How do you find a partner if you have an extremely elevated IQ but didnt end up in a field full over others of similar...

How do you find a partner if you have an extremely elevated IQ but didnt end up in a field full over others of similar intelligence. I hate to say It. But it is hard to develop emotional intimacy with average people. There isn't a whole lot of commonalities in thought process or how we percieve the world. Attractiveness doesn't override the emmotional distance.

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what field

You'll get over this before you hit 28.

for having a high IQ you sure type like shit

I was thinking the same
IQ does not define intelligence lol

Man, IQ is bullshit. It does not define if you are a sensitive person or if you are "intelligent". First try not to expose how "smart" you are and people will take you seriously

I am overeducated, with a string of degrees.

Some of the stupidest people I know are as overeducated as I (as are some of the smartest), and some of the wisest (and some of the dumbest) people I know have little education.

Be less of a snob. Seek out smarts, not education. It's everywhere

As an intelligent person, you should be focusing on creating your fortune and dropping out of society ASAP.

Once you're free of the bullshit, only then should you actually concentrate on a life partner. And, remember, if you do get married, only "marry up"

You... sound like an idiot. This is coming from someone who has an "elevated IQ" of 140+. I had a real deal IQ exam done and not a shitty, pithy one people take online or the kid ones people did in 1st grade to get in the advanced reading class. Every single time some sapiosexual or incel talks about IQ it just makes them sound dumber than a person they label as having average or less than average intelligence.

You know how you can find a partner you can develop an intimate, emotional relationship with? A mature person who loves you, likes to spend time with you, and learn along side you. It doesn't matter if you have a difference in "thought process" or perceive the world differently. To me, it just sounds like you want someone who agrees with everything you say, doesn't challenge you, and also doesn't offer you new perspectives and ideas. Which sounds pretty boring and makes you seem immature. Average people are perfectly capable of emotional intimacy on a number of levels, probably far more than you.

In addition, IQ does not measure what you think it does. If you had ever taken an IQ test you would know. It basically just measures your spacial recognition, memory, analytical thinking, and math. Most of this is impacted by schooling and not a true reflection of a person's potential in these areas. A high IQ doesn't make you more intelligent... It just means your brain works fast. It does not correlate with an increase in emotional intelligence, real world problem solving in application, aptitude, and common sense.

Beyond the fact that you're lazy which isn't a great sign of intellect, you also sound like you belong with r/iamverysmart.

I am le too smrat for normal people! I canot form any sort of bond wtih them because their is just no way it could work; i outclass them ina every mental way!

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Look at all the insecure dummies rejecting the notion that smart people cant actually see them as anything more than pets.

Intelligence doesn't have much of anything to do with being a self-important, egotistical twat. I know a great share of both dumb and intellectual people that can't find partners because their superiority complexes are unbearable to be around.

If you were intelligent though you would identify with the gap that exist between yourself and others. You can't honestly respect a partner that is dumb. You just cant, it is like being in a relationship with a child.

This concept doesn't translate into any other aspect of life. Believing that your partner isn't good enough for you unless they have equal or greater abilities to you doesn't make any sense. Micheal Jordan's wife probably isn't good enough at basketball to win an NBA championship. I doubt he looks at his wife as a child just because she doesn't share his attributes. Additionally, thinking that just because you have above average intelligence that anybody who isn't also above average is dumb is a, frankly, really dumb thing to believe. All of this has more to do with how OP views himself. His ability to be emotionally intimate and how intelligent the people he interacts with are is only connected because he makes it so. He somehow believes that he is too smart to emotionally connect with people who aren't as smart as him and that is unequivocally something he has subconsciously decided. This isn't happening to him. He is making this happen.

Basketball is just a thing you do, you brainlet.

Intelligence is essentially you and how you make internal connections to understand the world. Someone who is significantly less intelligent experiences a very different world and it is impossible to respect their understanding of it when it is so far removed from your own. How do you treat them as an equal partner when you know they do understand any situation with nearly as much nuance. Its like was said early essentially dating a child from the smarter persons perspective.

