Who is /ourguy/?

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need a quick rundown on the candidates as well


Whoever is willing to undersell their pipeline transits in order to compete with Nord Stream 2. We have to go cheaper.

well since the whole spygate shit is because of ukraine i hope they nuke themselves



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>spygate shit


>corrupt chocolate factory owner that has ties and fucks over both Americans and Russians only to save his skin
>a second hand actor that played being the president in a TV series so long people are willing to vote for him exactly because of this
The literal choices right now without any exaggeration.

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poroshenko; everyone else is a fucking pussy.

Ceгoдня тaкoй пepл в peклaмe ютyбa выдaлo:

obama and manafort were on different sides influencing ukraine politics, obama and co used american taxpayer money for that, he spied on trump and others in the hope of clinton winning the election so this can go away, but trump won, prolly why the dems have a hard on for war with russia
also ukraine isnt the only country obama was fucking with

Hooolllly fucking hell, Murricanos live in a complete bubble. Guess they are all dumb enough that if you tell them the Czechoslovakia is the most common dish for breakfast in Austria they will believe and then ask you if it's made of kangaroo meat.


Better not because if the other guy wins Romania will be Schengen under months. That's good for business, fuck you all.

Chocolate Führer

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how can I vote for a literal faggot who said that he would get on his knees before putin(presumably to suck his dick)?

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Not my fucking problem, you keep all your fucking AIDS there too.

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Zelensky is going to be our very own Trump, yah.

>muh business
Schengen will allow shitskins and nignogs here. We already have 2 and a half million gypsies.

I highly doubt that since Bulgaria will be too so it's their fucking problem and they will push them towards the shithole part of the Balkans, while the Black Sea area is rather tactical enough for migrants to avoid. It's full with military.

>being this retarded
we are in the middle of a fucking war you idiot. you(if you are indeed ukrainian not a fucking ivan) should not vote you fucking idiot.

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Cambodia Ukraine the same doom

Based + gorilkapilled. У вac хoтя бы кaндидaты нe тoлькo нa бyмaгe ecть, лoл.

meh what are you going to do?

Hey Ukraine sell us rocket tech.

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Sup Jow Forums I'm going to vote for Porokh tomorrow

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At least our AIDS stems from heroin and not gay sex

Yeah, I'm not voting, even though I'm worried about wasting my vote. But we are fucked no matter what we do.

you guys are not facing existential risk, so you could vote in literally anyone other than putin(preferably an idiot like yanukovich) and when he does not have too much power you kick his ass out, then you have a normal election.

that is what I would do if I were you.

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Just go there and cum on the ballot or something, don't let those cunts use it to inflate someone's numbers.

Okay, then I accept hot twinks from Ukraine.

to me this is only a sign of a lazy mind. you would have to be an idiot not to understand what sort of risks we face during this election.

poroshenko was able to do a fair deal of diplomatic work that is very important for ukraine economically.

we are able to export our shit all around the world because of him. I think the other candidates are too incompetent to accomplish a fraction of what he had.

Don't ask who's /ourguy/, ask who's (((their))) guy.

Technically both.

>У вac хoтя бы кaндидaты нe тoлькo нa бyмaгe ecть, лoл.
Hy этo, кoнeчнo жe, вce мeняeт, лoл.

Resumption of the war in donbass when??

they're all fucking ukrainians

>y хoхлoв eщё выбopы ecть

How can they vote when all of them are here in Poland?

I supported them during Midan and up until recently really. But now I see another corrupted government who failed on all their promises. Billionaire president who pretends to be fighting muh ebil Russians who at the same time has many Russian oligarch friends. What ever wasn't accomplished all is blamed on Russia while all the incompetent government crooks get rich. Fuck them really I don't even care anymore. Inb4 putin shill. Fuck Putin too desu.

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>I supported them during Midan and up until recently really
lmao @ you

at this point you can only take the best you can get, russia really did hit our economy hard(25% of our industrial base was taken), alas we withstood their shit and we are on the rise, now they can only influence us using their military; alas even their we are able to fight back enough that they would be reluctant to attack us.


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That doesn't mean I'm on the Russian side. All those ex soviet oligarchs must be put in jail.

>first place in the polls is a literal kike actor
Oh no no no no, wtf ukraine...

