Tfw our president is a brainlet
Tfw our president is a brainlet
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not if he's right
kek plz
Many such cases!
anti-vaxxers have a right to refuse a vaccine, why would anyone deny that right
They can die, so can their kids for all we care.
But their dumb asses are bringing long dead diseases back to life and because vaccines don’t help in the midst of an outbreak they’ll kill all the normal people too
They don’t get to drag us down with them
Now that I think about it there is a solution
A final solution
We put these retards in concentration camps, wait for the diseases to kill them, burn their bodies and the camps and boom we’re free of horrible contagion
>in the midst of an outbreak they’ll kill all the normal people too
You kind of misunderstand. The vaccinated will not be get sick. The ones at risk are people who are physically unable to receive vaccinations for weird health reasons.
Because you compromise herd immunity. People who are unvaccinated allow new strains of diseases to replicate and evolve within themselves; possibly creating a new strain that can affect people who have had the vaccine. You run the risk of hurting your entire community at that point. I’m not saying that vaccines should all be trusted, of course medical practices should be more open and honest especially to the layman. But it’s basic medical science. That’s the reason why maybe your coworkers are sick and you’re not or vice versa, some ones bodily responses are prepared for that strain of disease and others are not. It’s the reason why we can’t cure the common cold. It replicates and evolves too quickly.
this is all liberal lies
why are you changing your storys everytime?
No just science.
So forced medical procedures on people to protect your fears? What you forget is that by allowing the disease to mutate it also allows antibodies to mutate to protect too. Stop forcing things on others around you it's immoral and selfish
This is the first time I’ve only told this story? My dad is a doctor. My uncle is a doctor. My grandpa is a doctor. Didn’t you ever have that question as a kid? “Why does sister get sick when I don’t?”
So lets stop the spread of HIV and make physical sex illegal, from now on all procreation must happen via petri dish. God you fuckers are idiots.
Some diseases are much stronger than our antibodies, and if a mutated strain were to access our antibodies, they wouldn’t know how to fight it. Even if they’ve fought the same disease but a different strain. I think you underestimate the power of biological weapons and diseases. The solution isn’t mandatory vaccines, the solution is education and reform. People can believe whatever they want to believe in. But they should know that it’s wrong.
Ill take "what is autustic" for $100 Alex
that was 5 years ago, OP. Just let it go.
Wrong. Who the fuck are you or they for that matter to tell me right and wrong. This is my life, you live yours. Fucking liberal
HIV is almost isn’t even a problem in the United States anymore. Sure niggers and gays have it, but most of them have died off since the 80s.
Trump is right, don't force people into medical procedures.
It’s objectively not wrong though. It’s medicinal science my friend.
I personally don’t give a single fuck about what you do with your life or even your kids lives, but yes. You’re objectively wrong.
>vaccines supposedly prevent these diseases
>someone with that disease shows up in a vaxx'd person's presence
>vaccine fails to prevent disease in vaxx'd person
really mobilizes my macadamias
If you're worried about herd immunity then the 35 million illegal shitskins are compromising it far more than the middle-upper class whites and jews that don't vaccinate. They're the reason we're having outbreaks of old diseases.
Vaccines also pump children with more aluminum than they ever get from any other sources, and because it is injected it bypasses the liver which neutralizes the vast majority of digested aluminum. Aluminum poisoning incidentally causes neurological damage that leads to a massive spike in the number and intensity of various mental issues, including problems that are identical to autism.
>Cletus can’t read
He’s saying you put US at danger dipshit.
No one cares if you die of disease, we care that you’re gonna spread that shit to others and start an epidemic
You’re allowed to live however the fuck you want until you start actively harming others around you
based af
What's interesting is if you read the actual side affects of a lot of the vaccinations it lists "decline or loss of cognitive abilities" as a side affect.
I'm no anti vaxxer. I just read the listed side affects of the vaccine I was giving my kid
This actually happened to my friend. He had been vaccinated for mumps when he was a kid but got it as a full grown adult which can come with a lot of complications. The doctors determined he got this new strain of mumps from a mutated strain from an unvaccinated person. The person who isn’t vaccinated had this disease and allowed it to mutate into a strain that previous mumps vaccines in certain bodies, couldn’t fight hat strain and he was one of them.
he knows autism from personal experience
No one is harming you psychotic delusional fuck, you have more chance to for from idiot drivers and niggers than some mythical disease, god kys
Can I please have a non schizo source that clearly defines that vaccines have heavy metals that are harmful? I’d really like to believe you, but I’ll need some concrete proof.
>tfw shut up and take your shots goys
>tfw you're not allowed to talk about this goys
>tfw no, more illegals without vaccinations will not perpetuate diseases eradicated by vaccination, goys
>tfw you're a bigot
Fact: Some vaccines cause fevers
Fact: Some people have really bad fevers from vaccines
Fact: Fevers cause brain damage in infants
Just dont vaccinate when they're a newborn. Just wait a little bit.
it's vaccines "steel beams don't melt" argument. it's a distraction to avoid talking about the fact that the government should not (and in fact, does not) have this kind of power.
No brown invaders are bringing these diseases north with them.
Let me introduce you to
Vaccines, invented by kikes and pushed by plebbit.
>Bro do you even worship (((science?)))
