I was just reading the page on The US/UK longstanding friendship.
I don't think I have read a more one sided article.
If you check out the Trump/May sections, they overkill with citations to a level I have never seen before.
And obviously, all are exceptionally left wing sources.
The only part that is well wrote is picture related.
This article talks about "public opinion in the UK" as if they know what the fuck we think.
One part about Trump lists 7 citations (all hard left).
I can't even edit pages any more due to getting banned every time.
I just want US cousins to know I view you as family, this article really fucked me off.
NPC's would believe this shit.
Driving a wedge between our nations.
Obama said we were "the back of the queue", but he probably did us a solid there and Brexit was assured, we don't like orders...we do like pals.
The article toward the end is so obviously made to make our braindeads froth and US NPC's to think we don't have your back.
This bother any of you lads?
Also makes us look a shambles.
The NWO CANNOT allow Brexit to succeed.
So we will be berated at home and away, but, fuck them all...we had the balls to get the ball rolling.
I'm personally proud I threw a spanner in EU's cogs, our leaders here lack patriotism, but the people gave their opinion with a pen.
Wikipedia Hate Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off faggot, i hat america
if you wanna be a degenerate mutt, go fuck off there
Its Encyclopedia Propaganidia.
I can't even trust a page about random arachnids I read due to boredom.
The public perception you can change, just by writing shit articles...
Too much power.
I respect them, the Constitution is beautiful.
If you don't see why, you either aren't from here or you are the entire other side of the political spectrum.
And I hope to one day live there, my mothers getting old, i'd like to put her up somewhere safe, own some land and practice and protect their constitution.
Stand your ground laws are fucking awesome.
I should run for PM.
I'd sort Brexit and our shit out in two days.
I'd do it here.
Argentina, you have awesome beef and wine, let's trade.
America, distant cousins, no trade tax, lets swap our German car imports for American.
New industries in those two sentences for all our nations.
We have our fleets and airforces to protect our shipping.
New alliances and more powerful nations.
Fuck BMW, I want a Mustang.
Fuck French wine, I like Argentinian.
Tell me Britbong, when will we unite the Anglo-sphere?
Should have been yesterday...
If we partner up again...we are unstoppable.
I lived through the 80s, it was fucking great man.
UK/US...everyone in the world knew not to fuck with us.
We all made bank, we had jobs, terrorism was rare.
And we were armed back then.
The tunes were sweet too.
I might sound boomer (I'm late millennial), but Reagan/Thatcher days were fucking sweet.
the Thatcher-Reagan partnership outstripping all but the prototype Roosevelt-Churchill duo in its warmth and importance. ('Isn't she marvellous'?' he would purr to his aides even while she berated him down the 'hot line.').
We made The USSR quake...with words.
That is power. And true Anglo mindset.
wiki is based on the views of the people who write stuff. I wrote things on wiki, with citations at the beginning of time of wiki (2005 and 2006). Even then they ended up being a pain.
Greatest thing I did is start the page for en.m.wikipedia.org
You must be in the same trade as me, but more of a particular branch of a branch...of a branch.
You should do it again in hindsight but on scholorpedia.
The only article additions they actually keep of mine are electrodynamics edits (on Wikipedia).
And I also wrote about "Evolutionary Arms Race" about species/animalia adapting and making new weapons/tactics.
Wasn't that originally a Douglas Adams concept?
Basically "Blue Ice" from alien vessels?
America is a decrepit and soulless civilisation, their god is money. If you Seriously think their shit hole is any better than the U.K you are seriously deluded. Not a surprise considering most of us grow up on their degenerate films.
Money is not my God, and they do have their faults.
Their enemy is the same as ours, but at least they are allowed to defend themselves; or more importantly, free speech.
Vegas is Hell on Earth.
But Colorado, Montana etc... I am totally on board.
If you are a white Englishman, where do you think you would be better welcomed in twenty years?
Here or there?
I think they would welcome real European blood (the locals), and as we would be fleeing what we lost, we would bring tactics and passion.
Every trip I make to the US I am made to feel welcome, even in the fucking Bronx the blacks I accidentally drunkenly fell into on the way home invited me in to a house party.
Eccentric fucker like me didn't see a threat, they liked my accent, ended up making a few friends.
Try that coming from the north and going south to Brixton or some shithole.
We'd get knifed in seconds.
