How do I convince my gf to have children?

I tried out pretty much everything already and I'm frustrated and desperate. My only hope is that she will mature over time because I really don't want to leave her because of this.

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You don't. Have children with people who want them.
If you want children and she doesn't, then break up with her and find someone else.

How old is she?

What are her reasons?

She says she just doesn't want them. She doesn't wanna be pregnant, give birth and see them grow up. She told me before that she changed her mind but then said that she was lieing to herself. She also had a hard childhood and is carrer driven

It just so hard because she is my first real relationship,

Talk with her until you see that it's not happening then jist leave. How old is she anyways?

We are both 18 and I know it's early. I don't wanna have them right now but she said she will never want them. I'm trying to make it work but eventually I have to decide. I just afraid I won't find someone else like her. The fact that she doesn't want them is the only thing that prevents her from being perfect for me. I just hope it's realistic to think that she might change her mind in a few years.

You have to move on if you don’t agree. This is a major life choice.

Why do you want kids?

I'm just not sure if I should keep trying until we move together or if just should give up

Dude, just wait a bit and keep improving your financial situation and general stability. Her bioclock will change her mind eventually.

I always wanted to have them and see them grow up. It just like normal form me to want them and I couldn't imagine a fullfilling with out any. My gf has the comepletely opposite stance and it frustrates me.

You're young so you have time. Keep talking with her, show her some movies with like big families or whatever and she might change her mind over the time. It might be that the rough childhood is what makes her not want to have children. Just get to understand her more first and then you can decide if you want to leave her

I really hope so thanks. So far she has been like really against it. It broke my heart when I saw that she follows a "childfree encouragement" page on Instagram

Countless relationships fall to the kid debate. She may change her mind eventually, but you're never going to "persuade" someone to toss away their freedom by having a kid. Plus, you're 18. This relationship is very likely not going anywhere at all.

She told she was always determined to not have children. She tried to convince herself for me but then she had to admit that she really doesn't want them, like ever. The last time I send her a video of a cute baby she was like "ewww" :(

Damaged goods. She's crazy and sooner or later you will realise that. Keep fucking her it will clear your mind and after few months you'll be bored of her

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yeah it' weird. Fuck her I don't care anymore and frustrated. I'll just use her and then dump fucking hell

You shouldn’t be even be thinking about fatherhood right now because you’re still a dumb kid who’s on the verge of throwing a tantrum over not having something he wants

>not wanting children is not a deal breaker for someone who wants children

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Why is the correct option to force her to change what she wants rather than the option of you forcing yourself to change what you want?

Yeah, no. Don't even try to convince her past this point. You are so young and are dangling close to the edge of a painful abyss. The hell of a feminist 'career' woman, of a mother who hates her children. You can't do it and need to be a man and leave her.

>I'll just use her
NO. Dump her and find a wife. You are only hurting yourself by wasting your time with her. Your youth is not forever.

Let's play a little game and pretend the roles and genders were reversed in this situation. You're the female one who doesn't want kids and she's the male who is pulling on your tits demanding one.

Maybe you don't want to put your body through the destructive and painful process of growing and birthing a child. Maybe you don't feel mentally or emotionally ready to deal with a child screaming and crying and demanding attention? Maybe you don't feel like you're ready to go to PTA meetings and hospital check up appointments and not ever be able to go out and have free time alone ever again?

Why is this so hard for her to understand about you? Why wouldn't she understand that it's YOUR BODY and you have every single right in the universe to do what you want to do with it and that you don't owe her or anyone else an explanation for your choices? I mean, if she really wants a baby that fucking bad, she can just adopt one, right?

Now swap back the roles and re-read what I just said. It's HER BODY. You don't get to tell her what to do with it. Just as she had no right to tell YOU what to do with yours. She doesn't want a kid. Period. If you honestly loved and respected her as your honest-to-god equal, then you'd also respect her desires to NOT reproduce. If you need a baby fix, why not volunteer to be one of those people who goes in and cuddles crack-babies who are going through withdraw after being born? Go volunteer at an adoption agency or find a job that works with babies or kids?

This way you both get what you want. She gets let alone from your baby-fetish and you get to satisfy your baby-fetish.

Shut the fuck up you patronizing cunt. Being a childless hag is not an option, no matter what condescending platitudes you give on how 'inconvenient' it is to be a mother. Adopt some shitskin crack-baby? Really? I want a real, flesh-and-blood family, not fake 21st century garbage. Go back to sucking down wine with your cats you feminist cumrag.

Your reading comprehension skills are about as low as your nescient use of the english language. I didn't say to adopt a crack-baby. I said to cuddle them - as it's a real job and babies need it. Good try though!

Cool, nice snarky reply, future spinster. You will die alone.

I'm not the one throwing names. Didn't you ever take debate in high school? That's the first sign that one has exhausted themselves and need to resort to emotional mud slinging to try to win.

You're cute when you get angry.


Thankfully I don't have to debate with you to make you drop out of the gene pool forever.

Lol faggot. You're 18. You're practiclly a child yourself. Try again in at least 2 years.

Well, at least I have kids. Unlike you. If the world is lucky, it'll remain that way forever. I would hate to see what kind of emotional wrecks you'd raise. You're kinda all over the place. Have you been to a doctor about that? There's probably medication options.

I keep getting referred to WOMEN and BROWN doctors, so I won't go. Thanks Obama.

Oh well. At least you're aware that you're not what most people would consider "healthy". That's the first step to recovery! So, good luck and I'm bored. "Child-less spinster" OUT!

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You very clearly place yourself above her, which leads me to believe that this relationship isn't meant to last

Besides - since when is wanting to have kids early a measure of maturity? If anything it's a notorious coping mechanism for people who wish they were older for some reason. Do you want to stick it to your old man how mature you are by getting married? Come on now

We will come for you white whore. Incels will rise up.