Stop denying climate change bigots

>The Trump administration is, it goes without saying, deeply anti-science. In fact, it’s anti-objective reality. But its control of the government remains limited; it didn’t extend far enough to prevent the release of the latest National Climate Assessment, which details current and expected future impacts of global warming on the United States.
>True, the report was released on Black Friday, clearly in the hope that it would get lost in the shuffle. The good news is that the ploy didn’t work.
>The assessment basically confirms, with a great deal of additional detail, what anyone following climate science already knew: Climate change poses a major threat to the nation, and some of its adverse effects are already being felt. For example, the report, written before the latest California disaster, highlights the growing risks of wildfire in the Southwest; global warming, not failure to rake the leaves, is why the fires are getting ever bigger and more dangerous.
>But the Trump administration and its allies in Congress will, of course, ignore this analysis. Denying climate change, no matter what the evidence, has become a core Republican principle. And it’s worth trying to understand both how that happened and the sheer depravity involved in being a denialist at this point.

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>anti-objective reality
the final blackpill

This is why I voted for him. If all he did was pull out of the paris accord I would vote for him again.

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It's so serious most of its adherents don't even make personal life changes that inconvenience them mildly that would supposedly help the situation.
Instead they hang around waiting to be forced by law to act.

i sometimes wonder what Dawkin's IQ is, or if he's just intentionally dishonest.

nothing we do will stop whatever warming/cooling is happening. it will just empower the left and make our lives miserable or perhaps end our lives (green new deal).

Why does he believe in unproven fairy tales?

>anti-objective reality
>cutting your dick off makes you a woman

>unproven fairy tales?
Climate change is a fact

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Then why do you continue to contribute to it?
Clearly you don't give a shit, why should I?

oh ok, sorry

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>Then why do you continue to contribute to it?
Why would you assume that ?

>global warming is because of human emissions
>the pause in global warming was also human emissions
>oops, we didn't mean global warming, we meant climate change
>any major weather event is man made climate change
>any lack of major weather events is man made climate change
>better raise taxes

look at all these facts that turned out not to be facts at all.

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>it's hot in Australia
Are they really trying to gaslight us into thinking it wasn't always hot as hell in Australia?

Because your shitposting on this website proves it.
You have not rejected the conveniences of modernity brought to you by killing the planet.
You are part of the problem.
So why shouldn't I be too?

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Now move the graph further to the left. Then prove that CO2 emissions actually matter for anything other than improving plant growth.
>pro tip: you can't

The device you are using to be this retarded is filled with toxic substances and covered in plastics. They are made in countries that pollute far more than any western country. Then are transported by vehicles that burn more fuel than any SUV around. That's just the device. Not to mention everything else in your moms home made from oil and toxic chemicals.

I do think there is truth to climate change but unless everyone in the world agrees to drastically reduce their standard of living doing anything is pointless.

The only argument against lefties that promote climate change is to remind them of how much of their own life is predicated off of fossil fuels, and that they like the deniers are not going to stop using the shit

Precisely. If climate change faggots cared about it actually, we would never hear from them.

How can anyone proove how the weather was 400000 years ago. What a clown world.

Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist, not a climatology expert. He went from babbling about Atheism for attention, to whining about Trump for attention. Pathetic. Only faggots and women need that much attention.

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They are waiting for a government to force them into compliance with shit they could already be doing themselves.
Like rich lefties who say they should be paying more in taxes. Nothing is stopping them but them.

>Muh rocks
I like bring up how they can't predict the weather more that 6 hours out and they usually try to say weather and climate aren't related. It's like watching a calculator try to divide by zero. KEK

You forgot
>global cooling
before climate change and global warming.

>Australia is hot during its summer
>the Midwest is cold during its winter

Look at how environmentally friendly our greenboard warriors are!!! So progressive, so eco conscious!

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What even is this strawman right now lol

>400 million years

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The rock spoke to me. I am 400 million years old, because i was burried so deep. It only makes sense.

It's almost like the sun is in a gleissberg cycle and is going to be close to us for the next 500 years. Why would they go and try to forge that into their own narrative? It's not like they have anything to gain.

Also when did we colonize all of the other planets that started to warm up during the last solar maximum? Those fucking space cows man.

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>a core Republican principle.

Agreed. Fuck china.

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last solar minimum*, which again we're in a solar minimum similar to the one in 2007-2009, when the hysteria of global warming was in full effect. What a coinkydinky

>You can swap genders at will
>There are no physical differences to race other than skin color.

It's basically 15 degrees in Alaska, the sakuras are already blooming in Japan, yet retards on Jow Forums still try to argue climate change is a hoax.

Dawkins is a low IQ retard who doesn't understand math.

I like how they don't call it global warming (as they once stopped calling it global cooling)
Today any change goes. They're pathetic.

I'm not a climatologist, but I'm a scientist too. And the way I knew it was a big bs is their best shot: "EVERY SCIENTIST AGREES ON THIS" or "MOST SCIENTISTS APPROVE" - first of all how and when did they count it. second of all it wouldn't be a scientific argument even if they did.

One side refuses to acknowledge the danger of messing up the climate, the other refuses to acknowledge the danger of messing up our nations with racial strife. We're all fucked either way. The difference is basically cosmetic, both are thinking they can recover easily or halt in time when they see signs of damage, the mindsets are completely identical. There's no real conservatism left.

Why does that graph stop more than a century ago when we're talking about what's happening today?

And you do? 99% of the scientists agree that man is changing the climate. Are you smarter than all of them?

So this graph proves that CO2 emissions have no effect on temperature? And that we are just in a period.

Just like all those scientists that said we needed to stop eating animal fats and poisoned us all with vegetable oils and trans fats.