I had more in common with New York blacks than I did the local wiggers in my city.
>the Constitution is beautiful.
One of the dumbest political documents ever written. God, you must be an idiot.
The same logic can apply here london is a shit hole but rural wales?
Also they can defend themselves sure but do they? No.
Are you delusional? Have you seen their demographics?
The retards didn’t realise that the logical conclusion of their all men created equal crap would be the shit you’re seeing now.
As the primary source for basically everyone on everything, Wikipedia is far too critical of a social engineering resource to be left in the hands of plebs like us.
Sorry Nigel we have Israel now. I would die for Israel.
I suppose there's only a few ways to find out whom is the bigger idiot...
Shall we talk our nations constitutions, online chess, calculus, physics or just pure philosophy?
You want to E-Insult, I'll E-Match you?
Hows that for a game of soldiers?
All you have is insult to add to a conversation.
I stand by in a binary debate that The United States is beautiful, meaning a 1.
You stand by The US Constitution lacks beauty meaning a null set or 0.
So, first we must define beauty, I suppose it is subjective, so how about we state the definitions to ourselves of beauty and the winner proves their point by matching the decree?
Unless you are an idiot?
>All ((((men))))
We never said anything about niggers
Who are you referring to here?
>all men created equal crap
Although that particular phrase is not in the Constitution (but the Declaration), the same spirit of 18th-century leftism informs both (and equal liberty is upheld by the Constitution, equal liberty being the most dangerous and nonsensical political idea there is). Yes, Yankland was founded in leftism and is the world-hub of leftism today. No-one should be surprised by this. It is a swamp that needs to be drained. Instead morons like OP want it to be spread.
Yeah but your founding fathers were of that Strain of enlightenment era intellectual who were too smart for their own good and thought every pleb could be as equally as smart as them.
...The yanks who else?
Lived amongst it.
I fell drunk as fuck literally into a black street gang after coming from Spanish Harlem to find my mates place.
If that happened two minutes walk from my current home, I would have been knifed.
Instead, two minutes later they were asking about England and letting me hold their shiny Colt's, and these things called blunts (its like a flavoured cigar leaf covering waaay too much weed).
By all rights I should have been a dead man, fuck, I deserved a kicking, I was hammered.
Its what gets me banned Fren.
I make an edit and then find out who banned me.
I look through their pages...do I even need to say what they "moderate"?
That's a rather poor attempt at sounding clever, user.
...are you autistic? If you’ve been to the US like I have you can see their entire modern culture is degenerate there is nothing worth saving.
There won’t be anything left anyway they are being out bred.
Errrm, okay.
You do that.
Yours seem to be less violent than ours desu.
Other than the Ghetto Lobstah thing.
Why don't the generally educated and uncucked bongs just apply for US citizenship? You know your country has already been lost to the eternal Jew and their corrosive hordes, right?
Come home, bongman.
Your punctuation is fucked mate.
Not trying to be a cock, but it's like you are arguing with yourself.
I still don't get you.
I didn’t say I invented the concept, I just started the wiki article describing it... fighting against its deletion (idiots even back then said it isn’t a “real concept”).
Oh, wait, you're a neocohen. On second though, stay on your cuck island, bong.
Good, I was being clever. There is a difference...
Not if they need/want English blood.
In sociology courses you can get college credits for making sufficient wikipedia edits. It's the fucking cancer of the universities.
>Why don't the generally educated and uncucked bongs just apply for US citizenship?
I would be happy to get rid of our traitorous riffraff, but why would you want them?
>You know your country has already been lost to the eternal Jew and their corrosive hordes, right?
And you want moronic Englishmen to flee to your kike-ridden swamp of degeneracy? Out of the frying-pan and into the fiery pits of hell.
It’s literally self evident, I was responding to a post where you stated ‘they can defend themselves’. Unless you literally ignore your post I don’t see how there is any confusion to who i was referring.
8/8 b8 made me reply.
Oh, how clever!
Thanks mate, I intend to.
Just finishing my MPhys to make sure I can get my ma secured too.
I think your patriots might like a man like myself, well, hoping so.
Shit I need to be insanely qualified for a ticket and some lightbulb head can claim persecution then go on a rampage...really chaps my ass.
Your Constitution gives us at least a last stand.
They are morons.
The only way you can disprove if by self doxxing via credentials.
