This has got to be the dumbest "confession" I have ever seen on Reddit...

This has got to be the dumbest "confession" I have ever seen on Reddit. Describes himself as "alt-right" doesn't even know what it means.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reminds me of the faggot larping as a neo nazi that listened to The Blaze.

Its pretty amazing how little they understand the opposition.

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Well, it's already predicted (correctly) that we're going to have to deal with a wave of totally bullshit "ex alt right here guys!" type threads.

They out themselves pretty fast by the fact that even when they're bullshitting, they can't help but use social justice terminology and their alleged reasons for being in it are all fucking stupid and make zero sense.

Nobody knows what it means. It's a buzzword made up by the media and liberals to label people who voted for Trump for reasons other than their usual narrative. They do not understand why these people voted for Trump (they're independents) and make no effort to learn why so they just label them with this silly word. They just love labeling things especially things they don't like. Ask anyone to define "Alt-Right" for you and they won't be able to.

Fellow ((( wypipo )))

This looks totally real and not fake.

daily remainder that leftists such as contrapoints literally make tens of thousands of dollars a month.
i think these "confessions" of former "alt righters"(that are always barely conservative at best) like the one of the kike in the video are fake

What does it mean?

They did the same shit with Trump getting elected in 2017, people pretending to have abandoned him for the most retarded reasons nearly a month in. It's all so transparent.

>retarded redditors can’t immediately tell that’s all bullshit

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and also if you are a "real" alt righter you should know that the label died in mid 2017

If you've taken the red pill you can never go back. This guy is a liar.

Absolutely fake and gay (((confession))). It's very obvious that he is not one of us and if he were to post here he would stick out like a sore thumb. Anyone could tell this simply from the way he writes. This is just another "fellow whites" kike desperate for validation.

>I was pretty close to being an incel, except I could get girls
Progressivism: when someone can have sex, but still be a virgin because you disapprove of their politics



What the fuck did I read, this damn thing makes no sense. If this is what the inside of this person's head looks like, I want them out of the gene pool NOW

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It was doa fren

There is no us

It's called "concern trolling" where they pretend to be sympathetic to your ideas in order to shill more effectively.

I'm pretty sure these are just faggots making up shit for easy karma like you see all over reddit.

Oof glad you made it out brother. The alt right is a literally cult. Scary to think of the young men it is suck up yikes

That's not even alt right.

Nobody would ever use "Alt-Right" as a self descriptor. They'd call it "Conservative", "Right-wing", "NatSoc", "Libertarian" etc. if they really had held such beliefs, because "Alt-Right" is not a political position but rather a left wing buzzword.

yeah we know, please dont help them improve their formulas

Yep, speaking FUD and concern trolling are pretty much the only shilling they are capable of and they arent even good at it.

Reddit is all about making up stories for upvotes. You can then sell accounts with high upvotes for profit. It's all a business and controversial bait = money

>How can you keep voting for Trump despite him not bombing Israel day 1 when he did nothing during the campaign to indicate a dislike of Israel!?!? I thought all you Jow Forums people hated jews!

Alt right, was, is, and always will be fake and gay

I thought the whole thing with being red pilled is once you are theres no going back

>Starts post with oof
Yeah I'm sure he was part of the "alt-right" and not just a communist tranny larping. Reddit will be a hit list on the day of the rope.

OP is this b8 that you put out there yourself to see what happened?

>all this started because of one guy making a “why I left the Alt right” video
>he was actually LARPing
>leftsharts are now giving him shekels

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Jordan Peterson turned me alt right bc of his hypocrisy on Jewish collectivism and idolatry of money. Just proved the stereotypes are accurate

That’s the problem. Whites won’t actually collectivize so our problems won’t get addressed

Globohomo requires a catch all term in order to isolate their opposition


He's always been a lefty cuck.

holy shit i checked his account and it's real, what a fucking god holy shit

to think there was a time i didnt have a subscription to blacked

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>throws out tons of buzzwords
>I don't know why I was this way
>uses Dem psych-op words too
>I was just being rayciss
What a bunch of bullshit faggotry. I actually do know some people that used to be more right wing and actually racist that stopped because they moved to cities and were ostracized by their friends for being that way. Now they are just racist against white people and act like they're better for it while being actual sexless losers.

These ex-alt-right posts became memes ever since vice tried to claim a bull tranny was deradicalizing the alt-right.

Imagine fabricating this.

news at 4pm, plebbitors are full of shit and circlejerk around said bullshit. fuck redditors

>I was pretty close to being an incel, except I could get girls
Are redditors literally retarded?

Holy fucking shit, my sides

I think open borders are dangerous.
I do not see inherent value in multiculturalism.
I think anti-white rhetoric is racist.
This is common sense, not a fringe political ideology.


haha it's real. if he's bamboozling them he needs to be careful he doesn't get slapped with fraud charges

Came here to post this. It's literally using words without their true meaning...

This cancer gets 1 k upvotes

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have sex, incel

Smoletted, Smolettists, Smolites

Op here, this was not my post, just scrolling through Reddit and found it

Take your meds, Schizo

love how every comment that is skeptical is downvoted into oblivion. it's fucking obvious by the behaviour of the OP that he's a massive faggot, and never 'believed' any of the things he claimed.

Fake and gay

Former Trump supporter here

"I was close to being an incel, except i could get girls"
His definition of incel has nothing to do with being involuntarily celibate, but everything to do with "hating women" and "being alt-right"
These faggots can't even LARP right.

