I work and work and work and work and at the end of the month after all the bills are paid I have nothing.
When my father was in his 20's he got a job at a bakery and "saved up" for a few years and fucking BOUGHT A HOUSE at 25 with zero help from his parents.
>"Lol stupid millennial with his iPhone and Starbucks wondering why he can't afford anything" My phone is 5 years old and was literally the cheapest one I could find. I have THREE (3) roommates. I don't own a car. I literally cannot remember the last time I ate out or bought a coffee from anywhere. I work 50 hours a week.
Job hop. Keep gunning for incremental improvements in your income until you're able to make an amount sufficient for realistic financial management.
Also please don't tell me that you live somewhere urban. That's such a trap for young adults. My big clue is that you need that many roommates to make shelter affordable.
Kayden Evans
What's your wage and your rent? Figure out how to raise the former and lower the latter. Sure it sucks, but we have to work with these fuckers dealt us.
Thomas Thomas
Becuase the boomers sold you generation out for an RV and exported you job to china where slaves can do it.
Hunter Sullivan
newfrog here, where do people find these banner images?
Bentley Wood
>When my father was in his 20's he got a job at a bakery and "saved up" for a few years and fucking BOUGHT A HOUSE at 25 with zero help from his parents. Because he lived in a totally different time. On the upside, your phone can do more than most of his belonging for 1/100 of the price.
>What the Fick do I do? Increase income and lower the spending, duh. And at 50h it seems like the spending is the more relevant part, unless your pay is THAT shit.
So WHAT to you spend your money on?
Juan Russell
Answer our questions OP or we won't be able to help you.
Kayden Cruz
Yep. New York City. My line of work pretty much requires a big city (finance and stuff. No, you are not garrenteed to be rich in finance at ALL. For every 6 figure salary Nan there are 10 making less than $50k.)
Now, I COULD teach finance at a college or something. I do have the degree that would allow me to do that. That's the big thing I'm thinking of doing because it's a way to get out of this shithole.
$1300 a month. And that's just my share. It's not a nice place either.
Sorry, been at work making money for my boss.
>Just make more money Gee, I hadn't thought of that. >WHAT to you spend your money on? I spend my money on insane rent prices and student loans. That's it.
William Nelson
Ok bud, so I too am in finance, I am not a peon paperpushing faggot like yourself but that is besides the point. You should not live in new york if you do not plan on attaining a significant income in the near future.
As in, you should leave NYC and go somewhere else in the country if you are not going to try and work your way up into a higher paid position real fast like.
Wallstreet is for people who want to work really fucking hard to make a shit load of money, if that's not you, there is no reason to be apart of the incredibly stressful environment to make shit pay.
You can make close to the same your making now in another city and have shit loads of disposable income.
GTFO nyc unless you're trying to make it big
Hunter Hernandez
new feudal system but this time the lords and kings are of Hebraic extract
Camden Ward
>1.3k with 3 motherfucking roommates Holy kekeloni.
Christopher Sullivan
Pic related is why you're broke. Our parents are still stuck in the past with their numbers and don't believe $4/hr in their era is equal to over $25/hr today.
You make 1300 a month and you work 50 hour weeks? What the fuck is your job? You can make that working part time at 15 bucks an hour.
Jeremiah Russell
You have to create passive income that grows with minimal maintenance. Artists do portraits/commissions, bands sell stuff on itunes, anyone who has talent and/or charisma can make a profitable YouTube channel plus patreon. There’s more options now than ever in history, it’s getting people interested to spend cash that’s the hard part. Women are born with tits to carry them in this digital landscape, swinging your dick for donations wont cut it. Unless you dress up like a trap and go down a dark road of degenerate behaviors.
Bentley Roberts
No, that's my rent. You asked my rent costs, right?
Jordan Martin
Oh, sorry, didn't see you asked for both. I make 3k a month.
Sebastian Barnes
I wasn't that user but okay that makes more sense although wait you have 3 roomates and rent is 1300 a month still? Dude get the fuck out of NY City that is godawful.
Adam Adams
Yup. And that's not even in Manhattan. It's a 1 hour commute one way. It's fucking hell. The only way I can get out is by being a teacher. I guess I'll start looking.
Ian Perez
What if you put money on a RV?
Jason Allen
There are financial jobs in other cities but I don't really know finance honestly. You sure you can't get a job in a different city that is less horrible? Lots of cities have rent that is $1300 or less by yourself not even with roomates. And it would probably be nicer than what you got now too. New York and LA are for lack of a better word "meme cities" don't bother with them. You might find something somewhere else even without being a teacher although that is an option too.
Christian Powell
Los Angeles is basically New York with more street gangs if you think about it.
Jayden Brown
Yeah that is horrible. I live in the middle of nowhere in Iowa and my rent is less than $600 a month by myself granted there is nothing here and I'm trying to move but it is pretty crazy how expensive NY is.
