Recommend me some cocktails

I love booze again, stayed away from it so long, but I started again to cope with depression and anxiety and damned if it doesn't do its magic even when I only drink a little. Recommend me cocktails, I want to try every drink that's out there and make up for lost time.

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I discovered a "Lynchburg Lemonade" while I was on a cruise and asked for the most alcoholic drink my free drink ticket could get me. Gave me a great buzz and it was super tasty! Give is a shot!

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Also, smoke weed. It'll help with your depression and it's good for you.

gin and club soda with lime. nothing beats it.


Would if I had any connections.

I've never liked gin, but I'll give it a shot.

Smoke weed instead of drink. It is better for you and makes you less of an asshole.

I don't have a weed connection or I would. Also, I can't roll a joint properly. Weed costs more, it's less reliable, harder to regularly obtain... and I don't become an asshole on booze.

try a mint julep user

Attached: tos mccoy mint julep.jpg (672x562, 51K)

>I don't become an asshole on booze.
If you are an alcoholic, I can't believe you on that.
Weed is cheaper. You spend how much a DAY on booze?
You can get a 1/8th of weed for $30-50 and it will last you at least a week.

user he's already said weed's out of the question twice holy shit

Oh yeah, I gotta try that, a classic! Thanks!

>If you are an alcoholic, I can't believe you on that.
If I was what you mean by an alcoholic, there wouldn't be much point in your telling me to switch to weed, would there?

I drink no more than about a shot glass's worth of booze a day at the moment, and some days I don't need it. Booze is cheaper. Unless you're talking to someone who you know lives in California or Oregon, "smoke weed instead" just means "be as hip as me". It's not really helpful.

>I drink no more than about a shot glass's worth of booze a day at the moment
you stated you drink to dull your depression and anxiety. That is the signs of an alcoholic. You use the substance to mask your mental state. You are using the "I don't go as hard as x" as a defense when there is no difference between you and a person who drinks a bottle a day. You just have not progressed that far yet. Neither weed nor alcohol is going to help you. you need real help for your real problems, and asking "drr what drinks should i mix" Is a subtle cry for help form an anonymous community. I am simply stating that weed is cheaper and better for you in the long run if you wish to continue to use mind altering substances as a crutch.

>there is no difference between you and a person who drinks a bottle a day.

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Sorry, did something I say hit close to home?
You can meme here all you want, but we both know it's true.

did you know that people are individuals and not everyone has an addictive personality?

I use it to change my mental state. Weed isn't cheaper, and I stated the quantity I drink to clarify why. You can't get useful quantities of weed for cheap prices, and if you eke it out as you've suggested, that means mixing it with tobacco. I have no interest in risking my health in that way. I've smoked weed a handful of times in my life, and it never did enough for me to be worth the hobbyism involved in getting "into" weed.

You also haven't addressed the facts I've already stated: I have no connections, the quality isn't reliably high, the price is higher, I can't roll joints.

So, any more cocktail suggestions?

because we are delving into why you are using alcohol as a coping mechanism. But you keep avoiding the elephant in the room. The elephant is the fact that you are relying on a substance to "deal with" your depression and anxiety. You may drink low quantities now, but what happens when that one drink isn't enough to numb the pain? Then three drinks does what that one drink used to do. You gain tolerance from using it on a permanent basis. After tolerance, comes dependence. you are on the road to addiction and I'm just trying to help you realize where you will be in a year if you continue.
I am NOT anti-alcohol. I believe it is great for social situations and having a good time. But when you decide that it helps "cure" your mental issues, you already are on a dark road paved with the corpses of the many alcoholics before you.
Please consider why you are using it as a coping mechanism and then try to do better for yourself.
I know I'm just a shitposter on Jow Forums, but you would get the same advice and explanation from anyone who has counselled or been around alcoholics. no one intends to be an alcoholic. It just seems to help for the moment....

well in the same vein as the Mint Julep is the Moscow Mule, basically just vodka and ginger instead of bourbon

>but what happens when that one drink isn't enough to numb the pain?
You stop for a while to reset your tolerance, same as a stoner would if they have any sense. I know how to be drinker, thank you weed salesman.

