Why are young people not having sex /pol?
Are males not assertive enough?
Are females too hard to get?
is it the porn industry that's ruining everything?
is it the metoo movement?
redpill me
Why are young people not having sex /pol?
Are males not assertive enough?
Are females too hard to get?
is it the porn industry that's ruining everything?
is it the metoo movement?
redpill me
I think s o y is killing young men's sex drives.
According to Jow Forums females aren't that hard to get... so why aren't the males getting any?
as a young man i'd say because what's the point really in searching it out, a lot of people are just looking for ways to waste the day not build a future
excluding /pol tho, /pol are the fringe of society and shouldn't be counted. talking about normal americans here, not incels
this is sex, not marriage. not supposed to be about the future lmfao
only a disgusting gentile pig would see random fornication as anything positive.
Shit/single mothers are the root of all this celibacy.
its not "young people" aren't having sex. Its young MEN are increasingly being "selected out" of the dating pool. I suppose its somewhat ironic that out of all the sociological analysis that the right and left alike loves to masturbate to, when it comes to issues of sexuality, the incels were right all along and were far more correct in their analysis of the marketplace, trends and developing behaviours than anyone else. But then, I think thats because everyone else still has their head stuck in the sand and is unwilling to even think about it, much less talk about it.
oh, as apposed to sex within marriage, 2 minutes, missionary only, you're not allowed to enjoy it
gtfo of here. this is a blatant double standard - /pol are desperate for pussy with their loli's and potn gifs.
Porn...unrealistic expectations (too many people think they are better looking then they are) ..intenet addiction and scoial media narcissism (too in love with themselves no time or selfie space for a partner..lack of real social network or community..extreme feminist..probably a combination of things...lack of social skills
any male not having sex knows that it is the fault of females. as a married person, it's pretty obvious to see that single men are fucked because society allows women to freely have unlimited sex. There needs to be an enforced quota
i dont give a fuck what these retarded goys want or dont want, just dont try to think youre superior you fucking swine.
Sex for its own sake is degenerate. Men shouldn't be having any until they establish themselves in the world.
an enforced quota? my fucking sides
who enforces the quota - the government?
how do they enforce it?
to whom does it apply? females only? or males and females? or to only males who don't get any sex?
fuck man this is too funny
why are you triggered? is it because you finally realised that you not having sex is a consequence of your personality and your inability to fit into societal norms? Or is it because you realise that because you haven't had sex and haven't been getting any for years, you have become angry, disenfranchised and upset, and you've developed an unhealthy attitude towards sex, deeming it as evil or wrong - because you're not participating in it.
It’s a lot of factors. My big 3 in theory
1.) Lack of space. Can’t be assed to be find it but given how expensive, and necessary, college is I bet a chart of men 30 under living at home is about the same. It’s hard to get laid with mom and dad in the next room
2.) tinder. Before, for a couple single people to hook up, they’d both have to get all dressed up and go out to a bar. A girl would get hit on by a couple guys during the night and she’d probably pick from one. Now a girl can wake up at noon on a Saturday to 20+ messages and new matches on Tinder and by that evening have a couple narrowed down. These guys will probably be more attractive than her average range of men who actually approach her IRL. Which leads me to my next point
3.) social media. It’s exploded since 2008 and with it has come a hyper overinflation of people’s egos, particularly women. Every one of them goes through serious efforts to edit their posts to look as attractive and interesting as possible. So naturally their DMs will fill up with guys who would typically be out of their league and guys who are in their league probably won’t bother.
There's no incentive for me that I can't receive on my own with a sock. When I'm in a relationship I am miserable and constantly inconvenienced, feeling robbed of my resources and time for what? Repetitive, empty chit chat, another person's luggage, and the occasional nut.
In her defense, my expectations are not easy. Past housemates told me that living with me is like living with a ghost. I have mastered the art of not leaving a visible footprint unless it is an improvement.
i understand that this sort of basic social manipulation works on rancid little white boys like you but im just not the godawful amoral gentile character you have been programmed by television to see as normal.
