Hey, so my girlfriend likes to go on dating apps and speak to people and meet them...

Hey, so my girlfriend likes to go on dating apps and speak to people and meet them, she says it’s only to meet friends and make friends... is this normal and should I be ok with it?

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No it's not normal and no you shouldn't be okay with it.
Whew! That was a toughie. Glad you came to us.

wtf do you think

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Lol, you cuckold

Unless it is bumble friends you are getting cheated on user

lmao dude, your gf is a manipulative bitch

That’s a terrible place to find friends.
On the off chance she’s being honest I can assure you everyone else on those apps do not share the same goals.

I hate running into bitches like that on dating apps

Like their last pic will be of one with her and her bf

And in the bio it will be like "here for friends only!!" at the end.

It's just a way for girls to feel desired. They're looking for validation and ego boost, not actual friends

Guaranteed replies, eh OP?
Bit tougher to get that over on /b/, eh OP?
Had to come to Jow Forums to get those (You)s, eh OP?

You shills and your cuck bait. Jeez. Will Shekelstein ever learn any new methods?

You fool

If I were in your shoes I wouldn’t treat her as a girlfriend anymore and rather a fwb. That should ease up any emotions you have about her being unfaithful and what not

I personally wouldn't be okay with it. But it is normal for women to be naïve enough to think it's possible to find friends and friends only on dating apps, only for reality to inevitably bite them in the ass.

Sorry OP I probably already railed her. Expect a niglet in 9 months

start using dating apps too


quads of truth!

See if she will be bothered by it, trust me, this is very good advice.
Another thing, this is a fine concept, if a woman is doing something you dislike start doing that yourself, get her mad and then talk to her calmly...
Go watch some Bill Burr you faggot


If she has not had any sexual contact with another male individual, then it is OK.

That is a lie and you should not believe it.

>t. Guy who received the exact same excuse from cheating gf who had tinder on her phone

Lol. Female friend of mine had a *guy* try to use that excuse on her. He also said it was like a game to him seeing how many matches he could get.

It took her straight up walking in on him in bed with another woman to come to her senses.

shut up soiboi

Let's put it this way: dating apps aren't for people looking for friends

We've got social media for that. Your girl is a mess, if she was ever your girl at all.

When you don't say anything, I think you are also signaling your level of disinterest, or failure to assert yourself in key situations.

You can't force her to stop of course, but speak the truth and see how she reacts. Respect yourself in the process.

Lol, no thats not ok

chad move right there

Flirting is totally fine! I like when my gf talks lewd things with Tyrone Giganigger, hes more strong anyways