Is overpopulation going to destroy humanity?

Overpopulation (pic related) and all of its side effects are going to wipe us all out along with our environment. Prove me wrong.

Also why can't starving shitskins stop breeding and destroying the planet?

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it's not a problem

why not? More people= more resources used=depletion of Earth's resources

Naw, it's cool HONK

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there's an even bigger problem.

how do we stop the expansion of the sun? it'll keep growing until it engulfs the planet

Human sacrifices.

It already began near the 60's. Most of the planet inhabitated areas are poor dirty shitholes and cities are overcrowded hellscapes.

Those projections are based on models which do not factor in downward population pressure as we have not experienced it. If there is to be any 'overpopulation' problem, you would see the expression of downward population pressure before any statistically significant die-off condition would occur. Meaning, essentially, OP is a faggot and a moron.

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i read somewhere that the only overpopulated areas will be cities.

that meme doesn't work if you have a memeflag

Then it's voluntary overpopulation and not even remotely a problem.

>what is carrying capacity?
>what is a J-curve and an S-curve?

>what happens once we exceed the Earth's carrying capacity?

Population will drop because a lot of people will die of disease, starvation, etc

no, famine is coming. you'll see the population drop in the next decade.

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Ready for the fun part?
The Americas, Europe, and Asia will not suffer from overpopulation.
There is only one continent of the entire world that continues to expand above it's carry capacity. That is... Africa.
The result will be nil for every continent but Africa. But in Africa there will be millions of deaths, and there is nothing we can do to stop is. Sending aid only prolongs the suffering there, so any sensible human that cares about Africa and the Niggers there, will stop sending aid. Then the suffering will be over sooner, much like when you take off a bandage, sharp and fast is best.

Yes, but it's not gonna
>wipe us all out along with our environment
That's a stupid belief and you should be ashamed for posting it.

It's a fairly weird problem. With increased automation and technology innovation the value life drops significantly. So in theory, if automation were to get robust enough there would be no need for the lower classes at all. On the other hand what is the point of automation if not to serve humanity. If you're at the top and automation becomes exceedingly commonplace what value do the lower classes provided. At most you need engineers and some of the more attractive people to serve but beyond that I don't see an immediate use for the common man. In theory you may want to keep a certain amount of people left to serve as a bank of sorts. In case shit hits the fan and you need manpower immediately. Just my thoughts and kinda posted like im retarded but enjoy.

your servants need servants user. If you are a mega elite, you don't want poor people serving you.

To tumble down a rabbit hole theory..

The “elite” have known about this problem for a long time. Thus the infinite wars, depletion of family and cia drug influence.

We can argue about politics all we want. In fact we can argue about anything. The plot is to get rid of you and yours.. so what’s the ending to the story, user?

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The goal is to prevent entry and settlement in the west. Rest is just conversation.
#mass immigration

self-regulating variable
more people = more resource demand

>its as accurate as their climate projections
because dumbass white people like OP keeps feeding them

Sophistry, obfuscation. Rising sea levels and temperatures, decreasing biodiversity via extinction numerous other symptoms of mass overpopulation poisoning the nations.

We need stable sustainable populations in the west, not # mass immigration.

They don't want to get rid of everyone, because then their power is meaningless. They want to get rid of 70-80% of the population, but any more than that and their power is meaningless.

>Also why can't starving shitskins stop breeding and destroying the planet?

LOL shitter have nearly zero impact on the planet because cant even afford to. The biggest problem is western countries and developing economies.

think again user

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(((They))) are already achieving this.

either way it leads to a significantly reduced population. I guess if the power isn't completely centralized you could have need for a larger amount of servants and of course if they have goals other than base hedonism there would be need of certain amounts of people. But in the end why bother giving your servants' servants servants when instead you can just have them deal with robotics.

Red is worse i assume, but is that an overall or per capita number?

I see where you’re coming from but I disagree. Technology will soon provide enough to have no reason for “slave workers”.
It will only be infighting if anything

good news
most of that population will be sub saharan african
niggers from hell on earth cant read or write let alone figure out how to do battle in an organized war
sure they do well in chaos by predatory behavior but when faced with organized european or asian men they will die like flies

>prove me wrong
Can’t prove a negative

So they're actively saving us?

The low projection is more likely than the mid projection. Fertility rates are dropping precipitously.

You’re a fucking retard most pollution in oceans is from poor shitholes like India and Africa

>Result will be nil for every other continent
You're assuming a horde of black locusts will not be set upon the west. You are gravely mistaken.

Are the birthrates for the lesser races dropping or is only in the developed world where manual labor's value is dropping that population is dropping?

90+% gonna die 2047, don't worry, earth look after itself

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The horde is coming one way or another. It is better now than in 50 years when there are 10x as many.

overall, however China just surpassed the UK per capita.


It’s only the whites and Asians. There is 0 evidence the subhumans will start breeding less like we do when they are developed. People assume they are smart enough to do that, but I think that’s giving them too much credit.