Military leadership papers have been written on this, after a 20 point gap an emotional disconnect develops. A 140 IQ person struggles to communicate and even empathize with an 100iq average person and doesnt make a good leader. You need a 120 IQ person to bridge the gap and use the 140 IQ person as an advisor.

What is your IQ OP? If you say something along the lines of "I'm in Mensa so I'm super smart", I'll personally bitch slap you.

I have similar issues friend. Ive been watching YouTube videos on 2x speed as long as I can remember. The reporter voice that most people talk in on camera is so annoyingly slow, and I like getting more content out of my time. Most people irritate me because I have a certain philosophy to make myself the greatest version I can be. People who are fat or ignorant just piss me off since I'm motivated to make myself look the best and think the best I can. I think what Ur struggling with is that your peers aren't nearly as stimulating as your own inner monologue and its pushing you away because you would rather think to yourself than converse with your peers. Let me know what you think to my comment

I kind of agree with OP. I'm a music teacher and I remember in college there were only like 5 of us that could talk about music beyond the average Spotify recommended list. Only 5 of us who knew who Anton Bruckner, Pierre Boulez, etc. were.

And now that I'm in the field it's just stark how many teachers really don't know shit about their subject(s). Like this one girl who is interested in me. Nice girl. Fairly attractive. But doesn't know the most basic stuff about music and musicians.

It doesn't have to be a musician but in general it's just so hard to find someone on a similar level of discussion.


>Basketball is just a thing you do, you brainlet.
Breathing is just a thing you do, dipshit. Basketball is an aptitude that is strengthened through experience and discipline. There are also nine different categorized types of intelligence. Saying you are "more intelligent" than someone else is actually a really unintelligent thing to say if you actually understand anything about the science of intelligence.

>How do you treat them as an equal partner when you know they do understand any situation with nearly as much nuance.
The ability to avoid exercising your superiority complex on people because you understand certain concepts or have acquired certain skills they haven't is a matter of emotional ability, not intelligence.

>Intelligence is essentially you and how you make internal connections to understand the world.
That isn't correct. Intelligence, by definition, is the ability to acquire knowledge and skills. What you're describing is cognition. "Intelligence" is the vaguest, most undefined term you could possibly use in this context. "Intelligence" is not one singular thing. There are various kinds of intelligence and, believe it or not, there are a great deal of them that you are not just magically born with. IQ is a generally inefficient and antiquated way to gauge the general intelligence of a human being and anybody who claims to have a high IQ would know that if they've ever cracked a book.

>Military leadership papers have been written on this, after a 20 point gap an emotional disconnect develops.
You mind posting your sources on this?

You agree with OP but you and him aren't talking about the same thing. Your situation doesn't really have anything to do with intelligence.

how is mine not about intelligence?

Because your story is about knowledge, not intelligence. Knowing more about music than someone doesn't make you smarter than them anymore than you not knowing anything about maintaining a sailboat makes you dumber than someone who is an expert. You both have knowledge about different things.

Well they don’t replace their lack of knowledge in their major with anything else. They just have zero passion in anything, not even their major

>Well they don’t replace their lack of knowledge in their major with anything else.
Oh, I didn't know that you were so intimately close with all of the people in your college program that you knew with 100% certainty that they had no significant knowledge or passion about anything in their lives. Sounds like you knew literally everything about them. There is, however, a small chance that you're just the kind of egotistical twat that I was talking about so you're making lame attempts at justifying your use of your musical knowledge as a weapon against people you perceive as being beneath you. You can't be that intelligent if you genuinely believe knowing a bunch of music theory and names of dead musicians makes you smarter than everybody else.

