No girl has ever approached/flirted/shown interest in me
Is this normal?
No girl has ever approached/flirted/shown interest in me
Stop being a waifufag and go outside and ask out girls.
Yes, user. You need to approach them, it's part of sexual selection.
Some people are more attractive than others.
There's more to life than girls and relationships, everything is not for everyone.
Normal if youre ugly.
Tired of this meme. If youre good looking, girls will approach you/flirt with you. Women are the sexual selectors not men.
This is an anonymous site you know. You dont have to lie. No upvotes, no reputation system.
How am I susposed to approach them with bad social anxiety?
Should I even bother trying to approach them then?
You are not worth selection if you can't even approach. If you are ugly then you'll just need to lower your standards or pay a whore.
Holy shit you're retarded.
Women almost NEVER approach men. That's YOUR job.
>There's more to life than girls and relationships
But good relationships are the number one indicator of happiness in life.
Are you ugly, short, low income, live with your parents, don't own a nice car? If you answer yes to any of these questions and are over the age of 22, then don't bother.
Men are supossed to approach, but there are some signs that she might be into you as well. Look for those signs.
Unless we're talking cold approaching in bars and shit.
No. Rejection takes a toll on you mentally. More rejection from failrd approaches makes yoi even more anxious.
If youre good looking. Girls come to you. Ive seen it many times.
Ugly guy detected. Women approach all the time.
Youre arguing with a roastie. They dont really struggle to find relationships so they have no idea how devestating it is to be true forced lonely.
I dont just mean approaching, I mean flirting/showing interest. Even If i approach first.
I get rated around 5/10 on soc, am pretty short too. Also dont go to bars or go out at all really.
I guess I'm destined for loneliness.
My plan is to try and get a good well paying job hopefully before I kms and then try with women.
I wish I was a roastie :(
Why kys over not being able to have female companionship?
Is it that huge a deal to you?
Why not work towards something you enjoy? There are other things in life.
Some people are not meant for some things, it's just the way life works, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy life anyway.
Buy a nice sports car and have your fun, go travelling, buy the best gaming pc you can get, etc etc.
yes and no, a girl liked me throughout highschool but she was lesbian (she's now my gf and I have no reason to think she'd lie) ((am a guy btw)) and she didn't approach me cause she thought I hated her thanks to rumors a ex-friend of mine spread. She came to me ironically.
No, I get flirted every week. But I do not do anything about it.
>Why kys over not being able to have female companionship?
>Is it that huge a deal to you?
Yes, and materialism and empty experiences dont fill that void for me. I can tell by your post you have never been truly lonely before and you're very lucky. Social relationships are pretty much the only indicator or happiness. You could have nice cars, lots of money, travel the world or whatever, but without good relationships(not just of the opposite sex but friends and family too) you will not be happy, and vice versa if you have a shitty job but loving relationships you will be happy and satisfied with life.
And I am working towards something I enjoy, it's just not fulfilling at all.
The things men enjoy most is fugging and rising on the dominance hierarchy which you get from having female validation
Jesus fucking Christ. Your previous thread is still up. Stop spamming this board with your idiotic, retarded garbage. You've been given all the advice you need but refuse to take it.
This is actually my first thread I dont know what other one you are referring to. Sorry if this has been asked a lot I dont use this board often
>you have never been truly lonely before
I'm probably the loneliest khv in here. No friends, complete shut-in neet from 18 to 24, obviously khv incel, etc.
Then I got out the house, started working and bought my dream car.
Now I'm happy. I realise I will never have companionship, but that's fine, not everyone can have everything.
I find pleasure in my car, in videogames and anime, etc.
You're saying you're not ? A whiny loser sperg just like you.
Anons, don’t bother with this guy. He posts these threads constantly and never takes any advice. It’s clear he has some anxiety disorder but he refuses therapy too. There’s no helping him.
Wtf I am not the other guy. I made this thread cause I was genuinely curious as to whether it's normal for no girls to ever flirt or show interest in you.
>it’s pure coincidence that OP has the exact same problem, down to the wording, as a notorious spammer
Yeah you’re not fooling anyone my dude.
I dont know how to prove it but I'm seriously not. Being lonely is a common problem for some guys wouldn't you agree?
Your problem is not being lonely, liar. It's you being an idiot. Girls have shown interest in you but you ignore all signs. A girl could be sucking your dick and you'd find a way to think that she's not interested in you.
Everybody gets lonely, but it’s a specific user who keeps making threads about how no girl has ever shown interest in him. If you’re really not him then actually take the advice and ask girls out without waiting for a sign from them
I look for signs like a girl smiling/glancing at me, laughing a lot at what I say, touching me, or even just talking to me. What else is there to look for? No girl has ever shown signs like this to me honest.
I mean, I'll try if I get the chance but why do girls refuse to even show signs of interest if they would say yes to a date if I asked them?
There are no signs. Period. It's all a meme. You see what you want to see. And because you're a pathetic whiner you only want to see girls not being interested in you. So that's what you see. Guys who get girls actually talk to them and ask them on dates. But you're too chickenshit scared to do that right?
Not really. The average man should have at least some female interest in his life.
That's the most normie thing I've read all day.
See, that's your problem. You think there are "normies" and then there is you. That you are somehow a special snowflake and not like those dumb normies.
Idk why you have to be so mean about it and why would I want to see girls being not interested in me? That doesnt even make sense.
Next time I talk to a girl I like I'll try to ask her out even if I see no signs. I guess I'll find out what happens.
>Just fill your life with materialistic garbage and ignore that you're an ugly loser who can't get laid and experience one of life's most basic pleasures lmao
You're right. Ask a girl out to see what happens. You might get rejected or not. But no matter what happens, you gain experience. Think of it as leveling up.
You know very well what normie implies if you've been here for more than 2 hours. Anyone who wasn't a total friendless virgin loser growing up is a normie.
You can't have what you can't have. Some people don't have access to water, others are dying of starvation. I'm obviously too inferior to have this 'basic pleasure' but I don't really think about it anymore.
See, even this post shows why you don't get interest from girls. You are an angry, negative, whiny piece of shit. All of this would be within your control to change but you don't want to change yourself.
That's the right spirit, user.
It's a numbers game after all
Since when do females have mind-reading capabilities?
Anyway, I don't really care.
It doesn't take mind-reading capabilities to see when someone is a desperate negative whiner.
I've never interacted with a female for long enough for her to pick up on any of my personality traits.
I wouldn't describe myself as desperate negative whiner, though i did have my Jow Forums phase before I realised not all things are for everyone.