Africa's population will start declining eventually just like everywhere else. If not, then it's definitely not just Africa's problem. They will come to Europe and the U.S. if there is anything left by then, otherwise Asia will get a lot of new friends.

>Short answer:
>Long answer:
not if we can put aside our ideological differences and all work towards infinite energy without using it to bomb eachother to death that would allow for easy colonization of the stars
so, long answer: yeeeeeeees

Are you retarded? Do you think it won't just result in larger numbers imported every year? Africa needs to be put under a strict eugenics plan. The west is apparently too weak or just too naive to do it.

>cope the post

Why do you assume Africans will react the same way other races do in that circumstance? Do they react the same way in any other instance?

Asia won't put up with their shit. I am not worried about them. The west however is a different story.

>Africa’s population will decrease like the rest

Uhhhh mate....

No, I am saying the aid needs to stop now while the West still has the will to survive and a fighting chance against them.

Catabolic collapse now

well I guess we'll find out.

Africa is heading for a future of mass poverty and disease. Asia is entering an advanced economic status which doesn't necessitate large families. It'll sort itself out.

we won't find out as long as we keep propping them up like we are. China as much as I dislike the bug people there, is going about it the right way. Exploiting them for the only thing they are worth... raw resources.

Over population wouldn't be an issue if the inferior races didn't breed like rats.
The real way to save our planet is a final solution.

No it’s cool bro Africans will just spontaneously become civilized if we just stop being racist. They are the same as the rest of us, it’s just that all over the world when a black persons tries to get ahead a racist appears and forces them to be dumb and violent. If we stop doing that they will all become doctors and engineers

people will starve at some point

Yea China is take over Africa big time. I wonder if eventually we will have a cold war with China and they will cut off the humanitarian aid from the west. Will they pick up where we left off?

1950 - 200 million
1980 - 400 million
2005 - 800 million
2019 - 1,200 million
"Feed the World" charity event was in 1980, and the same charity adverts have been on tel-avivsion all over the western world ever since. That ensures that the subsaharans keep breeding like bacteria on dogshit.
Within a similar time period, china more than doubled in population, india around the same. South/central america bred at a high rate, US at a medium rate, europe barely changed.
Yet the burden of responsibility falls on europeans to 'stop having babies' because you are killing the planet' evil white man.
Sterilise all of africa, 99.9% of india, 99.9% of china, 80-90% of south/central america, 40-50% of the US - guess which half that represents, and 100% of israel and the rest of the juden. Sterilise 80% of indonesia too, might as well do the abbos unless you want to keep them in a zoo.

>/trannypol/ leftist freak detected
>reminder that commie marxist faggots want to flood the world with shitskins
Kill yourself, before your aids medication runs out, freak fuck.

China and India have stopped their population growth though, as they understand and react rationally.

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I'd have to agree. They are the only ones that use those pics.

The 'fun' part that you describe, is that they have been breeding the nogs to saturation point, that nigeria as an example has gone from 45 million in 1960 to 200 million now.
These negroid biological weapons, like a clone army, are being released on europe, funneled up, directly from their countries, bussed to libya, then shipped to europe to flood civilisation with 65 iq subhumans that will wreck the continent.
The next excuse they will use is 'climate change' requiring that they all be rehoused in our world. Hundreds of millions of them.
Take a look at the UN report, it isn't exactly hidden.
Africa should be nuked, it is a threat to the planet as a whole.

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it is, but it will solve itself.
overpopulation will lead to wars for resources which will reduce the population.
the next world war will be centered in asia, and may not even involve european powers/america

It's a leftist freak, part of (((their))) cult, no point informing it.

quetzalcoatl has been very dissapointed in his wayward children lately.

Yeah, a bit late though. China is already 1/3 of the world population, and they've ended the one child policy. What you don't factor in, is their economies are catching up to the point where their 3,000 million total will want a car each, a tv each and everything else that has been advertised to them.

5 years ago they would have been identified and shut down within minutes, the site's dead.

Well, they can rectify themselves if they counter balance it by colonizing Africa and take care of the population control there.

A man can dream.

Perhaps they'll bring bird flu which will wipe them out completely.

Good to see you lads have your eyes on.

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pretty redpilled for a brit. Enjoy the right to an opinion while it's still legal

> chinks invade niggerland
Pls be this timeline

Also how will they take care of the nigger problem?

dude i dont even bother anymore when you call out one VPN shill 2 more take their place and I'm pretty sure an AI bot invasion is next

The populations in western civilization would dive if it wasn't for immigration, so why bring in all the immigrants? I'm not going to worry about it. I don't give a shit anymore. The main problems are India, China and Africa. You want to go tell these non white people they should worry about their birth rates?

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they should worry about their birth rates because shitskins are a cancer on the planet

Someone should draw this in Fallout:New Vegas color theme, add 4th graph that goes into the ground
Name it "muzzies get their hands on nukes" or something like that

Attached: fallout new vegas polite society is an armed society.jpg (1200x681, 404K)