Aiden Garcia
>My line of work pretty much requires a big city (finance and stuff. No, you are not garrenteed to be rich in finance at ALL. For every 6 figure salary Nan there are 10 making less than $50k.) You have discovered that your line of work does not allow you to live in the city, or at least New York City. You have to be practical here, man.
Anthony Cruz
How about Seattle? Compared to NYC, rent's a breeze there.
Samuel Bailey
>When my father was in his 20's he got a job at a bakery and "saved up" for a few years and fucking BOUGHT A HOUSE at 25 with zero help from his parents. It's not you, OP. Lurk boomer hate threads on Jow Forums. The purchasing power has been wiped. After calculating inflation, a fucking bakery job back in the day paid 50-60k in today's money, if not more. No wonder they were all fucking rich as hell. No matter how much you scrimp and reduce your quality of life, you can't find inflation. Wages have not risen significantly since the 1970s but cost of living has skyrocketed. This is very basic mathematics. I'm in the same boat man. >no car, never go out, never eat out >eat food not even fit to give to a dog because it's cheap >all my clothing is second-hand, never, ever buy anything unless absolutely necessary >don't have furniture, no car, no subscriptions, phone is 6 years old and bought refurbished to begin with (meaning it was used) >only buy a new laptop every 5 years or so, laptop is my everything, pirate all my media >have actually lost $5k over the past 2 years I've worked, a job fucked me out of health benefits and then I had a medical emergency, wiped me out >my "desk" is literally a cardboard box >living standards are absolutely africa tier, I've walked 7 miles just to save bus fare, I walk to and from the grocery store over a mile away to save bus fare >you won't believe some of the fucking dogshit food I force myself to eat just because it's cheap...I can't even afford a fucking sandwich because deli meat (and all meat for that matter) is unreal and the cheese, man, the cheese is so expensive >boomers used to pack a sandwich for work and call it "economizing", now I can't even afford a sandwich, it's a luxury good in 2019
Fuck this planet.
John Ward
>A minimum wage, 40 hour work week job earns 1600 a month >Rent for a 1 room apartment is $600/month or less Get out of there OP. You'd literally save more living in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.
Cameron Kelly
Jesus. What the fuck do we do?
Juan Rodriguez
>have actually lost $5k over the past 2 years I've worked, a job fucked me out of health benefits and then I had a medical emergency, wiped me out USA, USA, USA
I don't know, man, outside of exploding but still somewhat affordable rents, we don't have any of the problems in Western Yuropistan unless you really fuck up on all levels. I wonder what's the big difference...
As shitty as the boomers are, no generation after them ever seriously attempted to improve things, so can't just blame them.
Logan Moore
>move to bumfuck rural shithole with laughable cost of living >go to work as truck driver >get experience, move to better driving job, make 70k/yr at regional gig with regular home time >income is 3x the average for rural shithole >??? >live easy life
worked for me m8. i bought a 37 acre property this year and am preparing to kick the rentfag life to the curb, just weighing if I want to burn money on a higher end mobile home for a more immediate solution or save longer for a permanent structure (like a modular home)
1. unskilled labor is no longer necessary. everything is going to be automated in the next decade or two, and there's going to be so many people that will end up being completely unemployable. either keep up with the pace of progress or hope that UBI happens, otherwise you're literally going to have to kill yourself
2. wealth is created by selling others' time, not your own. you want to make ends meet? start your own business and run with it. it's hard, you will fail half a dozen times before something sticks, and when it finally works you're going to be very happy with yourself
3. if you can't make ends meet in a given city with no non-essential expenses and have pulled out all the stops, the answer is to literally move to a lower cost of living city. it sucks but that's literally how it is. get out of the city you're in and go make money elsewhere for a few years. but still, see #1. you need to learn a skill that will survive the inevitable automation.
trades will not be automated and handymen (and skilled laborers and any given specialty) make a fucking killing, especially amongst the information workers who don't fucking know how to fix shit in their own homes. you can easily charge 50-100/hour
information work is only going to be more in demand. that's coding, design, product management, business analysts, data science, and of course managing those people
storytelling can't be automated but there's too much supply and competition out there. this is the tv/radio/film industry. wages are low too
the hard truth is that you've been born into an increasingly complex world. you get to never be bored with all the technological advances we have today compared to what your father had in his 20s. however the price you pay for being born into this better world is that it's a lot harder to actually make a living in it and to carve out a piece of it for yourself.
are you up for the challenge?
Sebastian Wilson
This is the best post on this board.
You need to fight to keep up, but if you CAN keep up, you can buy ANYTHING now. Because society is increasingly stratified with a lot of people desperate for money, so you can get services unavailable to your father.
I am a data scientist trying to start my own business personally, but I think I'm going to have to go back to work before trying again, but even so I am pretty comfy.