Or the scientists that agreed we needed to base our diet on a macro of mostly carbs a little protein and no fat and caused an obesity epidemic?

id say higher than most, not high enough to be noteworthy. id say 130, tops

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If you didn't want me to reject your retarded ideas, you probably shouldn't have couched them in Anti-White rhetoric.

Ancient glacier farts trapped in ice are totally indicative of the entire globe.


Everything you have to know.

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Strangely he is not going outside of the mainstream hate which is popular. Are he ever going against Jew or Muslim ?

They had also the coldest winter in most part of the USA for a long long time.


The ones already restraining themselves are the only ones who listen to the calls to restrain themselves. The large cities will be gone soon.

>we’re gonna build a wall to keep it out
This guy gets it. Too bad hes being a smart ass.
>we’re gonna tax you to fix it and import a million more consumers
Thats the retards actual solution.

Dawkins is just sucking lefty dick to get back in their good graces

The left needs to stop pretending they care about the envirnonment or science or facts or even just reality.

>meme flag
>posting liberal nonsense
Not today, Shlomo

>muh 99%
99% of scientists were 100% certain the world was flat. How did that work out?

If they cared about the environment or poverty or any of the shit they bitch about. they wouldnt be pro overpopulation. The left are the elites bitch. You keep the door open and they hustle and speak bullshit

Only Boomers deny climate change.

Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of cancer.

I dont want to be like the chinese who have to wear fucking face masks when they go outside because its so fucking overcrowded and polluted.

wtf, I love boomers now!

Since it is all about the money, just call all of the taxes we pay "climate taxes" instead of income taxes, sales taxes, and property taxes. US governmental entities steal $8 trillion a year from us, already. And as far as anti science...CO2 is 1/2500 of the atmosphere. Humans contribute 5% of CO2. So, 5% x .04% = 1/50,000 of the atmosphere is man made CO2. Completely immaterial. It's almost as if all of you warmists never took a basic math class...and claim to be scientists.

There are LOTS of good and true reasons to protect ecosystem, which makes me think "who actually pays to those shills to make ecologists look like a bunch of loonies?"

The thing is, while 99% of the atmosphere is nitrogen, oxygen and argon, non of them absorb visible or infrared light. Carbon dioxide and water vapour though does absorb a porition of it, preventing it from reaching space. The infrared radiation that is absored produces heat which makes the planet warmer. Without that, our planet would be rather frozen like Mars.

That heat gets shared with the other 3 gases mentioned, since they are bumping into the water vapour and carbon dioxide. The efect of increasing carbon is something like the sun shining 1% brighter. Which given the power level of the sun, is rather large.

Hey, that CO2 has been dropping a lot. It's almost all gone.

Protecting the ecosystem and the climate change hoax are two completely separate issues. The 1/50,000 (.002%) of the atmosphere which is human contributed CO2 is a non factor, an imaginary problem created as an excuse to rob the citizens of the US. REAL environmental degradation is primarily a third world problem. The plastic pollution in the oceans, for example, is almost completely caused by third worlders. I could get behind forcing the third worlders stopping their polluting ways.

>I could get behind forcing the third worlders stopping their polluting ways.
Please do. You know we really really need it.

Gotta thank boomers for that

No, it is not. The amount of human contributed CO2 is .002% of the atmosphere. It's almost as if you are deliberately trying to make me laugh. In order for that .002% to trap enough heat to warm the earth 1degree, the CO2 would have to absorb enough heat that each molecule would have to be 50,000 degrees warmer than the rest of the atmosphere. Which is absolutely absurd. There is no way that .002% can make any difference.

>global warming
>research show it's not actually warming
>rebrand it to climate change
>literally every case of hot or cold weather is now due to climate change

Where do you have these numbers from?

We live in a clown world where actually naturally smart and inquisitive people are being gaslit to think they're dumb because they don't think the manufactured lies peddled as truth make sense.

While actually dumb sheep think they are intellectuals because they believe and parrot the mainstream narrative.

They have successfully enslaved humanity, almost everything normies think of as true is actually lies. And when everything they know is wrong they cannot think or come to rational conclusions regarding anything. They are under total control. They have been programmed, everyone has to a certain extent.

I'm actually think I'm lucky I didn't own a TV between 2006-2012. Completely lost interest in the mainstream.

The Left
>weather is not climate
also the Left
>unless that weather can be used to further our political stance on a computer model that's only consistency is how wrong it is every year.

You people are fucking retarded, and the ice sheet outside my window is still 2 MILES FUCKING THICK. Piss off meme faggot.

>And you do? 99% of the scientists agree that man is changing the climate. Are you smarter than all of them?
Fake and propaganda.

Co2 does contribute to the greenhouse effect but i don't think humans emit enough co2 to increase the amount of infra red radiation being trapped in our atmosphere by a significant margin.

US per capita emissions are decreasing and have been for a while btw

I believe it but why does the second graph have decreasing y axis values, hm?

>anti-objective reality
>let me tell you about the 72 genders

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I doubt the sun being 2000 miles closer will affect anything. Solar flares can be 50 times bigger than that distance

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Jow Forums is the only website in the world where a Greenlander will come and take a shit all over the liberals about climate change

I've gone to this guys twitter and the people that reply to him are full on TDS, Trump this, Trump that, fuck Trump, etc. Lol.

That's everyone that doesn't have a sense of humor and takes politics seriously. They don't understand that politics is acting for ugly people, and none of them actually believe any of the shit they say. They just say it, and get paid to do it. It's basically advertising for whatever lobby is paying them that year.
I think more and more people realize this, and that's why Trump actually got elected lol, wanted some guy that wasn't already corrupted by the fucks in D.C.
What they're doing now is just making it worse for them. The more they attack him, the more it makes him look like an outsider.

>Climate change is a fact
Adapt then..

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