Are you ready for the Międzymorze century?Our armies are getting bigger and better armed...

Are you ready for the Międzymorze century?Our armies are getting bigger and better armed,our economies are getting bigger,our cities are getting modernized,we're the only ones that has a positive progress in the Europe.Take a look how the the west is dying,Russia is poorer than us and China having only quantity but not quality while we're getting everything that we need to be a superpower.We shall be the ones that will keep the west alive,cuck USA harder than Israel,get back our lands from Russian occupation and keep them away from the Caucasus and keep China away from getting the whole power.

Attached: Skärmavbild-2018-08-14-kl.-23.06.19.png (1416x648, 306K)

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we need to get rid of EU to make this happen
also ukraine is very unstable,moldova & belarus are sucking russian dick, as much i would like them in

fuck off province of russia

ukraine has a pretty good army at least,their governments are dick suckers of russia but their people aren't,the only ones that are making this to happen are the older people and the russian minorites if we educate them a little and shut their mouths off those countries will get on the good way and not being the little puppets of Russia

Still just a pipedream. There is no real weight to this, and if there were you can be sure the status quo would do their best to sabotage this.


Please leave Romania out of your fantasies.

How much support do you guys get from the IRI and other cut-outs?

Attached: Azov Leadership.png (1600x1678, 942K)

If your party has a “street wing” that’s how you know it’s just a bunch of thugs.

t. retard
intermarium was thought long before WW1, "[..]as a counterweight to Russian and German imperialism"
Without romania and poland the project is non-existent, that's why we held one of the summits

Slavs are too hateful to unify. Hitler should have gassed them all.

Fantasies like these led to the occupation of Poland and the partition of Romania.
You don't want that to happen again, do you?

>Are you ready for the Międzymorze century?

Poland is a part of Mitteleuropa, I don't want some fucking trash między-gówno

EU occupation is already coming

At least we will not be partitioned.

lmao these "fantasies" were not mainstream enough to cause war faggot
go suck russian & german dick

literaly noone gives a fuck anymore about this country bro

What? After 2014? With Poroshenko?

Is that why Poland and Romania were partitioned by the Germans and Russians?
Go have more nice dreams of greatness and military might, while Romanians are starving and your army is a fraction of what it was in 1989.
Trebuie sa ai peste 18 ani ca sa postezi aici copile.

Wait, so central Europe will unite, have an army strong enough to fend off Russia and threaten rest of Europe, have enough diplomatic clout and prowess to politically outmaneuver the US, and have the industrial base to manufacture as much goods as China but of a higher quality? Keep dreaming


> image includes Crimea

> Russia controls Crimea after cucking Ukrainian retards hard and taking it without firing a single bullet

Holy fuck, cope harder Europoors

Why what?And how exactly was Romania partitioned by russians and germans lmao?By the fact that there's moldova and also ukraine took some land that wasn't controlled by romanians that much anyway?

And Intermarium is no dreams of "military might" at the current time faggot, it's already happening whether you like it or not.( )
(Some) Romanians are starving because we keep electing retards and there's no right-wing movement/discourse at all, not because of "dreams of central & EE union" faggot, intermarium will not be military-focused for another 10 years at least, go kys.
And our army is small because of the above, you can't have an army when you're drafting what's left of youngsters that are too poor to leave the country.

Pleaca in pula mea de sclav al prea-binelui pe care il duci in Romania, te miri de ce n-avem armata dar nu vezi ca stand in mUE iti permiti sa ai 17% din populatie plecata in strainatate, cu putin-catre-nimic beneficiu pe termen lung.
Exemplu de rodditor infect care vrea s-o ia in gaoz din ambele parti.

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Because Intermarium never happened. Eastern Europe was picked off country by country, from both sides

Which makes sense because it's between Russia, Germany, and Turkey.

Is that froth at your mouth kiddo?

>Eastern Europe was picked off country by country, from both sides
To prevent the intermarium from happening.

Intermarium was dead by the early 20s, Pilduski himself was dead by 1935. There was no cohesion at all between Eastern European countries at the time, the opposite, the opposite. Russians and Germans just moved in, taking by all that wasn't given to them.
WW2 and following occupation was a result of each-country-by-itself, maybe with some naive reliance on one of western powers

And your point is...?

>bad army
stop thinking it's the 90s all the east european countries had changed a lot romania is going to have like 400 of those

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