I mean if they never talk about anything like that, or never post Online, etc. etc., it’s a reasonable thing to say

Honestly though OP isn't really wrong. Jow Forums likes to pretend intelligence is something nobody ever actually has and everyone is just equally stupid but it isn't true. The funny thing is you actually get pretty intelligent conversation on Jow Forums it is just so fucking entrenched in cynicism that the conversation devolves into name calling and arguing about retarded bullshit so it looks stupid but it really is above average conversations.

You sound like a dick...
but I get what you mean. its hard to hang out with people you don't have anything in common with. You just have to find hobbies and activities you like and go do that. watching good movies, going to museums, discussing politics or physics... whatever. Maybe try going to a comic shop and try to find a board game group? or check out some dating apps that support just meeting friends?

but, yeah... don't talk about people in terms of IQ. you sound like one of those eugenics assholes.

god... can I greentext this? every once in a while I get in an argument with some kid who thinks that IQ makes a superior human. Reason and logic are tools people have used to justify all kinds of stupid, convoluted, evil, and just wrong ideas. it doesn't matter if you can compute Pi to the 20th decimal, in your head, if you can't tell a joke.

Brainlets ITT are SEETHING

it depends on what you want from a partner. relationships are built on emotional connections. things you have in common. to be specific, values, shared past experiences, and common interests.

being intelligent doesn't give someone the same values as you. There are very intelligent, reasonable, and successful people who hate Donald Trump, and who love him. Intelligence is a tool, not a guide.

Yes, you can form meaningful relationships with people who aren't as smart as you. It depends what you want from them. do you want to debate Chaucer and Foucault? or do you want to kick back with a fizzy beverage and watch Game of Thrones?

>tfw incredubly high IQ
>like the idea of dating a really low IQ woman who is really lovable and sweet

I took a Kahoot IQ test once and got an almost perfect score. I never finished highschool

I propose we crown this man King of 4channel

Not the exact one but same idea

Nothing is wrong with eugenics

Try it. You will end up treating her like a pet until her stupidity starts negatively impacting your life and the resentment will slowly grow and grow. Worst is there is nothing she can do, she can't make her self less dumb. Even if she learns new stuff she will apply it in some asinine way that makes you grit your teeth or you will listen to stupid prattle, lay out piece by piece how she is misunderstanding said thing and by tommorow it will be right back to the easier to comprehend wrong understanding.

Very true, standardized testing and education truly means very little in terms of one's actual intellect. It's been easy to notice this since even highschool, when I noticed I could have a far more intellectual conversation with someone not getting extremely high marks than with the bland white girl who paid utmost attention in class and recieved 90s or 100s year round.
A piece of advice would be to look for someone who pursues learning outside of formal education and not one who thinks they are an absolute genius (because of their schooling) as there is a nearly infinite sum of knowledge to be had within our lifetime. So as this user has stated bluntly, quit being an ignorant snob.

It's horrible, especially if you were to have differing views on a subject. I did this once due to her attractiveness but she was a radical feminist and libertarian, her political views were based solely upon emotion rather than any sort of facts or evidence and I would want to beat her face in anytime she attempted to have such a conversation with me. Trust me user, if you get the chance, do not advance a relationship of that sort beyond intercourse.

Meh. “Intelligence” is subjective. I work astrophysics and some of the people I work with are infinitely more retarded in aspects where people I know who work “low iq” jobs are much more knowledgeable. And no, I don’t mean social skills by that.

>”really? I had no idea that if you just wet your hands with no soap you’re not really washing them!”
>I won’t burn my hands putting them in the oven without gloves, don’t be silly
>weight doesn’t matter in space are you kidding me lol the satellite can weigh whatever bro
>”can I get high on multivitamins”

>itt “I’m using a thesaurus and dictionary synonyms to be smart”

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Literally nobody in the thread is using hard to understand words.

great thread op

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But not everyone displays their interests pubicly or feems the need to have other people know what they like. You're not making a fair assumption; you're using a full set of information abiut your own life and an incomplete set of information about others' lives and judging from there. Obviously you rule yourself more complex because you see all the complexity in your own life with much greater clarity and intimacy, and your judgement is biased accordingly.
That's not to say that some people aren't legitimately dumb, but that you shouldn't write people off so easily! Let them prove themselves irredeemably stupid if they in fact are, and don't judge them to be until they do.


