Why do BritBongs call us Amerimutts when they are just as mutted, if not more?

Why do BritBongs call us Amerimutts when they are just as mutted, if not more?

Attached: meghan-markle-prince-harry.png (1024x677, 764K)

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because the truth needs to be spoken no matter what

We just elected a mutt for 8 years. We are at 56% white and declining rapidly. We are the next Brazil.

Because your genes are far the most muddied of all the colonies in the empire.

Are you ready to be labeled with psychosis when questioning the "official" narrative??

mutted cucked and inbred, truly the worst desu

JFC. Whoever made that meme deserves a medal. Fucking lost.

Attached: 1536501473766.gif (219x186, 1.76M)

Dude their demographics are what we were at in the 1980s. We are fundamentally worse off.

Literally unironically jealously. They live in countries that jail you for using incorrect pronouns.

If you ONLY look at demographics, yes, but seems to me like America has better prospects for the future for other reasons, your gun rights and libertarian history for one thing, but also your huge landmass and the sheer number of white Americans (100+ million). Some European countries will be absolutely fucked if shit goes down and we don't have a nationalist dictator in place.

You also have to be very careful about racial statistics in Europe. Most European countries do not have official racial statistics. Britain is an exception, but I'd wager they're around 65-70% white. Sweden is around 65% white. France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium are around 60-70% white as well.

If you look at only the big cities, continental northern Europe is around 40% white.

>watch some american t.v.
>jewish mexican transgender 13 yr old on "THE LEARNING NETWORK"
>change channel to history channel "Jesus wasn't real, aliums built the pyramids, we wuz monkeys and shit
>change the channel to music television "NIGGER MUH DICK NIGGER YOUR DICK NIGGER DIS DICK"
>turn off the t.v.

USA is by far the most jewish and mongrelized piece of shit country in the world.

They worship an incestuous family.
No need to say more....

The UK is over 90 percent white, with about 85 percent of those being English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish.

London, long lambasted for being some sort of African Islamic cesspit, is whiter than Zurich.

90% white my arse

america has more people and is whiter overall retard

All white nations are suffering right now, the only ones that are actually great in terms of demographics are the poorer slavic regions and despite that, most are more nationalistic than the white nations.

>libertarian history
>good thing

This. It's not surprising though, the US was a judeo-masonic creation. The (((founding fathers))) were in close contact with the revolutionaries in France. The US is the greatest thing that ever happened to the kikes, and without it, they would have never had the strength to overthrow the ancien regime in Europe.

>The UK is over 90 percent white
yeah, and Sweden is Germany is 95% white, huh?

those are absolute bullshit statistics and you know it. there is no chance UK is 90% white. I would be shocked if it's 70% white, let alone 70% native British (English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh).

you were largely spared the invasion of 2015, but Europe in general saw every little village and town transform in literal weeks. from being a small town of 3000 people 100% white, it went to 4000 people and 75% non-white.

the big cities in Sweden are all below 50% white except maybe Stockholm. Gothenburg and Malmö are 40% white.

because white people in America believe in certain "rights" that will help them in the coming race war. i don't believe libertarianism is a viable ideology in an all-white society.

I hate to burst your bubble but there won't be a race war, the moment one country goes full hitler mode the rest will attack and sanction it. As long as the system keeps going then nothing will change. There needs to be a food shortage or a plague.

Americans aren't white, nor are there any here


What does it feel like to be wrong all the time, are your parents ashamed of you?


lol, in 2011 the official statistic was 87.11% white, which is already bullshit. so your "over 90 percent white" was a lie. today it's 70% AT BEST.

but the numbers really say it all. in the most populous areas of London, over 70% of births are to mothers BORN ABROAD, not even including non-white mothers born in the UK.

you are delusional and you don't understand how accute the problem is.

Yeah try that with the US buddy.

Your country would cease to exist in a matter of weeks.

>they are just as mutted, if not more?
No. We are falling. You are fallen.

Attached: us uk race cities.jpg (1029x1738, 269K)