I'm only 22 and I already have a severe case of E.D

I don't feel lust at all, I only ever have the urge to jerk off once in a month, also I barely have any sensibility in the glans area, to the point I can wash it with a sponge, if having a small 13CM thin dick wasn't enough now I have this, help plz pol

Attached: images (60).jpg (763x402, 23K)


Should I take the blackpill?

No just become a /fitlit/ monk

I train since 6 months, what should to gain Muscles?

Eat a lot, especially food with protein, and do sets of a small number of reps with high weight

I already eat a lot of carb and protein

I have noticed gains, I just wish I didn't have this ugly belly

It is difficult to both gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, which is why the concept of bulking vs cutting exists

Are you on SSRI's?

I stopped with them last year

Try fasting

Then do other things if your not horny you won't miss it

Not trolling but get blood work done. Specfically SHGB, Testosterone, Estrogen

Prior ssri guy

It took me 4 years post ssri to get my feeling back and any sexual desires.

Quit no fap if your fapping you can turn that four years into like a year

Become a fitlit monk and do nofap

It will fix ya

Btw post ssri my cock shrank a lot and got this weird hardness even when I was flaccid

It will pass and your cock will go back to its normal size and girth

Start nofap don’t quit sorry

Yeah, I barely have an erection even when fapping now, my dick is never fully erect and I can't get turned on without touching myself

Red pilled

Will do next month

Get outside
Eat healthy
Do nofap
Learn random skills

It’s the only way to heal after ssri trauma

If you don’t do this shit after ssri Induced Ed you will never recover

It took me four years because no one ever told me about this shit and I just rambles around not fixing shit

Learned the hard wat

What happened user? why you´re so fucked?

See a doctor. Shame is a horrible reason to waste the prime breeding years of one’s life.

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He had ssri porn induced Ed the only way to cure it is by healthy living.

I went to a doctor and he said I was physically in great health.

He’s dealing with some dhit I dealt with

I already work out and I kinda eat healthy, I just need to work on the other stuff then.

What's your blood pressure at?

Who has the meme showing the process of sexual degeneracy and the link to ED?

Your issues are entirely mental

You need to focus on those things
You created a ssri mental block during those medication days.

You need to let time heal you. If you can’t be sexual then don’t dwell on it just give your attention to other things.

It will all come back with time

DO NOT FAP you are going to make it worse if you do

I'm 36 and jerk off 3-4 times a day. My dick is huge and I have very deep orgasms. Learn to code.

I actually don't know but I bet something between 12 and 16

Do you make big cums

Listen carefully, you have a fucked up over active pelvic floor musculature

Follow the hans protocol and you shall be healed

Remember that a Hungarian saved your life

Attached: 02-06-15-hungarian-two-handed-swords.jpg (2064x1161, 1.01M)

Ok, I suppose the best thing I can do is boycott fapping and any sex related stuff.

I'll have to become a monk then

Just focus on other shit

That stuff will come back later

Don’t run off to fuck around the first few months you get your sexuality back

Let it become baseline.

Will do thanks for the tip

Hello Magyarbro

Could you elaborate?

>it seems you're a low test cunt m8.
>go to the doctor and check your total and free testosterone levels.
>it won't matter if you train 7x a week if you have test levels of a 90year old granny.
>just go to an urologist or endo and he will fix you up.
>just a few shots of testosterone to the upper lateral glutes and you're golden.
>you probably have a small dick because you didn't developed it because of the hypogonadism.
>if you're < 21 years old, taking test will help you dick grow.
>stop eating (((industrialized food))) and anything that come in packets.
>it's filled with estrogen, designed to lower your t levels and turning you into an androgenous neutered liberal cuck.

Attached: lowt.jpg (600x644, 53K)

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errrm thats not E.D.

E.D. is when you are in total heat but he won't get up no matter what. you are just asexual for most of the time

Yeah but I'm hairy as fuck, I'll do blood work anyway

Could be depression related.

Also, if you’re a fat ass, dick gains are a real thing.

Eat more meat

I already eat a shitload of protein m8

Looks like your Jewish doctor botched your circumcision.

Attached: doctor-inge-auerbacher-a-holocaust-survivor-who-was-the-last-jewish-HPHMXH.jpg (1300x1204, 169K)

>eating a lot of carbs
>bulking and cutting meme

Yikes.. maybe try to learn about nutrition that isn’t from some jewed text book.

Take more zinc.

But I'm uncut

Eat a lot, protein is best but carbs work to. Also, drink beer. Beer will help with weight retention which will convert to muscle. I was a bean pole my whole life. Then in my mid twenties i started drinking beer and working out, not together just lifestyle changes and its when my gains started. You MUST increase your food intake though.

To reduce belly fat you have to do cardio and routines that target that.

ED isn’t an issue anymore when viagra exists. You’ll be fine and shouldn’t worry about it

get your thyroid hormones and test checked

Ok I'll do it

You are not alone in your suffering.
I am only 21 years old and i have osteoarthritis and spinal disc herniation.
I always try to rembere words of Jesus of the world hating him.

Beer is a big negative for testosterone. Beer has tons of phytoestrogens first of all. Second of all, ethanol has a negative effect on testosterone if you have more than 3 alcoholic drinks. There is a reason beer gives beer guts and man boobs. You literally become what you eat. If you drink what is essentially liquid bread, you will become soft and sloshy. Cruciferous vegetables specifically remove excess estrogen. Eat raw broccoli every day if you can.