologically programmed to unconditionally love their children? Because if so, you haven't talked to many fathers about this.

Yep, pretty much the exact same as you. It's just sad they're going around trying to give advice when they clearly should just be asking for it.

You're a retard. The fact that two people with depression can show entirely different symptoms and reactions to the same scenario literally blows that argument out of the water.

No, not to the level mothers do.

Both genders will feel paternal bonding and love with their kids, but males, because they can impregnate many women, care less than the biological caretaker.

Yes, men will sacrifice for their family unit, but the way men view their family is different from how a woman views her kids. A man sees family as something he’s accomplished, something that’s his. A woman, literally sees her children as a literal extension of herself. Yes, men can love their kids unconditionally, and they do. But they DON’T always do, AND they don’t to the same degree a mother does.

Moreover, you’re getting off-topic. We were talking about the love a woman extends to her man. No it’s not unconditional. On the contrary, it’s very conditional, and the moment you stop being of value to her or her kids, is the moment you are DONE.

Woman can sacrifice years of time to relationship.

In example, my mother sacrificed 20 years of her life to my dad, until they had divorce

So, by your argument, women can never abandon their children then, right? Due to that "biological programming" being too strong. Am I understanding your basis correctly?

I'm a woman and I'm honestly offended you think men love their kids less. Like, fuck, no wonder the MRAs are such angry cunts when there's men like you spreading this shit around. No wonder you guys don't get kids in court.

That’s not sacrifice, it’s risk. A gamble. You’re redefining what sacrifice is so it fits your mold.

I will say it again.

Women can love their man unconditionally.

My sister fell into depression after his boyfriend cheated on her. So, she really loved this guy

No, that’s not what I said at all, because obviously outliers exist and nature is only half of the equation. Your environment also shapes who you are and thus your decisions. So if your environment values hedonism over responsibily, it’s likely you will abandon your child and reject your biological programming.

Have you literally never taken a course in psychology? We learned this shit in high school man...

Yeah they can, thing is generalizing like this is simply willful ignorance by trying to justify certain things women hold similar to eachother and make it seem like they have it out for the opposite sex. It's not true though and thing is guys like this look at things with a logical stand point that has nothing to do with any woman's personal logic.

Kings would often pit their kids against each other in battles to the death to see who was worthy. Men don’t love their kids equally, and no it’s often not unconditional. Go ahead and ask all the single mothers who had fathers who abandoned them what they think.

I don’t care if you’re offended. I’m a man and I think you’re stupid and have a very limited and inexperienced worldview.

The way a man loves his son is different to the way a woman loves her son, and no it’s not unconditional. Fathers have historically disowned children, boy and girl, for stepping too far out of line, mothers, if at all, haven’t really done that.

Correlation =/= causation.

Say it as many times as you like, but you aren’t stating a fact.

Okay! So shades of grey exist. A woman can reject this "biological programming" due to her environment if it promotes hedonism. That makes perfect sense to me.

So, say her environment promotes... I don't know, the value of love and self-sacrifice, instead of this hedonism. By your very own logic, doesn't that mean she can then "reject her own biological programming" (your words, not mine), and be able to, I don't know, love and value the man she's with, unconnected to children? Certainly if she can overcome that dreadful, cursed biological programming in a negative way, there's nothing that can stop it from happening in a positive way.


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So you don't care that you're fucking other men over by pushing your opinion of how men should be on all men. I can guarantee you, from literally my home life, that my dad loved his kids a whole lot more than my mum. I'm sorry your dad didn't love you properly, user, I hope by the time you get to your own kids that you don't perpetuate the cycle.

I love my husband to death. He is not perfect by any means, but I would give my life to save his! Yes, women can love men! Oh, and you don't need to be a perfect 10 or anything to find a mate either! I didn't look at the links, but I know some of those incel sites insist that only "perfect" looking people with great personalities get girls. That is absolute bullshit!

Please don't keep reading stuff that will make you doubt this. Your mind will believe what you feed it - if you keep reading stuff saying women can't love men, your brain will start to think this is true, and you will unconsciously end up believing it and won't be successful at dating.

>So, say her environment promotes... I don't know, the value of love and self-sacrifice, instead of this hedonism. By your very own logic, doesn't that mean she can then "reject her own biological programming" (your words, not mine), and be able to, I don't know, love and value the man she's with, unconnected to children? Certainly if she can overcome that dreadful, cursed biological programming in a negative way, there's nothing that can stop it from happening in a positive way.


Too bad an environment like that doesn’t exist. Western culture is most definitely not like that, and instead fosters hedonism and self-indulgence and rampant individualism, all in the name of personal liberation.

The concepts of love, and self-sacrifice have basically gone out the window, especially with the onset of technology making people more antisocial, and consumerism being used as a means to fill that personal void. Things like Tinder and Social Media turning personal interaction and intimacy into a commodity. We’re pushed more and more to delve and indulge into our most basic, primal, animalistic instincts. Because that’s what we are. Animals that became intelligent, that built rules which allowed us to create thriving societies. Things like love, compassion, self-sacrifice, responsibility, etc... you’re not BORN with those, they’re handed down to you by your environment, your education. Once that decays, you go back to being a self-indulgent animal that struggles to find happiness and fill that void with reckless hedonism.

Those videos, like most of the trolling on 4 chan, are made by bitter nerdy guys who have never actually spoken to a real live woman and create a monstrous image of the "enemy" to justify their failures.

There are some shallow or nasty women out there, just as there are shallow and nasty men. But they are in the minority. Most people, male and female, are imperfect but well-meaning.