Fuck that.
Some Buzzfeeder gets to delete your studies, it's disturbing.
Nah, I was just 8 and wasn't attacked in the streets.
Depeche Mode and tears for Fears were on the radio.
Thats pretty much it.
But it was safe to go out.
I'm not including retrospective hindsight.
You are shitting me?
We can't cite wiki in our papers at uni.
That probably explains why its fucked, it's full of "revolutionaries" that all think they will change the world.
Yeah the Welsh...they are well fucked in the Valleys with machete gangs.
8/10 maybe?
Thank you.
I thought that was a pretty good ground rule for debate to be honest.
Set the table, lay the rules, play the game.
I still want to engage...do you?
You can't in any decent university, but the sociology / humanities are in a league of their own. Hence they rarely lead to jobs other than being some shitty journalist. They are paying to be brainwashed and help the jew spread their propaganda.
bong hate thread! ohh.. well while im here..
change your flag to EU now for accuracy sake and stop being such a bigot. I have reported you to the lead nanny at the home office already.
I have no definition of beauty nor do you. (I don't have a definition of "table" either.) From which it does not follow that there is none or that beauty is epistemically subjective. I am not inclined to argue with people who start off with "define x". I doubt they understand what a real definition is. But it was a red-herring in the first place, since beauty was not at issue (or are you going to claim that it is merely the aesthetic qualities of the Constitution that you were praising?)
>And obviously, all are exceptionally left wing sources.
This is the big problem with Wikipedia. The vast majority of news sources in English are hard-left progressives, so for Wikipedia to uncritically accept mainstream media as reliable sources is a massive problem for the legitimacy and objectivity of the website, because any left-wing talking point will have a billion news articles from hundreds of left-wing newspapers to back it up.
That's why they're able to have a blatantly dishonest article about "Illegal immigration to the United States" which claims that illegal immigrants commit less crimes than natives, or an article about the "Trump dossier" which claims that a majority of the accusations in the dossier have been proven to be accurate.
It's a shitshow. And the site as a whole has been completely converged by communist mods and admins who suppress any facts they disagree with.
They are infecting STEM now.
Try berating Einstein, quick way to end your field.
The fucking hack.
I know people that had to repeat years because they spent 5 pages with Lorentz equations just to not use Einstein.
Our Prof would wink when anyone ripped into him, he was getting angry with the infection.
I believe the US Constitution contains beauty in putting civilians before the leaders.
It worked before the 5th Column got in.
I find beauty in putting the greater good before yourself to defend liberty.
It takes serious belief to arm the people that can take you out if you fuck up...it's honourable.
I see the beauty in that.
And foresight.
I can't remember whom said it, but the line was quite close to "We created this republic, this in in your hands...if you can keep it."
Future proofing.
Honour, there is no higher beauty than true altruism.
That's my definition.
Now you find yours, and then when find mid range.
Then we define "stupid" and find mid-range.
Take a look at the article about the Trump dossier. It's orwellian.
Did you see the Black Pigeon Speaks video (recent) when he overlays all the news channels sentences?
So weird.
You could create anything, literally, and force it to be disproved.
If people don't see through it, keep feeding them.
Mueller case should have logically shamed them into caves, but nope...they might throw in lizard people next and he would have to disprove it.
Room 101.
Do you really think I'm going to waste my time arguing with someone on the web who may well ask me to define every word I use? It's the favoured debating-tactic of every bad-faith interlocutor. Been there, done that. No more!
When I argue, I want to get something out of it, in that either I correct a falsehood of the opponent and get him to see the truth against it, thus doing him good; or he corrects me, or at least I learn something new, thus doing me good. Anything else is a waste of time.
I don't disagree with anything you said there.
In fact, it's respectable.
My point was setting ground rules for debate, it means if we both agree on the two extremes, even a median agreement between our two personal definitions, straw men cannot be used for the main topic.
A Gentleman's Agreement if you will.
Cheers mate. I unironically intent to. House is on the market right now, only a matter of time. sunny weather, massive roads, insanely cheap and huge houses. Im thinking Texas to start.
We have been a shitty son and ally. Sorry pops.
Anyone up for building a new united Anglosphere nation? USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and NZ have all been comprised beyond repair anyway. Ireland is welcome to rejoin us as well.
I wonder who could be behind this post...