Are incels right about anything?
Are the women today, college, etc, only looking for "Chads"?
Are incels right about anything?
Are the women today, college, etc, only looking for "Chads"?
I know it's just one person making this thread, why didn't you use the chico picture this time?
How do you define "Chad"?
No. Incels flock to Jow Forums because nowhere else will tolerate their hate and ugly bitter salty-ass words. They can hide behind "anonymous" labels and feel safe in their basements, but would never have the courage to speak like this in public around normal people because they KNOW that they're wrong and just venting hurt feelings from their last girlfriend who ditched their toxic ass.
They like to swarm together too - they're like cholesterol and clog up everything.
Don't listen to them. With luck, they'll not be able to find anyone willing to reproduce with them and they and their ugliness will eventually die and take their emotional issues with them to hell.
Stop remaking this thread fuck
From my personal experience, young women do have high standards and seem to want to be able to lie back and be impressed
This is the first time I have made this thread. Is it a common one?
The dating scene looks something like this. Lots of girls chasing chad, a few loyal girls with brad, and timothy all alone getting no play
Were here because we are reprimanded everywhere for speaking the truth
"Yes", but that's the way it should be. Incels should not reproduce; that would pollute our gene pool with weak boys instead of men. Stacy is the valkyrie to our racial health. Try becoming strong instead of crying about it like a woman.
All that's matters is they stop being tools to females. Stop giving validation and security. Make these women face the world without free support and entitlements.
No, you're here because you're a coward who's too afraid to speak your truth. You hide behind your computer to bark like a kick dog about your feelings and would never have the courage to go outside and say it to someone's face. I guarantee it.
Thats because vocalizing incel view points in real life will get your ass beat. Normies are not interested in discussions that contradict their views.
And if men collectively stop tolerating the emotional bullshit, gaslighting, and manipulation. More and more men are waking up. It's becoming more and more common.
Once or becomes close enough to true equality between the two genders, maybe a generation or two, women still start clinging to one man and preferring to stay at home. The free shit will come to an end, and they won't be able to leech. Hot women might just become prostitutes, women with self respect will stay at home. A few women will pursue careers, but once they stop getting hired because of gender quotas and stop getting promotions only because they're women, so women will either stay at the level they're actually of use or drop out and stay at home.
This will only happen when there is true gender equality.
Incels are sore losers, nobody fucks sore losers. You have to at least be happy to be yourself, that’s a big step for someone with mental illness.
I feel for incels but not the violent/rape part they talk about.
To be honest user I wouldn’t worry about who’s fucking who unless your dick is involved. The reality is the right person will find you when you give up on looking. I know that sounds like bullshit but it’s true, I didn’t believe it until it happened to me.
Nothing wrong with being a sore loser. Incels have bad looks. And looks are largely genetic. And the genetic lottery is unfair and totally arbritrary. Of course im pissed
That is an amusing analysis, but wake the fuck up. You are going around advocating for "true gender equality". That means you are a useful idiot for cultural marxism. Instead of identifying with the losers of the world (incels), be a better man. Speak the truth and tell the world that men and women are not equal, and that both sexes are happier that way. MGTOW and the incel 'movement' do not stand up for the true interests of men, they are reactionary and admissions of defeat to feminist power.
Here's an example of more cultural marxist attitude: This is crying about how biology is "unfair", as if sky-daddy was supposed to create us all equal. It's pathetic and anti-nature bullshit.
True, but that still doesn't mean I'm also not right. You are cowards.
No way. There are WAY to many white knights and feminists are fucking insane. You'd be hated an ostracized for speaking the truth and it's not worth it. It's easier just to use this knowledge to take advantage of women who make their own money and are lonely. All you have to do is build attraction, fuck them real good while giving them and emotional roller coaster, that's CRACK to women, and most women are very insecure and incompetent in general. Especially if they're pursuing something difficult, they use all their energy on that and this leaves them very vulnerable in other areas of their life. They can't juggle things and handle stress as well as men, especially if it's fast paced with time limits. Women crack easily and once a woman is damaged, unlike a male, they do recoup very well. Once a woman is damaged goods she fucked up for life..