Looks delicious, thanks!

>Looks delicious, thanks!
what do you think about margaritas? some people say they're a girl drink (which is nonsense, whatever gets you drunk and tastes good is fine imo). it might also depend on where you are regionally, here in the South with good Tex Mex they're amazing (depending on the restaurant).
however you can always make your own, Milagro is a good tequila for it that's relatively cheap.

I had a margarita years ago, don't remember much about it, except that it seemed less fiddly than I expected from the description. Don't have a precise memory of the taste, so I should add that to the list. There were a couple of nights where I decided to have every cocktail the place did one after the other, and of course they blended into one.
>whatever gets you drunk and tastes good is fine imo
I couldn't agree more.

Actually, I should say the placeS, these were two non-consecutive occasions.

but yeah like I said it's paired really well with mexican food, chips + queso/salsa, fajita meat. really can't go wrong.
and if you don't like lime most places sell a strawberry or mango variant.
not everyone has a lack of self control like yourself.

Oh, I love lime, no problem there. I'll try it again soon.

>You stop for a while to reset your tolerance, same as a stoner would if they have any sense.
I'm not telling you to be dependent on weed either. You are still in denial about why you want to drink. You won't address my main point that you are having problems and are using alcohol as a band-aid. you cannot put a band-aid on a festering wound and pretend it will be better in two weeks. You will lose your hand, your arm, then your life. Take care of yourself.
Have you ever seen anyone go through alcohol withdraw? It's nasty. It hurts, and after day 1, you'll be back on the sauce. I'm sorry you're too naive to understand how you are about to ruin your life. There is no such thing as a functioning alcoholic. You WILL destroy yourself trying to self medicate. I know you don't care now. But in two years when you've lost the rest of what makes you happy and the only thing left is the drink... you'll remember... someone tried to warn you about this.

It's not self control that is the OPs issue. It is his reliance on a substance to numb his pain and mental illness. And the only way that will end is in despair.
>but I started again to cope with depression and anxiety
Is from the OP. He stated himself that he is trying to use alcohol as a crutch.
I absolutely know that most people don't have a problem with alcohol. And those people are the ones who do not try to hide their self loathing and illness by smothering it in substances.
His reasoning is the same that any addict uses.
I do heroin becasue it takes the pain away
I smoke crack because I forget how shitty my life is
I smoke weed because I have anxiety
It's all the same side of the same coin. Not one of them is different. It's just how they choose to kill themselves.

Your assumption that I don't know how to manage my intake of booze because I don't know anyone who'd sell me weed is ludicrous.

okay but what do you get out of this? you already stated your position here, and you've posted way more than a simple warning or "I care about you user".

OP already said he doesn't care what you have to say a long time ago, do you get off on being self-righteous?

You were suggesting I self-medicate with weed, and took three posts to understand that that's not going to happen. You're now saying that's just as bad as drink. If you don't know any cocktails, you don't have to post in this thread, you know?

It is way more interesting to make someone question their inner thoughts and intentions than giving shitty drink advice. If you want to find drinks go to a bar and ask for different cocktails. Not that hard. But he obviously has issues if he wanted to post in Jow Forums about something as idiotic as "what drink should i try"

What are you getting out of this?
Why bother calling me out?
you could have ignored the thread, Ignored my comments, or post some meme with quick insult. Why bother responding to me if you don't care?
Is it that you get off to calling people out for trying to help a fellow human being? I doubt it. I would think you are in a similar situation and you are in denial or refuse to get help. It's possible.
Maybe I annoy you because you don't think you have a problem either.
you obviously felt like you needed to insert yourself into the conversation.
So, why?

>It is way more interesting to make someone question their inner thoughts and intentions than giving shitty drink advice.
I'm asking for specific, personal recs from individuals. How do I know what to ask for until I've heard of the drink? You're a bad advertisement for weed.

