I'm always afraid Im gonna sound faggy talking sweetly to my chick. What should I do, am I supposed to talk like this...

I'm always afraid Im gonna sound faggy talking sweetly to my chick. What should I do, am I supposed to talk like this, or will I sound weak?

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Example: She was feeling sick yesterday, so I wanted to text her that I hope she feels better and remembers how special she is.

Don't be too intimate outside.
Cuddle when you're home.

What do you mean faggy ?
Do you call her cute names or do you use some ridiculously unnatural tone of voice.

If the second quit. Just quit, she'll leave you bruh

I have called her cute names in public, but I mean like when I talk to her Ill say crap like "I love spending time with you, or Im lucky to have you."

and after I say this crap,I instantly think dude im a fag.

This is perfectly fine.
I would do the same with my sex when she had flu and I would even bring her pastries and all that.

Are you afraid other people will think you are faggy or your gf ?
I think most people would find it normal and even if they do it's their problem.
If it's your gf you don't want to disappoint I don't know, it depends on what kind of woman she is.
How doea she take it when you say lovey dovey shit like this ?

Im afraid she's gonna think Im weak, or too nice and hate me.

You’re literally complimenting a woman who you’re in a relationship with. That’s inherently a straight thing.

You’re probably not used to being vulnerable or opening up in that way. Vulnerability is a form of strength because you’re letting your guard down if that makes sense. It’s an active choice to do something where you can get more hurt by it. This is why it’s considered a form of strength because you’re willing to let yourself take that risk.

>I instantly think dude im a fag.
You need to reevaluate your views of masculinity because that’s on you and your judgement of the situation.

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Hey thanks bro.

>look at this faggot with his girlfriend
Lose the insecurities, nobody gives a fuck what some couple is doing, and if they do they're retarded and can be safely ignored.

Depends on how you say it and with what frequency.
But it's not wrong to compliment the one you love, women like it.
Just try not being too corny.

Fuck Ive been doing it frequently, she's been sick all week, and I wanted to make sure she's ok.

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You should ask her about this. She might feel under complimented and not understand why or that you’re going through this.

How to fight against total hatred against Instagram chads and normies alike? I cannot stand watching my classmate make others laugh with Instagram videos without feeling anykind of hatred against him

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>that moment where you tried to start a thread but horribly failed


You sound young OP. So realistically speaking you probably won't listen to any advice I have to give you. To top it off, most of the advice you're going to get on here comes from weak s o y l e n t beta males who have only had a girlfriend or two in their lives (and cheated on and dumped by said women).

T.V, music, media... Etc... They sell Love. They sell men's need for validation from women. But real life is very different from what the media shows. Women don't respond well to sweet men, at least not sexually or respectfully. A woman will find you weak, and she might open up to you but only because she sees you as a harmless bitch boy (who else would say pussy pedestalling shit like "I'm so lucky to have you"). Now if this is the route you want to take with your female, be my guest, but it will only lead to her looking for another man, or just her being bored and becoming resentful towards you. Let her chase you, don't ever chase her. Be a strict and cold hearted disciplinarian.

>you're a fag for loving a woman
Just think that through a second user.

He did. What little self awareness he had seeped out and said something intelligent for once. Only weak s o y b o y s seem to get obsessed with loving women. You fuck them, you breed them, and you keep them. That's all they're for.

You described a whore not a woman.

Listen dude, read about the 5 love languages and find out which ones are your girls. People usually receive love through all five but they predominantly have 2. Yours is probably words of affirmation.

You're not a fag, your a gentleman. Big difference.

Keep it up user, you're doing great. Keep learning about the one you love and yourself. She's lucky to have someone caring like you.

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You jerk. Trying to sabotage him for no reason.

Cope with what exactly?

It's not faggy to sweet talk women, but worrying about shit like this shows that you're insecure and if she catches a sniff of your insecurity, you're toast.

Start beating her to even it out

Who cares what other people think about what you say or do in your relationship? It's between you two and nobody else. IF anybody tries to step in and point and laugh, you should pity them because they don't know how sweet and wonderful your happy relationship is and don't understand the spectrum of emotions it gives you two.

Whisper sweet nothings to your queen all day every day. In public. In private. Bathe her in your creamy verbal seduction and enjoy watching her bloom like a flower just for you.

Don't let toxic masculinity butt into your world. It has no place there.

Well said.

ty. let's hope he listens.

See OP, it's EXACTLY the kind of faggots who talk about "toxic masculinity" who would be very pro you being a little bitch with your girlfriend. Unlike this faggot, I won't ask you to do anything so you can be cool in my eyes, he wants you to be a cuck like him so you'll be cool in his eyes. But despite his advice about not caring what others think being generally true, there is one person who's thoughts you should take into consideration, if you want to keep this woman, then you have to care about what she thinks. And women don't operate like men in the sense that they're not straight forward and they conflict what they say with what they actually do. Women don't like baby talk, they don't like being put on the pedestal, they don't like pussy whipped kiss assess. They will swear on their children's life that they do, but in the end, they're attracted to and much more likely to remain loving and respectful to some Chad Thundercock jock who treats her like a piece of meat.

Remember OP, don't listen to women, they'll swear on ANYTHING that what I am saying is not true. And don't trust random strangers on Jow Forums. Remember, this is generally an anime board full of degenerate weeb gamer autists who don't know shit about women but think they do. Don't listen to me either. Instead go talk to real men. Men who are extremely successful with women, and theyll tell you the very same things I just said. You can verify my words.

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>baby talk
Instant turn off for me. Fucking hate it. Lost a lot of respect for my own father when I heard him doing that shit with his new broad.

Believe me, it wasn't just you who lost respect for him. It was his new broad too. She became drier than the Sahara desert down there

Nah, they're doing alright desu. She's a bit of a twat.