I think your analysis is valid but that's not the crux of the issue. Technology could help both ways and help people find the most appropriate people to hang out, or date, in this case.
What happens is deeper and rooted in gender differences, technology just helps highlighting them
Who has sex once monthly? You're either have a gf you fuck regularly, you're a chad who fucks different girls regularly, or an incel.
Damn man, so much anger, pain and isolation... so much hurt.
Just an fyi - what society sees as normal is actually normal. Its the majority that sets the standard for the rest of society. This means that being programmed, be it by television, social media or college education, is actually just assimilating to society. Its the expected outcome of living in a connected world.
It's interesting to note that you think of people in relationships as 'Godawful amoral gentile characters' i wonder what past traumatic effect has set you down this path? care to share user?
I have a girlfriend who's sex crazed and I get it multiple times a week.
But honestly, sex is kind of boring and just, I dunno. It's a drug but it's a shitty drug. The high only lasts for a little while and you have to deal with women to get it, most of whom are bat shit. So, like... a lot of the times there's other things I'd rather be doing.
I love my girlfriend and everything. Thank Christ I'm not single. But I dunno, even when I was it's much easier just to FAP than to be showered in crazy for hours to get a 5 minute orgasm and then spend the next couple weeks wondering if you just put your dick inside of a diseased mentally ill landmind who could get pregnant or destroy your life if the wind is blowing the wrong direction.
Also, most women have become fat, ugly, delusional cunts thanks to feminism. Who wants these fat cunts in your house?
a nazi sex-haver shoved eggs in my ass and then kicked them around and the little egg shards cut up my colon horribly and i got salmonella
Good point on 3
I know women who will get angry with thier friends for posting a picture with them on social media that hasn't been photoshoped and eddited
The timing indicates it has to be dating apps right? It allows women to be pickier than ever.
It's also due to the proliferation of social media, so local and single men look even more low-status than they did before because they're being compared to higher-status men around the world.
damn user, that's just sad.
Go out of the house. Meet a girl. Not all of them are the same. I guarantee you the females you've had interactions with before, no matter how toxic they may have been, will be vastly different from others.
Always remember, not everyone is the same - your experience with anything will only be a tiny fraction of the majority - don't set the standard just yet
Young men arent. Young women are. They regularly blow at job interviews or get facials just for a fucking cashier job. Jews have won.
Female narcissism.
Mass media selling to women did this.
That is all.
I also find the plight of women to be incredibly depressing. I'm on the wrong side of 30 now, so women look completely different now then they did in my 20s and youth. Like women can't bullshit nature and when they get on the wrong side of 30, their entire lives begin to devolve and fall apart if they didn't have kids. Pretty soon, you can some mentally ill chubby roastie who's giving it up to anyone while screaming about feminism after 30 as they devolve into a delusional horrible lonely existence. Maybe they'll shit out some half breed or something at some point. But overall the plight of the western female, especially feminist or woke ones is incredibly depressing. I'd just rather not be around it to watch it.
I bought a pack of 8 kids pokemon socks for fapping (no pedo) and keep them in a decorative box in my nightstand. The size is perfect and I can just throw them in the dirty clothes bin when I'm done.
interesting to note that a lot of the rhetoric is centred around woman
woman being narcissistic, rude, ill mannered and crazy,
woman being picky, high standards, and shallow
woman on social media, tinder, being fake etc
why hasn't anyone laid the blame on young men yet? are young men the perfect specimens for dating/relationships? Or are they fat virgin incels who masturbate to loli porn on Jow Forums all day
Legal framework changes or were doomed.
Women 6hours a day max work, cant take divorce before 5 years, ass spanking legal (thats a bit extreme, but extreme situations demand extreme solutions).
It will be temporary (5 years) and reenacted if needed.
Basically we need hardcore conservative govmnt for all this to happen.
Oh, and forgot: NO VOTE for women. At all. Married man have 2 votes.
That is all. That, or worse by islamist shariah. Choose, women.