Next time you read or watch any propaganda for anything, consider the source

Once again with the personal attacks and projections.

I cited historical facts as evidence. You cited a fallable and biases anecdotal experience, and then proceeded to project things onto me. Not making a strong case against the 1000s of written records that stand against your own word.

Yeah it's all an aggressive strawman (strawwoman?) and generalisation of the entire female population.
It's also funny that incels/redpillers/MGTOW blame others for their problems, and not themselves, and then try to claim that this is empowering. The cognitive dissonance is astounding

Ohhh, so not only do women come pre-programmed to not be capable of loving you, even if they could break free, the very society we live in, through those evil social media apps on our smartphones and dating websites and apps, mean it's just utterly hopeless for women to see the true value in men. After all, wouldn't it be fair to say that women can't think critically enough to break through the way men can, because of that dreadful biological programming, right?

Maybe if you stop living your life through your screen, you'll see things differently.
>inb4 excuses to not do this
Are you looking to improve yourself, or just scapegoat your way out of responsibility and success?

I'm a man, I also have son and wife and I can tell you with full honesty that I love my son more than my wife! Of course, I love both of them, but my child is my flesh and blood.

I love my husband to death. He is not perfect by any means, but I would give my life to save his! Yes, women can love men! Oh, and you don't need to be a perfect 10 or anything to find a mate either! I didn't look at the links, but I know some of those incel sites insist that only "perfect" looking people with great personalities get girls. That is absolute bullshit!

Please don't keep reading stuff that will make you doubt this. Your mind will believe what you feed it - if you keep reading stuff saying women can't love men, your brain will start to think this is true, and you will unconsciously end up believing it and won't be successful at dating.

You know... you came THIS close to understanding something about the world around you, and what people are actually talking about when they talk about these things. Too bad your veil of sarcasm and cynicism prevented you from taking the opportunity to learn from someone else taking their time to explain things to you.

It’s not sexism. Men who’ve taken the red pill don’t hate women, most don’t at least. I don’t. I understand them, and understand that the problem isn’t with them, but with the world around US. Society is sick, that’s the issue here. I’ve personally never had an issue dating girls, or having relationships, or any of that. I’m a handsome, hard-working, successful and capable man who is outgoing and charismatic. It’s BECAUSE I understand women so well, that I know what’s really up.

It’s morons who fail to understand women, or the issues that hand, that assume that statements like these are hateful or sexist because they sound bad on a surface level.

Part of growing up as a man, is accepting that the love you had from your mother, CAN’T be found anywhere else, and you shouldn’t seek it out in women. YOU’RE meant to be the stable pillar that allows her to be female. You’re meant to mature, grow up, and become independent and capable. Problem with most men is that they never got the memo, and modern media has idealized the concept of romantic love into something that should not only be sought out, but actually even exists and lasts. Passionate love is fleeting. Real love is DIFFERENT. It grows slowly, and over time, and over mutual respect for each other. But ALWAYS with the understanding that both genders love differently, and both must fulfill a role for each other, because they need each other. Stop fulfilling that role, and that love will shatter.

But sure, go on, have your smug chuckles, label me a loser incel if you’d like... you’ve got a lot of growing up to do.

Oh no user, I'm just biologically programmed to not love men or truly experience self-sacrifice, so I'm soaking up the knowledge that has long eluded me my long-lived life. Here I thought I felt genuine feelings, but I guess that was all a lie constructed by Facestagram and Twindter. My evil vagina just means I'm a monster. I should probably just quit my job, drop out of school, and become a baby factory, hissing and swiping at any man the moment he's done fucking me like a cat in heat. After all, that's all he's truly good for, and that's the only thing I can unconditionally feel is love for my children.

In earnest though, I do feel bad. Believing all of that bullshit must be hell. I hope you grow out of this dumb e-cult one day, for your own sake. All people, even men deserve to feel they can be truly loved, albeit you might have to work for yours with a complex like that. Good luck, user.

You dont really love and that is that.

>Part of growing up as a man, is accepting that the love you had from your mother, CAN’T be found anywhere else
no offense m8, but it kinda sounds like you wanna bone your mom

Believing what bullshit you idiot?

I’m 34 and married, and I’ve probably had more girlfriends than you’ve had crushes you school kid.

Hide your head in the sand all you like, it literally doesn’t affect me in any way. Life’s gonna teach you the way life does if you refuse to learn from people who know better than you.

I came in here to answer OP who was asking a legitimate question. No, women love different from men, stop chasing after unconditional love and passionate love from women it will only lead to endless suffering like I’ve seen it happen to countless peers of mine over the years. Seek out partners who are compatible with you, and always stay on top of yourself to be the best you can be. That’s part of the agreement you make with each other when you pair bond. No one is ever gonna love you unconditionally, only your mother. Passionate love is a weakness in men, we idolize beauty, don’t let it consume you. Be smart.

This triggered you. It bothered you so much not only did take me aside to debate it with me, but then resorted to personal attacks and patronizing when you had nothing else to offer. I get why it bothered you, because it runs in stark contrast with the reality you WANT to believe in. Believe what you wanna believe, I’ve said what I’ve had to say. Life will teach you the rest. Like, why even bother continuing to reply to me if you’re not gonna offer anything of value?

Do you wanna feel like you won if you git the last word in? Do you wanna feel validated? I can clap for you if you’d like. Ffs, grow up.

I totally misinterpreted your post I thought you were one of the incels bitter at women, and I was trying to tell who I thought you were to get a grip on reality. My mistake