Married too young?

Does anyone else feel they got into a serious relationship too young?

I met a girl I really loved when I was 24, moved in the next year and 2 years later got married.

I'm happily married for over an year but I kind of miss the fun I had dating in my early 20's.I also never experienced the fun of tinder or whatever app. My single friends seem to have so much fun sleeping around, I feel like I missed out.

Anyone else feel the same way?

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You arent missing much, just some loneliness punctuated by empty validation and pregnancy or std scares.

>married at 27
no user, that's perfectly normal. Why the hell would you want to be partying around much later than that anyway?

I met my first wife when I was 14, married at 24 and then divorced 2 years later. People grow up. She was the hot asian punk rock girl in highschool and it was awesome, but we just didn't grow up into the same type of adult. By 27 though? You should have a good handle on who you are, what you want, and who you want to be with. Falling in and out of "infatuation" is a normal cycle in relationships. My current wife is A+ 10/10 the best woman I've ever been with. She's also among the least physically attractive. Do I have times where I fantasize about sleeping with more attractive women? Sure. Of course I do. Everyone does. But that comes and goes and in a few months it's gone.

Totally normal, I'd say you're doing fine user.


>I also never experienced the fun of tinder or whatever app.

Make a tinder. Tell your wife "it's a joke" or something like that so it doesn't start drama. See how shitty modern dating is. Go back to loving your wife.

I have a long distance gf, and I admit I've played around on online dating sites just to see what else was out there. Even though I found a few decent girls, modern dating is fucking garbage. Women today simultaneously hate traditional family values AND casual sex.

>Women today simultaneously hate traditional family values AND casual sex.

maybe if it is with you!

>Assmad female calling me a virgin

I have a girlfriend who's both sexy and loyal, and unless you're a perfect 10 then she's probably better looking than you.

Normie hookup culture usually ends up pretty bad. Having five partners a year is pretty rare, and if they're all hookups then you've wasted all that time and energy for a bit of sex.

>Having five partners a year is pretty rare

not really

>the fun I had dating in my early 20's.I also never experienced the fun of tinder or whatever app

It's soul crushing, not fun. Thank God that you found someone early on and didn't have to deal with the bullshit.

Getting married in your early-to-mid-20s is one of the smartest financial and just general happiness decisions that you can make. Your friends aren't having fun, they are sharing the few bright spots with you.

"Dating" fucking blows. There are more men in the 20-something age range than there are women, and a lot of the women are fucking degenerate men in their 30s and 40s. All of the solid, relationship oriented women settle down early (like you and your wife), which means that only the absolute dregs and the aboslutely insane remain. If you enjoy putting in effort to fuck a pig or share a woman with 3-4 other dudes at any given time, sure, you really missed out.

It's a Jew TV lie that being single and "free" is fun. For men, it's many, many nights of desparation punctuated by the occasional mediocre fuck.

O burn u need 2 go 2 burn doctor

Lmao is this cuck really advocating for marriage, in your early 20s at that

>marry while you're still a child

>getting married

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Men love to inflate how much sex they get. To impress their freidns

This guy is right, but I wouldn't say its the TV, I blame social media. Sure, that dude looks cool with a girl around his arm at a party but that kind of lifestyle is filled with constantly badgering women for any kind of attention. Of course, your friends are way too cool to ever admit it

>Does anyone else feel they got into a serious relationship too young?
I started dating my now husband at 17. He was my first boyfriend, and truthfully at that age I would never imagine he'd stay with me for 13 years.

Honestly, I've never really thought about what I "missed out" on by staying in a commited relationship. To me, I would much rather have sex with someone I love who I enjoy spending time with then hundreds of meaningless hook ups.

I don't think your feelings are wrong though, but I would keep in mind dating in your late 20's is likely a whole different ball park than early 20's.

>too young
You didn't miss anything. We're desperately seeking meaningful relationships in our late 20s, be happy you already have.

My dream is too marry in my 20s but I'm 23 and I never even had a gf
You aren't missing out on much

I'm in the same boat and feel the same, though I'm just hoping that as I get older my sex drive will lessen and I'll stop wishing for sex with more women
I've have a total of 3 sexual partners and my current miss is 6 older than me and we have a kid, so i have a serous case of FOMO especially when I realize that other younger and hot chicks would propably suck my cock if I applied myself better.
I really wish I had more random sex if only to appreciate the good relationship I have now.
Also what really keeps me from fucking around is the fear of destabilizing my home life, otherwise I'd honestly have an affair on the side, atleast until I'm 35 or something

>le everything was better in the good old days meme

often times when people marry young they get divorced eventually because you both were doing your own thing and the more you got to know each other the more you got tired of each other. Best way is to do stuff together that sparks things up again.

A lot of marriages made young fail because neither knows what they actually want in life and in a partner. Then it turns out they have completely different ideas about where to go in life.