This is from the CDC for the MMR vaccine.
Pillheads and thots spread disease more than the unvaccinated population does
You didn’t introduce me to shit, I know what that is. The difference is those people intentionally want to be infected. We’re really more talking about people who don’t wish to be infected but are because of circumstance X.
Already happened to my friend so wrong again flyover state,
See that spike of mumps cases in 2017? He was apart of that. More than half of those mumps cases all were reported within the first quarter of the year. That means, without a single doubt due to the circumstances, that a new strain of mumps was developed and had been spread around. Almost everyone is vaccinated for mumps, especially people who are adults in 2017. This new anti vax shit started around that 2015ish. Early as 2014 I guess, But still fringe.
Can I have a link instead of a screenshot?
This is fake, right?
Vaccines LUL
Polio vaccines and the origin of AIDS.
Trust us goy, we have funded our own studies
Get your vaccines goyim
Um, actually this is how my older brother developed Aspergers. My parents say he was a totally normal, well-behaved kid until his vaccinations. He limped for days after his shot and his eyes were hurt by bright light. That all cleared up but then his behavior changed. He began having violent temper tantrums and doing weird things like obsessing over game shows and collecting cereal boxes. Or he’d want to disappear in his room for hours.
if you are vaccinated what do you care if the rest of us get the disease. cull the herd dammit.
Yes if he isn't
Have a (you)
Baste bookmarked this thread for the future.
>TFW = OP is a brainlet poo poo head
woke AF
Vaccines contain mercury to keep the viri near dead
+ nanomachines in modern times. google it.
lol you btfo with all the evidence against vaccines in this thread
I thought bongs were blocked from posting here. Fuck off kike
>But their dumb asses are bringing long dead diseases back to life
That's not what is happening. This increase was predicted already in 1984.
The future of measles in highly immunized populations : a modelling approach
With the institution of measles immunization, the proportion of susceptables in the population fell to 3.1% in 1978 through 1981, but then
began to rise by approximately 0.1% per year to reach about 10.9% in the year 2050. The susceptibles at this time were distributed, evenly throughout all age groups. Despite short term success in eliminating measles in the United States, long range projections demonstrate that the proportion of suceptibles in fhe year 2050 may be greater than in the pre-vaccine era.
Jesus fuck.
Is there a single anti vexer that doesn’t share this misunderstanding?
Vaccines don’t stop everyone getting sick. They stop most, and make it easier on the rest.
The real genius is “herd immunity”
When you have a school full of immunized kids, a virus can only jump between some of the kids, so it never turns into a full outbreak.
"science". Y'all are pathetic
If only there was a way to be against immigration and also understand vaccines.
>have good immune system
>sick maybe once in 1-2 years
>join navy
>they give me a bunch of vaccines
>sick for the next 3 months
Wow this is the power of vaccines
>Almost everyone is vaccinated for mumps
Well my dad works for Shkreli
This is before they found out about the efficacy of dosing the infected with vitamin A as well. The relatively high death rate pre-vaccine era was due to malnutrition, not enough vitamin A.
>There was a 64% reduction in the risk of mortality in children who were given two doses of 200,000 IU of vitamin A (RR=0.36; 95% CI 0.14 to 0.82) as compared to placebo. Two doses of water based vitamin A were associated with a 81% reduction in risk of mortality (RR=0.19; 95% CI 0.02 to 0.85) as compared to 48% seen in two doses of oil based preparation (RR=0.52; 95% CI 0.16 to 1.40).
My cousin after getting a vaxx (I don't remember which one right now) got like super sick and was screaming and screaming about how his head hurt.
Now he's very autistic like can't even go to the bathroom alone and he's 15yo
Remember when the CDC fired that doctor for admitting that vaccines can increase the likelihood of autism in children? Pepperidge Farms remembers..
MMR with all its boosters reduces your rate of catching it by 99%, you're splitting hairs if you're implying vaccinated people are at risk.
>doesnt link tweet
kys kike
sage in all fields
yeah idiot we dont come from chimps. evolution erases the ancestors. we just have a common ancestor with chimps. lunatic
Tweet is real, it’s from long time ago 2015
come on this can't be real, link to tweet
Aids fags btfo yet again. Who knew taking dozens of random dicks in your ass would have such long term health risks
Malania told his staff to stay away from flu shots. Tweet is real
Yu know he's correct.
Just get vaccinated what are you worried about
He is literally 100% correct
Many illnesses are being spread by vaccines... Polio is one... you should look into the issue if you believe the “vaccines are the savior of all mankind” propaganda....
Oh its around and its still a death sentence, its just that we've developed a variety of anti-retroviral drugs that keep it from blowing out the imune system for a while so biohazard fags can live a >normal life.
Up side is they are finding that the retrovirals they've been using are causing severe arthrosclerosis
Anyone else notice this revived meme push against anti vax? It died down for years but I guess jews want to shame us into shooting our kids up with their bullshit.
TFW Trump is actually right, and vaccines are causing autism, and literally killing babies.
>MMR with all its boosters reduces your rate of catching it by 99%
Sauce please
Watch Vaxxed
Incontrovertible evidence from the CDC itself
Get fucked vaxxerjews
Are you implying that vaccines are the only drug known to man that doesn’t cause side effects? How sure are you?