>you obviously felt like you needed to insert yourself into the conversation.
Oh, and you were the one who did that, asshole, the poster you're replying to was just participating normally. You began this by saying weed would make me less of an asshole than drink. I doubt it.

>You're now saying that's just as bad as drink.
you're getting it now. you understand where you are trying to mess up. Now that you understand why you are trying to drink. Maybe you can go get some real help and truly defeat your demons and inner turmoil. Depression and anxiety are nasty monsters to beat. Now that you realize you are using these coping mechanisms you will stop and think...
should I really drink every day?
Is this healthy for my body or mind?
What can I do instead?
find a good therapist and talk to them. You will enrich yourself and the world around you.

How do I know what to ask for until I've heard of the drink?
Any bar tender will be more than willing to sell you drinks till you find the right flavor combinations. Find a girl bartender and your night will be even better.

But, doing that on a daily basis like you suggested is how you become the lowest tier of human.
I don't care if you take my advice. I assume you won't. It just needs to be said before you begin your journey. See you at the bottom of a bottle of jack.

>okay but what do you get out of this? you already stated your position here, and you've posted way more than a simple warning or "I care about you user".

he decided to engage with me, so I wanted to engage in conversation with him too. you can't go claiming you are using alcohol as a coping mechanism and not have someone call it what it is. You should really read up on addiction and how it starts, you may change your mind about your life choices.

eh you're right you're not really worth responding to after this point.
> If you want to find drinks go to a bar and ask for different cocktails. Not that hard
and if you want to "make someone question their inner thoughts and intentions", find a relevant thread where someone's asking for help, there's plenty of em. not that hard.

Yeah, he's obviously just trolling. Worst stoner ever.

Because this guy is the most pathetic. He is worse than the
whaa no gf
help im trans
why dosen't anyone like me
At least they acknowledge they have a problem. This guy is screaming for help but no one is listening. I'm here for you OP. you got this. your problems are screaming to be talked about. you just have to work up the courage to actually do it. you can fight your depression and anxiety. don't let people like:
Keep you down OP. They only want to see you suffer like they do. Watch for the wolf in sheep clothing

>I have no connections,
You’re SOL there. Maybe that’ll change as soon as next year though.
>the quality isn't reliably high
It more or less kind of is if you stick to certain trusted brands/growers.
>the price is higher
It really isn’t.

The average standard drink of beer is about $1.20.
The average standard drink of alcohol (shot) tends to be close to $1.76 (Assuming 750ml, ~$30 bottle after tax)

1 beer a day for 7 days a week is $8.40 per week. (Though... I somehow kind of highly doubt you can stick to just one drink a day)
4.4 weeks (1 month) of beer is $36.96,
2 months of beer is $73.92

1 shot a day, 7 days a week is 12.32
1 month is $54.20
2 months is $108.41

The average cartridge of oil is about $30-$50 a gram, that will probably last you 1-8+ weeks depending on how heavy you smoke. My girlfriend does a couple puffs a night to go to sleep without night terrors (vs the anti-depressants she used to take and hated because of the side effects) and one cartridge usually lasts her 1-2+ months depending on if we decide to smoke recreational at times.

I she averages even 1.5 months per cartridge (which she easily does and surpasses at times) that works out to about $7.57 a week at max pricing. Which is actually slightly cheaper than booze.

>I can't roll joints.
We live in the era of vapes. It can literally be as easy as buying a prepackaged cartridge.

Try a Midori sour.

That’s always my go to cocktail to make for someone who doesn’t know wtf they like.

One thing to note when making cocktails though, don’t buy sweet and sour, make your own if possible. That glow in the dark, prepackaged bottled shit will always completely fucking throw off the taste of anything you make.

Use fresh ingredients. It only lasts about 2-3 weeks, but it also only takes like 5-10 minutes to make (it’s just you stirring sugar water and citrus over heat until it all mixes basically, then waiting for it to cool down). It makes a MASSIVE difference.

>Try a Midori sour.