It would be impossible to go from being right-wing to Democrat in this time period. They have upped their bullshit rhetoric tenfold and have had multiple bad stories, hoaxes, racism against whites, extremist views, ext. They are just scared, they know even more people are jumping ship so they have to act like the opposite is happening.

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Right, it's not an ideology, it's normal human behavior. Wanting to preserve your culture, your people, and not blindfully allow outsiders and ideas that destroy your values to proliferate in your community is just a natural part of being a male. Yuri Bezmenov was right, people have been subjected to demoralization and that's the reason why normal, protective behavior seems awful to them.

It's not even about hatred or disliking others, but a natural instinct to protect and preserve.

>muh dick
like clockwork

please be a nigger please be a nigger please be a nigger please be a nigger please be a nigger please be a nigger please be a nigger

>I used to be the niggest, but den I see some motha fucka blacka den mee. Dis when i reelise I wuz rong. I wuz neva da niggest.

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99% bot, 0.9% useful idiots and last 0.1 was the OP upvoting himself.

>in alt right
> against racism

This guy’s larp is terrible. He’s confused the alt light with the real dissenting right.

Anyone who unironically labels themselves as "alt-right" is either a shill or a useful idiot.

>leaving out the doge online population

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The obvious way to tell it's fake is that they never bother to argue any point, because in their leftist mind it's completely illogical and irrational to be fashy, alt right, etc.
So it's basically "I was a stupid racist but now I'm not". Which is easier to say than "I used to believe that human beings were divided in sub-species, just like other animals, due to the way evolution works, but now I don't believe that anymore".

At most I can see people who are little bit edgy (think people who watch cringe comps and EPIC LIBTARD owned videos) going to the left. That kind of stuff is nothing. Once right wing ideology really sinks into your mind there's hardly any way to go back.

>mutt human
>mutt dog
>american flag

This is,among other, their response to a growing #walkaway and #blexit movements on the right.
They are scared and decided to manufacture the ex Trump supporters, ex- alt right, ex Nazi and such.
It's not that someone can't be an ex Trump supporter or an ex Facist it's just that these aren't by any means big movements or happen in any meaningful numbers.
Usually once you go right you won't go back to being liberal, but it happens more and more the other way around.

There is literally nothing on earth that can "blue pill" me. I have to wonder how these people can expect us to believe this demoralization propaganda? Am I really to believe for instance that someone can authentically go from believing trannies are gross to love that faggot contrapoints?

Hello Fellow Trump supporters it's been fn watching him crash and burn but seriously we cant give him access to the nuclear codes.

(((Fellow white people))) hard at work.

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They're desperate

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Wall of text about how he was bad yikes sweaty. Followed up by one sentence "then I started thinking more progressively." No talks like this. Fake and queer.

that was clearly written by a leftist larping as 'muh alt right' for upboats. reddit is fucking sad

Man I tell ya folks... Back when I was a trooper in the alt-right, I sometimes said some bad things about women and minoriteens. It was bad. I did like, Hitler salutes and masturbate to sick stuff like 9/11 and Ron Paul. Those were crazy times. And then I beat a brain tumor and decided to finally make an Instagram.

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>was ex “alt right”
>racism wasn’t around

That has to be the most incoherent nonsense fiction I've ever read. Plus pointing out tokens is something leftists been doing since the 90's. It used to be a reoccurring joke used over and over back then in tv shows and movies until it became problematic I guess. Just like the niggers die first trope in horror movies.

Angering million of virgin has always worked perfectly trough history

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>I used to be skeptical of progressive talking points
>for some reason
>then I caught myself noticing an ad portraying something that doesn't make sense
>and I thought... wow, I AM racist for thinking cynically about that
>now I'm progressive
>It's really just live and let live
>I totally wasn't doing that beforehand
Amaaaaaaaziiiing Graaaaaaaaaace

And then everyone clapped

>Not a single bullshit confession like this for years
>A few weeks ago a ton of confessions pop up after dilationpoint starts this shit.

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>it's real

i'm so confused

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Setting aside the possibility of the post being fictitious; how is that not a description of the alt-right?

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that's the most pathetic transparent LARP I've ever read
utter cringe

Friendly reminder "Alt right" is a made up term and doesn't mean anything.

I can see some people who don't follow politics really and who have someone in their life constantly subverting them going left but those people were never really right either. If those idiots would have just toned everything down then Trump probably never would have been President and then they could have laid it all out on the table.

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>if you're doing what makes you happy and others or yourself aren't being harmed, it's ok

Always this shit.

It's fucking real

No you fucking newfag. There is no us because Jow Forums is just an japanese imageboard that makes cartoon pictures popular.

I'm dying rn going back and looking at libshit comments about how this dude is so brave and empathetic and a hero

I can't tell if you're pretending to be retarded or an actual glownigger.

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It's fake and cringe
the red pill is irreversible because it is the truth

He’s making money off of gullible leftists on patreon. It’s fucking amazing.

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You guys dont notice that its been a couple in the last week? Suddenly theres 3 or 4 "converts" that all speak like they have no clue of what Jow Forums or the ideology is about who swear they saw the light and are now happy and get laid etc.

Obviously this is a psyop by some lefty discord retards.

Yup, also it all came out after the article about contrapoints converting white nationalists.

remember that contrapoints get tens of thousands of dollars a months on patreon, it's not too far fetched to think she paid someone to Larp as a White nationalist

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This screams
>Fellow white people

>retard leftist pretends to be alt-right