Women are not the problem, the problem is that modern industrial society created an environment where the most important things are treated as a waste of time, when they're actually the only things that should matter in life. I'm talking about food, shelter and sex. People these days do not even sit down to eat, live in small cubicles and are too stressed to enjoy sex.
I'm talking about normal people, incels mgtow are a different thing.
I work a normal job, have an average salary, I'm not particularly good looking and neither are my friends, but we never had to complain about women being too hard to get. And women in my country are not as easy as uk, german or american ones, who would literally throw themselves at you.
Incels fail because they're negative about everything and they do not take the time to make friends in the workplace, or to enjoy the company of others, being too focused on trying to get laid. If you don't like tinder or one night stands (like me and most men), guess what, the easiest way to find a girlfriend or to score is through friends (male and female), work, other activities like dance classes, sports and many other. They should put their energy in creating a network of people who enjoy their company, sex will come later, naturally. No need to hurry up.
Because men have higher sex drives and are more motivated to seek out sexual relations. The "fault" could lie with them (I don't see the point in thinking of it in that way - I don't think women are consciously being mean but simply reacting to changes in their environment) but until I hear a more plausible theory than what I proposed, I doubt it.
Most young men are absolute faggots. You're not wrong about that. I find the onions bearded testosterone-less woke white liberal male to be among the most vile things in civilization. There is absolutely no sexuality or any sort of masculinity to these faggots. I can't imagine any woman wanting one of these things on top of them.
I can't think of any practical use for white liberal males in society.
Also another solution: women as loot from campaigns. The jew has banned that too
Redpill us user, how those onions got their testosterone low in the first place?
Was cucking them at school by teachers and curriculum the real cause?
jesus user this is a stupid and extreme thing to suggest
Ex and I broke up a couple years ago not so amicably. I got the boot from that social group mostly except for a couple people. Didn’t get invites or only if she couldn’t make it. Ended up just ghosting them. Recently the ex and I kissed and made up. Now the few friends that kept up started having get togethers where the ex and I are invited, along with that other half that shy’d away from me. I’m friendly with them but they can’t look me in the eye for long. Is this normal for breakups and mutual “friends”?
There's no telling what she told them when you initially broke up.
That's female hypergamy. Women don't want to settle and only go for the top men. And with thing like tinder it only got worse, much worse. Because they can contact all the good looking men with just a swipe. Of course then they're disappointed because chad only wants a hookup or fwb's instead of a relationship
Hence the rise in female alcoholism. Very sad!
I feel really bad for these young guys. I got very lucky genetically and look like a 9/10 twink. Basically, I can sort or bone whenever I want and yes it's almost tiring dealing with the polar opposite of incel life.
If you want an ideal day for me, imagine couples, single men and women being flirtatious all the time. Gay guys especially go literally mad if I show a tiny bit of interest. Assembling a funner than average cuddle party is a daily privilege. Going on social dating apps is like getting railroaded by hundreds of horny people of all kinds.
I'm extremely socially awkward but it doesn't matter one iota. People excuse everything when you are cute in their mind. I'm submissive as hell so it isn't a dominance thing either. Maybe my life is weird but from my perspective I was dropped in some borderline paradise world. It's hard to call it anything else because I've had a huge selection of people to cuddle, fuck, and spend all their efforts pleasing me.
Even this morning I'm talking with another cute twink about things. I'm pretty open to all people so yes I cuddle down cute guys as well as girls.
Yep I could be banging single moms daily, but who the fuck wants that.
I haven't had sex since last year. Honestly never really think about that fact until I get on this shitty site. Counting the last time you had sex? Who fucking cares. Haven't even tried to bang a chick this year, but have had several practically begging for it. Overall sex is meaningless unless you are making children or physically connecting with someone you want to have a lasting relationship with. Random sex with roasties is a waste of time.
If you're lucky the bitch will lie and cry rape
If you're super lucky she will get knocked up too
This is what I've found and I'm grateful for it. Going through life with strong cravings of any kind is no way to live. It's best to let pleasure greet you in the moment. Live with a clear mind, true to your values.
i'm an eufag you cunt
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