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>implying he will win
aside from his retarded base, I doubt anyone else will vote for him in round 2. lucashenko said it best when he said crimea was ukrainian.

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Yes I agree about how your economy tanked at the beginning of war in Donbas. because you had to spend money on militarily. But now you don't have to pay for Crimea which saves you lot's of money and you have more foreign investments than before. Your government still has money but it wont spend it on the people.

there are no /ourguys in ukraine

you can choose from:
- greedy pig
- jew-granny
- jew-commedian
- russian thieves
- thieves that are pretending that they are russians
- western ukrainian bydlo
- gay nationalist-populist

i had the same

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Everyone and no one.
Whoever wins, Ukraine will...
...continue to be friendly to NATO
...continue to half-officially support various white nationalist (or at least Ukraine-nationalist) groups
...continue to be a corrupt place actually ruled by various Jewish oligarchs
...secretly make deals with Russia
...continue to receive gibs from the West, and if those ever run out, the ruling ideology will magically change and they'll become friends with Russia again, probably without even changing leaders (maybe the guy at the top will change, but not the others).

In Ukraine everyone's trying to screw over everyone else; this explains how they have both white nationalists and Jewish oligarchs running things and helping each other. Each group thinks that they're actually playing the other for suckers.

So the usual Jow Forums rules don't apply. It's all mixed up over there, and you can't believe what people tell you.

>But now you don't have to pay for Crimea
>being such an obvious ivan.
a lot of our products were consumed in crimea, so the annexation hit our economy probably the hardest.
>Your government still has money but it wont spend it on the people.
our income is going up real fast in these past 2 or so years(

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*government job income

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When are Ukrainians going to start to assimilate to their native Russian culture?

real income is not going up. price goes up, quality of everything goes down very very fast, ukraine will have devaluation (due to inflation) in the end of the year or in the beginning of 2020, even bigger inflation will follow it.

so you will need to load cart with UAH to make some purchase lol
ukrainian corporations already tied prices to euro

there is no new source of value in ukraine left except redistribution of assets lol

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> our very own Trump
he's equivalent to skeptic cuckolds who has no answers how to solve the problems his talking about. How on Earth do you equate him to Trump?

such things take generations.

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>Schengen will allow shitskins and nignogs here. We already have 2 and a half million gypsies.
I wouldn’t worry since Central Europe (Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary) were part of Schengen for over a decade already and no shitskins dare come there

You’re the ones selling them rockets though.. just recently in October (?) you night new missiles from us and are giving them your some of your old ones

Current Pig is the worst option, so people will vote for jewish clown or populist-granny

the one who decides to push russia out of donbass and thus starting world war 3

> but it wont spend it on the people
exactly, local oligarchy has already stolen the money and enslaved the population to IMF.

What a retarded common, Ukrainians came before Russians and are the closest living group that are the descendants of Ruthenia (Rus)


Russia won’t do shit. When we threatened them in Syria as well as killed their “mercenaries” (aka soldiers without uniform) they did nothing and stood like cucks

>Who is /ourguy/?
Non-Jews or their official puppets? Oh, wait, you don't have such candidates for the last 20+ years.

Why are Ukrainians such cowards then?
might as well just join Russia and have at least some relevancy and decent income compared to what you're making now with soaring inflation

you are braindead cuck

Duda leading a charge to retake Kijów and purge (((Ukrainians)))

Destroy Ukrainan parliament.
Execute all politicians
Take over Kremlin and BTFO Putins oligarchs

Incorporate Belorussia,Kazahstan,Turkmen,Uzbek,Tajik and Kirgiz and BTFO Baltic gay homos

Establish Russian as the official language and Russian language courses mandatory in all schools

Problem solved

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> Ukrainians came before Russians
"Ukraininans" were the Rus, the people of the Rus' principalities were known as Russians.
Ukraine was jsut one of these principalities, nothing else and nothing more.

>Ukraine says fuck it
>launches offensive to clear them out
>russia sends more troops to support donbass
>ukraine shells them with everything they got
>russia shells them from their side of the border
>ukies bombs it to shit going full retard
>we are officialy now at war
>motherrussia.exe moves in from belarus and the east + airborne troops deep into ukraine

Ukranian nationality doesnt exist.