And to the rest of the folks in this board, interest/knowledge is not intelligence. Just because you're an autistic freak of nature doesn't mean you're special.

OP, as someone with a high IQ as well, I have to say you're full of shit, and need to get checked for autism

no you're wrong, you just want things to go in one way without accepting that it will NEVER happend because everyone want it one way or another, and the only way stuff can work out is by compromising together.

so stop dreaming about the escape rope and take the front door as it appear.

An intelligent person wouldn't drop out of society, they'd want to make it better and help it thrive.

Not if the society is sick. Why would I want a perverted anti-white Marxist government to thrive?

An intelligent person would use his intelligence to better that society, not drop out.

>Implying government is any of these things
>Implying even if it were, Marxism, perversion, and racial tension aren't just symptoms of systemic issues which a smart person is equipped to help or fully solve

You don't get to drop out of society, by the way. The days of pulling a Walden are long over, and if society goes down, you go down with it.

First of all, I think the more you deviate from a measured "average" of society, the more likely it is you are going to make mistakes that are either not well understood or irrelevant to the rest of the world.

For example, someone with an eidetic or calendaric memory can place 100,000 objects on shelves in a huge warehouse and remember precisely each item is a decades later, thus the most efficient organization system to them is random placement of items which allows you, from a pure performance standpoint, to be 100x as efficient and productive as that one person. Everyone else see's the bewilderment of insane levels of productivity in the midst of a total mess.

The mistake here is, one day you have a cold or you get old and begin forgetting where half the items are at for a few weeks. When you go to another warehouse to see how they organize, you are bewildered by not understanding everyone elses reality and oversimplify their organization not seeing social or economic ques. Finally, and most importantly, nobody will ever tell you that you are wasting your talents on warehousing when you could be inventorying and making key observations on a field of science or engineering.

Second, speaking of over simplification, you are measuring yourself on a single dimension, IQ. There are several dimensions of measurement you need to have in order to really understand yourself and where your blind spots are; EQ, Briggs Meyer, even astrological\zodiac signs can be somewhat useful. You need to paint a picture of yourself and ask lots of self-developmental questions which lead to personal growth.

Third, everyone wants something different out of a relationship. You need to spend time trying to understand what that is for you, and some of that is going to require you ask people out on dates and make painful mistakes. You need to decide what boundaries you need to stick to and what you want from a SO.

>EQ, Briggs Meyer, even astrological\zodiac signs
Listen to this retard.

You will realize much later in life the kind of time you've wasted trolling people on Jow Forums for scraps of self-respect and dignity.

You had better conversations with the delinquent idiot becuase you too were an idiot. Smart people dont seem as smart as the really are to idiots.

I just troll to make others feel worse. It makes me happy to think I am poisoning culture. Honk!

That's pitiful, user. Hope you find a better use of your time, someday.

EQ is serious fucking business and matters a lot. Rest are really fucking jokes and taint a good post thought.

>her political views were based solely upon emotion rather than any sort of facts or evidence
Sounds like at least 95% of people.

Why do you need to have stuff in common with the person, appreciate them for who they are. You're not really better than anyone and no ones better than you, you just seem to think you are because I think in your case you value being educated above all else

You're such a narcissist wank it hurts.
Your intelligence doesn't automatically make you more interesting or complex, and it certainly doesn't give you and platform from which to judge them. Certainly not on its own.
More importantly, have you considered that you are simply not interested in what other considerably normal people are?

Of course, there are some really dumb people. I don't expect you or anyone else to attempt to bargain or fraternize with a completely irredeemable moron that cannot help themselves, but demanding a lot of your ideal intelligence markers in the average person that you may not even know all that well is a bit much to ask.