Other urls found in this thread:
>years of genociding palestinians
>finally at war
okay stupid
sauce you faggity larper
They havent always had war declared?
Fuck off you Israeli faggot. Palestine CANNOT decalre war on Israel. Palestine has no military.
They were awaiting Orders from Iran.
The Order has come.
It appears Israel has now responded via Twitter.
user you cant just meme an armed conflict into reality
He's an Israeli Military intelligence officer
I have my DNA report.
Not one drop you Socialist Mutt shill.
kike detected
And nothing will happen.
>user you cant just meme an armed conflict into reality
I am just reporting facts with supporting documentation.
It has Begun.
3 NCU dead at this time.
Israeli casualties unknown.
Extensive IED balloon launch from Khan Younis minutes ago.
So the PFLP? What about Fatah or Hamas? I really want a third and final Intifada
avi you need to go back
Why wouldn't I trust a larper with a 0% track record?
>calls everyone kike shill
>shills like a kike
fucking faggot shut the fuck up
KIA just a bit ago.
Brave Lad.
Friend or Enemy, pay respects.
>meme flag
kike detected
this is more of a statement of resistance rather than a declaration of war, the Palestinians are saying they will resist the jewish aggression
You know it is an Order to Attack my Luminescent American Fren.
Also, this is why the Juden response was "Come".
maple satan is spot on
Pleased to meet you
I think I've guessed your name.
I see PFLP written here, OP. Call me when Fatah/PLO stops working with Israel in the West Bank and declares an Intifada in conjunction with Syria, Iran and Hezbollah attacking the north and retaking the Golan.
And who is going to help them gas the kikes?
Palestine doesn't have a functioning army , they only have armed militias such as Hamas , by chimping out like this they are going to give the jews a reason to carpet bomb them (although the jews dont need a reason) . it all too tiresome
>american flag
>kike detected
How does it feel knowing Israel will be destroyed and WW3 will bring about the NWO, Jew?
I'm so sick of Israel.
The world will know peace when the synagogue of satan is destroyed (Zionists)
im excited! NWO without central banks or zionism!
yeah it should be pretty nice. too bad the majority of the world will die in the chaos. greater good and all that, though.
Here's how it works.
If Iran can bait Israel in to creating a Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza, they and their Allies can justify a counter attack on Israel in an attempt to drive them colpetely out of gaza and retake the Golan Heights.
They may be after capturing Jeruselum as well.
We shall see.
There will be a lot of Martyrs in the interim.
>too bad
go sit in traffic for an hour and tell me there ISN'T too many people on earth
Your Samson Option won't be allowed
>patiently waiting for videos of dead kikes to emerge
they are already at war though.
and have been for over 50 years.
that shit never officially ended.
Nigga "Palestine" does not exist and we never made peace with the fakestinians, therefore we are always at war
have you seen how Gaza is? its basically an open Air prison thats gets airstriked frequently . the Iranians have Been heavily sanctioned by trump, the only way Israel is going to be stopped is if an international boycott occurs thats what they are most scared of
Look like ia dry run yesterday.
I don't get why this matters
Kek. Stupid Israeli Military intelligence user thinks he actuually knows what's going on. Faggot says Palestine is declaring war...Israel is a terrorist state committing genocide.
There too many people and most of them are subhumans that shouldn't exist.
palestine is written in your holy book, it doesn't matter how hard you try to push this "Palestine doesn't exist" narrative you dumb kike
It's not "my" samson option I'm not Jewish. but the freemasons, illuminati, whatever you want to call them, know we have overpopulated this planet with our degnerate overbreeding sexual practices.
the earth's population must be reduced. you have this fantasy that everything will be fine and dandy and it will be all chipper and joyous but WW3 is coming and it will be the bloodiest turmoil to ever grace this planet.
billions will die. the survivors will live in peace.
Palestine is declaring War at the behest of Iran.
They are sacrificing a Rook to get The Queen.
Please see
i live near fucking Los Angeles dude I KNOW for a fact a few nukes landing here would be a blessing. WW3 can't come soon enough.
>Palestine is declaring War at the behest of Iran.
okay the 4d chess memes need to stop
This isn't 4D.
This is straight up chess.
Nothing at all complicated about it.
I think the funniest part of this is how Israel isnt reporting on this publically
I hope the resistance fighters are killing many IDF pussies rn. Hope Israel has enough diapers.
Bo it doesn't.
Show me a part of the Tanakh where the word "Palestine" in Hebrew is written.
This land is called Canaan, later renamed into the land of Israel by the 12 tribes.
"Palestine" was coined by the greeks and later the romans after the Phillistines, shixh literally mean "Invaders" in Hebrew.
Waiting for literally any English language source on this shit
a nation that has existed since the Romans and has converted to Christianity and to Islam and probably are the ancient hebrews.
some Moroccans, Russians, Yemenis, Iraqis and inbred Khazars converts LARPing as ancient h*brews.
dunno senpai ill take the palis over rats every time
Shills BTFO.
This fellow knows whats up.
Really, have you even read the Balfour declaration?
Bro is a larping twitter scroller.
Any news on that EMP/Russia+China Southern Border Invasion????
For real tho?
Jews have been living here for thousands of years.