No one.

the best possible outcome for Ukraine and maybe even the whole of Europe is that things continue to devolve and no political solution is reached then radical section of ultra nationalist seize control of the country crown a member of old ruthenin nobility grand prince of kyiv and separate themselves north Korea style from the entire wold until the west is finished collapsing.

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Everyone who is against one unified country,who is against union and Russian as the official language like in Stalin times should be hanged and executed

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desu russell bentley is a retarded boomer

>But now you don't have to pay for Crimea which saves you lot's of money
>its an american thinks he knows more than mcdonalds menu episode
dumb boomer

whenever you post im so glad we killed you guys in the 90's


only steers and queers from texas

imagine having this poor a grasp on reality

country consists of regions populated with people which have different culture and different level of development.

ukraine is the 2nd biggest state in europe by land, but unlike russia, germany or france it didnt get most of it lands by wars and struggle. ukrainian lands were given to jews and braindead peasants national-communist, previous real owners were exterminated during civil war in russian empire. they create "hard times" again and again

So people in ukraine will be fucked by jews for least 15 years more (if ukraine do not collapse earlier) before that time "middle" people will be able to put economic resistance. now people are bussy enriching themselvs and securing positions

imagine taking meme posts seriously

they already did, hence the gorrupt oligarch president-emperor

Thanks Romonian user I'll remember that when I'll go on a hookers

Doen't really matter. In political and sconomical sense, Ukraine lose in all outcomes.
Will continue same situation as now - populism, shrinking popultaion because of massive migration, poor healthcare and mass poverty.
Zelenskiy is puppet of olygarch Kolomoyskiy, so he will do whatever his master tells him.
Both candidates will probably start more contacts with Russia and try to be less depend on EU and America. It doesn't means they want to be pro-Russian, but they want Ukraine to be more independent from power players. But in reality, it looks like Kremlin wants Poroshenko again.

>real income is not going up
sorry ivan it is the figure I gave (>30% per year) is in fact the real income. to me the uah looks pretty stable. we will see about your end of the year inflation theory.

Don't you realize the fact that Kievan Rus' is Russian history and that they were Russian. Just because it's called Kievan Rus' doesn't mean that it's Ukrainian because before the revolution Kiev was part of the Russian Empire.
Ukraine was created by bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution and it pretty much almost has no relation to the Kievan Rus' they just took the name.

whenever you post im so glad Vietnamese exterminated you in 70s

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We killed a few million of them, they killed a few thousand of us. It was worth it. Was losing all that land to Bosnia and getting the shit kiked out of you worth it?

The only good thing that can come out of Timoshenko's presidency is if Japan notices her again and draws even more porn.

Look who's talking

>But in reality, it looks like Kremlin wants Poroshenko again.
>kremlin literally shitting bricks at the thought of poroshenko winning
>"we will not accept the election results if poroshenko wins"
you fags already played your hand it is too late to play another

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Is this ourguy? any chance of winning?

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>we will not accept the election results if poroshenko wins
It's your TV said it to you? It's lie. Nobody of high relevant officials said anything regarding Ukrainian elections.

War in Vietnam was created by the CIA financial interest controlling USA government,and USA government does not equal population of US.

War in Vietnam was created by Millitary lobby and JFK,the last president was killed because he tried to stop it.

War in Yugoslavia was fought in the interest of top 1 %. Just like Syria,Libya.

Your country is 22 trillion in debt,corporate debt 9 trillion,racially its falling apart,Latinos Asians taking over,spiritually dead,if Hillary didnt steal the eletction Bernie would have won

Most people in jail,homosexuals taking over.

So you are using we like USA is your country but in reality people of the US are held hostage by the Federeal Reserve bankers since 1918

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GDP growth in ukraine in 2018 was 3%
nominal income increaded on 15%
trade deficit increased
state debt increased
household debts increased
quality of everything decreased lol

goverment gives GIBS to people for doing nothing, government official do nothing and receive sinecurial GIBS, they are stupid
they cant even "steal" like civilized people in russia, germany or USA lol

IMF tries to squeeze money from real middle class, but cant and it has absolutely negative effect on economy, people turned on "canibalistic" survival mode lol

shit will hit the fun after parliament elections in ukraine and nord stream-2 will be finished

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