The definition of incels is very board atm.
Half of the people who talk about incels have every lonely person in mind when they use the word.
Anyway, normies will tell you incels are wrong, hateful, this and that. Because normies can't see beyond the chan culture and internet exaggerations, that the core of what the incels are saying is mostly true.
There is a reason there's so many men completely dissillusioned with females.
Fucking Timothy.
Incels have an unhealthy and self-destructive viewpoint of relationships and women in general. Taking anything they say about these things as advice would be foolish.
Kys fatty
You're a roastie aren't you
I love white knights. Give me a white knight over a stupid black asshole any day!
You just don't want to lose your privelege. To your its normal and you freak entitled to it. Even the very best logical women feel this way.
>Are the women today, college, etc, only looking for "Chads"?
No, but women also unanimously don't want whiny faggots who spend all their time feeling sorry for themselves. If you're a bit of a twink or have weird hobbies, that might make you less popular, but if you carry yourself with confidence, have good hygiene, and approach people (as opposed to getting frustrated waiting for a 10/10 to come to you like Mr. Supreme Gentleman), SOMEONE is bound to here you out at some point.
I'm not surprised at all
You're advice is based on how you would treat a guy you currently find very attractive. The moment that attraction is gone 95% of women will abuse, manipulate, lie to, lead on, and have ZERO compassion for him. They'll knock him down and blame him and society will cosign your emotional insanity.
>The moment that attraction is gone 95% of women will abuse, manipulate, lie to, lead on, and have ZERO compassion for him
[citation needed]
Again, you're proving my point. You're cowards.
statistical proof from multiple credible sources please
here's some truth I found when I was an incel
>people are assholes
>women are people
>people can be manipulated into attraction
>women are people
when you find the absolute truth, you revel in it instead of crying about it
It’s more about confidence and knowing how to talk to women. I could get laid just fine even when I was a fat fuck. Now that I lost the weight it’s easier to bag poon but looks are by no means the be all end all.
This. Shit, only this. This should be the only reply to any and all incel queries.
There are good women out there, but you must be above them in value, or atleast appearing so to them. You can exploit vulnerable women to change this fact, but these women are a bad decision if you plan to stay with them for any extended length of time.
I am Brad/Chad, but am an introvert. I am attractive, funny, and smart. I have noticed that most of the redpill is true, but there ARE fringe groups spreading insane lies because they are far too blackpilld and they should honestly drop out of life. It's important to decipher this on your own. Try to apply these models to how society is around you and you will quicklu see that they arr accurate. Always remember to judge based off of actions for 85% of your decision making and the rest is what is said. Most people lie to themselves and don't actually know what they are saying.
Good luck, OP.
No, everything is wrong with being a sore loser. Cut the defeatist bullshit. Do you think the Chads you hate were born with toned abs and muscles? No, that shit takes work to achieve. Even if you are below average in looks a lot of that can be offset with being properly groomed, with a decent hair could and good fashion sense. But honestly that all comes second. Listen to the way you talk and think, no wants to hang with a debbie downer with a stick shoved ten feet up their ass. Some might be naturally more attractive or athletic than others but its not like they dont but work in to better themselves. You entightled little shits want to reap all the rewards of being a Chad without putting in any effort and cry about on the internet when cant get laid.
>redpill is true
Confirmed cope.
You guys would deny lifesaving medicine if it didn't come described by basic bitch buzzwords.
I am literally chad. I get at least a dozen matches on tinder a week, or at least sldid when I used it. I'm dating a girl and have been for a year, had another very successful relationship before this until she became an alcoholic.
What What's exactly am I coping with? You're going to disregard me for using a term which everyone is familiar with?
No just smart. It won't help you unless enough men think that way.
>wants to bullshit, manipulate, and abuse women
sure jan
also stop making this thread and spamming it. you are mentally ill. go away.
I'm the OP and this is the first time I made the thread, asshole.