The mudshit hordes who call themselves "Palestinians" are invaders from all corners of the Ottoman and earlier foreign empires who unlawfully ruled our land for 2000 years.
This land is ours. We returned to reclaim it from these subhumans. Deal with it.
>Hamas is mossad
>www.e leave them alone you give us billions.jew /deal
>Wild trump appears
>Uses reflect
>The kvetchining
>Mossad declares war on itself via hamas
>Veni vidi vici
>Installs puppet government
>Hamas 2.0
>The good guys win again at the expense of 6 gorrillion innocent souls lost to internet anti-semitism at a time of self defense
What's the odds something just so happens to ruin the two state solution?
CNN will be on it in a week or so.
Go play a few rounds of golf and come back.
> the only way Israel is going to be stopped is if an international boycott occurs thats what they are most scared of
This way they can't throw a temper tantrum about the six gorillion and do the Samsung option.
Never heard of it
Just because goyim call thia place "Palestine" inatead of "Eretz Israel" or "Canaan" doesn't mean that this land belong to a bunch of camel fuckers.
This labd is jewish property. Mudshits can fuck off back to Arabia
Based blood of asparukh
Still waiting to see if Kim launches the third EMPSAT today.
I doubt it. Things have been pretty quiet over there for the last 8 hours.
I think all of the B-52 flight got his attention.
So we get to slaughter 3 million goatfuckers and no one bats an eye because it's declared war?
Release the hounds.
Jews, Muslims and Christians lived together in Palestine in relative peace for centuries before the zionists moved hordes of European jews there for future cannon fodder
When a man puts a knife to your throat and says 'your king is dead, swear allegiance to ours' the knight says 'over my dead body, you will have to take this castle by force' the peasant however says 'Alahu Akbar!!!'
You can convince a bunch of American boomers but you will never convince history.
Seek God, time is running out my friend.
Now here's a rare treasure on Jow Forums.
To write the character of the Jew one need only take a normal man and split him in two; the outward angel and the inner devil.
>Jews have been living here for thousands of years.
Your absolutely right, they call themselves Palestanians after being forced to convert by invaders.
let me guess, you are probably some shitskin from Morocco or maybe an Inbred eastern European whose ancient ancestor got converted by a handful of sholomos resulting in the amalgamation of a whore you call a mother.
you're not Jewish Noam this is the biggest black pill you have to swallow but swallow you must.
"palestanian are arabs" meme should stop, no true Arab from the gulf considers them Arab.
Needs a global boker face.
Go fuck a goat while you can.
That's a fucking lie and you know that.
In 1929 bloodthirsty savage mudshits turned on their jewish neighbors and slaughtered them like animals, with their penises rippes off and tucked inside their mouthes.
During the crusader era mudshits and christians killed eachother, and after the fall of Jerusalem in 1099, jews were slaughtered en masse by christians.
During the byzantine era jews were treated like less than human beings.
During most if the Islamic era jews were required to pay Jizya and were treated like 2nd class citizens in their own land.
You are either a Turk or a Moor. Your claim to the land is about as solid as an Arab's.
I feel bad for the now extinct Hebrews.
Desperate damage control only makes you enemies and turns goyim off to any ideas you spew.
What you are doing rn is making some previously zionist boomer go "wait why are they so hostile/rude?"
"I thought these guys were dickbags I thought they were legit and didnt need to spam shit to get their points across"
"I thougjt these guys werent*"
If they are true seeds of Israel they should convert back to Judaism. But they are not, as their surnames(Al Masri, Al Iraqi, Al Bushnak, al Turki) indicate they are invaders.
Isn't the current scruffle just a means to ensure Bibi's absolute victory in the upcoming election (as in many other elections in the past in the Labor x Likud eternal struggle)?
He's partially right, but he didn't mention that it all went to shit with the presence of the Eternal Anglo (ptu), the Zionists were calmly acquiring all Palestine piecemeal by land purchases.
They have a better chance of being descended from the tribes than you do. You are the invader.
No it is a geopolitical clusterfuck.
We stayed jews continously for thousands of years, despite living in exile and mixing with converted goyim.
We deserve to return to the land of our forefathers.
Jews also lived in babylon, but got kicked out for some reason?
I still believe Bibi's got his hands all over it
Watch as he wins by a reasonable margin
Your ancestors are very likely not even remotely Hebrew you dumb edomite.
We Europeans will take your land after we are done eradicating you someday. WW3 or whatever major conflict and shenanigans will pave the way.
He might. Wish the Israeli tactic of doom and gloom propaganda didnt work so well to stop infighting.
>We stayed jews continously for thousands of years
>despite living in exile and mixing with converted goyim.
What are you smoking brother
I would like to point out that Ottoman censuses back in 1878 showed that there were 15,000 ethnic Palestinian Jews in Jerusalem and only made up 3% of the city. There were nearly half a million Muslims and Christians living in Jerusalem at the same time.
Sure Jews have always lived there. They also mostly all converted to Christianity and then Islam and those Muslims and Christians today are the Palestinian people. Even if your crackpot theory (more of a lie desu) was about them being Ottomans from all over the middle east, you gave them a national identity by forcing them into refugee camps together.
No one in the middle east wants you because you are horrible dog shit tier neighbors, you have no reason to exist where you are and you will be shown off the premises and barred from reentry like the loitering schizo squatter you are.