When is Jow Forums going to listen to black people and acknowledge that white privilege exists?

When is Jow Forums going to listen to black people and acknowledge that white privilege exists?

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Unironically being held to a higher standard and people being brutally honest about my personal failing is a privilege that I genuinely have noticed and would defintely say I’ve benefited from. It’s soething I’ve noticed since high school, whenever there was competitions and a girl or a non Asian minority student won, everyone would make a big deal out of it and throw praise at them. If a white male student ended up coming out on top, well that was what was supposed to happen. Teachers cared way less and when I was younger I used to be really upset by that. Annoyed by their blatant double standard since we were taught that we were all equal yet it was as if teachers perceived my work as being less effort for me than the work that other people did. Does anyone else get where I’m coming from too? Looking back it was probably a good thing as I used to chase adults approval a lot so it only ever really motivated me. But it was only ever really done by liberal white teachers too, non white and moderate teachers tried to give praise equally looking back.


Also, we don't try to "get away" with things like niggers do.

White privilege does exist. It's in the form of not doing drugs, not blowing money on stupid things, not committing crimes, and not producing tons of children that you can't raise, nor afford. Nigger.

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Black privilege is having the worst families in the US., the Highest participation in crime, the worst educational performance but never get called out on any of it because it MUST be white peoples fault.

The democrats won't let racism die because they need it to keep getting elected by the blacks that never left the plantation.

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White privilege is nothing more than 'no one to blame for my failings but myself'.
The 'browns & bitches' have been convinced the playing field is unequal...when the reality is white males are just better at many things.

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It doesn't exist, the only privilege that exists is rich privilege and the trick here is they mistake rich for white so all white people are to blame for what the rich do.

George W. Bush called that "the soft bigotry of low expectations".

I killed my white wife for cheating on me with a jew

Pretty much this

White Males Have performed better across-the-board throughout history, and therefore racism

The leftists seek To bring white males down to everyone else’s level and for that reason we must kill them all

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I also faked a hate crime, and murdered a girl but I got out of the murder charge by telling the jury that the gun dropped and went off--and the retards believed it.

I once paid two guys to fake a hate crime against me, got caught red handed, then a couple white friends in high places pulled a few strings and got the case thrown out.

When I went on a first date with this girl and started groping her ass. I don't think a blackie could have gotten away with that.

A highschool diploma

Idk, I'm not a criminal.

I acknowledge that only white males have the privilege of being held individually responsible for the actions they take.

I don't do outrageous things because I don't want to go to prison. Don't know why it's so hard to just not commit crimes. I got searched by the police once because they spotted me hanging out in a parking garage that people were apparently known to use as a weed smoking place. They harass everyone, because their primary function is to acquire revenue for the state.

>what is the most outrageous thing you have gotten away with as a white person that you know damn well a black or brown person would have gotten away with
Working and supporting my family


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Applied to Stanford with a perfect unweighted GPA, captain of a sports team, valedictorian, member of student government, and got rejected. Would never happen it I wasn’t white

I'm tired of hearing about how "privileged" we are by people that have more privilege than us. We should counter with #blackprivilege

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We can get away with shoplifting, because no one expect us to steal.

I have noticed that as well. Teachers never held back when dealing with white male students. If you did something wrong, they made sure you knew it and how to correct it. Other students were praised whenever they did something correct, but they're errors were rarely corrected.

Checked rekt and kek'd. Non-whites are privileged class in every area. School standards are lowered, affirmative action jobs, criminal activity accepted from fear of racism.


I'm brown and once got stopped+fined by police for some bullshit. Didn't say shit, stayed polite and smiled. Then called my lawyer, went to court and got the fine cancelled. I felt white that day.
White privilege is not acting like a monkey.

Someone tell him "I don't commit crimes", he's got me blocked.

LOL, white people don't get fined. We get let off with warnings.

A thousand of these responses would really turn this study of his on it's head.

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Staged a fake crime implicating to black immigrants.

When are black people going to act like white people and acknowledge niggers exist.

Got damned white people and racist ass cops, black lives matter

>be white, blonde hair, blue eyes.
>get arrest for weed
>brown friend with me gets to walk home with no charges even though he had heroin on him he was just asked to throw it away.
White privilege!

It taught me
1) That it isn’t just good enough in life to be better than all your peers. If you focus to much on just being better than the 2nd best person in your group then you’ll end up being complacent and never reaching your full potential. Being a big fish in a small pond doesn’t matter when the real world is an ocean with sharks in them. Trying to get my teachers approval made me not except the mediocrity of my peers and I know that the mentality of constantly trying to reach for more is what made the great discoveries and inventions the world has ever seen.
2) liberals are completely and systemically hypocritical about everything that they do and claim to be. Fuck them

Me and a million of my friends invade Europe and raped a bunch of bitches...... Then we told the local they were racist if they didn't support it. #whiteprivledge.

Why don't they go back to Africa? Problem solved

One thing I CAN'T get away with is being unwelcome in a Cainite country and perpetually whining about Cainites without being dismembered, cooked and eaten...
Cainties have allways gravitated to the light with their own nature, character and depravity intact, the sooner Adamites acknowledge this fact the sooner we can start to do something about it! JLP would agree, no?

Tbh you faggots imported the niggers yourselves. Should've picked your own cotton.

The leftist reasoning behind their desire for white genocide is very telling. In their mind, if white people EXIST at all, then white supremacy will exist. This is because deep down inside, they think white people are better than every other race at everything, and so if white people exist at all, they will use their genetically predetermined superiority to out perform all the PoC and rise to the top of any hierarchy there is.
In short, in the mind of a leftist, white people ARE superior, and WILL rise to the top of society, and the only way to prevent that is if whites don't exist.


A 1000x

Easy answer: A STEM degree

I remeber working my ass off and trying to get into a good school.

In one class the teacher asks the class how hard it was to get into it (she thought it was a decent school)

Black kid raises his hand
>”I got in with a 2.0”


I am getting insulted by germanophobes for being a german in Germany. Thanks a lot for white "privilege"!

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Really? Where does that happen? Berlin? Frankfurt?

In Würzburg. Thank god I left that cesspool.


I once went a whole day not being a nigger.

I got blipped going 76 in a 40

I was very polite to the officer and explained I was rushing to work, we had a nice chat and ultimately he let me off with two warnings.

White privilege probably.

As a white male this. It's like I'm expected to succeed and all my wins Don mean anything and aren't worth celebrating. Meanwhile every stupid thing a brown peer did was worthy of praise and encouragement. In my adult life I stopped caring about acheivement beyond my personal desires. I have no sense of social obligation even.

White privledge is just being able to act like an actual human bean. Niggers are just monkeys who can almost talk.

Don’t let them blackpill you user.

>fuck whitey
>economy collapsing
>food is gone
>electricity stopped working
>internet stopped working
>water stopped running
>logistics stopped running
>no gas

>whitey comes back!!!! You stupid whitey come back please!! We are so sorry


White male user here. Once, I worked really hard in my career and had to rely on my qualifications, experience, and work history to get a promotion at work.

Another way that I exert my White Privilege is at Walmart. As I am leaving the store, occasionally an employee will ask to see my receipt. I ask them why. "Loss prevention store policy" they will reply. I then tell them that policy does not apply to me due to White Privilege. I calmly leave while they stand there, mouth agape, chocking on a red pill, mentally 404'ed.

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Once 200 million blacks are resettled to Israel