Who hurt you, little incel?

Your mega salty words show us that you've been hurt before and now you're just a bitter fucking manlet raging because you don't trust anyone to not hurt you again. I pity you. What a shallow existence you've sunk down into at such an early age. It's too soon to give up.

The irony is some women feel that way about men.


Only women attack people on a personal level like simply by disagreeing with something that was said. What's next? You're call me a virgin? Grow up roastie. These middle school girl shaming tactics you're using don't work with adults. Also, I have a stable relationship with multiple children. You can go die alone now, catlady. Or have you done what is so typical of your kind? Get some guy like OP who you're disgusted by because the Chads don't want you, and the only people who'll take your cock carousel riding post wall ass will be clueless unattractive men? All so you won't die alone right?

They'd be wrong. As most men are programmed biologically to find a mate and provide for her and the offspring to ensure the survival of the children. Men are expendable assets, women are protected because they ensure the continuation of our species. Women don't care who fathers the baby. Because in the end the child is hers. A big percentage of men grow up raising and fathering children they mistakenly believed to be theirs.

Only really crazy feminists think like that. user you are just being bitter as fuck.

Good try. I'll give you about 2/10 because you got me to respond and at least you are intelligent to use punctuation properly. I'd slap you with my thick dick if I could, but I'd be worried that you'd fall in love with it and I'd have to break your heart again. (it's already fragile from the last time, it seems.)

I was right though, wasn't I? Who was she? Was she your high school sweetheart? Were you heavily committed to her when she trashed your ass? Did she cheat on you? That sucks, man.

Under what impression does accepting reality have to do with being bitter? You're probably more "bitter" than I. I've accepted this sad part of reality and I'm fine with it. You on the other hand have to believe all these elaborate feel good mental gymnastic lies because you're bitter about the truth and can't handle it. Notice how I didn't say anything like " women are fucking useless whores and bitches", I stated nothing like that. It's only people like you and that other roastie that actually responded in a bitter way. And who can blame you guys? Truth hurts.

>complains about toxic masculinity
>hurrr durrr I'm le Mr.internet tough guy I threaten to slap ppl with my "big" dick through my keyboard.

Pathetic. Grow up roastie. And stop being so emotional. If you really are a man, look towards some TRT, you need it.

You are saying women basically aren't people they are just sex and breeding creatures.

You're floundering. You're groping for straws. It's ok. Everybody can see you salty-ass shit-posting and can see what a hard hearted little bastard you are. I also noticed that you haven't answered any of my questions which means that it's still a tender spot for you.

I hope you find someone who can cut through your thick toxic cloud and treat you the way you deserve to be treated and love you the way you deserve to be loved. You sound like you could really use some genuine love. I wish you luck on that.

No I'm not. Again. I ask you to show a little bit more self awareness and take note of your incredible mental gymnastics. Are children people? Of course they are. So does that mean they're just like a grown man in every way? Of course not, right? Women are 100% people but they're different. The same reproductive chemicals that create wide hips, slim shoulders, breasts, a vag etc in 99.9% of women... Are also the very same chemicals in charge of her brain chemistry. If I grabed a bunch of chemicals and injected them into your brain, you'd be a completely different person. Men and women are physically wired and chemically balanced differently on a fundamental physical brain matter level.

You've bored me so much that this will be your last (You). Your NPC responses...


Etc are just so boring baby. Develop a personality. Men will like you more for it believe me.

>If I grabed a bunch of chemicals and injected them into your brain, you'd be a completely different person.
Not really user that isn't how that shit works. If you are listening to transgender people tell you that all I can say is...they are just deluding themselves. Most of the differences happen before being born and that doesn't mean they are children though. The truth is that most people are mentally children including men. That's the real "redpill" about adult life.

I don't disagree that ultimately humans in general are all just big children. But that has absolutely nothing to do with what I said, and again, you're just using dismissive mental gymnastics in order to avoid the truth. A male from birth is programmed to later on, as he matures and hits puberty, to start producing and unleashing the chemicals that completely finish the transformation. This is why pre-pubescent girls barely have breasts, if at all, until they hit puberty. This is why small boys and girls can play sports together and girls can remain competitive, that is, until puberty hits. And puberty is nothing more, than pre-programmed chemical dumps finally kicking in all over the body, and this includes the brain. Just because I don't agree with a transgender person that chemicals can completely turn someone from a female to a male, or vice versa, doesn't mean that they won't have an effect either. My point still stands, these chemical changes affect the brain, because the brain is a physical entity. Thus we see psychological and mental differences between men and women on a GENERAL level.

They effect the brain but not in the way you describe. And yes user I know what fucking puberty is. Also why argue about the source it doesn't even matter the point is you just contradicted your own beliefs you said women are like children now you agree men are like children so they what difference does it make? Also men and women being different doesn't mean women are all horrible people who will manipulate you.

Jesus Christ, you're fucking stupid. This is the literal third time you insert words into my mouth. Show me where I said or even implied to be women are like children? I just said that they're not like men, I never said they're like children. I brought up children to DEMONSTRATE that people can be people, yet different. I also NEVER said women are all horrible people that will manipulate you, show me where I said that? You see? If you start showing one god damn ounce of self awareness, you'd see that you're just some easily offended NPC who responds to stimuli. And you're so good at it, that your brain can't process something outside your comfort zone, so much so, that your brain has to literally MAKE UP statements, implications, and situations to make your version into "reality". I'm done here.

I forgot and I don't feel like reading the rest of your posts again cause they are gay lol

I don't know, man. My girl keeps saying she loves me and she has a crush on me and we're very close and sexual, and it's all "I love you so much" all the time

dude, fuck off. You're seriously fucking pathetic

I refuse to believe a man can say shit like that. It HAS to be a woman.